The END of 400 Years of European Meddling and Predation in America


By Judge Anna Maria Riezinger

Additional reference publications below.

The END of 400 Years of European Meddling and Predation in America
In March, the IMF’s governmental services corporation doing business as the UNITED STATES (INC.) went insolvent. It was entered into Chapter 11 without naming a Successor to Contract. That left the “federal” side of the Constitution vacant and flapping in the wind.

The intention of the perpetrators is obvious. They meant to void the Constitution once and for all.

So, what to do?

We had already delivered Due Process to the IMF dba UNITED STATES and its franchises, resulting in a proper Judgment of Commercial and Administrative Default.

We had already entered a properly constructed claim in commerce to claim back all the assets naturally belonging to the American people.
We formed an alliance with the Lakota and the Athabasca, two of the largest Native American nations—-which are “federal” and which have internationally recognized tribal governments, and we filed Sovereign Letters Patent and a Declaration of Joint Sovereignty.

The Constitution was saved and a new foundation begun.
The Native Americans are now free to come home to land that they were “removed from”, no longer POW’s, they have regained their sovereignty as free, sovereign and independent people living on the land.
The united States of America and the free, sovereign and independent people living on the land of the organic states have regained their sovereignty in the international jurisdiction of the sea.

For the first time since 1789 Americans are in full control of both their natural land and sea jurisdictions. We are finally whole.
Those who have read our affidavit of probable cause, “You Know Something Is Wrong When….An American Affidavit of Probable Cause” know that the Founders cut a deal with the British King allowing him to retain control of nineteen enumerated essential governmental services, all in the jurisdiction of the sea.

This “split” the jurisdiction owed to American states and people and created two different populations of people from the outset—- the free sovereign and independent people of the United States and the British Subject inhabitants who remained to provide these services under the Constitution.

The so-called “Federal Government” was never a sovereign government. It was always an association of sovereign nation-states. And it was never our government though it was under contract to serve us. It was always a foreign government operating under the foreign jurisdiction of the sea and the equally foreign Law of the Sea.

So long as the British King remained honest and honored his obligation to us to act as our Trustee on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways, the future remained safe— but almost immediately the “Troubles” began, as King George wiggled like a fish on a hook and sought to regain his position over the Americans.

Things appeared to settle down after the War of 1812, but by 1845, the then-Pope and the British King sealed a secret pact agreeing that the egalitarian American Republic was incompatible with the idea of Papal Supremacy and the Divine Right of KIngs. The Secret Treaty of Verona was a grotesque, criminal, and highly secret Breach of Trust by both the British Monarch and the Holy See.

Within 15 years members of the American Bar Association loyal to the British KIng had elected Abraham Lincoln, a lawyer, to the Office of President of the United States — CEO of the commercial trading company deceptively called the United States (Trading Company) —not the land, not the country, not the organic states, and not the people. The actual Constitution already had provisions denying any member of the Bar any public office, so in LIncoln’s case the only “Presidency” he could occupy was as the CEO of the trading company doing business as the “United States”.

It is not a mistake that Abraham Lincoln led our country into a vicious Civil War, the results of which we are still dealing with 150 years later. The Civil War was not about ending slavery, as you can see by closely reading the 13th Amendment of the corporate “Constitution” called the “Constitution of the United States of America” adopted by the perpetrators of all this criminality, betrayal, and fraud in 1868.

Though loudly proclaiming the abolishment of slavery, the 13th Amendment of this federal corporation document (which is actually a corporate by-law) goes on to enshrine slavery as a permanent part of the newly formed federal corporation doing business as The United States of America, Incorporated’s form of law. It makes criminals slaves and leaves the corporate “Congress”— an elected Board of Directors—free to define who the criminals are.

A close reading of the 14th Amendment shows that they made everyone who was a United States Citizen (Federal Citizen) a criminal by definition, a slave by definition, and a debtor, too. To this day, when these vermin bring innocent Americans into their private corporate tribunals (which are misrepresented as public courts) the charges are addressed to “persons” named after the victims. These “persons” are legal fiction entities defined as public trusts and more recently as public transmitting utilities—and they are already guilty by definition.

This is why it does no good for anyone mis-characterized as a “United States Citizen” to claim the guarantees of the actual Constitution, and why these courts do not hear any of the laws or the facts of any case and also the reason that their own court rules for judges admonish them to provide “an appearance” of Justice where there is none. All that is really going on is a determination of how much these criminals will charge you for their “service” and whether or not you will be “impounded” as cargo or held ransom as chattel backing the debts of their corporation.

This heinous crime, duplicity, Breach of Trust, enslavement, and merciless abuse of the American people has gone on for 150 years and since the 1930’s things have only gotten worse. Until now.
The very mechanism they hoped to use to finish us off was turned against them. We slipped in, invoked our true standing, formed the new federal alliance, issued the new Sovereign Letters Patent, issued the new Declaration of Joint Sovereignty— and booted both the British and the French off our shores once and for all.

Our answer came by Divine Providence, even as representatives of the Wells Fargo Bank (owned by the US Attorney General) were claiming that the united States of America no longer existed, that we no longer had a national currency in circulation, that all the Americans had “voluntarily” given up their birthright and accepted the slave status of “United States Citizens”, that our land was “abandoned property” and the Secondary Creditors of the bankrupt UNITED STATES governmental services corporation should be allowed to come in under color of law and claim our land, our homes, our businesses and everything else to pay the debts run up under conditions of fraud by the IMF doing business as the UNITED STATES.

A few weeks later Jacob Rothschild showed up. He assumed he could just cut a deal with the IMF and move into place as the Successor to Contract and begin the long-planned seizure of our land and other assets via the use of commercial mercenaries disguised as employees of our lawful government—– just like what is going on in Oregon now with the Uranium land-grab and the fake “FBI”.

The “FBI” like the “BLM” are just brand names of old used-to-be units of other governmental services corporations long gone. They’ve been run under color of law for years as private security and property management subcontractors of the IMF dba UNITED STATES and its corporate municipal franchises. Those men shooting and threatening people in Oregon are private commercial mercenaries acting under color of law, impersonating government employees.

That thing is Washington, DC that you were misled to believe was “your” government and which you trusted accordingly was never your government. It has always been an abusive and criminally mismanaged foreign government perched on our shores, here under contract to provide “essential governmental services”.

We are not responsible for the debts of this foreign entity and we have repudiated them accordingly. All we ever owed the UNITED STATES were reasonable fees for nineteen services– most of which we never received.

It was our distinct pleasure to inform Mr. Rothschild that other arrangements have been made and his offer to act as Successor to Contract was accordingly refused.
We will be providing our own services and taking care of our own business and our own people from now on.

The drive is on to reclaim and repatriate all American assets to America and to Americans. The Bank of International Settlements has already agreed, the World Court has already alerted all six branches, and an initial brief has been filed. The American Armed Forces have been alerted and true Americans from every walk of life and corner of the globe as well as friends from around the world are rallying to our assistance.

The world is waking up, led by tiny Iceland, and now by the Americans. We have lived for a long time under the thrall of criminals, as have many other nations. The British and the French, the Germans, the Japanese, the Canadians, and the Aussies—- all direct victims of this same fraud and criminality, while the rest of the world has suffered both directly and indirectly from this plague of dishonest politicians, corrupt judges and the banks which have functioned as crime syndicates.

Please do your part to support this mighty effort to restore the peace, prosperity, and health of the whole Earth and the people living on it. Together, we are all the True Sovereigns— born to learn who we are, born to learn how to rule ourselves, born to be caretakers of each other and our beloved planet.

Please print, post, send, carry, do whatever it takes to inform every American. Especially inform all members of the police, the military, the so-called “law enforcement agencies”, the clergy, the community leaders, school officials, everyone who needs to know.


If you have resources, knowledge, or skills to offer, please stand by. There will be needs aplenty in the days to come. There may be possible disruptions of public services, possible disruptions of supply chains, possible confusion and very probably misinformation spewed by the Mainstream Media which is owned entirely by international corporations that have benefited from the fraud and very obviously failed to do their real job.

It is either criminally stupid or a purposeful malignant circumstance when all a country’s major news organs are owned by foreigners. Now that you know that fact, turn the knob. Take everything these talking heads say with two grains of salt, use your own brain and common sense.

Trust in yourself, your abilities, your skills, your friends, your families, your communities, your most cherished ideals, your fondest hopes. If you are like most Americans you will feel panic and anger and confusion when you realize just how close we have come to total disaster.

Believe in the Magnum Mysterium, the True God, the Great Spirit that shares One Life with all of us with One Love that is truly Divine.

Walk forward now, together, hand in hand, and fear no evil. When the Truth comes what is False must pass away.

Judge Anna Maria Riezinger
Federal District Judge Western Region
Affidavit underlined by this email sender above at:


Instructions Regarding “FBI” Murderers Still Terrifying Burns, Oregon

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How Do You Know When Your Society Is In The Midst Of Collapse?


1-27-2016 1-47-34 PM

By Brandon Smith

As economic turmoil worldwide becomes increasingly apparent, I have been receiving messages from readers expressing some concerns on the public “perception” of collapse. That is to say, there are questions on the average person’s concept of collapse versus the reality of collapse. This is a vital issue that I have discussed briefly in the past, but it deserves a more in-depth analysis.

What is collapse? How do we define it? And, are some of the notions of collapse in the public consciousness completely wrong?

It’s funny, because skeptics opposed to the idea of a U.S. collapse in particular will most often retort with a question they think I cannot or will not answer – “So, Mr. Smith, when specifically is this supposed collapse going to take place? What day and time?”

My response has always been – “We’re in the middle of a collapse right now; you really can’t see it right in front of your sneering face?”

The reason these people are incapable of grasping this kind of answer is in large part due to the popular mainstream conceptions of systemic collapse. These are conceptions that are for the most part delusional and not in line with the facts. The public idea of collapse comes predominantly from Hollywood, and not from personal experience. For the masses (and some preppers, unfortunately), a collapse is an “event” that happens visibly and usually swiftly. You wake up one morning and behold; the television and phones don’t work anymore and zombies are at your doorstep! Yes, it’s childish and cartoonish, but anything less than a Walking Dead/Mad Max scenario and many people act as if all other threats are benign.

This is the driving reason why many Americans are absolutely oblivious to the economic instability that is rampant and blatant within our system the past few months. They might see the same signals that alternative analysts see, but these signals do not register in their brains as dangers.

Look at it this way; say you told a person their whole life that a tiger is a 10-foot tall behemoth with four heads that breath fire while urinating flesh-rending acid. Say you make movies and TV shows about it and they never have any experience to the contrary. When they finally come across a real tiger, they might try to pet the damn thing instead of running in terror or searching for a means of defense.

To use another vicious animal analogy, when I encounter skeptics with false assumptions of what a collapse actually is, I am often reminded of that woman in Anchorage, Alaska who jumped an enclosure fence at the zoo to get a closer picture of Binky the polar bear. These people have been made so inept when it comes to identifying threats that they will continue arguing with you as the animal takes a football-sized bite out of their meaty thigh.
So what is the root of the problem beyond Hollywood fantasies? Well, the problem is that social and economic collapse is not a singular event, it is a PROCESS. Collapse is a series of events that sometimes span years. Each event increases in volatility over the last event, but as time goes on these events tend to condition the masses. The public develops a normalcy bias towards crisis (like the old “frog in a boiling pot” analogy). They lose all sense of what a healthy system looks like.

It is not uncommon for a society to wade through almost a decade or more of violent decline before finally acknowledging the system is imploding on a fundamental level. It is also not uncommon for societies to endure years of abuse by corrupt governments before either organizing effectively to rebel, or caving in and submitting to totalitarianism.

But how does one recognize a failing system? How does a person know if they are in the middle of a collapse rather than on the “verge” of collapse? Here are some signals I have derived from research of various breakdowns in modern nations and why they indicate we are experiencing collapse right now…
The Criminals Openly Admit To Their Crimes

The surest way to know if your society is in the midst of disintegration is to see if the criminals who created the instability in the first place are openly discussing a collapse scenario or warning that one is imminent.

A year ago, central bankers presented little more than a chorus of recovery propaganda. Today, not so much. The Royal Bank of Scotland is now warning investors to “sell everything” ahead of a “cataclysmic” year in markets.
The Federal Reserve’s Richard Fisher has admitted that the Fed “frontloaded” (manipulated) stock markets into a bubble and that payment is about to come due in the form of severe economic volatility (up to 20% crash in equities).

The Bank for International Settlements, the central bank of central banks, has a track record of warning the public about collapse conditions – right before they happen, leaving little or no time for people to prepare. They have followed their habit by warning in September and December that a Fed rate hike would “shatter” the uneasy calm in markets.

The former Chief Economist of the BIS now says the economy is in worse shape than it was in 2008 and is headed for a larger fall.

What happened between last year and this year and why are these internationalists suddenly so forthcoming about our economic reality? The fact that central bankers are the cause of our current collapse leads me to believe that such admissions are designed to deflect guilt. If they put out a few warnings now, they can then later claim they are prognosticators rather than culprits, and that they were trying to “help us.” Beyond that, the reality is that our situation was just as dire in 2014/2015 as it is today; the difference is that now we are about to enter a new phase in the ongoing collapse, a much more detrimental phase, but still a phase of a breakdown that has been progressing since at least 2008.

The Fundamentals Break Through The Manipulation Barrier

Governments and central banks do not have the capacity to artificially create demand for goods or a supply of well-paying jobs in a crashing economy. What they can do, though, is hide the visible problems in supply and demand with false numbers.

I examined such false economic statistics in great detail last year in a six-part series titled “One Last Look At The Real Economy Before It Implodes.” I will not cover them all again here. I would only point out that recently the fundamentals of supply and demand have begun to break through the deceit of manipulated numbers, and this is a sign that the collapse is about to move from one stage to the next.

With global shipping and trucking freight in steep decline, with retail inventories in stasis and current oil consumption falling to levels not seen since 1997 despite a larger population, the mainstream can no longer deny that consumer demand is crumbling. If demand is falling dramatically, then the financial system is in the middle of falling dramatically; there is simply no way around this truth.

Stocks And Commodities Become Violently Erratic

Let’s be clear, if stock markets represent anything at all, they are merely lagging indicators of economic instability. Stock markets are NOT predictive indicators of anything useful. Therefore, any person who does nothing but track equities each day is going to be completely oblivious to the bigger picture behind the economy until it is too late. They will be so mesmerized by the green numbers and red numbers and lines on minute-to-minute graphs that they will lose all sense of reality.

Violent swings in stocks are a sign of a financial system that is at the middle or end of the collapse process, not the beginning.
It is also important to note that extreme shifts in stocks and commodity values to the upside are just as much a signal of instability as shifts to the downside. For instance, if you witnessed the recent 9% explosion in oil markets and thought to yourself “Ah, the markets are being stabilized again and nothing is different this time…”, then you are an idiot.

Of course, the next day oil markets lost almost all of the gains they made the day before. And this is how markets behave when they are about to die; they expand and implode chaotically each day on nothing more that meaningless news headlines rather than hard data. This heart attack in equities inevitably trends downwards as the weeks and months pass. Keep in mind, equities are down nearly 10% from their recent highs, and oil is down approximately 50% in the past six months. Every time there is a dead cat bounce in stocks skeptics come out of the woodwork to call alternative analysts “doomers”, yet they are nowhere to be found when markets come crashing back down. They are not looking at the overall trend because their short attention spans hinder them. Again, extreme swings in markets, whether up or down, are a sign of progressing collapse.

Deterioration Of Cultural Values, Heritage And Identity

I have written extensively over the years about the Cloward-Piven strategy; a strategy used by collectivists to destabilize social systems by dumping overt numbers of foreign immigrants into the population without demand for integration. This process has been obvious in the U.S. and Europe for quite some time, but only now is it peaking to the point that collapse is seen as an inevitable result by the public. Europe is worse off than the U.S. in this regard as millions upon millions of Muslim immigrants are injected into the EU’s already dying body; immigrants that intend to transplant their culture from their own failed societies rather than adopting the values and principles of the societies that have invited them in.

Natural-born Americans and legal immigrants with aspiration of integration appear to be fighting back against the Cloward-Piven strategy with some success by holding onto traditional American values despite being labeled “barbarians” and “racists.” Illegal immigration, though, is still completely unchecked.

In the EU, the long campaign of cultural Marxism has made natural-born Europeans perhaps the most self-hating people on the planet as well as the most passive and weak. Organized opposition to massive immigration programs in the EU should have taken place years ago. Now it is far too late, and the European system is finishing a social implosion which should have already been obvious to average citizens.

Open Discussion Of Totalitarian Measures

When corrupt leadership moves from quiet totalitarianism to more open totalitarianism, your society is in the FINAL stages of collapse, not the beginning of a collapse. The U.S. in particular has been slowly strangled with subversive legal directives and political policies ever since the so called “War on Terror” began. However, there are now multiple signals of a much deeper and open tyranny in the works.

A few recent examples stand out, including Barack Obama’s insistence that the office of the president has the legal authority to issues executive orders that affect constitutional protections such as the 2nd Amendment. As many liberty movement activists are aware, there is absolutely no constitutional precedent for the use of executive orders and such powers are not mentioned anywhere in the document. They were simply created out of thin air to be used by the federal government and sometimes state governments to supersede normal checks and balances.
While numerous presidents have issued executive orders, including some that were outright tyrannical, like Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s unconstitutional internment of Japanese Americans into concentration camps, George W. Bush and Barack Obama have been the most subversive in their bypassing of the Constitution. Obama, in particular, has tried to hide the number of executive actions he has taken by issuing hundreds of “presidential memorandums,” which are basically the same dirty play by another name.

These actions have been progressively setting the stage for the removal of checks and balances entirely in the name of crisis management. They are so broad in their nature and vague in their definitions and applications that they could be interpreted by federal authorities to mean just about anything in any given situation.

If executive actions are not scary enough, corrupt politicians are now becoming blunt in their demands for dominance. Two Republican Senators, Mitch McConnel and Lindsay Graham, are calling for unlimited AUMF-style (authorization of use of military force) war powers to be given to the president. Such powers would allow the president to project U.S. military forces anywhere in the world for any reason without review or time limits. This includes the use of military forces on U.S. soil.

The rationale for this is, of course, the threat of ISIS. The same group of terrorists the U.S. government helped to create.

And finally, if you want perhaps the most nonchalant admission of future tyranny in recent days, check out former General Wesley Clark’s call for “disloyal” Americans to be placed in internment camps through the duration of the war on terror, a war that could ostensibly go on forever.

One could argue that all of these measures are meant only to deter “Islamic extremism.” I would point out that government officials could have stemmed that tide at any time by enforcing existing immigration laws, or, by stopping all immigration for a period of years until the problem is handled. Instead, they have allowed open borders to remain, and have even imported potential terrorists while focusing Department of Homeland Security efforts more on evil white guys with guns.

If we accept the violation of the constitutional rights of any group of citizens, if we allow the concept of “thought crime” to become commonplace, then we leave the door open to the violation of our own rights someday. And that is how tyrants trick populations through incremental collapse; by applying despotism to a claimed dangerous minority, then expanding it to everyone else.

America is sitting near the end of the spectrum in terms of economic collapse and in the middle of the spectrum in terms of social collapse. While more violent events are certainly gestating and are likely to be triggered in the near term, we should not overlook the reality that collapse is happening in stages all around us. This process gives us at least some time. All is not lost yet, and the steps we take to organize and prepare today will affect how the collapse process unfolds tomorrow. People who continue to ignore the outright evidence of collapse based on false assumptions of what collapse should look like are only preventing themselves from taking proper action until it is too late. Make no mistake, our system is dying. We cannot allow our false perceptions of this death to cloud the reality of it, or our response to it.

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You can contact Brandon Smith at:

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Forced Economic Free Fall the Precursor to Collapse: “The World Is About To Enter A Global Depression Unlike Anything Seen Before”


1-27-2016 1-06-54 PM

By Jeremiah Johnson

Almost every society that has collapsed has seen such a fall heralded by severe economic turmoil. We are seeing such turmoil in the freefall of the U.S. economy and, from a bigger picture, the world economy. The world is about to enter into a period of global depression unlike anything seen before, and the necessary element to cement such a depression will soon be present: the element of war. With that element present the final link will have arrived in Obama’s grand plan to enslave the citizenry completely and destroy the U.S.

Warfare is necessary to provide the justification needed for the administration to declare martial law. Little by little Obama has been chipping away at every cornerstone of the foundations of American society. He originally had both houses of Congress, and now he’s down to just one; however, his actions have not abated. If anything they’ve increased, especially in rapidity as he has (we hope!) only a year left.

Just the other day, the administration announced that it was giving $1.5 billion back to the Iranians for interest owed during the time that Iranian assets and accounts were frozen. In essence, the administration is using the public funds to do this. The administration has also won a hiatus with the Supreme Court to rule on the constitutionality of permitting citizenship to be conferred “temporarily” on “anchor babies,” that is those children born in the U.S. to illegal alien parents.

The case will not be heard until the election, and this affects (rather temporarily pardons) at least 5 million illegal aliens. In the meantime, they stay: complete with green cards, they’ll be part of the public dole. Cloward and Piven strategy at its best. Everything…from the phony jobs numbers to the amount of first-time jobless claims… all of the numbers are being manipulated. Soon the question of the Syrian “refugees” will be front and center, and from the look of things Congress is not going to be able to prevent the incursion (even if they indeed did want to prevent it).

As of this writ, the price of crude oil has fallen below $28 per barrel and the BDI is at 363. We have no true domestic manufacturing base and domestically even the consumer marketing-based businesses are suffering. Wal-Mart recently announced the closings of 154 stores domestically; the closures are slated for January 17 through January 28, and affects more than 10,000 employees. Other big-box and department stores are suffering:

Target, JC Penney, Macy’s…all are purging themselves both of employees and facilities.
All of this is forced: direct or indirect results of the administration’s actions or policies. We are at the twilight of our nation’s existence. The corporate interests and their oligarchs, the administration, the congress, the media, and foreign interests are all bringing the country to its knees. We are seeing the abolition of the middle class and the slow, inexorable grab of private property by the federal government. Surely there is not much time before all of it comes to a screeching halt.

What is your opinion? There are some very well-versed individuals who comment on this site (DK, and Kevin2 to mention a couple). What do you think we will see before the bottom drops out completely? What is your take on the BDI, and the price of crude…how will transportation be affected? [keep in mind a great piece Mac wrote about when the trucking in the U.S. stops] Give some of your thoughts on what will happen with shipping of durable and nondurable goods. Tie it in to the world economy. Your opinions and input are both welcomed and valued, and we look forward to hearing from you.
Jeremiah Johnson is the Nom de plume of a retired Green Beret of the United States Army Special Forces (Airborne). Mr. Johnson is also a Gunsmith, a Certified Master Herbalist, a Montana Master Food Preserver, and a graduate of the U.S. Army’s SERE school (Survival Evasion Resistance Escape). He lives in a cabin in the mountains of Western Montana with his wife and three cats. You can follow Jeremiah’s regular writings at
This article may be republished or excerpted with proper attribution to the author and a link to

Also Read:
The Prepper’s Blueprint: A Step-By-Step Guide To Prepare For Any Disaster
Collision Course: As Obama Weakens America, The Russians And Chinese Prepare
Fall Of The American Empire: “They Intend To Collapse the Financial System”
The Powers That Be Have Lost Control: “Everything Is Falling Apart Everywhere”
Analyst Predicts Massive Bailouts For Main Street: “Money Will Be Printed Out Of Thin Air And Given To You”
The Six Laws of Survival: Strategies For Beating the Worst Case Scenario

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General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr. ,American Armed Forces


12-21-2015 3-19-06 PM

from Judge Anna Von Reitz
January 21, 2016
General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr. , American Armed Forces
c/o The Joint Chiefs of Staff
9999 Joint Staff
Washington, DC 20318-9999
Board of Governors World Bank/IBRD/IMF
Board of Directors World/IBRD/IMF
1818 H Street NW
Washington, DC 20433
IN RE: Final Notice of Commercial Obligation Lien World Bank/IBRD/IMF of January 4, 2016

Dear Sirs:
You are in receipt of our Final Notice referenced above. We have received no answer to our five claim assertions from Karen Hudes in her position as a Trustee for the so-called “Global Debt Facility” but have received complaints via internet claiming that we didn’t notify you prior to the Final Notice. In fact we have given you and your franchises nearly three years of Due Process, up to and including Final Notice of Commercial and Administrative Default (February 3, 2014) and Final Judgment and Civil Orders (April 11, 2014) issued to the STATE OF ALASKA and Joseph Everheart, Regional President of WELLS FARGO among others responsible as Agents.

Ms. Hudes also claimed that we don’t have standing — when in fact we have already established standing as a matter of record with the Vatican Chancery Court (2010) and provided Due Process Notice of our standing to Queen Elizabeth II and her Registered Agents for two years, and to corporate managers of the IMF dba UNITED STATES, INC. and its various STATE franchises since 2011.

There is absolutely no doubt that we have revoked any presumed election of political status apart from that of our birthright, have formally declared that this is so being the only ones having first-hand knowledge of the facts and our intentions, that we stand on the land jurisdiction of the United Colonies of America and are Entitlement Holders, First Copyright Holders, and Beneficiaries of all estates, Estates, and ESTATES as well as any derivatives such as public transmitting utilities held in our given names and are Lawful Heirs of our progenitors having material interest in all inheritable private property and all public property vested in the land of the organic states and the States of America and the United Colonies of America in sum total.

The following facts now stand as un-rebutted Truth in Commerce and international law:

(1) The World Bank/IBRD were Secondary Creditors in the 1933 Bankruptcy of the United States of America, Incorporated;

(2) Upon settlement of the bankruptcy of the United States of America, Incorporated, the World Bank/IBRD knowingly received gold and other assets belonging to the Priority Creditors— who are and who have always been the “free sovereign and independent people of the United States” and their unincorporated States of America;

(3) The gold reserves contained in the Global Debt Facility and other accounts administered by the World Bank/IBRD and International Monetary Fund/IMF known as the “Infinity Accounts” were obtained at least in part as a result of illegal confiscations of privately held gold carried out by the Administration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, promoted under inequitable exchange, duress and indemnity, followed by identity theft, falsification of political status records, and reverse trust and fiduciary trust fraud;

(4) The American gold and other assets such as credit and titles to land together with reasonable interest is owed as an inheritance to the living American people and their unincorporated organic states from which the gold was obtained;

(5) Ms. Karen Hudes has been informed that there is no Constitutional authority allowing for any officials or agents of the Federal United States –including Federal State and Federal County Officials– to receive assets in behalf of the living people and the unincorporated states; she has also been informed that there is no agreement on the part of the lawful beneficiaries allowing the World Bank/IBRD/IMF to use our gold to pay for, buy back, or otherwise collateralize Federal Reserve Notes, United States Notes, or any other private bank script;
Viewed against this backdrop the attempts to launder the purloined assets via the mechanism of donating them to the Global Debt Facility is at best a facile, self-interested, and easily discounted subterfuge to escape culpability for failure to notify the actual Priority Creditors and for making false claims of Abandonment benefiting the Secondary Creditors.

A month ago we were informed that the insolvent UNITED STATES, INC. run by the IMF as an agency of the UN Corporation would not be making its payroll obligation to the American Armed Forces. Just recently we have been informed that the Jacob Rothschild has purchased the insolvent UNITED STATES, INC. and proposed to use our own military as an undisclosed commercial mercenary force to collect upon debts that he and everyone else associated with the World Bank has cause to know are fraudulent and have been fraudulent ever since 1863.
Ms. Hudes apparently believed that this purchase of a bankrupt governmental services corporation entitled her to tell General Dunford what to do and how high to jump. We had to disabuse her of this presumption upon us and other Americans who comprise the actual government of the united States of America.

As we made clear to Ms. Hudes and as we will make clear to all of you— fact trumps fiction. The principal trumps the agent. The landlord trumps the representative.

The free sovereign and independent people are the government of the united States of America; all governmental services corporations and British Subject “inhabitants” engaged in providing such services are at best agents in our employ similar to an Estate Manager or Operations Overseer. Let the record show that we have never been bankrupt, never insolvent, and haven’t gone to war for 150 years.
It should also be abundantly apparent that the mismanagement, odious debts, and criminal acts perpetuated by our hirelings in no way reflect upon us and constitutes no valid claim against us nor any valid claim against our assets public or private. These governmental services corporations and the banks responsible for running them are separate entities responsible for their own business decisions; their only business with respect to us is to faithfully provide nineteen explicitly described and enumerated “essential government services”.
We interpret the present circumstance as the parent corporation taking over a bankrupt subsidiary and offering to continue its operation under new management — in effect operating itself as a Successor to Contract. This offer has been rebuffed as it again involves retention of our property and presumption upon us that was never appropriate to begin with.

The American people and the organic states were infamously abused by the British Monarch in Breach of Trust and by the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Administration which fraudulently involved us as sureties backing the bankrupt United States of America, Inc. in 1933.
Despite the Geneva Conventions which outlawed slavery and peonage worldwide in 1926, and the Kellog-Briand Pact which outlawed war in 1928, a fraud scheme using deceptively similar names to promote false claims against and control over the American people was executed by Roosevelt via the creation of Foreign Situs Trusts that were named after living Americans, presumed to be doing business under names of identical style, e.g., “John Quincy Adams” and registered as franchises of the bankrupt governmental services corporation dba United States of America, Inc.

These civilly dead and bankrupted personas were then systematically used to promote personage and barratry against the living victims and used to remove them from their birthright status on the land to a foreign international status in the jurisdiction of the sea— effectively press-ganging Americans and their assets in contravention of international law standing since the Napoleonic Era.
Claims and charges made against “John Quincy Adams” a Foreign Situs Trust owned and operated by the “State of Wisconsin” franchise of the “United States of America, Inc.” are visually unidentifiable from any similar claims and charges made against a living man lawfully using the name John Quincy Adams. Left unaware of what the Roosevelt Administration had done and claimed about them, hundreds of millions of Americans paid debts they never owed. The Foreign Situs Trusts were used as siphons to suck the substance from their labor and their resources under conditions of non-disclosure and deceit and used to set up the institutionalized fraud scheme known as the “Federal Reserve System”.

The Federal Reserve System seized upon the names, labor, private assets and public assets of the American people and the organic states of the Union as “presumed sureties” supposedly standing good for the bankrupted governmental services corporation doing business as the “United States of America, Inc.” and its “State of Wisconsin” and “State of Florida” and other franchises. The banks used these assets as collateral to back the debts of the bankrupt service company.

This fraud scheme has involved both bankruptcy and probate fraud on a massive scale and has been carried out by two private business enterprises— the American Bar Association and the Internal Revenue Service, both owned and operated by Northern Trust, Inc. These undeclared foreign agents have operated under color of law for decades. The Bar Members are in open violation of the 1947 Bar Association Treaty allowing their presence on our soil. These Bar Associations have misrepresented themselves as harmless professional service organizations while operating private bill collection agencies disguised as public courts—all without license, proper identification or consent.

The Internal Revenue Service has operated in a similarly lawless and clandestine manner. Employees of the Internal Revenue Service have misrepresented themselves as part of our lawful government when in fact they have been totally independent private bill collectors operating as privateers on our shores and routinely committing fraud and inland piracy against American state citizens.
The IMF doing business as the UNITED STATES, INC. and its franchises doing business as the “STATE OF WISCONSIN” and “STATE OF FLORIDA” took up the active business of providing governmental services without consent, knowledge, or permission of the victims of this fraud scheme, and began charging their fees against the victim’s aggregate collateral, too. They and their agencies then also sent bills to the living people, giving the false impression that the living people were responsible for payment of corporate franchise debts.
Together, the colluding bank-run governmental services corporations—one bankrupt, one active— were effectively double-dipping. Charges against the United States of America, Inc. and its bogus franchises were charged off against our Public Treasury while current charges were sent to the living people using the same given name.

The IMF used the same basic method of fraud as the Federal Reserve System. Instead of Foreign Situs Trusts named after living Americans, the IMF set up Cestui Que Vie Trusts, and set up the same cozy arrangement for itself using institutionalized personage and barratry as a means of emptying American pockets and placing false claims against American assets.

The IMF franchises were named in the style: JOHN QUINCY ADAMS and though they were all mysteriously born on the land of the organic states of the Union, they were “removed” to Puerto Rico, where they were mercilessly plundered, raped, and pillaged by members of the American Bar Association and the Internal Revenue Service.

Nature has run its course and as of March 2015 the UNITED STATES, INC. has been insolvent. In response, Barack Hussein Obama has set up yet another round of the same fraud by creating more franchises constructed to be bankrupt Puerto Rican public transmitting utilities operated under the names of living Americans and styled using only middle initials: JOHN Q. ADAMS.
These are completely illegal names, void of meaning for lack of specificity, yet millions of innocent Americans who are the Employers and Benefactors of these bank-run governmental services corporations are paying bogus account statements and tax bills owed by equally bogus corporate franchises— which are in fact the responsibility of the banks and the governmental services corporations that created them. When the Good Joes get wise and refuse to pay, these same criminally mismanaged organizations use racketeering and armed extortion and false legal processes to ensure compliance.

Jacob Rothschild has just recently purchased the IMF’s bankrupt UNITED STATES, INC. and proposes to use it as a Successor to Contract under new management—-all undisclosed to the victims — the actual American people and American states. We have forthrightly objected to this proposed solution which is merely an even more venal and unconscionable round of war crimes against innocent people who misplaced their trust in the British Monarch obligated to act as their Trustee on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways since 1783, the City State of Westminster which promised them “perpetual amity” since 1794, and what they mistakenly thought of as their government.

We have concluded treaties with the American Indigenous Nations to go forward and preserve the requirements of the original and only Equity Contract known as The Constitution for the united States of America. It is still in effect, viable and enforceable upon all parties including the British Monarch. All concerned are responsible for bringing a halt to this criminality and fraud which has led to the de facto enslavement of Americans, Canadians, Australians, Europeans, Japanese, and others around the world.
The intent of the World Bank/IBRD/IMF to avoid culpability in this matter is clear, but as we have informed Ms. Hudes, that won’t be possible. So long as these institutions retain any American assets received as a result of institutionalized fraud the World Bank/IBRD/ IMF are accomplices to it and they remain subject to liquidation as criminal organizations in possession of stolen property, operating in violation of their charters.

The sum total of all this fraud and legal chicanery is that we are owed all our assets back free and clear of lien, claim or encumbrance—that includes both private and public assets — without further obfuscation, delay or denial.
An audit of our property received under false claim of abandonment, all gold confiscated by FDR from living Americans, all land titles and deeds held under Color of Law, all copyrights, patents, deeds, registrations, certificates, bonds, and similar instruments, plus interest and acquisitions being held by the World Bank/IBRD/IMF must be turned over to our appointed Fiduciary Deputy General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr. and our International Agent, Chief Michael Young of the Athabasca.

All gold secured by General Dunford is to be used as collateral backing our actual money, the United States Silver Dollar. No “dollar for dollar” exchange rate will be honored with respect to Federal Reserve Notes or United States Treasury Notes or any other private fiat script.
We are reclaiming our own property both public and private which was improperly involved in the private bankruptcies of governmental services corporations which had no authority to take any such action or make any such claims against their employers and their employer’s assets.

To the best of our knowledge and belief the actual status of the ownership interests established after the American Revolution are these:
The unincorporated United Colonies of America received all jurisdiction, including air, land, and sea. They formed the unincorporated and separate States of America. These in turn formed an unincorporated union of states known as the united States of America via The Articles of Confederation. and a single unincorporated joint stock company doing business as the United States (Trading Company) which was bankrupted by Lincoln in 1863.

Please note that the only insolvent entity was an unincorporated joint stock company operating in the international jurisdiction of the sea. This would be analogous to your lawn maintenance service or housekeeping company going bankrupt.
The Holy See bought the derelict United States (Trading Company) and created two new incorporated entities doing business in the international jurisdiction of the sea as The United States of America, Inc. and the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation which were run from 1868 until bankrupted by President Wilson — and bought out by the Federal Reserve Banks circa 1912.

The Federal Reserve Banks then operated the bankrupt entity dba The United States of America, Inc. and District of Columbia Municipal Corporation in receivership and created another version known as “the United States of America, Inc” which they also bankrupted in 1933 together with all the bogus Foreign Situs Trusts that FDR named after living Americans and their organic states. They also created US Corp, USA, Inc., and Washington DC Municipality and other franchises.

The IMF bought out the bankrupt “United States of America, Inc.” together with its franchises and operated it under receivership at the same time they operated the USA and created the UNITED STATES, INC , WASHINGTON DC, STATE OF MAINE and similarly named franchises, and Cestui Que Trusts named after living Americans and styled like this: JOHN QUINCY ADAMS.
Upon finally being released from bankruptcy reorganization in 1999 the Federal Reserve System was fully liquidated and the Federal Reserve banks booted up their brand new version called the FEDERAL RESERVE under the auspices of the United Nations City State. The new FEDERAL RESERVE set up shop as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. and set up “STATE” franchises for itself run simply as “OHIO” and “NEW YORK”, etc.

At the same time, right on schedule, the IMF dba UNITED STATES, INC. was busy charging our credit to the Moon and creating bankrupt public transmitting utilities via abuse of our given names and preparing to bankrupt the UNITED STATES, INC. which went insolvent as of March 2015.
Enter Jacob Rothschild to buy up the bankrupt entity dba UNITED STATES, INC., and its STATE franchises and its Cestui Que Vie Trusts named after living Americans — obviously intending to start yet another round of this abuse.
All of it has finally come out, gentlemen—all the mechanisms, all the excuses, all the lies that have been used to enslave men for generations lie on the table in front of us, exposed.
This is no longer a matter of a foreign governmental services corporation calling the shots and telling their employers how much they are going to charge and what “service” they are going to provide and then just hypothecating debt against their unwilling customer’s assets to pay for whatever they want to sell , e.g. Obamacare. It’s no longer a matter of entrapping innocent people in bankruptcy and probate and political status frauds. It’s no longer a matter of scheming to hide commercial mercenary armies in the guise of being government agencies on our soil.

Millions of people are watching and they know the Truth.
General Dunford—we are in the words of The Definitive Treaty of Peace, Paris, 1783, “free sovereign and independent” people of the United States– American people operating in our completely unincorporated and un-enfranchised capacity. We are part of the unincorporated government on the land of the people, by the people and for the people owed to the United Colonies of America, the States of America, and the united States of America. None of these entities are bankrupt now nor have they ever been. We are heirs to them in joint sovereignty, enabled to act under the Last Man Standing Rule to enforce our material interests and contracts and uphold the only Constitution the States of America have ever had with any federal entity — The Constitution for the united States of America.

We have been misrepresented and suffered Breach of Trust at the hands of the British Monarch. We have been mischaracterized as “United States citizens” and “United States Citizens” and “UNITED STATES CITIZENS” by his undeclared agents and have been press-ganged into the foreign international jurisdiction of the sea, literally kidnapped off the land via legal chicanery, probate fraud, and semantic deceit. We have suffered inland piracy and unlawful conversion of our assets and treason at the hands of members of a Congress that is not our Congress—a “Congress” whose only business with respect to us is to provide nineteen enumerated services in good faith.

We have suffered personage and barratry and fraudulent claims against us and our assets. All these war crimes against innocent Americans have been exercised against us beginning in 1863, again in the 1930’s by the Roosevelt Administration, and a repeat of the same pattern would occur if we stood by and allowed Mr. Rothschild to buy the bankrupt UNITED STATES, INC. and operate it under new management as a Successor to Contract.

This is why we have objected to any such succession or claim of contract or interest in us or any further abuse of our given names by false and self-interested usufructs merely pretending to represent us in this matter. We challenge anyone on Earth to demonstrate where in The Constitution for the united States of America we ever gave our servants the delegated authority to prey upon us and misrepresent us in the matter of our political status? And also to provide proof that the duty of the United States Statutes-at-Large regarding conversion of an American state citizen to the status of United States citizen were ever performed?

We, the Union states, won the American Civil War. We preserved our Union under The Articles of Confederation. We have the acknowledgement of these facts preserved as the unbroken Armistice signed by General Lee and General Grant and in the form of three (3) public proclamations issued by President Andrew Johnson. We need no other proof that our Union is alive, well, and intact.
We will not stand by and allow a foreign crime syndicate to confuse us and our states with their phony misrepresentations of us and we will not allow the banks to continue to pretend to hold any debts against us nor will we tolerate any continued misuse of our assets. Our government is NOT in any “Interregnum” as a result of the failures of foreign governments and governmental services corporations merely under contract to provide us with services.

Our Trustee in the Jurisdiction of the Air, the Pope, and the British Monarch who is our Trustee on the High Seas and Inland Waterways are obligated to provide us and our government with good faith service, which includes admission of their failures and immediate action to bring peaceful remedy protecting and preserving the peace of our country and the well-being of our National Trust. That does not include letting British Crown commercial interests to promote the use and abuse of alphabet-soup agencies like the FBI to act as disguised armed commercial mercenaries on our soil, nor does it permit our international Trustees to ignore the long-standing fraud and criminality which their predecessor’s mis-administration has caused both here and abroad.

Despite the failures of the British-backed trading companies and later, their governmental services corporations and also the failures of the general government(s) of both the Federal United States operating as the United States of America (Minor) composed of the Seven Insular States and the District of Columbia and the Municipal government of Washington, DC, our government of the people, by the people, and for the people still stands.

We are present now and telling you and the rest of the known world that we have been mercilessly attacked and bamboozled by these foreign bank-run governmental services corporations pretending to “represent” our trusted Allies and Trustees and Public Servants. These organizations are criminal in nature and can only be forgiven to the extent that they are ignorant and to the extent to which they make sincere efforts to repent and repay and return our assets without further ado.
Employees have no power whatsoever to indebt, enslave, or practice fraud against their employers. Likewise corporations merely representing our lawful government have no power to object when squarely countermanded by the actual government—the people of this country.

Abraham Lincoln made it the duty of the Grand Army of the Republic to protect our money. This is a duty that the GAR manifestly failed on an epic scale; the American Armed Forces of today which are Successors of the GAR should be greatly motivated to secure the assets that are owed to us and to accept and carry out the Will of the American People to correct this outrageous circumstance, end this fraud, and redirect our resources according to our principles and in our own best interests.

We and approximately 360 million other Americans are the living Heirs, Entitlement Holders, Beneficiaries, Priority Creditors, First Copyright Holders of our given names and Inheritors of the land of the organic states and all assets of the land jurisdiction owed to the United Colonies of America and the States of America and united States of America. We are thus members of a class of people enabled under the Last Man Standing Rule to exercise all options of the contracts and empowerments we have inherited in the joint sovereignty and are responsibly presenting ourselves and expressing our Will to our employees, deputies, and agents before the entire world community.
We are hereby appointing Chief Michael Young of the Athabasca to be our trustworthy Peer and Business Agent to act in our behalf internationally to secure our misappropriated property assets and return them to the American people and organic states and the sovereign nation states to which these assets both public and private naturally belong and to properly administer the federal side of the original and only actual equity contract known as The Constitution for the united States of America which our peoples are jointly and severally owed.

We are hereby appointing General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr. in his capacity as a Commanding General of the American Armed Forces to act as our Fiduciary Deputy to retrieve, secure, and transport all gold assets, all copyrights, patents, registrations, certificates, bonds, titles, deeds, land patents, insurances, securities, beneficial contracts, bills of lading, escrow account receipts, silver, jewels, art, artifacts, and material interests however represented or contained and belonging to the American people and their organic states of the Union which are improperly in the possession of the Global Debt Facility, the World Bank, IBRD, IMF, BIS, or any other international bank where these assets have been purloined as abandoned assets or otherwise obtained via process of bankruptcy fraud, probate fraud, semantic deceit, unlawful conversion, press-ganging, kidnapping, and misrepresentation of political status.

We are calling upon Pope Francis in his Extraordinary capacity as Trustee of the Unam Sanctum Trust and the Jurisdiction of the Air and upon the British Monarch in their capacity as the Trustee responsible for our delegated interests on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways where all this outrageous damage and mis-administration has occurred, to promptly correct all false and improper claims and presumptions being held against us and our organic states of the Union worldwide, and upon the Lord Mayor, Lords of the Admiralty, Innes of Court, the British Crown Corporation, Bank of England, and other principals and parties of Westminster to recall and honor their Treaty guaranteeing us friendship “in perpetuity”.

Certainly our friendship and that of the similarly wronged Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders, and numerous European countries has preserved both the Monarchy and the Papacy into modern times and without our sacrifices and efforts in their behalf neither institution would have escaped the further ravages of the Second World War, which was caused in part by the same fraud schemes by the same international banks and Bar Associations which we now address.

We are also calling upon the Secretary General of the United Nations to properly advise and inform the member states of the United Nations, the Security Council, and the Trust Committees.

It is not our intention nor is it our desire to deprive any other nation, such as China, to obtain redress which it is similarly owed. We are not seeking to harm anyone and are in fact taking this action to prevent more harm to living people and lawful governments throughout the world.
______________________________seal_________________by Anna Maria Riezinger, beneficiary, one of the “free sovereign and independent people of the United States”, non-negotiable autograph, all rights reserved.
______________________________seal_________________by James Clinton Belcher, beneficiary, one of the “free sovereign and independent people of the United States”, non-negotiable autograph, all rights reserved.
cc: Secretary of State John Forbes Kerry
United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon

2-6-2015 10-13-51 AM

Presidential Crimes Then And Now


This is the very best of anything Paul has ever written. Take it to heart and revise your political loyalties. Better yet, consider all politicians as crooks. Everything you will ever learn about them is manipulated by the Bankers; who for generations now have us all by the short hairs. It is way past time for them to be eliminated world wide! But humans do not breed hero’s; that’s only in the movies the Sheeple love to watch!

Reprinted from Paul Craig Roberts, The Neoconservative Threat to World
Are Nixon’s and the Reagan administration’s crimes noticeable on the scale of Clinton’s, George W. Bush’s, and Obama’s?

Not much remains of the once vibrant American left-wing. Among the brainwashed remnants there is such a hatred of Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan that the commitment of these two presidents to ending dangerous military rivalries is unrecognized. Whenever I write about the illegal invasions of other countries launched by Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama, leftists point to Chile, Nicaragua and Grenada and say that nothing has changed. But a great deal has changed. In the 1970s and 1980s Nixon and Reagan focused on reducing Cold War tensions. Courageously, Nixon negotiated nuclear arms limitation agreements with the Soviet Union and opened to China, and Reagan negotiated with Gorbachev the end of the dangerous Cold War.

Beginning with the Clinton regime, the neoconservative doctrine of the US as the Uni-power exercising hegemony over the world has resurrected tensions between nuclear-armed powers. Clinton trashed the word of the Reagan and George H.W. Bush administrations and expanded NATO throughout Eastern Europe and brought the military alliance to Russia’s border. The George W. Bush regime withdrew from the anti-ballistic missile treaty, revised US war doctrine to permit pre-emptive nuclear attack, and negotiated with Washington’s East European vassals to put anti-ballistic missiles on Russia’s borders in an effort to neutralize Russia’s nuclear deterrent, thus bringing major security problems to Russia. The Obama regime staged a coup against a government allied with Russia in Ukraine, traditionally a part of Russia, and imposed a Russophobia government as Washington’s vassal. Turning to China, Washington announced the “pivot to Asia” with the purpose of controlling shipping in the South China Sea.

Additionally, the Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama regimes fomented wars across a wide swath of the planet from Yugoslavia and Serbia through the Middle East and Africa to South Ossetia and now in Ukraine.

The neoconservative ideology rose from the post-Reagan collapse of the Soviet Union. The doctrine met the need of the US military/security complex for a new enemy in order to avoid downsizing. Washington’s pursuit of empire is a principal danger to life itself for everyone on the planet.

Unlike Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama, Nixon and Reagan went against the military/security complex. Nixon opened to China and made arms reduction agreements with the Soviets. Reagan negotiated with Gorbachev the end of the Cold War. The military/security complex was displeased with these presidential initiatives. Both left and right accused Nixon and Reagan of nefarious machinations. Right-wing Republicans said that Nixon and Kissinger were selling America out to the communists and that the scheming Soviets would take advantage of Reagan, the old movie actor. “Communists,” we were assured, “only understand force.”

Nixon and Reagan focused on eliminating dangerous rivalries, and the three stooges—Clinton, Bush, and Obama—have resurrected the rivalries. Those who cannot see the astonishing difference are blinded by prejudices and their brainwashing.

In this article, I describe unappreciated aspects of the Nixon and Reagan presidencies. What I provide is neither a justification nor a denunciation, but an explanation. Here is what Patrick Buchanan, who was in the White House with both presidents, wrote to me in response to my explanation:
“Craig, you are dead on in what you write about both Nixon and Reagan and what they sought in their presidencies. Reagan often talked of those ‘godawful weapons,’ meaning nukes. I was at Reykjavik with him, and was stunned at Hofde House to learn that Ronald Reagan pretty much wanted to trade them all away. And when, years later, Tom Wicker wrote favorably about the Nixon presidency, he accurately titled his book One of Us. All his life Nixon sought the approbation of the [pre-neocon] Establishment. Am deep into a new book, based on my experiences and my White House files, and all through it I am urging him [Nixon] to be and to become the kind of conservative president I wanted, but he never was.

My thanks for bringing in The Greatest Comeback, which covered the period when I was closest to Nixon. All the best, Pat.”

Writing for Americans is not always an enjoyable experience. Many readers want to have their prejudices confirmed, not challenged. Emotions rule their reason, and they are capable of a determined resistance to facts and are not inhibited from displays of rudeness and ignorance. Indeed, some are so proud of their shortcomings that they can’t wait to show them to others. Some simply cannot read and confuse explanations with justifications as if the act of explaining something justifies the person or event explained. Thankfully, all readers are not handicapped in these ways or there would be no point in trying to inform the American people.

In a recent column I used some examples of Clinton-era scandals to make a point about the media, pointing out that the media and the American people were more interested in Clinton’s sexual escapades and in his choice of underwear than in the many anomalies associated with such serious events as the Oklahoma City bombing, Waco, the mysterious death of a White House legal counsel, US sanctions on Iraq that took the lives of 500,000 children, and illegal war against Serbia.

Reaganphobes responded in an infantile way, remonstrating that the same standards should be applied to “your dear beloved Ray-Gun” as to Clinton. Those readers were unable to understand that the article was not about Clinton, but about how the media sensationalizes unimportant events in order to distract attention from serious ones. Examples from the Clinton era were used, because no question better epitomizes the level of the American public’s interest in political life than the young woman’s question to

President Clinton: “boxers or briefs?”

It is doubtful that journalists and historians are capable of providing accurate understandings of any presidential term. Even those personally involved often do not know why some things happened. I have been in White House meetings from which every participant departed with a different understanding of what the president’s policy was. This was not the result of lack of clarity on the president’s part, but from the various interests present shaping the policy to their agendas.

Many Americans regard the White House as the lair of a powerful being who can snap his fingers and make things happen. The fact of the matter is that presidents have little idea of what is transpiring in the vast cabinet departments and federal agencies that constitute “their” administration. Many parts of government are empires unto themselves. The “Deep State,” about which Mike Lofgren, formerly a senior member of the Congressional staff has written, is unaccountable to anyone. But even the accountable part of the government isn’t. For example, the information flows from the cabinet departments, such as defense, state, and treasury, are reported to Assistant Secretaries, who control the flow of information to the Secretaries, who inform the President. The civil service professionals can massage the information one way, the Assistant Secretaries another, and the Secretaries yet another. If the Secretaries report the information to the White House Chief of Staff, the information can be massaged yet again. In my day before George W. Bush and Dick Cheney gave us the Gestapo-sounding Department of Homeland Security, the Secret Service reported to an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, but the Assistant Secretary had no way of evaluating the reliability of the information. The Secret Service reported whatever it suited the Secret Service to report.

Those who think that “the President knows” can test their conviction by trying to keep up with the daily announcements from all departments and agencies of the government. It is a known fact that CEOs of large corporations, the relative size of which are tiny compared to the US government, cannot know all that is happening within their organizations.

Nixon: Villain or Centrist Reformer?

I am not particularly knowledgeable about the terms of our various presidents. Nevertheless, I suspect that the Nixon and Reagan terms are among the least understood. Both presidents had more ideological opponents among journalists and historians than they had defenders. Consequently, their stories are distorted by how their ideological opponents want them to be seen and remembered. For example, compare your view of Richard Nixon with the portrait Patrick Buchanan provides in his latest book, The Greatest Comeback. A person doesn’t have to agree with Buchanan’s view of the issues of those years, or with how Buchanan positioned, or tried to position, Nixon on various issues, to learn a great deal about Nixon. Buchanan can be wrong on issues, but he is not dishonest.

For a politician, Richard Nixon was a very knowledgeable person. He travelled widely, visiting foreign leaders. Nixon was the most knowledgeable president about foreign policy we have ever had. He knew more than Obama, Bush I and II, Clinton, Reagan, Carter, Ford, and Johnson combined.
The liberal-left created an image of Nixon as paranoid and secretive with a long enemies list, but Buchanan shows that Nixon was inclusive, a “big tent” politician with a wide range of advisors. There is no doubt that Nixon had enemies. Many of them continue to operate against him long after his death.
Indeed, it was Nixon’s inclusiveness that made conservatives suspicious of him. To keep conservatives in his camp, Nixon used their rhetoric, and Nixon’s rhetoric fueled Nixon-hatred among the liberal-left. The inclination to focus on words rather than deeds is another indication of the insubstantiality of American political comprehension.

Probably the US has never had a more liberal president than Nixon. Nixon went against conservatives and established the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by executive order. He supported the Clean Air Act of 1970. Nixon federalized Medicaid for poor families with dependent children and proposed a mandate that private employers provide health insurance to employees. He desegregated public schools and implemented the first federal affirmative action program.

Declaring that “there is no place on this planet for a billion of its potentially most able people to live in angry isolation,” Nixon engineered the opening to Communist China. He ended the Vietnam War and replaced the draft with the volunteer army. He established economic trade with the Soviet Union and negotiated with Soviet leader Brezhnev landmark arms control treaties—SALT I and the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty in 1972, which lasted for 30 years until the neoconized George W. Bush regime violated and terminated the treaty in 2002.

These are astonishing achievements for any president, especially a Republican one. But if you ask Americans what they know about Nixon, the response is Watergate and President Nixon’s forced resignation.

In other words, here is more proof that all the American media does is to lie to us. The US media is no longer independent. It is a servile captive creature that turns lies into truths via endless repetitions.
I am convinced that Nixon’s opening to China and Nixon’s arms control treaties and de-escalation of tensions with the Soviet Union threatened the power and profit of the military/security complex. Watergate was an orchestration used to remove the threat that Nixon presented. If you read the Watergate reporting by Woodward and Bernstein in the Washington Post, there is no real information in it. In place of information, words are used to create an ominous presence and sinister atmosphere that is transferred to Nixon.

There was nothing in the Watergate scandal that justified Nixon’s impeachment, but his liberal policies had alienated conservative Republicans. Conservatives never forgave Nixon for agreeing with Zhou Enlai that Taiwan was part of China. When the Washington Post, John Dean, and a missing segment of a tape got Nixon in trouble, conservatives did not come to his defense. The liberal-left was overjoyed that Nixon got his comeuppance for supporting the exposure and prosecution of Soviet spy Alger Hiss two decades previously.

I do not contend that the left-wing has no legitimate reasons for hostility against Nixon. Nixon wanted out of Vietnam, but “with honor” so that conservatives would not abandon him. Nixon did not want to become known as the President who forced the US military to accept defeat. He wanted to end the war, but if not with victory then with a stalemate like Korea. He or Kissinger gave the US military carte blanche to produce a situation that the US could exit “with honor.” This resulted in the secret bombing in Laos and Cambodia. The shame of the bombings cancelled any exit with real honor.

The Reagan era is also misunderstood. Just as President Jimmy Carter was regarded as an outsider by the Democratic Washington Establishment, Ronald Reagan was an outsider to the Republican Establishment whose candidate was George H. W. Bush. Just as Carter’s presidency was neutered by the Washington Establishment with the frame-up of Carter’s Budget Director and Chief of Staff, Reagan was partially neutered before he assumed office, and the Establishment removed in succession two national security advisors who were loyal to Reagan.

Reagan’s Priorities and the Establishment’s Agenda

When Reagan won the Republican presidential nomination, he was told that although he had defeated the Establishment in the primaries, the voters would not be able to come to his defense in Washington. He must not make Goldwater’s mistake and shun the Republican Establishment, but pick its presidential candidate for his vice president. Otherwise, the Republican Establishment would work to defeat him in the presidential election just as Rockefeller had undermined Goldwater.
As a former movie star, Nancy Reagan put great store on personal appearance. Reagan’s California crew was a motley one. Lynn Nofziger, for example, sported a beard and a loosely knotted tie if a tie at all. He moved around his office in sock feet without shoes. When Nancy saw Bush’s man, Jim Baker, she concluded that the properly attired Baker was the person that she wanted standing next to her husband when photos were made. Consequently, Reagan’s first term had Bush’s most capable operative as Chief of Staff of the White House.

To get Reagan’s program implemented with the Republican Establishment occupying the chief of staff position was a hard fight.

I don’t mean that Jim Baker was malevolent and wished to damage Reagan. For a member of the Republican Establishment, Jim Baker was very intelligent, and he is a hard person to dislike. The problem with Baker was two-fold. He was not part of the Reagan team and did not understand what we were about or why Reagan was elected. Americans wanted the stagflation that had destroyed Jimmy Carter’s presidency ended, and they were tired of the ongoing Cold War with the Soviet Union and its ever present threat of nuclear Armageddon.

It is not that Baker (or VP Bush) were personally opposed to these goals. The problem was that the Establishment, whether Republican or Democratic, is responsive not to solving issues but to accommodating the special interest groups that comprise the Establishment. For the Establishment, preserving power is the primary issue. As The Saker makes clear, in both parties the Anglos of my time, of which George H. W. Bush was the last, have been replaced by the neocons. The neocons represent an ideology in addition to special interest groups, such as the Israel Lobby.

The Republican Establishment and the Federal Reserve did not understand Reagan’s Supply-Side economic policy. In the entire post World War II period, reductions in tax rates were associated with the Keynesian demand management macroeconomic policy of increasing aggregate demand. The Reagan administration had inherited high inflation, and economists, Wall Street, and the Republican Establishment, along with Reagan’s budget director, David Stockman, misunderstood Reagan’s supply-side policy as a stimulus to consumer demand that would cause inflation, already high, to explode. On top of this, conservatives in Congress were disturbed that Reagan’s policy would worsen the deficit—in their opinion the worst evil of all.

Reagan’s supply-side economic policy was designed not to increase aggregate demand, but to increase aggregate supply. Instead of prices rising, output and employment would rise. This was a radically new way of using fiscal policy to raise incentives to produce rather than to manage aggregate demand, but instead of helping people to understand the new policy, the media ridiculed and mischaracterized the policy as “voodoo economics,” “trickle- down economics,” and “tax cuts for the rich.” These mischaracterizations are still with us three decades later. Nevertheless, the supply-side policy was partially implemented. It was enough to end stagflation and the policy provided the basis for Clinton’s economic success. It also provided the economic basis that made credible Reagan’s strategy of forcing the Soviets to choose between a new arms race or negotiating the end of the Cold War.

Ending the Cold War and Bad CIA Advice

President Reagan’s goal of ending the Cold War was upsetting to both conservatives and the military/security complex. Conservatives warned that wily Soviets would deceive Reagan and gain from the negotiations. The military/security complex regarded Reagan’s goal of ending the Cold War as a threat comparable to Nixon’s opening to China and arms limitations treaties with the Soviet Union. President John F. Kennedy had threatened the same powerful interests when he realized from the Cuban Missile Crisis that the US must put an end to the risk of nuclear confrontation with the Soviet Union.
With the success of his economic policy in putting the US economy back on its feet, Reagan intended to force a negotiated end to the Cold War by threatening the Soviets with an arms race that their suffering economy could not endure. However, the CIA advised Reagan that if he renewed the arms race, he would lose it, because the Soviet economy, being centrally planned, was in the hands of Soviet leaders, who, unlike Reagan, could allocate as much of the economy as necessary to win the arms race. Reagan did not believe the CIA. He created a secret presidential committee with authority to investigate the CIA’s evidence for its claim, and he appointed me to the committee. The committee concluded that the CIA was wrong.

Reagan always told us that his purpose was to end, not win, the Cold War. He said that the only victory he wanted was to remove the threat of nuclear annihilation. He made it clear that he did not want a Soviet scalp. Like Nixon, to keep conservatives on board, he used their rhetoric.
Curing stagflation and ending the Cold War were the main interests of President Reagan. Perhaps I am mistaken, but I do not think he paid much attention to anything else.

Grenada and the Contras in Nicaragua were explained to Reagan as necessary interventions to make the Soviets aware that there would be no further Soviet advances and, thus, help to bring the Soviets to the negotiating table to end the nuclear threat. Unlike the George W. Bush and Obama regimes, the Reagan administration had no goal of a universal American Empire exercising hegemony over the world. Grenada and Nicaragua were not part of an empire-building policy. Reagan understood them as a message to the Soviets that “you are not going any further, so let’s negotiate.”

Conservatives regarded the reformist movements in Grenada and Nicaragua as communist subversion, and were concerned that these movements would ally with the Soviet Union, thus creating more Cuba-like situations. Even President Carter opposed the rise of a left-wing government in Nicaragua. Grenada and Nicaragua were reformist movements rather than communist-inspired, and the Reagan administration should have supported them, but could not because of the hysteria of American conservatives. Reagan knew that if his constituency saw him as “soft on communism,” he would lack the domestic support that he needed in order to negotiate with the Kremlin the end of the Cold War.
America Playing the Foreign Policy Game

Today Western governments support and participate in Washington’s invasions, but not then. The invasion of Grenada was criticized by both the British and Canadian governments. The US had to use its UN Security Council veto to save itself from being condemned for “a fragrant violation of international law.”

The Sandinistas in Nicaragua were reformers opposed to the corruption of the Somoza regime that catered to American corporate and financial interests. The Sandinistas aroused the same opposition from Washington as every reformist government in Latin America always has. Washington has traditionally regarded Latin American reformers as Marxist revolutionary movements and has consistently overthrown reformist governments in behalf of the United Fruit Company and other private interests that have large holdings in countries ruled by unrepresentative governments.

Washington’s policy was, and still is, short-sighted and hypocritical. The United States should have allied with representative governments, not against them. However, no American president, no matter how wise and well- intentioned, would have been a match for the combination of the interests of politically-connected US corporations and the fear of more Cubas. Remember Marine General Smedley Butler’s confession that he and his US Marines served to make Latin America safe for the United Fruit Company and “some lousy investment of the bankers.”

Information is Power

Americans, even well informed ones, dramatically over-estimate the knowledge of presidents and the neutrality of the information that is fed to them by the various agencies and advisors. Information is power, and presidents get the information that Washington wants them to receive. In Washington private agendas abound, and no president is immune from these agendas. A cabinet secretary, budget director, or White House chief of staff who knows how Washington works and has media allies is capable, if so inclined, of shaping the agenda independently of the president’s preferences.

The Establishment prefers a nonentity as president, a person without experience and a cadre of knowledgeable supporters to serve him. Harry Truman was, and Obama is, putty in the hands of the Establishment.

If you read Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick’s The Untold History of the US, you will see that the Democratic Establishment, realizing that FDR would not survive his fourth term, forced his popular Vice President Henry Wallace off the ticket and put in his place the inconsequential Truman. With Truman in place, the military/security complex was able to create the Cold War.

From Bad to Worse

The transgressions of law that occurred during the Nixon and Reagan years are small when compared to the crimes of Clinton, George W. Bush and Obama, and the crimes were punished. Nixon was driven from office and numerous Reagan administration officials were prosecuted and convicted. Neither Nixon nor Reagan could have run roughshod over both Constitution and statutory law, setting aside habeas corpus and due process and detaining US citizens indefinitely without charges and convictions, authorizing and justifying torture, spying without warrants, and executing US citizens without due process of law.

Moreover, unlike the Clinton, Bush, and Obama regimes, the Reagan administration prosecuted those who broke the law. Assistant Secretary of State Elliott Abrams was convicted, National Security Advisor Robert McFarlane was convicted, Chief of CIA Central American Task Force Alan Fiers was convicted, Clair George, Chief of the CIA’s Division of Covert Operations was convicted. Richard Secord was convicted. National Security Advisor John Poindexter was convicted. Oliver North was convicted. North’s conviction was later overturned, and President George H.W. Bush pardoned others. But the Reagan Administration held its operatives accountable to law. No American President since Reagan has held the government accountable.

Clair George was convicted of lying to congressional committees. Richard Secord was convicted of lying to Congress. John Poindexter was convicted of lying to Congress. Alan Fiers was convicted of withholding information from Congress. Compare these convictions then with James R. Clapper now. President Obama appointed Clapper Director of National Intelligence on June 5, 2010, declaring that Clapper “possesses a quality that I value in all my advisers: a willingness to tell leaders what we need to know even if it’s not what we want to hear.” With this endorsement, Clapper proceeded to lie to Congress under oath, a felony. Clapper was not indicted and prosecuted. He was not even fired or forced to resign. For executive branch officials, perjury is now a dead letter law.

The destruction of the rule of law and accountable government has extended to state and local levels. Police officers no longer “serve and protect” the public. The most dangerous encounter most Americans will ever experience is with police, who brutalize citizens without cause and even shoot them down in their homes and on their streets. A police badge has become a license to kill, and police use it to the hilt. During the Iraq War, more Americans were murdered by police than the military lost troops in combat. And nothing is done about it. The country is again facing elections, and the abuse of US citizens by “their” police is not an issue. Neither are the many illegal interventions by Washington into the internal affairs of other sovereign countries or the unconstitutional spying that violates citizens’ privacy.

The fact that Washington is gearing up for yet another war in the Middle East is not an important issue in the election.

In the US the rule of law, and with it liberty, have been lost. With few exceptions, Americans are too ignorant and unconcerned to do anything about it. The longer the rule of law is set aside, the more difficult it is to reestablish it. Sooner or later the rule of law ceases even as a memory. No candidate in the upcoming election has made the rule of law an issue.
Americans have become a small-minded divided people, ruled by petty hatreds, who are easily set against one another and against other peoples by their rulers

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Cover Letter

On Apr 4, 2015, at 12:17 PM, Judge Anna von Reitz <> wrote:

Please find attached a Public Notice Issued to Law Enforcement, Elected Officials, etc.

This cuts to the heart of the issues and the enforcement.
It is cut and dried, for-sure, not subject to argument or interpretations.
It needs to be distributed along with the (corrected) Timeline and the Public Order which in turn needs to be issued by State or Commonwealth Superior Courts in every state of the Union.

Please note that there are four states technically organized as Commonwealths— Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Virginia, and Massachusetts. They have to operate their land jurisdiction courts under the correct name, as in, Pennsylvania Commonwealth Superior Court.
This especially needs to be put under the noses of everyone involved in the Bundy Ranch scenario.

Rest assured that we are moving forward and that all this crappola is coming home to roost in international and military venues as we speak. The rats in Washington have 177 nations arrayed against what they have done, plus the people of the Continental United States.

The only way that they can hope to survive is by placating the civilian populace and earning back our trust by deeds commensurate.
This “fills out” the picture in back of the Timeline and Public Order. I hope that some of you who have felt alarmed by the severity of my action in correction will now fully grasp the circumstance and the fact that we are in the driver’s seat, responsible for defending our own prerogatives and operating the land jurisdiction of the Continental United States.
In acting as a Judge of the Alaska State Superior Court I have operated the Court for the benefit of the land and the people. I have this capacity, as does anyone who is competent to read and understand the Public Law and Constitution, and who is NOT a member of the Bar Association.
The reasons will be made more explicit in the attached Notice.
Public Notice:
Issued to Law Enforcement,
Elected Officials, etc.

Take Notice: The Roman Curia created the concept of legal fictions– trusts, foundations, and other corporations for good reasons– however, legal fictions can be misused. By Maxim of Law, those who create are responsible for their creations. It follows that the Roman Curia is responsible for the proper functioning of all corporations worldwide. As of September 1, 2013, Pope Francis declared all corporations and corporate officers fully liable for their errors and omissions.
This means you.

Also by Maxim of Law, there is no statute of limitation on fraud. Privately owned governmental services corporations have been fraudulently passing themselves off as the “government of the United States” since 1862.
The longevity of this fraud in no way imbues it with authority. As an employee of these corporations you have no public office and no public bond and no foreign state immunity.

Federal Law Enforcement Personnel— except U.S. Marshals:
Your status is that of a Mall Cop acting outside the Mall. You have no authority on the land jurisdiction of the Continental United States. You are acting under color of law when addressing Citizens of the Continental United States “as if” they were Citizens of the Federal United States. If you threaten any living inhabitant of the Continental United States with a gun, taseror other weapon, you can be hung as an inland pirate. If you remove any livestock you can be hung as a cattle rustler

If you cause any harm, you can be sued without limit. If you wear any uniform or display any badge or use any name or office designed to deceive or project authority you do not have, you can be arrested for impersonating an officer.

You are acting in a purely private capacity and have only equal Civil Rights that may be withdrawn at any time. You are also acting under Martial Law and may face extreme punishment for infractions against the civilian populace. Acts of plunder, mortal violence, and mischaracterization of civilians as combatants are all death penalty offenses.

U.S. Marshals are allowed full egress within the Continental United States so long as they are sworn and acting as officers sworn to uphold the actual Constitution, are not acting deceptively nor acting outside their international jurisdiction while in pursuit of their duty protecting the U.S. Mail.

Lawyers, Judges, Court Clerks— When you address birthright Citizens of the Continental United States in the foreign jurisdiction of the Federal United States or that of a Federal State, and deliberately confuse living people with corporate franchises merely named after them, you commit personage.

This results in press-ganging land assets into the international jurisdiction of the sea, a crime outlawed worldwide for 200 years. It is a recognized act of inland piracy and it carries the death penalty.

Mischaracterizing the identity or citizenship status of a birthright Citizen of the Continental United States is also a crime under the Geneva Protocols of 1949, Volume II, Article 3. It also carries the Death Penalty.

Finally, no member of the Bar Association may sit upon the bench of any public court nor occupy any public office of the Continental United States including Congress. The involvement of any Bar Member automatically voids all proceedings pretending subject matter jurisdiction related to the actual land or its assets—including
the people of the Continental United States. The Titles of Nobility Amendment adopted and ratified prior to the American Civil War has not been repealed.

The Federal United States and the Municipality of Washington, DC all operate under the auspices of the United Nations and are signatories of the Universal Right of Self-Declaration.

Anyone claiming to be a Citizen of the Continental United States having a valid Birth Certificate must be treated as such.

Any debts or charges whatsoever related to vessels in commerce operated under his or her name by the Federal United States, any
Federal State, the Washington DC Municipality or the UNITED NATIONS must be discharged according to Maxim of Law already cited: you are responsible for what you create.

The Federal United States and its Federal States have created numerous vessels in commerce merely named after living Citizens of the Continental United States and styled in the form: John Quincy
Adams. The Washington DC Municipality has similarly indulged in this practice and created franchises for itself named after living Citizens of the Continental United States styled in the form: JOHN QUINCYADAMS. Most recently the UNITED NATIONS has created public utilities and is operating them under names styled as: JOHN Q. ADAMS.

The organizations that have created these franchises are completely, 100% liable for their debts and obligations without exception and without recourse to claim upon the living people these franchises are named after.

You may not presume that the living people have consensually agreed to be subjected to statutory law.

You may not presume that they consensually agreed to be obligated for the debts of any legal fiction personas which have been created and named after them by Third Parties secretively operating in a private capacity and merely claiming to represent the victims of this fraud.

This is your Due Notice that the living people inhabiting the Continental United States are presenting themselves and may not be addressed as if they belong to, are responsible foror indebted in behalf of any legal fiction personas operated under their given names by any international corporation.

Any continuance of any such claims and repugnant practices will be deemed immediate cause to liquidate the American Bar Association as a criminal syndicate and to deport its members from our shores. International action is underway to secure the assets and credit owed to the victims.

Please read, research, and do your own due diligence. You are fully responsible for obeying the Public Law of the Continental United States including Revised Statute 2561 and The Constitution.

Please respect the established jurisdictions of air, land, and sea— and be aware that you may be arrested and fined or worse for failure to do so.

Issued this fifth day of April 2015, Judge Anna Maria Riezinger, Alaska State Superior Court

Cover Lettter
Judge Anna von Reitz, Alaska
From: Judge Anna von Reitz, Alaska

I have confirmed some very important information this past week and taken action as a result.

Please find enclosed a six page summary of the situation we are in and how we got here. If you can’t read six pages of actual documented -not-my-opinion-history to save your country, then we are all about to be blown to hell.

And we will deserve it, for being so incredibly clueless, lazy, and stupid.
We are in control of the public jurisdiction of the Continental United States.
Attached as part of the history is a Declaration of Law that is executable as a Court Order by anyone who (1) understands the content of the document, (2) was born on the land of one of the fifty Continental States, (3) is NOT a member of the Bar Association.

Follow the instructions— use red ink to designate that it is being exercised on the land jurisdiction and in behalf of the State Superior Court as in “landed (E)state”.

Put away your sabers and get out your red ink pens and you U.S. Mail Certified receipts, Return Receipt Requested—– and do what Thomas Jefferson said we must—chain them down with the Constitution—- the actual Constitution, in action.

Stop worrying about imagined enemies. The only enemies out there are on our payroll, trying to scam up another war-for-profit. Don’t be stupid and allow the cretins to start one here!!! Keep the peace, guard your words, and DO NOTCONTRIBUTE ONE SYLLABLE of nonsense such as is being expressed in so many quarters.

Understand that war is what these corporations are good at. That and lying are their stock in trade. We have hired them to protect us. They would like nothing better than to “protect us against ourselves” —- use our own unrest as an excuse for killing us, and then send the bill to our families.

They could do a tremendous amount of damage and cost millions of American lives and PROFIT from doing it, but they can NEVER win in international court and they can never win any kind of moral victory.

So hold their feet to the fire using your brains instead of your brawn, all you Bubbas out there.

That is what is required now. If you really want to help — read, sign, and send the attachment to all those who need to see it.

Public Order
The Timeline of the Great Fraud and Declaration Of Law

Judge Anna von Reitz

1. 1754-1776: The “United Colonies” take shape as a loose political association, and the First and Second Continental Congresses result.

2. 1776: The Colonies declare independence.

3. 1781: The Articles of Confederation bind “States” — political subdivisions of the United Colonies – together in a “perpetual union”, creating a confederation of States to operate in the international Jurisdiction of the Sea. [Why a “confederation” instead of a “federation”? –Because the original States gave up some of their natural jurisdiction to the new political entity, the Union, they created.]

4. 1783: The Treaty of Paris and Treaty of Versailles cements this arrangement splitting the land and sea jurisdictions between the States and the Federal Union and places King George III as Trustee of American interests on the “High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways” —which
means he kept control of American international commerce. The new “Union” entity operating in the international Jurisdiction of the sea was always controlled by the British and it has always been the British Monarch’s responsibility as International Trustee to manage it and guarantee its proper operation. It has instead run amok for 150 years.

5. 1787: The Supreme Perfected Republican Declaration of the United Colonies creates the National Trust owed the Continental United States.

6. 1789: Two years later, “The Constitution for the united States of America” splits off the sea jurisdiction and creates the new Federal United States. A year later (1790) the Federal United States forms a commercial company doing business as the United States (Commercial Company) to provide the nineteen enumerated services agreed to by the subscribing States.

7. 1812-1814: The British try to horn in again and are beaten back. This skirmish results in the Treaty of Ghent, where the British interests in American shipping and commerce are reaffirmed and lasting peace is promised in return.

8. 1845: The British Monarch and Pope secretly agree to undermine the American System of government via the Treaty of Verona. The British Monarch breaches the Treaty of Ghent and both the Pope and the King secretly breach their trust as International Trustees. They set out on a covert action and issued Letters of Marque and Reprisal to the members of the Bar Associations, allowing them to act as Foreign Agents on American soil and as privateers free to plunder American commerce.

9. 1860: Thanks to the efforts of the Bar Associations a member of the Bar, Abraham Lincoln, is elected to serve as President. Note that he is ineligible serve as President of the united States of America, by the Titles of Nobility Amendment to the actual Constitution— but is eligible to serve as President of the United States (Commercial Company).

This is the same situation we have with Barack Obama who is ineligible to serve as President of the United States of America, but is able to serve as President of the United States (Incorporated).

10. 1861: The Civil War begins. Congress adjourns for lack of quorum and without a date to reconvene. Lincoln organizes a Delaware Corporation and the remaining members of Congress begin functioning as a Board of Directors.

11. 1862: The “Corporate Congress”—a body of men no different than the Board of Directors of IBM, change the meaning of a single word —only and explicitly for use within their corporation. That word is “person”. From then on the word “person” is deemed to mean “corporation” for federal government purposes. (37th “Congress”– Second Session, Chapter 49, Section 68.)

12. 1863: Lincoln signs the Lieber Code as Commander in Chief and puts the Union Army, the Grand Army of the Republic, in charge of the nation’s future and money supply. A day later, he bankrupts the original United States (Commercial Company).

13. 1865: Lee’s Army surrenders to Grant and a general armistice is declared. The Southern States are in ruins and under military occupation by the Union. The original Northern States are bankrupt. Foreign banks are in control of the new “United States of America, Inc.” and the Union Army reigns supreme. Over the next two years President Andrew Johnson will three times publically declare peace on the land jurisdiction of the
Continental United States, but peace is never declared in the international Jurisdiction of the Sea controlled by the Federal United States under the trusteeship of the British Monarch.

14. 1868: The Corporate Congress writes itself a new Corporate Constitution, called “the Constitution of the United States of America” and palms off this look-alike, sound-alike private corporate document “as if” it were the actual Constitution. This is fraud on many levels. The Constitution of the United States of America purposefully sought to confuse and delude people into thinking it was the actual Equity Contract obligating the States to receive services and subrogate their international jurisdiction to the federal government.

15. 1871: The Corporate Congress begins to set up shop for itself by creating a separate government for the District of Columbia. The initial effort fails but seven years later the Washington DC Municipality is created as an independent international city state run as a plenary oligarchy by the members of “Congress”. Also in 1871, the Corporate Congress claimed to own all United States corporations— 41st “Congress”– Third Session, Chapters 62, 63, 64, and 65.

16. 1874-1885: All the actual States on the land are reorganized and at the same time completely new “Federal States” are created and new “State Constitutions” are written for them. The original States on the land are renamed in this process. The original State of Ohio operating the land jurisdiction became the Ohio State, while the usurping “Federal State”— merely a corporate franchise of the United States of America, Inc. operating in the international Jurisdiction of the Sea—took over the name “State of Ohio”.

17. 1900-1904: Still lusting after more power for itself, the Corporate Congress set up a second shop for itself and obtained permission to do it from the Supreme Court in a series of cases known as The Insular Tariff Cases. As with setting up the Washington DC Municipality as a
foreign city-state on our shores and running it as their own little oligarchy
, the “Congress” now took the “federal territories and possessions” and made a new “union” of “American states”—-Puerto Rico, Guam, et alia—and began calling it “the United States of America (Minor)”.

They just forgot to add the (Minor) part of the name from then on, and let people assume that all the repugnant laws they passed governing this “Constitutional Democracy” also applied to the Continental United States.
18. 1912-1913: A private association of European and American banks calling themselves “The Federal Reserve” bought the governmental services corporation known as “The United States of America, Inc.” and its “State” franchises as a business venture, and began operating such familiar agencies as The United States Department of Agriculture and The United States Department of Transportation as private, for-profit businesses—without telling anyone. They exercised the “government powers” they didn’t really possess in a vast fraud scheme in collusion with members of “Congress” to institute a fiat monetary system and misused their position of trust to put competitors out of business, set up monopolies, rig commodity markets, and commit other acts of blatant self-interested criminality and fraud.

19. 1917: Engaging in a war for profit, Congress and their Banker Bosses passed the War Powers Act and the Trading With the Enemy Act, and numerous other illegal and repugnant “Acts” pertaining only to the Federal United States and the international Jurisdiction of the Sea, but presented them to the public as if this claptrap pertained to the actual States and People on the land of the Continental United States. Deceived by this venal and purposeful fraud, millions of Americans complied with what they believed to be the “Law” passed by a legitimate Congress acting as deputies of the States and the People.

20. 1918-1933: Once in control of the monetary system the “Federal Reserve” increased the monetary supply exponentially, causing the “Roaring Twenties”. They built the house of cards and on October 29, 1933, they collapsed it—deliberately. This enabled them to put thousands of competitors out of business, allowed them to buy commodities, land, and labor for dirt cheap, and to manipulate the value of the dollar to their benefit.

21. 1933-1940, The banks took full advantage of the “national emergency” they created and the Congress did everything the bankers required: The Sheppard-Towner Act, the Buck Act, the Alien Registration Act, the Social Security Act(s), the Emergency Banking Act, and more.

The purpose of all this was to lay claim to the labor and the assets of the States and People of the Continental United States by securing “private contracts” with them, enabling the perpetrators to “represent them” and to set up corporations “in their names”. Hundreds of millions of Americans were told that they “had to” sign up for Social Security and have a Social Security Number in order to have a job, that it was “the Law” and that “Congress had passed it” and so, believing it to be a lawful government mandate—when in fact it was a corporate fraud scheme— they were subscribed en masse.

Remembering now the actions of the Corporate Congress in 1862 redefining the word “person” to mean “corporation” for federal purposes, and their later claim made in 1871 to hold ownership interest in all United States corporations and seeing that their actions from 1933 to 1940 resulted in redefining the estates of living Americans as public trusts—that is, as a form of corporation— you can see that the “Corporate Congress” has claimed to own living Americans as assets belonging to their corporation and has also claimed to control and own their private assets — in flagrant violation of the Geneva Convention Protocols Volume II, Article 3, and in equally flagrant violation of the 1926 International Conventions on Slavery,and in violation of every lawful and moral duty, commercial contract, and trust indenture owed to the Continental United States and the American People.

It is also apparent that all of this – every claim, every salvage lien, every title to land and property held under color of law—being held against the Continental United States and the living civilian inhabitants of the Continental United States, is pure, self-interested commercial fraud created and perpetuated under conditions of semantic deceit, constructive fraud, misrepresentation, and mischaracterization by the management of the Federal United States, the various governmental services corporations doing business as some form of “United States” and the British Government.

22. 1940-present: Among the first actions to be taken by the criminals was to “register” all live births. This established a claim of ownership on the baby and his or her estate, benefiting the “State of Ohio” or other “Federal State franchise”. This act of identity theft exercised via an undisclosed and forced contract with the Mother of the child, allowed each ”State” franchise to control the name and the property of the baby. The perpetrators promptly set up new “State franchises” benefiting themselves using names styled like this: “Joseph Quincy Public” and new “Municipal franchises” set up under the auspices of the Washington DC Municipality using NAMES styled like this: “JOHN QUINCY PUBLIC”.

The only purpose for creating these franchises structured as various kinds of trusts—was to act as a means for the privately owned governmental services corporations to hypothecate debt against the labor of the living people and their private property assets and to exercise control over them amounting to slavery.

Declaration Of Law
April 03, 2015

The instigators kidnapped and press-ganged the people and the land assets of the Continental United States by force, fraud, and deceit into the foreign international Jurisdiction of the Sea. Our own employees did this while taking a paycheck from our hand. They cannot claim that they were “at war” with us. They were merely criminals committing fraud against their benefactors and employers.

The members of “Congress” stand notified that they do not represent the Continental United States nor the People of the Continental United States. They have not occupied their lawful public office and have acted instead to occupy private “similarly named” corporate offices at both the “federal” and the “state” levels.

They have no public capacity whatsoever and no valid contract obligating any American State Citizen to obey any law, code, treaty, regulation or other legislation promoted as an “Act” of “Congress” in while failing to occupy public office and failing to act as responsible fiduciary officers.

The members of “Congress” stand further notified that they and the corporations they represent have no Lawful contract with any individual American State Citizen born on the land of the Continental United States and that all claims, liens, titles and presumptions against the living people and their assets on the land stand null and void ab initio for fraud, all the way back to April of 1862.

The members of “Congress” stand further notified that as presently constituted and operating, they have no public authority related to the Continental United States and exercise only the power any corporate entity has, so long as it acts lawfully and within its charter—-which is to say, the authority to organize their actual employees, set standards for behavior within their own corporation, and perform the functions stipulated by their charters and law-abiding commercial contracts.

The Governors of the Federal “State” franchises are similarly notified and placed under Public Lien, required to release all color of law titles
and liens registered under conditions of fraud against Continental United States assets.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff stand notified that they are obligated under the Geneva Convention Protocols of 1949 as well as The Constitution for the united States of America to come to the aid and assistance of the civilian populace of the Continental United States and to protect the civilian population and its assets at all costs and to prosecute those who have willingly violated Volume II, Article 3, of the Geneva Convention Protocols seeking to change the birthright citizenship and nationality of
American State Citizens of the Continental United States by fraud, force, and coercion.

The Joint Chiefs are also under obligation to return all civilian property unharmed and unencumbered to the rightful civilian owners, to remove all color of law titles and false liens against the labor and other private
property assets of American State Citizens rightfully belonging to the land jurisdiction of the Continental United States.

The Joint Chiefs are fully and hereby notified that no commercial
corporation on earth has the lawful ability to declare war and that the actions engaged in by the “Congress” and the “President” are merely the actions of a private corporation engaged in police actions and mercenary activities that must be closely scrutinized for conformance to international military law and with due respect for the actual Constitution for the united States of America and the citizenry of the Continental United States.

President Barack Obama is hereby given Notice that he is merely an executive officer of a private, mostly foreign-owned for-profit governmental services corporation, not a Head of State, not eligible to represent the people of the Continental United States, and not empowered to obligate them to any military action or commercial contract. Any attempt on the part of Barack Obama or members of “Congress” to attack American State Citizens using commercial mercenary forces (NHS, BATF, NSA, FEMA, CIA, DIA, IRS, etc.) is to be immediately countered with arrest of those responsible.
The Secretary of the Treasury and the INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE are under Public Lien and demand to unblock all civilian public trust accounts and make available the entire balance of the National Credit (an amount equal to the National Debt, plus principle and interest) for the use and investment of individual Americans without constraint, excuse, or further obfuscation. This Public Declaration establishes irrevocable lien upon the assets of the United States Treasury and the International Monetary Fund and all subsidiaries and successors of the former Federal Reserve System and upon all Federal State franchises.

The Secretary General and General Secretary of the United Nations are both Notified and Given Fair Warning and Notice that the FEDERAL RESERVE and THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, two corporations recently organized under the auspices of the United Nations City State by the UNITED NATIONS, INC. are already in Breach of their Charters and acting as criminal syndicates on the shores of the Continental United States, willfully seeking to defraud the living inhabitants of these peaceful States, and to exercise unlawful control over the citizenry and their assets.

The North American Water and Power Alliance is under Public Lien and is herein identified as the recipient of purloined credit owed to the Continental United States and the Citizenry thereof, due and owing, and is under demand to unblock all individual Capital Credit accounts for the use of the American State Citizens who have been systematically defrauded and indebted resulting in the establishment of these credit accounts in their “NAMES” but retained in the control of local utility companies and the NAWP.

All fraudulent convertible debt resulting from the semantic deceits and misuse of deceptively similar names applied to people and legal fiction entities is recognized as embezzlement of credit, willful identity theft, inland piracy, currency manipulation, obstruction of bankruptcy, and as unlawful restraint of trade accomplished by personage and enforced by
barratry by the perpetrators of these schemes whether foreign or domestic.

The Continental United States retains the right to prosecute claims against any and all legal fiction entities and living people responsible, the right to void all contracts in default, all titles held under color of law all actions undertaken under conditions of semantic deceit or constructive fraud, all self-interested claims of “foreign immunity”, all restraint of trade or Natural rights owed the citizenry of the Continental United States, and all encroachment on its jurisdiction.
So declared and ordered by the _____________ State Superior Court this _____ day of
April 2015.

______________________, non-negotiable Signature, all rights reserved.

(printed name)___________________________

(All blanks filled in and thumbprint seal in red ink to denote land jurisdiction action.)

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Stephen Hawking Warns Humanity: Leave Earth Before The Ruling Class Destroys It


We are presently having about one inch per hour of snow accumulation here in the NC Mountains, so don’t be surprised if we are off line for a while. The weather goons are predicting eighteen inches here, and the trees will soon be falling.
Have a good day!

Submitted by Tyler Durden
Submnitted by Claire Bernish via,

Humanity’s future is in peril thanks to so-called advancements in science and technology, claims Professor Stephen Hawking, who cited “nuclear war, global warming, and genetically-modified viruses” as deadly threats to our existence.

Hawking described various “things that could go wrong” to an audience of hundreds attending the first in a series of BBC Reith Lectures, which pertain to research about black holes. He asserted the necessity for colonization of other planets to ensure survival of the human species. According to the BBC, Hawking cautioned:“Although the chance of a disaster to planet Earth in a given year might be quite low, it adds up over time, and becomes a near certainty in the next thousand or ten thousand years.

“By that time, we should have spread out into space, and to other stars, so a disaster on Earth would not mean the end of the human race.

“However, we will not establish self-sustaining colonies in space for at least the next hundred years, so we have to be very careful in this period.”

Though it would seem counterproductive for such a well-respected scientist to decry scientific progress as humanity’s most existential threat, this isn’t the first time Hawking has advised us to exercise caution, as Anti-Media has reported several times. Last summer, the theoretical physicist was among over 1,000 artificial intelligence experts who signed an open letter about the weaponization of robots and the ongoing “military artificial intelligence arms race” among the world’s military powers.

In October of last year, Hawking warned scientists at the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN) about the potential for the Higgs Boson “God Particle” to initiate “catastrophic vacuum decay” — the formation of a quantum bubble that expands at the speed of light and could decimate the entire universe. Concern over the automation of the world’s workforce coupled with capitalist greed also earned the scientist’s stern alarm.

In fact, taken collectively, Hawking’s numerous warnings are aimed directly at the careless hubris of the ruling elites and their tendency to act in favor of profit — in a variety of fields — without consideration given to long-term consequences resulting from such hastily implemented projects.
Despite the numerous cautionary scenarios Hawking has proffered, he claims society will likely discover the means to cope.

“We are not going to stop making progress, or reverse it, so we have to recognize the dangers and control them,” he stated. “I’m an optimist, and I believe we can.
“It’s important to ensure that these changes are heading in the right directions. In a democratic society, this means that everyone needs to have a basic understanding of science to make informed decisions about the future.

“So communicate plainly what you are trying to do in science, and who knows, you might even end up understanding it yourself.”
The BBC will broadcast this first lecture with Stephen Hawking on January 26 and February 2. It will also be found online here.

Hawking’s theories, of course, haven’t escaped criticism; yet he does maintain a healthy enthusiasm, which was evidenced in this advice he offered young scientists:
“From my own perspective, it has been a glorious time to be alive and doing research in theoretical physics. “There is nothing like the Eureka moment of discovering something that no one knew before.”


Personally, I don’t believe we have enough time to develop a fast enough propulsion system to escape Earth’s gravity and live long enough in space to arrive at a safe distance before the Banking Cartel can safely destroy us. Remember, they want total control over us to serve them, not total isolation. Interesting concept presented, but impractical . Besides that, we should put more emphasis on learning how to become better managers of our present planet before we screw up another one. Would it not be more intelligent to rid humanity of central bankers than go out unprepared to be a cohesive society?

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A Call to Duty: The Pro-Gun Movement Must Focus on What the Second Amendment is Talking about – A Citizen Militia


By Tim Brown

In five articles this week, I will first explain why the Second Amendment movement has done more harm than good. Next, I will demonstrate the constitutional connection between the longstanding arguments about firearms, militia, and Western lands. Then, I will demonstrate how NRA and GOA have never actually worked to restore constitutional homeland security. Finally, I will invite you to join an exciting action and new way of life whereby We The People arrest federal and state lawlessness and finally do our duty as American citizens, the top layer of government over our Constitution.

The domestic war of Washington D.C. vs. America began during the presidency of Lincoln – the most destructive president in American history. As explained in this past Freedom Outpost article, if you still think Lincoln was a great president, you are a victim of Washington D.C. brainwashing. Read any of the books cited in that linked article, and you will begin to see the real Abe Lincoln, the real Washington D.C., and its war against America.
To turn the war, We The People must first build critical mass behind a full-spectrum plan of national defense, to restore our rule of law. Even a mere 25,000 citizens on the same tactical page, can work wonders. We will explain the tactical plan of action in all 50 states to address state lawlessness respecting Citizen Militia, and federal servants occupying and claiming public lands that have always belonged to the sovereign states.

In his classic work The City of God (410 A.D.), Augustine of Hippo asked, “When there is no justice, what then is the role of the state, but a band of robbers expanded?” That describes our arrogant, lawless servants in countless federal agencies, bureaus, departments and programs that we never authorized in the Constitution. Today, we put up with armed renegades on our own payroll; lawless servants wearing big hats that we paid for, driving government vehicles that we paid for!

We The People must apply tactical wisdom and a long-term plan of action; a new way of life fit for responsible sovereigns. Until we do, the world will continue to witness this ridiculous American theater: standoffs between lawless, ignorant public servants and their lawless, ignorant sovereigns – neither of whom appear to have a clue about the Constitution.

James Madison, Father of the Constitution, was well aware of the danger to American liberty when in his notes on the Constitutional Convention he wrote, “As the greatest danger to liberty is from large standing armies, it is best to prevent them by an effectual provision for a good militia”. Two years later, during the debate on ratifying the Bill of Rights, Massachusetts congressman Elbridge Gerry said, “Whenever governments mean to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia, in order to raise an army upon their ruins.”
We suffer arrogant tyrants in local, state and federal offices – our own servants whose paychecks, uniforms, vehicles, and meals come from Congress skimming OUR payroll accounts! Why do we continue to fund such lawlessness instead of performing our Article I, Section 8, Clause 15 duty to be armed, trained, and ready to “execute the laws of the Union…”? Because most Americans were raised by government schools while their parents watched television and pursued their hobbies. We are no more fit for self-government, and for governing our public servants, than the average Russian or Mexican. We may balk at that comparison, but that does not negate the fact.

Ammon Bundy and his well-meaning band of brothers descending on a wildlife refuge in Oregon are only making things worse. Calling themselves ‘Citizens for Constitutional Freedom,’ they are certainly not operating by the Constitution. If these brothers were for the Constitution, they would be in their respective state legislatures right now, with dozens of their fellow state sovereigns, pushing a Citizen Militia bill through their legislature, to end its longstanding violation of the Constitution.

Despite a large number of unorganized militia groups here in Texas, our legislature is still daily violating the Constitution in this regard. We cannot expect ignorant political suits with shiny shoes in our statehouse to appoint the officers for our Citizen Militia, or to provide for “training the Militia, according to the discipline prescribed by Congress”. That is the law; Article I, Section 8, Clause 16. Your state legislature is violating it every day. You’re not helping. I will walk you through that process in Part 5 of this article series.

It has always been our legal authority – and our duty – to arrest this critical violation of the Constitution by our state legislatures. Yet we have never even considered doing it; instead, we attend the occasional ‘event’, then return home, leaving our lives and property to the safekeeping of snakes in suits, nesting under a granite dome in our state capitol.
The Bundy Bunch confuses matters as badly as the arrogant, ignorant public servants do; and the anti-gun, pro-Nanny State media and limp-wristed metro-sexuals just eat it up.

About 80 million citizens own firearms in America. But very few of them are military-grade arms suitable for Citizen Militia use. And very, very few of these gun owners are prepared or trained to protect their homes and communities in a crisis, much less are they members of their local Citizen Militia unit, because our state legislatures are violating Clause 16, as noted above.

Our Founding Fathers gave us a rational, lawful, peaceful plan of defense for our constitutional rule of law. We can re-train and re-task our lawless public servants at the state level, and shut down the huge federal bureaucracies that exist in open violation of the Constitution. But to do that, we first have to overcome our ignorance of the Constitution, stop shooting ourselves in the foot and giving our enemies all the ammunition they need – and move into action. Stay tuned for Part 2, tomorrow.

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1-20-2016 4-55-09 AM

By Ron Ewart

THE COWBOY’S PROMISE: ”If you push me once, I’ll ask you what your problem is. If you push me again be prepared to defend your life! -Ron Ewart

Well ladies and gentlemen the fact is, the government has pushed the cowboy, the rancher, the farmer and the rural landowner way more than once. What happened in Southeastern Nevada in 2014 at the Bundy Ranch and what is now happening at the Malheur Nature Preserve near the Hammond Ranch in Southeastern Oregon is because government has been pushing and pushing and pushing until the Western “Cowboy” had no other choice but to challenge government authority ….. again! The Sage Brush Rebellion of the 1970’s is being reborn.

In our last article entitled, “Enviro-Wacos Wont Be Happy Until the Bundy Militia is Dead” we explained why this Gestapo-like pressure is being exerted on the American West landowner by agencies of the federal government. The reason is out-of-control, unchecked, irrational national and international radical environmentalism in the form of the UN’s Agenda 21, the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the Endangered Species Act (ESA), with government as the enforcer, lobbied and sued constantly by radical environmentalists. To give you a flavor of how much environmentalists hate the rancher, farmer and rural landowner, read the following response to the Oregon standoff by Seattle area, city-born and raised birdwatcher, Peggy Garber: ( and (

“Just a friendly warning from the birding and wildlife photography community to the Oregon terrorists. We are watching your every move, and we have been watching you for a long time. And yes absolutely you are domestic terrorists of the worst kind, and the truth about your decades of constant poaching of protected wildlife around Malheur and other wildlife refuges, national parks, national forests and BLM lands has been well-documented. For years those of us who are wildlife photographers, birdwatchers and careers of wildlife, have been documenting the activities of you poachers and criminals around many of our nation’s wildlife refuges. With our powerful cameras, and ability to move unseen in the wilderness, we have found and documented your illegal hunts, your illegal traps and all sorts of illicit activities, and are constantly feeding that information to law enforcement, and we have finally got many of you poachers on the run and into jails. And I for one am a westerner sick to death of you welfare queens and cheats living off of BLM land, illegally gutting our wilderness and our wildlife. Wildlife photographers and wildlife/bird watchers now number some 40 million people in the USA, and feed many rural western economies with our tourism dollars, and we will not stand for your sedition.

As Oregon’s Congressman Earl Blumenauer just stated, “Armed insurrection is terrorism. The situation at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge shouldn’t be allowed to fester but should be dealt with firmly, swiftly and fairly. The continued disruption to the community of Burns and occupation of a federal facility is unacceptable. Those involved should be arrested and prosecuted”

And for those of us who are also lawyers (I for example just happen to have a law degree of U of Oregon), whether the Feds prosecute you or not (and we will do all in our power to ensure they do), we will put every civil suit against you and God knows you have given us plenty to work with, so you will know once and for all that your odious actions have real consequences.

We stand now and forever with wildlife, and you seditionists and terrorists are about to find out that’s there is a natural law of karma that vindictive people, who go out and poach innocent animals, will never be able to outrun or hide from.

Peggy is hardly alone in her beliefs as she so states. But Peggy has a law degree, so watch out! Note that she stands rabid-like with wildlife but she makes no mention of constitutionally protected property rights, or legal allotment rights that run with deeds to the land. Environmentally-saturated government agencies (BLM, USFW, Forest Service) have overturned, ignored, or illegally rolled over these allotments.
Peggy won’t be happy until the entire West is gobbled up by the federal government and turned into her own personal wildlife refuge so she can watch birds and take pictures. It makes no difference to her that well over half the protein Americans and a good portion of non-Americans consume, is raised in the Western United States that she would like to see locked up.

And it’s not just birds these radical environmentalists want to protect. We have to have carnivores, (people eaters) like wolves and grizzly bears, re-entered into the wilderness as well. It doesn’t make any difference that wolves and grizzly bears decimate cattle, sheep and wild deer and elk herds, kill domestic animals and sometimes little kids. Oh, and let’s not forget that these wolves and grizzly bears have to have protected habitat, millions of acres of protected habitat that infringe on private property with insanely wide buffers and no public access. If you shoot one of these meat eaters to protect yourself, you go to jail.

Then we have to save every river, stream, creek, lake, dry wash and riverbed for salmon that the Indians harvest 50% of the catch each year because of the 1974 Federal Judge Boldt decision. The government has spent and is spending billions of your tax dollars restoring fish habitat and in so doing they have violated constitutionally protected property rights with reckless abandon.

Just ask Raven Webb of Southwestern Washington State on what salmon habitat restoration of the Grays River did to her property. They flooded her land and her home and literally drove her off of it. But after they flooded her land, the offending environmental NGO’s offered her 10 cents on the dollar for it. There was no eminent domain, no legal condemnation and no just compensation for her. There was just inundation and confiscation. Confiscation, by any other name, is stealing. Read her story HERE.

In addition, private landowners and other taxpayers get to pay for brand new, very expensive habitat culverts under every road in the Western States so the little fishies and furry creatures can travel up or downstream, unimpeded by the White man’s arrogance and his damnable roads. Can you imagine how many streams and rivers our public roads cross? The number of crossings is in the tens of thousands. Can you then imagine how much it is going to cost to replace every stream crossing with expensive habitat culverts? Nevertheless, the “law” demands it and the taxpayer gets to pay for it.

It doesn’t end there. Because of a supposedly endangered two-inch fish in Southern Oregon and Northern California Rivers, the Indians, environmentalists and the government have shut off irrigation waters to one of the most fertile agricultural areas in America and put over 40,000 farmers and field hands out of work, not to mention the loss of crops and millions of dollars in lost revenue.

Now, the Indians, environmentalists and the government want to destroy dams on rivers for fish habitat and in so doing remove electricity production, flood control and irrigation that farmers, ranchers and even city folk have benefited from for over 100 years. That’s not just nuts, it’s criminal. Had California been building more dams for electricity production, flood control and irrigation they wouldn’t be having a water shortage right now. But environmentalists won’t let them build dams.

When there is no food to eat or meat to consume, or the price is so high only the rich can eat, blame the Indians, the environmentalists and the government.

But you see ladies and gentlemen, long before we run out of food and rangeland to grow protein for our very survival, or the prices get too high, there will be a rebellion in the West, as “Cowboys” punctuate their promise of “push me again and prepare to defend your life.” These non-city-bred souls are rugged, trained to the forces of nature and prepared to give their lives to protect their rights if you push them too far. They have already been pushed too far and their patience wears very thin. The itching to push back is becoming irresistible. The occupation at the Malheur Nature Preserve in Oregon is a manifestation of the itch to push back.

Several times we have written that major changes to a nation, a culture, a financial system, or commerce are triggered by a “Flash Point.” Wars, revolutions, rising government tyranny, cultural, financial and political upheaval and major national disasters are examples of those flash points. Starve the people and they will rise up because they have nothing to lose. Take away rights the masses perceive to be theirs by nature or by God and the people will rise up. Over-regulate or strangle the people’s lifestyle, as government is doing to rural landowners across America and the people will rise up as they are doing in Oregon. The Oregon standoff could be one of those flash points that trigger’s a Western land war between landowners, the government, the Indians and radical environmentalists.

Lie to the people about important events and the people will rise up when they discover the lie. Today’s government lie is radical environmentalism that includes millions of locked-up acreage, purposely manipulated climate change science and endangered species laws.

But America is wholly different than any other country. In America when the people rise up against government they have weapons ala the Second Amendment. Most in the West take the Second Amendment very seriously and are heavily armed.

Already another armed group from Idaho has told the FBI that they are going to take up armed positions around the Malheur Nature Preserve compound. Although the Bundy militia occupiers don’t want them there, the fact that more armed citizens are coming to Oregon is an indication of the “brush fire” about to erupt in the West. The previous standoffs at the Jarbidge River in Northern Nevada and the Klamath Bucket Brigade event in Southern Oregon against federal government agencies are further examples of a growing “brush fire.”

Besides the organized militias in America, there are the Oath Keepers and the Three Percenters that have their eyes and ears wide open to what government is doing. They are following the Bundy and Hammond events very closely.
We warn those who would light that “brush fire”, be it government, environmentalists, Indians, bird watchers, carnivore lovers, or socialists alike, you are literally playing with fire. Push too hard and you will set off a land war that will sweep across the West like a wind-driven grass fire. People must understand that when a forest fire is lit, there is no telling which way it will go. The question is, what (or who) will set it off? Could it be the takeover of Western private and public lands by the government the Indians and the environmentalists? Could it be Obama Care, illegal aliens getting amnesty, Syrian refugees, Cap and Trade, gun control, foreign terrorism, the one-world-order, radical environmentalism, endangered species law, the fraud that is climate change, the brainwashing of our kids in our public schools, or trashing the Constitution by politicians? Was Jefferson right? Does a society need a revolution every hundred years? Messy, but could it be necessary if freedom is to be defended, maintained and preserved?

Because Americans have lived under the umbrella of freedom for over 230 years, the pilot light of liberty burns in the hearts of most of us. Although slow to ignite after years of in-attention, freedom’s flame is rising out of the ashes of neglect and apathy. Spot fires of freedom are erupting all over the nation. Obama has lit many of those spot fires. After years of neglect, America is coming alive like never before. Trump is playing into those spot fires with great success.

It would be wise for the forces of evil who would attempt to drag us where we don’t want to go, to take a step back before the raw fury of armed American power is unleashed on those without honor, who have betrayed our trust, ripped up our blue print of liberty, attempted to destroy our American heritage and are working to tear our institutions of freedom asunder. We do not advocate or condone violence but there comes a point, as Winston

Churchill so aptly stated and so often repeated:

“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”

The cowboys, ranchers, farmers and landowners of America, whether West or East, are right in their fight to preserve constitutional property rights. Because without property rights, no other rights are possible. The National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) are staunch advocates for the American rural landowner. We are celebrating our 10th year.

© 2016 Ron Ewart — All Rights Reserved

Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property issues and author of his weekly column, “In Defense of Rural America”, is the President of the National Association of Rural Landowners, (NARLO) ( a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners. He can be reached for comment at

[NOTE: The forgoing article is the opinion of the author and is fully supported by Olddog, for freedom from authoritarian government is a god given right and well worth dying for. DAMN THE BANKERS AND THEIR GREEDY CRIMINALS IN GOVERNMENT! WAKE THE HELL UP AMERICA!

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The Right to Tell the Government to Go to Hell: Free Speech in an Age of Government Bullies Corporate Censors, and Compliant Citizens


By John W. Whitehead

“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”― George Orwell
Free speech is not for the faint of heart.
Nor is it for those who are easily offended, readily intimidated or who need everything wrapped in a neat and tidy bow. Free speech is often messy, foul-mouthed, obscene, intolerant, undignified, insensitive, cantankerous, bawdy and volatile.

While free speech can also be tender, tolerant, soft-spoken, sensitive and sweet, it is free speech’s hot-blooded alter ego—the wretched, brutal, beastly Mr. Hyde to its restrained, dignified and civil Dr. Jekyll—that tests the limits of our so-called egalitarian commitment to its broad-minded principles.

Unfortunately, our appreciation for a robust freedom of speech has worn thin over the years.
Many Americans have become fearfully polite, careful to avoid offense, and largely unwilling to be labeled intolerant, hateful, closed-minded or any of the other toxic labels that carry a badge of shame today. We’ve come to prize civility over freedom. Most of all, too many Americans, held hostage by their screen devices and the talking heads on television, have lost the ability to think critically.

Societies that cherish free speech relish open debates and controversy and, in turn, produce a robust citizenry who will stand against authoritarian government. Indeed, oppressive regimes of the past have understood the value of closed-mouthed, closed-minded citizens and the power inherent in controlling speech and, thus, controlling how a people view their society and government.

We in the United States have a government with a ravenous appetite for power and a seeming desire to turn the two-way dialogue that is our constitutional republic into a one-way dictatorship. Emboldened by phrases such as “hate crimes,” “bullying,” “extremism” and “microaggressions,” the government is whittling away at free speech, confining it to carefully constructed “free speech zones,” criminalizing it when it skates too close to challenging the status quo, shaming it when it butts up against politically correct ideals, and muzzling it when it appears dangerous.
Free speech is no longer free.

Nor is free speech still considered an inalienable right or an essential liberty, even by those government entities entrusted with protecting it.

We’ve entered into an egotistical, insulated, narcissistic era in which free speech has become regulated speech: to be celebrated when it reflects the values of the majority and tolerated otherwise, unless it moves so far beyond our political, religious and socio-economic comfort zones as to be rendered dangerous and unacceptable.

Consider some of the kinds of speech being targeted for censorship or outright elimination.
Offensive, politically incorrect and “unsafe” speech: Disguised as tolerance, civility and love, political correctness has resulted in the chilling of free speech and the demonizing of viewpoints that run counter to the cultural elite.

Consequently, college campuses have become hotbeds of student-led censorship, trigger warnings, microaggressions, and “red light” speech policies targeting anything that might cause someone to feel uncomfortable, unsafe or offended.

Bullying, intimidating speech: Warning that “school bullies become tomorrow’s hate crimes defendants,” the Justice Department has led the way in urging schools to curtail bullying, going so far as to classify “teasing” as a form of “bullying,” and “rude” or “hurtful” “text messages” as “cyberbullying.”

Hateful speech: Hate speech—speech that attacks a person or group on the basis of attributes such as gender, ethnic origin, religion, race, disability, or sexual orientation—is the primary candidate for online censorship. Corporate internet giants Google, Twitter and Facebook are in the process of determining what kinds of speech will be permitted online and what will be deleted.

Dangerous, anti-government speech: As part of its newly unveiled war on “extremism,” the Obama administration is partnering with the tech industry to establish a task force to counter online “propaganda” by terrorists hoping to recruit support or plan attacks. In this way, anyone who criticizes the government online is considered an extremist and will have their content reported to government agencies for further investigation or deleted.

The upshot of all of this editing, parsing, banning and silencing is the emergence of a new language, what George Orwell referred to as Newspeak, which places the power to control language in the hands of the totalitarian state. Under such a system, language becomes a weapon to change the way people think by changing the words they use. The end result is control.

In totalitarian regimes—a.k.a. police states—where conformity and compliance are enforced at the end of a loaded gun, the government dictates what words can and cannot be used. In countries where the police state hides behind a benevolent mask and disguises itself as tolerance, the citizens censor themselves, policing their words and thoughts to conform to the dictates of the mass mind lest they find themselves ostracized or placed under surveillance.
Even when the motives behind this rigidly calibrated reorientation of societal language appear well-intentioned—discouraging racism, condemning violence, denouncing discrimination and hatred—inevitably, the end result is the same: intolerance, indoctrination and infantilism.

Thus, while on paper, we are technically still free to speak, in reality, we are only as free to speak as a government official or corporate censor may allow.

The U.S. Supreme Court has long been the referee in the tug-of-war over the nation’s tolerance for free speech and other expressive activities protected by the First Amendment. Yet as I point out in my book Battlefield America: TheWar on the American People, the Supreme Court’s role as arbiter of justice in these disputes is undergoing a sea change. Except in cases where it has no vested interest, the Court has begun to advocate for the government’s outsized interests, ruling in favor of the government in matters of war, national security, commerce and speech. When asked to choose between the rule of law and government supremacy, this Court tends to side with the government.

In the 225 years since the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was adopted, the rights detailed in that amendment—which assures the American people of the right to speak freely, worship freely, peaceably assemble, petition the government for a redress of grievances, and have a free press—have certainly taken a beating, but none more so than the right to free speech.

Nowhere in the First Amendment does it permit the government to limit speech in order to avoid causing offense, hurting someone’s feelings, safeguarding government secrets, protecting government officials, insulating judges from undue influence, discouraging bullying, penalizing hateful ideas and actions, eliminating terrorism, combating prejudice and intolerance, and the like.

Unfortunately, in the war being waged between free speech purists who believe that free speech is an inalienable right and those who believe that free speech should be regulated, the censors are winning. Free speech zones, bubble zones, trespass zones, anti-bullying legislation, zero tolerance policies, hate crime laws and a host of other legalistic maladies dreamed up by politicians and prosecutors have conspired to corrode our core freedoms.

If we no longer have the right to tell a Census Worker to get off our property, if we no longer have the right to tell a police officer to get a search warrant before they dare to walk through our door, if we no longer have the right to stand in front of the Supreme Court wearing a protest sign or approach an elected representative to share our views, if we no longer have the right to voice our opinions in public—no matter how misogynistic, hateful, prejudiced, intolerant, misguided or politically incorrect they might be—then we do not have free speech.

What we have instead is regulated, controlled speech, and that’s a whole other ballgame.

Just as surveillance has been shown to “stifle and smother dissent, keeping a populace cowed by fear,” government censorship gives rise to self-censorship, breeds compliance, makes independent thought all but impossible, and ultimately foments a seething discontent that has no outlet but violence.

The First Amendment is a steam valve. It allows people to speak their minds, air their grievances and contribute to a larger dialogue that hopefully results in a more just world. When there is no steam valve—when there is no one to hear what the people have to say—frustration builds, anger grows and people become more volatile and desperate to force a conversation.

The problem as I see it is that we’ve lost faith in the average citizen to do the right thing. We’ve allowed ourselves to be persuaded that we need someone else to think and speak for us. The result is a society in which we’ve stopped debating among ourselves, stopped thinking for ourselves, and stopped believing that we can fix our own problems and resolve our own differences.

In short, we have reduced ourselves to a largely silent, passive populace, content to watch and not do. In this way, we have become our worst enemy. As U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis once warned, a silent, inert citizenry is the greatest menace to freedom.

Brandeis provided a well-reasoned argument against government censorship in his concurring opinion in Whitney v.

California (1927). It’s not a lengthy read, but here it is boiled down to ten basic truths:

1. The purpose of government is to make men free to develop their faculties, i.e., THINK. 2. The freedom to think as you will and to speak as you think are essential to the discovery and spread of political truth. 3. Without free speech and assembly, discussion would be futile. 4. The greatest menace to freedom is a silent people. 5. Public discussion is a political duty, and should be a fundamental principle of the American government. 6. Order cannot be secured through censorship. 7. Fear breeds repression; repression breeds hate; and hate menaces stable government. 8. The power of reason as applied through public discussion is always superior to silence coerced by law. 9. Free speech and assembly were guaranteed in order to guard against the occasional tyrannies of governing majorities. 10. To justify suppression of free speech, there must be reasonable ground (a clear and present danger) to believe that the danger apprehended is imminent, and that the evil to be prevented is a serious one.

Perhaps the most important point that Brandeis made is that freedom requires courage. “Those who won our independence by revolution were not cowards,” he wrote. “They did not fear political change. They did not exalt order at the cost of liberty.” Rather, they were “courageous, self-reliant men, with confidence in the power of free and fearless reasoning applied through the processes of popular government.”

In other words, the founders did not fear the power of speech. Rather, they embraced it, knowing all too well that a nation without a hearty tolerance for free speech, no matter how provocative, insensitive or dangerous, will be easy prey for a police state where only government speech is allowed.
What the police state wants is a nation of sheep that will docilely march in lockstep with its dictates. What early Americans envisioned was a nation of individualists who knew exactly when to tell the government to go to hell.

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Brandon Smith The Advantages of Barter and Localism


With Anthony Wile
Introduction: Brandon Smith is founder of the Alternative Market Project ( as well as the head writer and co-founder of Neithercorp Press. He specializes in macroeconomic analysis as well as studies in mainstream media disinformation, and is now focusing on the creation of a national network of barter markets designed to insulate and protect local economies from the inevitable collapse of the current unsustainable fiat system. His work has been published in numerous places including

Anthony Wile: Give us some background. Where did you grow up and go to school?

Brandon Smith: I’ve lived all over the country in every environment America has to offer. The Pacific Northwest and the “Redoubt” has always been my favorite, and that is where I live now. My schooling experience was like any other person’s experience who went to one of our fine public institutions: monotonous, pointless, and it probably did some irreversible psychological damage.

Anthony Wile: Did you go to university?

Brandon Smith: No, all of my education comes from personal interest and personal study. I am thankful I did not go to a university after seeing the frothing hordes of Social Justice Warriors / Communists slithering out of so-called “higher education” the past decade.

Anthony Wile: How did you discover Austrian economics?

Brandon Smith: I’ve always been a big proponent of free markets and localism. It was not until 2005/2006 when I started writing for the liberty movement that I realized most of my economic foundations ran parallel to Austrian economics. I think that any analyst who pursues the concept of freedom in economics is going to come to the junction of Austrian economics eventually. Ron Paul’s political efforts, of course, further inspired my direction.

Anthony Wile: When did you decide to write columns and to found the Alternative Market Project?

Brandon Smith: I started a simple website called Neithercorp Press back in 2006 under the name “Giordano Bruno.” At that point I was only writing as a form of therapy to get my thoughts on the frightening state of the world on paper (or digital paper). For some reason I became rather popular, and my work was being republished on most high traffic sites from Zero Hedge to Lew Rockwell to Infowars.

In 2010 I was approached by Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes, who asked me to do some economic analysis for his organization. It became clear that it would make more sense to start using my real name and to move toward more tangible efforts rather than writing analysis alone. I launched, the Alternative Market Project, that year with the goal of promoting alternative communities based on individual liberty. This included localized barter and trade groups, preparedness groups, alternative security measures like neighborhood watches and militias, etc.

Anthony Wile: Do you have other publishing plans?

Brandon Smith: I find that working on books is counterproductive in many ways because once you are ready to publish the world has already changed. I do continue to write for Oath Keepers and Personal Liberty Digest.

Anthony Wile: Tell us about the barter program, please.

Brandon Smith: To be clear, I do not take charge of barter markets nor do I administrate networks. I provide a meeting space online and I promote the system of independent localism wherever possible.

That said, I believe based on my research of social and financial upheaval over the past two centuries that barter networks are the natural inclination of cultures in crisis. Fiat monetary systems and casino-style equities and trade systems cannot be counted upon for more than a couple generations at a time; then you start to see major decline. Sometimes the rebuilding period is marginally painful; sometimes it is tremendously painful. Sometimes, there is no rebuilding of the original structure. Period.

However, there is always barter and localized trade. My theory is that if a society can retain localized and self-reliant systems in spite of “globalization” (or forced globalization), then people will always remain free. It is the threat of fiscal calamity that has driven nearly every tyranny of modern times. When people are not reliant on the mainstream system, they cannot be manipulated by it. There is still a need for physical resistance against tyranny, but such resistance is far more substantial when the people involved are economically independent.

Anthony Wile: Where are we located within the scenario of the larger collapse, in your opinion?

Brandon Smith: We are near the far end of the collapse spectrum. If you look at the real data rather than goosed-up government data on anything from GDP to inflation to unemployment and national debt the facts become undeniable – we have been in a depression level event since at least 2008, and as we enter 2016 the facade put in place by central banks is falling away, or is being deliberately ripped away.

We witnessed the first hints of the renewed crisis under the surface during the Fed taper, then again near the end of 2014, and again in the summer of 2015 at the mere mention of an interest rate hike. Each time, central banks used stimulus measures or false promises of potential stimulus to prop up market psychology and keep Americans spending and investing frivolously rather than saving and preparing. In my article on the “three pillars” holding up the U.S. structure, I pointed out that QE, near-zero interest rates, and the dollar’s world reserve and petro-status have kept things on life support. Two of those pillars have now been removed. The third, the reserve status of the dollar, is currently under attack from multiple sources, including allies like Saudi Arabia with threats to depeg.
This is why we are seeing violent swings in equities again, much like 2009. The plug to the life support machine is being pulled.

Anthony Wile: Is the larger collapse orchestrated or evolutionary?

Brandon Smith: I have based all of my work and predictions on the knowledge that the collapse is absolutely deliberate in nature. The internationalists and central banks openly admit to their pursuit of what Christine Lagarde at the IMF calls the “global economic reset.” If you want to know what they really mean by “reset,” you can go read a 1988 issue of the Rothschild-owned magazine The Economist in an article titled “Get Ready For A World Currency By 2018.” Nearly every measure outlined in that article has taken place, but the U.S. still needs to be reduced in economic footprint to make way for the new global basket currency (Special Drawing Rights).

Most recently, I predicted the Fed taper of QE despite serious opposition from other analysts in the movement. I predicted the inclusion of China in the SDR. I predicted the exact timing of the first interest rate hike, again with considerable opposition at the mere notion. And, I predicted the market turmoil that we are now seeing due to the rate hike – all on the foundation that there is a concerted effort to position America for an engineered collapse.

If you assume that the Federal Reserve exists to prolong or protect the life of the American economy, then you will never be able to grasp or predict the event now taking place. If you realize that the Fed is a saboteur of the American economy, everything falls into place.

Anthony Wile: How does the larger collapse work? What are the trigger points?

Brandon Smith: I wrote a six-article series on the reasons behind the collapse last year entitled “One Last Look At The Real Economy Before It Implodes.” I still was not able to cover every aspect of the problems we face.
To summarize it all down in the case of the U.S. over the past decade – The Fed has been diluting the buying power of the dollar since it was established, but this went into overdrive after TARP and QE. We have yet to see the true effects because most of these fiat dollars are being held overseas (not for much longer if countries like Saudi Arabia depeg from the dollar). They have facilitated a near doubling of national debt in the past eight years, and that is just the official number. They made investment markets completely dependent on stimulus and low interest rates to maintain market stability, much like a heroin pusher turns a customer into a junky. Now, the Fed is taking the monetary smack away and we are about to have a heart attack. The taper started the plunge. The end of ZIRP is finishing most of the job.

Again, the Fed has a habit of making financial crises worse by raising rates into a deflationary spiral. They did it during the Great Depression and they are doing it again today. The primary trigger of the current market panic, though, is the fact that most major banks and corporations have been relying on no-cost overnight loans from the Fed to issue stock buybacks. That is OVER. The rate hike kills that method of propping up markets. There is really nothing left to keep them afloat. The trend for the rest of the year will be down, down, down, with sporadic up days amounting to nothing more than a dead cat bounce.

Anthony Wile: Is the larger collapse inflationary or deflationary?

Brandon Smith: A mixture of both. We are really looking at a stagflationary or hyper-stagflationary event. Elements of the economy will violently deflate while other goods and services and properties will hyperinflate. It’s basically the worst of both worlds.

Anthony Wile: How bad does it get?

Brandon Smith: In order to meet their stated global currency goals, the internationalists will have to drop a sledgehammer on the dollar. Only a massive currency crisis will manufacture the consent from the masses required to introduce a global basket system as the new reserve. Since the only thread left holding our financial system together is the dollar’s reserve status, I can only imagine that the resulting decline would be historic in nature and devastating to the current population.

Anthony Wile: You see current events as a kind of war between globalists and the rest of the population. Do you see it as evolving into a shooting war?

Brandon Smith: Yes. When collectivists (society based on forced associations, forced communities and the “greater good” over the rights of the individual) occupy the same space as individualists (society based on voluntary associations, voluntary communities and the rights of the individual as the greater good), a war is inevitable. The two philosophies cannot be reconciled.

Anthony Wile: What should people do to protect themselves?

Brandon Smith: Become as independent from the mainstream system as possible. Build voluntary communities based on free markets, production and preparedness. Start training to provide your own security. Organize security groups based on asymmetric warfare. Study successful rebellions versus failed rebellions.

Anthony Wile: How about gold and silver? People should buy more?

Brandon Smith: I would say they are a tremendous buy right now, but keep in mind that we have more of the deflationary portion of the breakdown to go through, and commodities are going to remain extremely volatile until the dollar officially loses reserve status and gold and silver decouple from manipulated paper markets.

Anthony Wile: Pre-public companies continue to provide good opportunities?

Brandon Smith: As far as investment is concerned, I would stick to companies that produce or manage necessities. For example, Camera-On-A-Stick is not a necessity.

Anthony Wile: The cannabis sector remains promising despite grim markets?

Brandon Smith: I think people should be more focused on industrial grade hemp. That is where true economic revival will be found. Hemp is a wonder plant.

Anthony Wile: Where would you put your funds generally?

Brandon Smith: Guns, food, raw land, gold and silver – anything that makes you more self-reliant. Imagine what could happen to you or your family if you are not armed and there is a crisis scenario. I don’t believe in being at the mercy of anyone, including government gone rogue. If you are not armed, your chances of surviving free are zero. If you are armed, there is at least a chance.

Anthony Wile: What is so attractive about a new order domestically and internationally and why do many seem to want one?

Brandon Smith: It appeals to the subconscious collectivist instinct. Being independent and self-reliant is scary to many people. Try dropping your average yuppie in the woods for a little while alone without their electronics and without knowing how long they will be there. They’ll lose their minds from the solitude before they ever dehydrate or starve.

Many people also romanticize the notion of a peace-filled, one-world commune. A world without conflict where no one starves, where no one needs to worry about money or bills or shelter. A world where energy is free and employment is based on personal interest rather than survival necessity. A world where your feelings are never hurt and everyone is treated exactly the same because accomplishment has been homogenized for the sake of the group rather than the competitive drive of the individual. Kind of like Star Trek. It’s a nice fantasy, but that is all it is, a fantasy.

Today, too many people have trouble differentiating between fantasy and reality, and so new world order ideologies gain substantial traction. That said, there has been an incredible awakening from 2006 to today. Whether or not it is enough, we’ll have to wait and see.

Anthony Wile: Is the Internet helpful in this regard?

Brandon Smith: It’s a helpful tool as long as your efforts and organization are not relegated only to cyberspace. You have to make tangible efforts and institute actual organization in the real world around you everyday. Otherwise, all the eloquent arguments we put forth on the Web become meaningless. The globalists are not going to be swayed by them, and we’re going to have to get rid of them someday. That requires physical organization and intelligent action.

Anthony Wile: Any other thoughts?

Brandon Smith: Check out my website,, as well as for more information on real solutions to a collapse scenario.

After Thoughts

By Anthony Wile

When societies face sociopolitical and economic crises, the solutions do not necessarily involve Hollywood-style revolutions. Instead, individuals often must muddle through for themselves, as we have often discussed. Mr. Smith seems to have similar sentiments.

For him, barter is an essential component of surviving and thriving during a time of social tension and economic dysfunction. This is a valuable assessment and his commitment to supporting barter on a national scale is admirable.

Barter, of course, is not the only solution. As the world’s economic situation continues to degrade, investors seek numerous alternatives to what has gone before. We often suggest real estate, farmland, second homes and gold and silver.

These are not traditional “investments” but have the advantages of providing tangible assets that in certain cases have utility above and beyond their intrinsic value.

Farmland, for instance, may be a good investment but it can also provide you with food. Will it come to that? Are we facing the possibility of famine in the West – a region that hasn’t faced such realities for decades?
Perhaps not. One certainly cannot insist on the inevitability of “catastrophic” scenarios at this point. Optimism may be warranted as well as pessimism. But then again, as the old adage goes, “Better safe than sorry.”

If you haven’t reconfigured your portfolio and secured your wealth via precious metals and tangible assets, now would be a good time to do so. In investing, as in life generally, timing can be critical. Anticipate the best case but prepare for the worst. Thanks, Brandon, for an interesting and frank assessment of economic issues in the 21st century.


What would I give to have a self educated, intellectually gifted son like Brandon?


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Manifesto of the Awakened


To the Few Whom This Concerns:
Re: The deliberate subjugation of our people and planet

by Therese Zumi Sumner

Manifesto of the Awakened
by Zen Gardner

While you continue to hypocritically blame humanity for the dire plight of our world, we hereby put you on notice that we are well aware that it is you, the financial, corporate, military, scientific and governmental agents and most of all the dark shadow forces behind you, that we know full well comprise and empower the destructive global power grid, that are responsible for our current engineered crises and overall social condition.

You’ve brought us and our planet to the precipice. If you do not cease and desist, what is soon to come will be blood on your hands, cause untold suffering, and all for naught as far as your designs are concerned. You too will shrivel up in the dustbin of history as just another invasive parasite that couldn’t succeed in its self-serving designs for all its efforts.
Know that.

We hereby officially notify all those complicit in this massive control program that:

• We are aware of your efforts to dumb down, anesthetize and control the world’s populations.

• We are aware of your destructive programs to sicken and alter humanity through the chemical, electromagnetic and genetic modification of our food, plants, animals and ourselves.

• We are aware of your wanton destruction of our earth, skies and oceans through resource exploitation, geoengineering and weather modification.

• We are aware of your many false flag events and surreptitious “strategy of tension” schemes purposely designed to keep the world in perpetual fear and continual wars against fabricated outside enemies for control and profit.

• We are aware of your fascist medical designs to drain and destroy humanity via the decrepit allopathic medical system based on profit and ill health at every level, including the proliferation of pharmaceuticals, invasive and debilitating treatments and deliberately damaging vaccines.

• We are aware of your moves toward a worldwide police state based on hyperbolized fear and disinformation to manipulate humanity in order to get an unspoken imprimatur to execute your program of control and subjugation.

• We are aware that your political crony establishment is all staged and designed to distract from the real issues and keep the populace occupied and feeling like participants while you work your nefarious program.

• We are aware of your falsely imposed vampiristic taxation system to fund further bureaucratic bloat, controls and an overarching agenda of genocidal wars on innocent peoples, and that it is arbitrary and our sovereign choice to simply not participate in any longer.

• We are aware that a select few major corporations with vested interests in this global agenda now control almost all media and that mass media is nothing more than a mouthpiece of propaganda to these ends.

• We are aware that your “entertainment” industry is simply socially engineered entrainment towards personal and social distraction, chaos and degradation.

• We are aware of your AI, electromagnetic grid and mind manipulating designs and technologies that are being imposed to further expand your psychopathic control program.

• We are aware that you repress emerging technologies that threaten existing parasitic profitable ones, such as the hazardous petroleum and nuclear industries, when alternative energy sources and other such solutions have arisen for many decades which you have suppressed.

• We are aware that you sequester knowledge and information in a vast array of fields to keep the general populace in the dark and thereby disempowered as to our true historical context, while you are coveting secret information and carrying out advanced covert research for your own ends.

• We are aware that you have stigmatized, marginalized and seek to outlaw any form of criticism, questioning or dissent using whatever excuse you can manufacture.

• We are aware of your oppressive, enslaving monetary and legal control scams, private fractionalized banking pillaging, and twisted cravings for money and power in an imposed control system that never needed to exist in the first place.

• We are aware of your falsely postured institutions, foundations, institutes, charitable organizations and international bodies such as the so-called United Nations and its many agencies and agendas being used to further develop your global control plans and programs.

• We are aware of your secret societies, blood line allegiances and luciferian, freemasonic, Babylonian and otherworldy roots that propel the wickedness of your self appointed leaders. We are aware of your ritual sacrifices, paedophelia and bestiality inclinations and other sordid practices, all of which are anathema to our conscious race.

• Ad nauseum…
This will be tolerated no longer.

• We are aware that you know we are on to you. We stand fearless, fully committed to humanity’s well being. You are shallow, self-serving and seriously misled guns for hire working for a control system being engineered by powers beyond your knowledge that will devour you, just as you seek to devour us.

• We are aware of who you are. Your days are numbered. Your designs will soon be visited upon your heads if you do not drastically change your ways. Universal law dictates it. You know it, and we know it. Hence your sloppy, miscreant behavior being so thoroughly exposed which you so furiously attempt to deny and suppress. This futile lashing out only works toward the exposure of open truth and the awakening’s favor.
If there is an ounce of humanity left in any of you, defect and help us expose and bring down these life ending forces. You, your children, your grandchildren and anything you may still hold dear are already suffering and will also perish in the catastrophe we are soon destined for if you do not respond.

Now. A last warning.

We are aware. We are awake and activated. We will do everything within and without our personal power to see our race and planet survive and shake this parasitic invasion. Our planet itself will not take this attempted overthrow. Know that, and expect repercussions from Her, as well as us, a gathering storm of sacred truth you cannot possibly fathom.

Your opposition, resistance and puny, short-sighted efforts are dwarfed by what awaits you.
Will you find your humanity in time? We think many of you could, and those of you who do will be welcomed amongst the awakened. However, we realize many are beyond redemption.

But don’t try to fool us. We’re more on to you than you could ever imagine.

Just watch and see. We will surprise you, just as you fear.

We’re here. We live. We cannot be stopped nor thwarted by any means despite your flimsy efforts.
The truth and love we bear are coming for you. Truth and cosmic resonance cannot be denied and any aberration from it will be mitigated.

That’s just the way it is.
Think about it. If you dare.
The Eternally Awakened

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Obuma’s “Common Sense” Gun Control will Outlaw Owners, rather than Guns


Obama’s “Common Sense” Gun Control will Outlaw Owners, rather than Guns

1-15-2016 10-02-59 AM

There was a press conference last week during which our President, that paragon of emotional sincerity, used crocodile tears, straw men and outright lies to excuse his continuing, unconstitutional assault on the 2nd Amendment. The performance, delivered before dependable White House sycophants, was that of a “soft dictator;” the words, those of a demagogue. Obama even had the gall to use Communist China as an example of “common sense” gun control.

Barack discussed the ever popular “Gun Show Loophole” which, contrary to the lies of the progressive left, does not exist. Sales between private individuals residing in the same state are legal, whether they take place at a gun show or in a living room. No background check is required. Licensed gun dealers who attend gun shows must, by law, do a background check before selling a firearm, just as if the sale were being conducted in their place of business.

The purpose of the left lamenting the dangers of the “gun show loophole” is simply to outlaw private sales between two people. Were liberals actually interested they would find that “ less than 1% of guns used in crimes were bought at a gun show.”

1-15-2016 10-05-18 AM

In order to keep up with the times, the gun show loophole has evolved into the “Internet Sales Loophole.” Once again liberals claim that there is no background check of the buyer. The fact is that all weapons purchased on line may only be delivered to the prospective buyer by a licensed gun dealer after a background check has been performed.

In January of 2013, Obama introduced 23 Executive Actions to “reduce gun violence.” Five of the 23 involved “ a new federal reliance on the sharing of information gleeaned from background checks.” This shared information was to be provided to the Centers for Disease Control, the federal bureaucracy chosen by Obama to oversee a study of gun violence in the United States. It was the idea of the gun control culture to transform gun ownership into a question of public health.

1-15-2016 10-06-22 AM

“The academic community chose to study gun violence as a public health problem, partly because, according to the [CDC directed] study, ‘Violence, including firearm related violence, has been shown to be contagious. Therefore, gun violence is being studied in the same manner of a contagious disease.’”

This “common sense” approach of equating the 2nd Amendment to the common cold will transform your doctor into a member of law enforcement, requiring and empowering him to inform the federal government about the state of your mental health. The opinion of a physician will now guarantee that your name “ makes itts way into the NICS as prohibited.”

Here in California the state legislature has gone even further, allowing any family member or acquaintance to notify law enforcement if they feel you are “mentally unstable.” Officials will then have license to confiscate your firearms. Can you imagine a young man breaking up with his girlfriend, or a grown man divorcing his wife and this nonsensical law being used for revenge!

1-15-2016 10-07-27 AM

Not surprisingly, Obama also returned to the “common sense” advantages of the “Smart Gun” a pistol designed to work only for its designated owner.. Of course, the technology involved places the price of a handgun and necessary accoutrements at $2500 to as much as $4,000. The manufacturer of the most “efficient” Smart weapons can only guarantee that their pistols will fire about 90% of the time more or less. The State of New Jersey passed legislation in 2002, requiring Smart guns to eventually replace all regular, privately owned pistols. For some reason, however, police officers are exempt from the law!

By the way, Smart weapons will feature a microchip embedded somewhere within the weapon. These chips can apparently be deactivated at any time either deliberately or accidentally as the case mayy be. Gives one trying to protect home and family quite a feeling of confidence knowing that a neighbor’s garage door opener could deactivate his pistol. Does anyone doubt Big Brother would “turn off” all of the privately owned firearms in the nation should he have the ability?

Much of this is old stuff.

What’s not old is the “Fact Sheet” released by the White House on January 4th which makes it clear that Obama intends to outlaw gun owners, not guns. The left has generally failed in its attempts to do
away with “Assault Weapons,” .50 Caliber rifles–the list grows with each passing year. Well the agenda has now changed:

1-15-2016 10-08-46 AM

“ Current law prohibits individuals from buying a gun if, because of a mental health issue, they are either a danger to themselves or others or are unable to manage their own affairs. The Social Security Administration (SSA) has indicated that it will begin the rulemaking process to ensure that appropriate information in its records is reported to NICS. The reporting that SSA, in consultation with the Department of Justice, is expected to require will cover appropriate records of the approximately 75,000 people each year who have a documented mental health issue, receive disability benefits, and are unable to manage those benefits because of their mental impairment, or who have been found by a state or federal court to be legally incompetent ”

Once placed on the NICS list as “mentally incompetent,” not only will be impossible to purchase a weapon but all weapons currently owned must be surrendered to the state under penalty of well, whatever Big Brother can dream up!

1-15-2016 10-09-46 AM

Perhaps your bank account will be seized; wages garnished; an IRS levy means the government could confiscate your home and any other owned property; Social Security checks can be stopped dead…

Don’t for one moment believe that a government which is supposed to serve you, will hesitate to destroy you. And all because Aunt Margaret, whose apple pie you insulted, chose to report you to the local sheriff as a “danger to yourself and others.”

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See The Names Of The Senators Who Voted Against The Audit Of The Federal Reserve


1-14-2016 2-07-15 PM

By John Vibes

This Thursday, the Senate voted to reject Rand Paul’s proposal to audit the Federal Reserve. The bill needed 60 votes to pass but was rejected by a narrow margin of 53-44.

“We’ve had a lot of Democrats who claim that they’re concerned about big banks and big banks controlling things and a revolving door between Wall Street and big banks and the Federal Reserve. We’ll see if any of those loud voices — Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren — are they loud voices that really are for more oversight of the banking system?” Paul said.
Sanders was actually one of the senators who voted for the bill, while Warren was one of the senators who voted against it. Sanders had previously voted against a bill to audit the Federal Reserve several years ago despite showing vocal support for the bill at the time.

“Requiring the Government Accountability Office to conduct a full and independent audit of the Fed each and every year, would be an important step towards making the Federal Reserve a more democratic institution that is responsive to the needs of ordinary Americans rather than the billionaires on Wall Street,” Sanders said in a statement.

According to the Hill, last year the White House called an audit of the Federal Reserve “dangerous.”
“What that bill is about is about Congress supplanting its judgment as to what monetary policy should be. Congress shouldn’t be telling the Fed what to do with monetary policy,” a White House Spokesperson said in a statement.
Many people believe that the Federal Reserve is an organization that operates as a public service, there are not many out there who realize that this is a for-profit business.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with providing a service and turning a profit, but there is something wrong with using the government to monopolize a vital aspect of society, forcing the whole society to use a particular service whether they like to or not.

It turns out that The Federal Reserve makes billions per year through this coercive monopoly, and this much activists and researchers have known for a long time. However, until now there has been very little hard evidence or sources to reference, which tell us exactly how much money they really do make. Recently, some numbers were revealed that can at least shed some light on a portion of their income, and these preliminary figures amount to at least $90 Billion per year. reported that:

While leaders in Washington stare down the fiscal cliff, let’s not forget the fiscal fact that brought us to the edge: The annual U.S. government deficit of more than a trillion dollars. But through it all, one government-related entity has been hauling in record surpluses. New data capture the scope of profits at the U.S. Federal Reserve, estimated to be $90 billion this year.

“The last five or six years their profits have roughly tripled,” says Allan Sloan, senior editor-at-large at Fortune Magazine.
According to Sloan, the Federal Reserve owes its success to its practice of buying securities with newly printed money.

“If you go out and buy $2 or $3 trillion of securities that pay interest and you don’t have to pay any interest on the money used to buy the securities, you make a lot of money,” says Sloan.

Below are the names of the senators who recently voted against an audit of the Federal Reserve:

1-14-2016 2-11-19 PM

John Vibes is an author and researcher who organizes a number of large events including the Free Your Mind Conference. He also has a publishing company where he offers a censorship free platform for both fiction and non-fiction writers. You can contact him and stay connected to his work at his Facebook page. You can purchase his books, or get your own book published at his website


Ok, now you know the names of the scumbag bastards that support economic tyranny. NOW, What are you going to do about it? At least send them a notice of your opinion of them, and make sure they really know who you are. Then, go to and buy the book so you will know what to do about, and too them. You Know Something is Wrong When…..: An American Affidavit of Probable Cause by Judge Anna Maria Riezinger & James Clinton Belcher

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The State of the Nation A Dictatorship Without Tears


By John W. Whitehead
January 11, 2016

“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.”—Aldous Huxley

There’s a man who contacts me several times a week to disagree with my assessments of the American police state. According to this self-avowed Pollyanna who is tired of hearing “bad news,” the country is doing just fine, the government’s intentions are honorable, anyone in authority should be blindly obeyed, those individuals who are being arrested, shot and imprisoned must have done something to deserve such treatment, and if you have nothing to hide, you shouldn’t care whether the government is spying on you.

In other words, this man trusts the government with his life, his loved ones and his property, and anyone who doesn’t feel the same should move elsewhere.

It’s tempting to write this man off as dangerously deluded, treacherously naïve, and clueless to the point of civic incompetence. However, he is not alone in his goose-stepping, comfort-loving, TV-watching, insulated-from-reality devotion to the alternate universe constructed for us by the Corporate State with its government propaganda, pseudo-patriotism and contrived political divisions.

While only 1 in 5 Americans claim to trust the government to do what is right, the majority of the people are not quite ready to ditch the American experiment in liberty. Or at least they’re not quite ready to ditch the government with which they have been saddled.

As The Washington Post concludes, “Americans hate government, but they like what it does.” Indeed, kvetching aside, Americans want the government to keep providing institutionalized comforts such as Social Security, public schools, and unemployment benefits, fighting alleged terrorists and illegal immigrants, defending the nation from domestic and foreign threats, and maintaining the national infrastructure. And it doesn’t matter that the government has shown itself to be corrupt, abusive, hostile to citizens who disagree, wasteful and unconcerned about the plight of the average American.

For the moment, Americans are continuing to play by the government’s rules. Indeed, Americans may not approve the jobs being done by their elected leaders, and they may have little to no access to those same representatives, but they remain committed to the political process, so much so that they are working themselves into a frenzy over the upcoming presidential election, with contributions to the various candidates nearing $500 million.

Yet as Barack Obama’s tenure in the White House shows, no matter how much hope and change were promised, what we’ve ended up with is not only more of the same, but something worse: an invasive, authoritarian surveillance state armed and ready to eliminate any opposition.

The state of our nation under Obama has become more bureaucratic, more debt-ridden, more violent, more militarized, more fascist, more lawless, more invasive, more corrupt, more untrustworthy, more mired in war, and more unresponsive to the wishes and needs of the electorate. Most of all, the government, already diabolical and manipulative to the nth degree, has mastered the art of “do what I say and not what I do” hypocrisy.

For example, the government’s arsenal is growing. While the Obama administration is working to limit the public’s access to guns by pushing for greater gun control, it’s doing little to scale back on the federal government’s growing arsenal of firepower and militarized equipment.

In fact, it’s not just the Department of Defense that’s in the business of waging war on American’s. Government agencies focused largely on domestic matters continue to spend tens of millions of taxpayer dollars to purchase SWAT and military-style equipment such as body armor, riot helmets and shields, cannon launchers and police firearms and ammunition. The Department of Veterans Affairs spent nearly $2 million on riot helmets, defender shields, body armor, a “milo return fire cannon system,” armored mobile shields, Kevlar blankets, tactical gear and equipment for crowd control. The Food and Drug Administration purchased “ballistic vests and carriers.” The Environmental Protection Agency shelled out $200,000 for body armor. And the Smithsonian Institution procured $28,000 worth of body armor for its “zoo police and security officers.”

The national debt is growing. In fact, it’s almost doubled during Obama’s time in office to nearly $20 trillion. Much of this debt is owed to foreign countries such as China, which have come to exert an undue degree of influence on various aspects of the American economy.

Meanwhile, almost half of Americans are struggling to save for emergencies and retirement, 43% can’t afford to go more than one month without a paycheck, and 24% have less than $250 in their bank accounts preceding payday.

On any given night, over half a million people in the U.S. are homeless, and half of them are elderly. In fact, studies indicate that the homeless are aging faster than the general population in the U.S.

While the U.S. spends more on education than almost any other country, American schools rank 28th in the world, below much poorer countries such as the Czech Republic and Vietnam.

The American police state’s payroll is expanding. Despite the fact that violent crime is at a 40-year-low, there are more than 1.1 million persons employed on a full-time basis by state and local law enforcement in this country. That doesn’t include the more than 120,000 full-time officers on the federal payroll.

While crime is falling, the number of laws creating new crimes is growing at an alarming rate. Congress creates, on average, more than 50 new criminal laws each year. This adds up to more than 4,500 federal criminal laws and an even greater number of state laws.

The prison population is growing at an alarming rate. Owing largely to overcriminalization, the nation’s prison population has quadrupled since 1980 to 2.4 million, which breaks down to more than one out of every 100 American adults behind bars. According to The Washington Post, it costs $21,000 a year to keep someone in a minimum-security federal prison and $33,000 a year for a maximum-security federal prison. Those costs are expected to increase 30 percent by 2020. Translation: while the American taxpayer will be forced to shell out more money for its growing prison population, the private prison industry will be making a hefty profit.

The nation’s infrastructure—railroads, water pipelines, ports, dams, bridges, airports and roads—is rapidly deteriorating. An estimated $1.7 trillion will be needed by 2020 to improve surface transportation, but with vital funds being siphoned off by the military industrial complex, there’s little relief in sight.

The expense of those endless wars in Afghanistan and Iraq will cost taxpayers $4 trillion to $6 trillion. That does not include the cost of military occupations and exercises elsewhere around the globe. Unfortunately, that’s money that is not being invested in America, nor is it being used to improve the lives of Americans.

Government incompetence, corruption and lack of accountability continue to result in the loss of vast amounts of money and weapons. A Reuters investigation revealed $8.5 trillion in “taxpayer money doled out by Congress to the Pentagon since 1996 that has never been accounted for.” Then there was the $500 million in Pentagon weapons, aircraft and equipment (small arms, ammunition, night-vision goggles, patrol boats, vehicles and other supplies) that the U.S. military somehow lost track of.

Rounding out the bad news, many Americans know little to nothing about their rights and the government. Only 31% can name all three branches of the U.S. government, while one in three says that the Bill of Rights guarantees the right to own your own home, while one in four thinks that it guarantees “equal pay for equal work.” One in 10 Americans (12%) says the Bill of Rights includes the right to own a pet.

If this brief catalogue of our national woes proves anything at all, it is that the American experiment in liberty has failed, and as political economist Lawrence Hunter warns, it is only a matter of time before people realize it. Writing for Forbes, Hunter notes:

The greatest fear of America’s Founding Fathers has been realized: The U.S. Constitution has been unable to thwart the corrosive dynamics of majority-rule democracy, which in turn has mangled the Constitution beyond recognition. The real conclusion of the American Experiment is that democracy ultimately undermines liberty and leads to tyranny and oppression by elected leaders and judges, their cronies and unelected bureaucrats. All of this is done in the name of “the people” and the “general welfare,” of course. But in fact, democracy oppresses the very demos in whose name it operates, benefiting string-pullers within the Establishment and rewarding the political constituencies they manage by paying off special interests with everyone else’s money forcibly extracted through taxation. The Founding Fathers (especially Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Adams, Madison, and James Monroe), as well as outside observers of the American Experiment such as Alexis de Tocqueville all feared democracy and dreaded this outcome. But, they let hope and faith in their ingenious constitutional engineering overcome their fear of the democratic state, only to discover they had replaced one tyranny with another.

So are there any real, workable solutions to the emerging American police state?

A second American Revolution will not work. In the first revolution, the colonists were able to dispatch the military occupation and take over the running of the country. However, the Orwellian state is here and it is so pervasive that government agents are watching, curtailing and putting down any resistance before it can get started.

A violent overthrow of the government will not work. Government agents are armed to the teeth and will easily blow away any insurgency when and if necessary.

Politics will not help things along. As history has made clear, the new boss is invariably the same as or worse than the old boss—all controlled by a monied, oligarchic elite.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, there is only one feasible solution left to us short of fleeing the country for parts unknown: grassroots activism that strives to reform the government locally and trickles up.

Unfortunately, such a solution requires activism, engagement, vigilance, sacrifice, individualism, community-building, nullification and a communal willingness to reject the federal government’s handouts and, when needed, respond with what Martin Luther King Jr. referred to as “militant nonviolent resistance.”

That means forgoing Monday night football in order to actively voice your concerns at city council meetings, turning off the television and spending an hour reading your local newspaper (if you still have one that reports local news) from front to back, showing your displeasure by picketing in front of government offices, risking your reputation by speaking up and disagreeing with the majority when necessary, refusing to meekly accept whatever the government dictates, reminding government officials—including law enforcement—that they work for you, and working together with your neighbors to present a united front against an overreaching government.

Unfortunately, we now live in a ubiquitous Orwellian society with all the trappings of Huxley’s A Brave New World. We have become a society of watchers rather than activists who are distracted by even the clumsiest government attempts at sleight-of-hand.

There are too many Americans who are reasonably content with the status quo and too few Americans willing to tolerate the discomfort of a smaller, more manageable government and a way of life that is less convenient, less entertaining, and less comfortable.

It well may be that Huxley was right, and that the final revolution is behind us. Certainly, most Americans seem to have learned to love their prison walls and take comfort in a dictatorship without tears.

10 13 11 flagbar

“NOTHING IS MOVING” – Baltic Dry Crashes As Insiders Warn “Commerce Has Come To A Halt”


1-12-2016 11-41-41 AM

The continued collapse of The Baltic Dry Index remains ignored by most – besides we still have Netflix, right? But, as Dollar Vigilante’s Jeff Berwick details, it appears the worldwide ‘real’ economy has ground to a halt!!

Last week, I received news from a contact who is friends with one of the biggest billionaire shipping families in the world. He told me they had no ships at sea right now, because operating them meant running at a loss.

This weekend, reports are circulating saying much the same thing: The North Atlantic has little or no cargo ships traveling in its waters. Instead, they are anchored. Unmoving. Empty.

You can see one such report here. According to it,

Commerce between Europe and North America has literally come to a halt. For the first time in known history, not one cargo ship is in-transit in the North Atlantic between Europe and North America. All of them (hundreds) are either anchored offshore or in-port. NOTHING is moving.

This has never happened before. It is a horrific economic sign; proof that commerce is literally stopped.

We checked and it appears to show no ships in transit anywhere in the world. We aren’t experts on shipping, however, so if you have a better site or source to track this apparent phenomenon, please let us know.

1-12-2016 11-42-44 AM

We also checked, and it seemed to show the same thing. Not a ship in transit…

1-12-2016 11-43-45 AM

If true, this would be catastrophic for world trade. Even if it’s not true, shipping is still nearly dead in the water according to other indices. The Baltic Dry Index, an assessment of the price of moving major raw materials by sea, was already at record all-time lows a month ago… and in the last month it has dropped even more, especially in the last week. Today BDIY hit 415…

1-12-2016 11-45-16 AM

Factories aren’t buying and retailers aren’t stocking. The ratio of inventory to sales in the US is an indicator of this. The last time that ratio was this high was during the “great recession” in 2008.

1-12-2016 11-46-07 AM

Hey, Ms. Yellen, what recovery? The economy is taking on water at a rapid rate.

The storm has been building for some time, actually. Not so long ago, there was a spate of reports that the world’s automobile manufacturers were in trouble because cars were not selling and shipments were backing up around the world.

ZeroHedge reported on it this way:

In the past several years, one of the topics covered in detail on these pages has been the surge in such gimmicks designed to disguise lack of demand and end customer sales, used extensively by US automotive manufacturers, better known as “channel stuffing”, of which General Motors is particularly guilty and whose inventory at dealer lots just hit a new record high.

Here is a photo of unsold cars in the United Kingdom from that article.

1-12-2016 11-47-23 AM

The world’s economy seems in serious trouble. You can’t print your way to prosperity. All you are doing is hollowing out your economy. Draining it. And sooner or later it’s empty and you have to start over after a good deal of crisis and chaos.

10 13 11 flagbar

The Proof Is In: The US Government Is The Most Complete Criminal Organization In Human History


By Paul Craig Roberts

Unique among the countries on earth, the US government insists that its laws and dictates take precedence over the sovereignty of nations.

Washington asserts the power of US courts over foreign nationals and claims extra-territorial jurisdiction of US courts over foreign activities of which Washington or American interest groups disapprove. Perhaps the worst results of Washington’s disregard for the sovereignty of countries is the power Washington has exercised over foreign nationals solely on the basis of terrorism charges devoid of any evidence.

Consider a few examples. Washington first forced the Swiss government to violate its own banking laws. Then Washington forced Switzerland to repeal its bank secrecy laws. Allegedly, Switzerland is a democracy, but the country’s laws are determined in Washington by people not elected by the Swiss to represent them.

Consider the “soccer scandal” that Washington concocted, apparently for the purpose of embarrassing Russia. The soccer organization’s home is Switzerland, but this did not stop Washington from sending FBI agents into Switzerland to arrest Swiss citizens. Try to imagine Switzerland sending Swiss federal agents into the US to arrest Americans.

Consider the $9 billion fine that Washington imposed on a French bank for failure to fully comply with Washington’s sanctions against Iran. This assertion of Washington’s control over a foreign financial institution is even more audaciously illegal in view of the fact that the sanctions Washington imposed on Iran and requires other sovereign countries to obey are themselves strictly illegal. Indeed, in this case we have a case of triple illegality as the sanctions were imposed on the basis of concocted and fabricated charges that were lies.

Or consider that Washington asserted its authority over the contract between a French shipbuilder and the Russian government and forced the French company to violate a contract at the expense of billions of dollars to the French company and a large number of jobs to the French economy. This was a part of Washington teaching the Russians a lesson for not following Washington’s orders in Crimea.

Try to imagine a world in which every country asserted the extra-territoriality of its law. The planet would be in permanent chaos with world GDP expended in legal and military battles.

Neoconned Washington claims that as History chose America to exercise its hegemony over the world, no other law is relevant. Only Washington’s will counts. Law itself is not even needed as Washington often substitutes orders for laws as when Richard Armitage, Deputy Secretary of State (an unelected position) told the President of Pakistan to do as he is told or “we will bomb you into the stone age.”

Try to image the Presidents of Russia or China giving such an order to a soverign nation.

In fact, Washington did bomb large areas of Pakistan, murdering thousands of women, children, and village elders. Washington’s justification was the assertion of the extra-territoriality of US military actions in other countries with which Washington is not at war.

As horrendous as all of this is, the worst of Washington’s crimes against other peoples is when Washington kidnaps citizens of other countries and renditions them to Guantanamo in Cuba or to secret dungeons in criminal states such as Egypt and Poland to be held and tortured in violation both of US law and international law. These egregious crimes prove beyond any doubt that the US government is the worst criminal enterprise that has ever existed on Earth.

When the criminal neoconservative George W. Bush regime launched its illegal invasion of Afghanistan, the criminal regime in Washington desperately needed “terrorists” in order to provide a justification for an illegal invasion that constitutes a war crime under international law. However, there were not any terrorists. So Washington dropped leaflets over warlord territories offering thousands in dollars in bounty money for “terrorists.” The warlords responded to the opportunity and captured every unprotected person and sold them to the Americans for the bounty.

The only evidence that the “terrorists” were terrorists is that the innocent people were sold to the Americans by warlords as “terrorists.”

Yesterday Fayez Mohammed Ahmed Al-Kandari was released after 14 years of torture by “freedom and democracy America.” The United States military officer, Col. Barry Wingard, who represented Al-Kandari said that “there simply is no evidence other than he is a Muslim in Afghanistan at the wrong time, other than double and triple hearsay statements, something I have never seen as justification for incarceration.” Much less, said Col. Wingard, was there cause for a litany of multi-year torture in an effort to force a confession to the alleged offenses.

Do not expect the Western prostitute media to report these facts to you. To find out, you must go to RT or to Stephen Lendman or here to this site.
The presstitute Western media are part of Washington’s criminal operation.


After two days of swapping cold-packs on my face every twenty minutes on and twenty minutes off from 6am till 10pm, the swelling has gone down to where my eyes returned to view, and discovering that the salve I am using on the stitches was running down into my eyes and causing the blurred vision, I am now trying to catch up on article reading and archiving. I sure hope this experience helps restore my peripheral vision because it’s been a real pain in the FACE??? It’s good to be back to work!

10 13 11 flagbar



1-8-2016 7-35-33 PM

As many of you already know I have been involved in training for professional participation in the State and hopefully National
Steel Challenge pistol shooting competition, and in order to enhance my speed and accuracy I elected to have eyelid surgery (blepharaplasty), which was performed Thursday 02 07 16 to open up my peripheral vision.

Speed Shooting has become a passion and I am now shooting a STI Steel Master 9mm which also improved my performance considerably.

1-8-2016 7-36-14 PM

Unfortunately, surgery has a price far above the monetary cost, and I am unsure as to when the swelling will go down and my vision will clear up. I may not be able to read and write for a week or two and this endeavor is not possible until it does.

If it starts to look like more than a week I will have my site administrator (Barbara Peterson) from take over until my vision clears up.

America is at a very dangerous point in her history so please do not ignore what cannot be denied and continue being on your toes. I will be back as soon as possible, but don’t forget all the other patriots with pertinent information to share.

A special thank you to my dear wife for posting this note under my grouchy instructions.

The American Empire: Murder Inc.


1-7-2016 11-16-29 AM

By Chris Hedges
As Indonesia’s former President Suharto lay ill in 2008, a supporter displayed a portrait of him outside the Jakarta hospital where the military dictator died two weeks later. It was in Suharto’s brutal three-decade reign that Indonesia invaded East Timor, where investigative journalist Allan Nairn covered atrocities the general’s troops committed. (Vincent Thian / AP)
Terror, intimidation and violence are the glue that holds empire together. Aerial bombardment, drone and missile attacks, artillery and mortar strikes, targeted assassinations, massacres, the detention of tens of thousands, death squad killings, torture, wholesale surveillance, extraordinary renditions, curfews, propaganda, a loss of civil liberties and pliant political puppets are the grist of our wars and proxy wars.

Countries we seek to dominate, from Indonesia and Guatemala to Iraq and Afghanistan, are intimately familiar with these brutal mechanisms of control. But the reality of empire rarely reaches the American public. The few atrocities that come to light are dismissed as isolated aberrations. The public is assured what has been uncovered will be investigated and will not take place again. The goals of empire, we are told by a subservient media and our ruling elites, are virtuous and noble. And the vast killing machine grinds forward, feeding, as it has always done, the swollen bank accounts of defense contractors and corporations that exploit natural resources and cheap labor around the globe.

There are very few journalists who have covered empire with more courage, tenacity and integrity than Allan Nairn. For more than three decades, he has reported from Central America, East Timor, Palestine, South Africa, Haiti and Indonesia—where Indonesian soldiers fractured his skull and arrested him. His reporting on the Indonesian government massacres in East Timor saw him branded a “threat to national security” and officially banned from occupied East Timor. Nairn returned clandestinely to East Timor on numerous occasions.

His dogged reporting of torture and killing of civilians by the Indonesian military contributed to the U.S. Congress suspending military aid to Jakarta in 1993. He exposed U.S. complicity with death squads and paramilitary organizations carrying out murderous rampages in El Salvador, Guatemala and Haiti. During the 2014 presidential elections in Indonesia, where he spends much of his time, Nairn was threatened with arrest for exposing presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto’s role in atrocities. Nairn’s reporting on army massacres was an important component in the trial of former Guatemalan President Efrain Ríos Montt. Gen. Montt ordered the killing of over 1,700 people in the Ixil region of the country in the early 1980s and was convicted in 2013 of genocide and crimes against humanity. He was sentenced to 80 years in prison. The conviction was later overturned.

Nairn, whom I spoke with in New York, reaches back to the genocide carried out against Native Americans, the institution of slavery and the murder of hundreds of workers and labor union organizers in the 19th and early 20th century to explain the roots of American imperial violence. He noted that, although wholesale massacres have become taboo on American soil in recent generations, the FBI was carrying out selective assassinations of black radicals, including Fred Hampton, in the 1960s. And police show little constraint in gunning down unarmed people of color in poor communities.

But overseas there are no restrictions. The indiscriminate slaughter of real or imagined opponents is considered a prerogative of imperial power. Violence is the primary language we use to speak to the rest of the world. Equivalents of Wounded Knee and My Lai take place beyond our borders with an unacknowledged frequency.
“To this day,” Nairn said, “it is politically permissible for U.S. forces to carry out or sponsor assassinations of civilians—students, journalists, religious leaders, peasant organizers, whomever. In fact, in U.S. politics, if presidents are reluctant, or seem reluctant to do this, they get castigated. They get called a wimp. George Bush Sr. came under vicious attack when he attempted through covert means to mount a coup in Panama against [Manuel] Noriega and it failed. And there was a cover [of Newsweek, with the headline ‘Fighting the “Wimp Factor” ’] where they were attacking Bush Sr. for not being strong enough.”

“I think it was within a week after that he invaded Panama formally, an invasion that included the burning of the neighborhood called El Chorrillo, where hundreds were killed, a poor neighborhood. The New York Times then ran a front-page analysis by R.W. Apple which said that Bush Sr. had completed his presidential initiation rite by demonstrating his willingness to shed blood,” Nairn went on. “Not his own blood, but the blood of foreigners, including of foreign civilians.”
(Page 2)

“It’s basically a refusal on the part of American society to enforce the murder laws when the killings are done by presidents or generals, and where the victims are foreigners,” he said. “Now, all big powers do this. But in the recent period, because the U.S. has been the dominant power, the U.S. has the biggest death toll. If you added all the operations up it would go into the several millions. Just to list the ones that I’ve personally seen and tried to expose and fight against: Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, Haiti, South Africa, Palestine, East Timor, Indonesia, southern Thailand. I’m sure I’m leaving out a few. The U.S. has used the Pentagon, the CIA, occasionally the State Department to set up or back local forces, help them gather intelligence on dissidents, and help them provide the means to carry out systematic assassinations.”

Assassinations and torture are often accompanied in these wars and proxy wars by massacres by government troops that routinely “wipe out whole villages,” Nairn said,
“The Guatemalan military did that, especially during the early ’80s when the Reagan administration was backing them enthusiastically under the time of the dictator Gen. Rios Montt,” Nairn said. “They would go into villages in the Mayan highlands in the northwest. … I was there, I spoke to the soldiers as they were doing it, I spoke to survivors … [and] they would decapitate people. They would crucify people.

They would use the tactics that ISIS today puts on video that are now shocking the world.”
“The powers have always been willing to use these tactics,” he said. “And for centuries they were proud of it. All you have to do is look at the holy texts of the major religions—the Bible, the Quran, the Torah. They’re full of one massacre after another. People forget. The story of David and Goliath is put forward as a great story. At the end of that story David decapitates Goliath. He parades around holding up his head. For years and years the powers were proud of these tactics. They advertised it.”

“As recently as the presidency of Teddy Roosevelt, U.S. presidents were still boasting about it,” Nairn said. “Go back and read [Roosevelt’s] writings. He’s repeatedly … talking about the necessity to shed blood, the necessity to kill. Otherwise a person could not be healthy, otherwise a polity could not be healthy. This was Teddy Roosevelt. You can’t do that in today’s U.S. You can’t do that really in any major country today. The only partial exception to that at the level of rhetoric is Israel. Israeli generals and politicians still talk openly about the need to shed Palestinian blood. But they’re really the only ones. Everywhere else—Europe, Russia, China, the U.S.—they have to hide their [activities].”

I first met Nairn in 1984 while I was covering the war in El Salvador. In that year he published an explosive investigative piece in The Progressive magazine titled “Behind the Death Squads.” The article detailed U.S. backing, training and arming of the death squads in El Salvador that were murdering, and often torturing and mutilating, hundreds of people a month. His article led to an investigation by the Senate Intelligence Committee.

U.S. commanders in Iraq, attempting to quell the Sunni insurgency in 2004, reached back to the terror tactics used in El Salvador. They formulated a plan called “The Salvador Option” to train and arm Shiite paramilitary units. Former U.S. Army Col. James Steele, who in the 1980s in El Salvador headed the U.S. Military Group or MilGroup, which advised the Salvadoran army during the war, was sent to Iraq by Donald Rumsfeld as a civilian adviser. Steele, who had fought in Vietnam, was assigned to the Iraqi paramilitary Special Police Commandos, a unit known as the “Wolf Brigade.”

U.N. officials, and an investigative team from The Guardian newspaper, later accused these Shiite paramilitary units of widespread death-squad killings and running a network of clandestine detention centers that carried out torture while under Steele’s supervision. The Shiite paramilitary units, which were given money from a $2 billion fund controlled directly by Gen. David Petraeus, terrorized and enraged the Sunni population. The abuse, torture, assassinations and network of clandestine prisons fueled Iraq’s sectarian civil war and led to the creation of radical Sunni groups such as Islamic State.

“The Salvadoran death squad apparatus was created by the U.S., starting during the Kennedy administration through mainly U.S. Special Forces and the CIA,” Nairn said. “[They] … created this intelligence-gathering system which linked Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua. They would have central files organized for them with the help of the CIA. They would teach them [the squads] how to go out and watch on a systematic basis the campuses, the courts, the plantations [and] especially the factories, run by the local oligarchs but also the American investors. They would compile files.”
(Page 3)

Nairn spent 13 hours interviewing former Salvadoran Gen. Jose Alberto Medrano, the godfather of the Salvadoran death squads, who was assassinated a year later, in 1985, by the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN) rebels.
“He explained to me how Salvadoran priests, nuns, catechists [and] unionists were all controlled by Moscow,” Nairn said. “He would draw these schematics showing from Moscow to Havana to here to there. And he said they all became targets; it was our mission to kill them.

He described in great detail how he did this while working on the payroll of the United States.”
“These were the death squads that produced actions like the rape and murder of the nuns,” Nairn said, referring to American lay missionary Jean Donovan and three American nuns—Dorothy Kazel, Maura Clarke and Ita Ford—who were killed by national guard soldiers in El Salvador in December 1980. Eight months earlier, the death squads had carried out the assassination of Archbishop Oscar Romero. More than 75,000 Salvadorans died in the conflict, thousands at the hands of the death squads, which often “disappeared” their victims.

“The world is finally starting to understand what’s involved with political killing when they see the videos of ISIS,” Nairn said. “… In Salvador, not only would they kill but they would cut off hands, they would cut off arms, and they would display their handiwork on the road. Passersby would see it. In the same period—I spent most of those years in Guatemala, which was even worse—they were killing more than 100,000, perhaps more than 200,000 by some estimates. One day in the library of the Polytechnica, the military academy of Guatemala, I found the Spanish translation of a U.S. military counterinsurgency document. It gave instructions on how to create terror; this was the way they put it. And they described methods used in the Philippines in the campaign against the Huks.”
“In the case of the Philippines they were talking about leaving the bodies by the rivers,” he said. “So you mutilate the bodies, you cut them, you amputate, and then you display the bodies on the riversides to stir terror in the population. And of course that’s exactly what ISIS is doing today.”

The same tactics were used in Indonesia against ethnic Chinese, labor organizers, artists, intellectuals, student leaders and members of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) after the 1965 U.S.-backed anti-communist purge that eventually ousted the independence leader President Sukarno. Sukarno was replaced in a 1967 coup by Gen. Suharto, who brutally ran the country for 31 years. During the army and paramilitary killings as many as a million Indonesians were murdered. The bodies were often left floating in rivers or on roadsides.

“The CIA weighed in with a list of 5,000 targets for assassination,” Nairn said. “The U.S. press was hailing it at the time. They were calling it a gleam of light in Asia. Gen. Suharto was installed in power as a result of this process. Suharto later, in the mid-’70s, sought the permission of President Ford and Henry Kissinger to invade the small neighboring country of East Timor, which was then emerging into independence from having been a Portuguese colony. They gave the green light. They just said do it quickly. They went in [and] killed a third of the population.”

“In ’91 they staged a massacre in front of a cemetery, which I happened to survive,” he said. “I was there with Amy Goodman. They killed more than 200 people right before our eyes. They fractured my skull with their American M-16 rifle butts.
“This is standard procedure. I’ve tried to go over to the countries where the repression is most intense, and where the U.S. is backing it, and expose it and stop it.”

“It’s systematic,” he went on. “It’s the exact same tactics in country after country, with local adaptations, and often the officers are all trained at the same U.S. military bases—Fort Bragg, Fort Benning, Leavenworth [and] at the Inter-American Defense College, in the case of the Latin American officers.”
“It’s not unique to the U.S.,” Nairn said. “This is standard for big powers. … If you wanted to have any kind of impact in politics you had to align yourself with some kind of killer force, be it the Americans, NATO or the Taliban, or some other armed faction capable of fast mass killing. Without that you had no chance.”
(Page 4)

“In Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, it’s reached the point of political and social breakdown,” Nairn said. “There’s no stopping it. It’s out of control. There are not two sides. It [has fractured into] many sides. It’s analogous to what happened in Cambodia, with the massive U.S. bombing of Cambodia, which paved the way for the rise of the Khmer Rouge. [It has destroyed] any semblance of normal politics or even society. In that kind of environment the most evil, the most violent, have a better chance to rise and prevail.”
Ceaseless war and indiscriminant killing define the U.S. imperial power. But this policy, he said, has backfired.

“Unless you have enough of an enemy out there, unless you have enough fighting going on, unless you have enough drama going on, a big powerful state, one of whose pillars is war, like the United States, or like, say, today’s Israel—[both of them examples] of Sparta-type states—they can’t sustain themselves,” he said. “They need a high level of dramatic tension. They have to constantly be provoking, constantly causing trouble here and there.”

“We’re now in a moment where these operations of willful murder on the part of the U.S. and provocation have come back to bite [the United States],” he said. “That doesn’t usually happen. There was no consequence like that from Central America. There was no consequence like that from Haiti, Palestine or South Africa. But in this case it happened. Operations like the U.S. backing of the mujahedeen to repel the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan … the U.S. backing of the various anti-Assad Islamist forces in Syria, have given birth to first al-Qaida and then ISIS. That wasn’t the U.S. intention. They didn’t want to create al-Qaida in the sense of the al-Qaida that attacks the U.S. They didn’t want to create an ISIS, which is now a political nightmare.”

“The Bible says they sow the wind, they shall reap the whirlwind,” he said. “Well, usually that isn’t true. It’s not true most of the time. It’s like the other slogan: The people united will never be defeated. Not true. The people united get defeated all the time. They get crushed. They get massacred. They get thrown into mass graves. But sometimes you sow the wind and you do reap the whirlwind. And that’s what’s happening now to the West with ISIS.”
Update: Watch “America’s Death Squads,” Chris Hedges’ interview with Allan Naim and part of Hedges’ teleSUR series “Days of Revolt,” below (via teleSUR):

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By Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D.

This is a summary report on those elements of that clandestine organizational network, (which we shall label the Shadow Government), which serves as a kind of “parallel government” to the official elected and appointed government of this country. It includes those elements known to the author with sufficient certainty that they can be positively identified, and their known or reliably reported functions described. It is distinctly possible that there are other elements, (particularly in the realms of the “Black Budget” and “Special Operations”,) which have eluded our study, and are not named here.

Just as with the official government, the Shadow Government has functional branches. However, unlike the official government, the purpose of the none-executive branches of the Shadow Government is simply to distribute various functions, but not to achieve a system of checks and balances, as was supposed to happen constitutionally between the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the U.S. Government. That is because the Shadow Government is a creature of a powerful elite, who need not fear being dominated by an instrument of their own creation.

In the Shadow Government five branches may be identified. These branches are: the Executive Branch, the Intelligence Branch, the War Department, the Weapons Industry Branch, and the Financial Department.

The reporting lines of the Intelligence Branch and the War Department to the Executive Branch are straightforward and obvious. Intelligence exists to provide the Executive Branch with sufficient necessary information to make adequately informed policy decisions. The War Department exists to provide coercive force to carry out Executive policy decisions which could meet with public resistance. The Special Operations units within the Intelligence Branch and War Department exist to carry out policy directives requiring covert action and official deniability.

The Weapons Industry Branch reports to the Executive Branch most often indirectly, through the War Department and/or the Intelligence Branch (for Black Budget weapons systems).

The Financial Department theoretically reports to the Executive Branch for fiscal policy implementation, but de facto also reports directly to the international power brokers who have created the Shadow Government. The Financial Department serves at times directly as their instrument of fiscal policy implementation.

An analysis of the overall purposes of these five branches suggests that the overall purpose of the Shadow Government is to exercise covert control by: 1) collecting comprehensive institutional and personal information, 2) by establishing national and international policy independently of the established Government, 3) by developing high-tech arms and equipment, and, with these, establishing small, specialized, highly-mobile, elite military units to effect these covert policies, when need arises, without having to rely on the official (and “unreliable”) Armed Services, (whose subservience to the Shadow Government is reasonably suspect), 4) by developing an armed capability to repel any threat to the status quo, (including the uncertain ontological, social, and economic impacts of any revelation of the reality of UFO and extraterrestrial presence) through the development of a Star Wars/BMDO ground and space-based surveillance and SDI weapons network, 5) by denying information compromising to the Shadow Government from all those outside “need-to-know” policymaking levels, and 6) by exercising control on the money supply, availability of credit, and the worth of money, through policy decisions made outside of the official Government.

All of these mechanisms of control serve to preserve or advance the agenda of an international group of pivotal power and influence brokers. That agenda is, according to Senator Barry Goldwater, that “national boundaries should be obliterated and one world rule established.” [With No Apologies, Berkley Books, New York [[date unknown]].]

These power brokers’ most visible unifying instrumentality is the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), (which promotes the transition of Earth from a cluster of Nation-States to one global government), [Chairman: Peter G. Peterson; headquarters: 58 E. 68th Street, New York, NY 10021]. [Cf. In Control, Kerrville, TX: Fund to Restore an Educated Electorate, 1993.] However, one must not underestimate the influence of the Trilateral Commission (TC), (which coordinates economic initiatives of the Group of Seven with other “developed countries” vis-a-vis the “underdeveloped world”,) [Chairman: Paul Volcker; headquarters: 345 E. 46th Street, New York, NY 10017]. Neither should one misjudge the power of the secretive Bilderberg Group (BG), (which concentrates on the military and strategic considerations of powerful West European and North American power brokers), [chair rotates, former Chair: Prince Bernhard of Holland; headquarters unknown: annual meetings rotate, but originally were held at the Hotel de Bilderberg, Oosterbeck, Holland].

David Rockefeller is the Chairman Emeritus of both the CFR and the TC, and certainly influences, through proxy representatives (such as Lloyd Bentsen), the Bilderberg Group. [Cf. Holly Sklar, ed., Trilateralism: The Trilateral Commission and Elite Planning for World Management; Boston: South End Press, 1981.]

What follows is a succinct identification and description of the constituent agencies in each of the five branches of the Shadow Government.


(This branch contains the effective policymaking and controlling structures behind the veil of apparent, democratic governmental structures):

a) Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) (includes George Bush, Bill Clinton, all modern CIA Directors, most modern Joint Chiefs of Staff, most modern Cabinet and top Executive Branch appointed officeholders, etc.);

b) Tri-Lateral Commission (David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, John D. Rockefeller, Alan Greenspan, Zbignew Brzezinski, Anthony Lake, John Glenn, David Packard, David Gergen, Diane Feinstein, Jimmy Carter, Adm. William Crowe, etc.; c) The Bilderberg Group (Prince Hans-Adam of Liechtenstein, Prince Bernhard of Netherlands, Bill Clinton, Lloyd Bentsen, etc.);

d) National Security Council (NCS), (the military and intelligence policymaking and control group for national and international security, which reports directly to the President), its secret 5412 Committee (which directs black [covert] operations), and its PI-40 Subcommittee (aka MJ-12: which exercises policy direction and control of the UFO Cover-Up);

e) Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)’s Special Operations compartment, (the operations directorate which implements the orders of the NSC’s 5412 Committee, utilizing the U.S. Special Forces Command);

f) National Program Office (NPO), (which operates the Continuity of Government Project (COG), an ongoing secret project to maintain command, control, communication and intelligence executive centers during an extreme National Emergency by operating clandestine, secure, underground cities staffed by surrogates for above-ground national leaders]); and,

h) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)’s black projects compartment, (which operates federal preventive-detention camps [often located on military bases or federal Bureau of Land Management lands], secure underground shelters for the elite during cataclysms, etc.).


(Serves functions of domestic and international surveillance and of secret police/enforcers):

a) National Security Agency (NSA), (monitors and screens all telephone, telegraph, computer modem, radio, television, cellular, microwave, and satellite communications, and electromagnetic fields “of interest” around the world, and orchestrates information-control and cover-up activities related to UFO secrecy and surveillance of extraterrestrial operations), Fort Meade, MD;

b) National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), (controls and collects information from global spy satellites, monitors UFO traffic entering and leaving Earth’s atmosphere, coordinates firing of energy-beam weapons from orbiting Star Wars satellites at selected human ground and airborne targets and selectively at extraterrestrial craft), Pentagon basement and Dulles-Airport area, VA;

c) National Reconnaissance Organization (NRO) (aka MJ-TF), (the military/intelligence operations arm of the PI-40 Subcommittee, conducts surveillance, interdiction, capture and confiscation of UFOs and their extraterrestrial occupants for intelligence and “International Security” purposes; surveilles and “interacts” with close-encounter experiencers, including occasional physically and sexually assaultive mind-control kidnappings disguised as “Alien abductions” for psychological warfare and disinformational purposes), headquarters unknown, probably compartmented and dispersed among various elite Delta Force Special Operations units, such as the USAF Blue Light at Hurlburt Field, Mary Esther, FL and Beale Air Force Base, Marysville, CA;

d) Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), (commands, often controls, and sometimes coordinates, the gathering of secret overseas information gathered by spies (HUMINT), electronic surveillance (SIGINT), and other means; carries out covert unconstitutional paramilitary counterinsurgency operations and preemptive political pacification projects in violation of international law, as well as counter-intelligence sting operations against foreign agents; engages in domestic surveillance, and manipulation of the U.S. political process, “in the National interest” in direct violation of its congressional charter; operates proprietary “false-front” companies for profit; conducts a major share of international transshipment of illegal drugs, using National Security cover and immunity; and cooperates with NSA’s UFO cover-up operations), Langley, VA, and worldwide branches;

e) Federal Bureau of Investigation, Counter-Intelligence Division, (the branch which investigates, surveilles and neutralizes foreign Intelligence agents operating within the U.S., and cooperates with the National Reconnaissance Organization in the surveillance of those involved in close encounters with UFOs and extraterrestrials);

f) Department of Energy Intelligence (DOE-INTEL), (which conducts internal security checks and external security threat countermeasures, often through its contract civilian instrumentality, the Wackenhut Corporation);

g) NSA’s Central Security Service, and CIA’s Special Security Office, (which respectively spy on the spies, and conduct special operations which cannot be entrusted to line intelligence officers), Ft. Meade, MD and Langley, VA;

h) U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) (whose assignments include psychological and psychotronic warfare (PSYOPS), parapsychological intelligence (PSYINT), and electromagnetic intelligence (ELMINT), Ft. Meade, MD;

i) U.S. Navy Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), which gathers intelligence affecting naval operations, and has a compartmented unit involved in UFO and USO [Unidentified Submerged Objects] information gathering;

j) U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI), (which gathers intelligence affecting aerospace operations, and has a compartmented unit involved in investigating UFO sightings, extraterrestrial contact reports, as well as IAC [Identified Alien Craft] surveillance, and coordination with NRO interdiction operations), Bolling Air Force Base, MD;

k) Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), (which coordinates the intelligence data gathered from the various Armed Services intelligence branches (Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard and Special Forces), and provides counter-threat measures,

(which include providing security at ultra-classified installations by the deployment of U.S. “Thought Police”, who conduct surveillance, by remote-viewing and other parapsychological measures, against penetrations and scanning by foreign or civilian remote-viewers [clairvoyants/out-of-body seers]), Pentagon, VA, Fort Meade, MD, and the entire astral plane;

l) NASA Intelligence, (which gathers intelligence data relating to space flights, sabotage threats, astronaut and reconnaissance satellite encounters with UFOs and ETs, and coordinates the transfer of alien technology to U.S. and allies’ aerospace operations);

m) Air Force Special Security Service (which is an NSA/USAF joint intelligence operations unit dealing with possible threats to aerospace operations from foreign powers, terrestrial or otherwise);

n) Defense Industry Security Command (DISCO), (which conducts intelligence operations within and on behalf of the civilian defense contractor corporations engaged in classified research, development, and production);

o) Defense Investigative Service (DIS), (which conducts investigations into people and situations deemed a possible threat to any operation of the Department of Defense);

p) Naval Investigative Service (NIS), (which conducts investigations against threats to Naval operations);

q) Air Force Electronic Security Command, (which conducts surveillance and interdiction of threats to the security of Air Force electronic transmissions and telemetry, and to the integrity of electronic counter-measure (ECM) warfare equipment; r) Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) Intelligence, (which conducts surveillance and interdiction of drug smuggling operations, unless exempted under “National Security” waivers);

s) Federal Police Agency Intelligence, (which coordinates intelligence relating to threats against federal property and personnel);

t) Defense Electronic Security Command, (which coordinates intelligence surveillance and countermeasures against threats to the integrity of military electronic equipment and electronic battlefield operations), Fort Worth, TX.

u) Project Deep Water (the ongoing effects of the compromised personnel, sources and methods resulting from the secret importation of Hitler’s own Nazi Intelligence chief, Gen. Reinhard Gehlen, to redesign the U.S.’s Intelligence apparatus);

v) Project Paperclip (the ongoing results of the secret importation of Nazi weapons and aerospace/UFO scientists into U.S. secret military research and development bases);

w) (Undoubtedly, more clandestine units exist, not identified at this time.)


(High-Technology Weapons Development and Covert Special Forces/Special Operations Units Deployment):

a) CIA’s Directorate for Science and Technology, (which gathers information with promise for scientific and technological developments which present a superiority advantage for, or a threat against, the National Security,

[also contains the “Weird Desk”, which centrally processes intelligence about UFOs and ETs and their interaction with Earth], current Deputy Director of Central Intelligence for Science and Technology is Ron Pandolfi);

b) Strategic Defense Initiative Office (SDIO)/ Ballistic Missile [sic] Defense Organization (BMDO), (which coordinates research, development and deployment of Star Wars electromagnetic-pulse, killer-laser, particle-beam, plasmoid, and other advanced-technology aerospace weapons;

c) Department of Energy (DOE) (which, besides its cover-story of researching cleaner-burning coal and gasoline and more solar power, is principally involved in research and development of: more specialized nuclear weapons; compact, self-sustaining, fusion-powered, particle and wave weapons, including electromagnetic pulse, gravitational/antigravitational, laser, particle-beam and plasmoid applied weapons research; high-energy invisibility “cloaking” technology, etc.);

d) Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories (LLNL)/Sandia National Laboratories-West (SNL-W), (which are involved in nuclear warhead “refinements”, development of new trans-uranic elements for weapons and energy applications, development of anti-matter weapons (the Teller Bomb: 10,000 times the force of a hydrogen bomb), laser/maser technology applications, and, reportedly, successful teleportation experiments, among other projects, at this Russian-nicknamed “City of Death”), Livermore, CA;

e) Idaho National Engineering Laboratories (INEL), (which houses numerous underground facilities in an immense desert installations complex larger than Rhode Island, has security provided by its own secret Navy Base, is involved in nuclear, high-energy electromagnetic, and other research, and includes Argonne National Laboratory, West), Arco, ID;

f) Sandia National Laboratories (SNL)/Phillips Air Force Laboratory, (which are sequestered on Kirtland Air Force Base/Sandia Military Reservation, and conduct the translation of theoretical and experimental nuclear and Star Wars weapons research done at Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories into practical, working weapons), Albuquerque, NM;

g) Tonopah Test Range (SNL’s DOE weapons-testing facility for operationally testing Star Wars weapons in realistic target situations, and is adjacent to classified stealth and cloaked aerospace craft and U.S.-UFO bases at the Groom Lake [USAF/DOE/CIA] Base [Area 51] and Papoose Lake Base [S-4]), Nevada Test Site/Nellis AFB Range, Tonopah, NV;

h) Haystack (Buttes) USAF Laboratory, Edwards AFB, CA, (a 30-levels deep, extreme-security facility reportedly engaged in alien technology retro-engineering;

i) Los Alamos National Laboratories (LANL), (which is the premiere research lab for nuclear, subatomic particle, high magnetic field, exo-metallurgical, exo-biological and other exotic technologies research), Los Alamos County, NM;

j) Area 51 (Groom Lake [USAF/DOE/CIA] Base), and S[Site]-4 (Papoose Lake Base), ultra-secure “nonexistent” deployment bases where extremely classified aerospace vehicles are tested and operationally flown, including the Aurora [Mach-8] spyplane, the Black Manta [TR-3A] stealthy fighter follow-on to the F-117A, the Pumpkinseed hyperspeed unmanned aerospace reconnaissance vehicle, and several variants of antigravitational craft (U.S.-UFOs), including the Christmas Ornament (glowing orange orb) and the Firefly (strobing, flitting, bluish-white lit airframe);

k) U.S. Special Forces Command, Hurlburt Field, Mary Esther, Fl, along with its Western U.S. Headquarters, Special Forces Command, Beale AFB, Marysville, CA, coordinating: 1) U.S. Army Delta Forces (Green Berets); 2) U.S. Navy SEALS (Black Berets), Coronado, CA; and 3) USAF Blue Light (Red Berets) Strike Force;

l) Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), (which coordinates the application of latest scientific findings to the development of new generations of weapons); (now called ARPA);

m) the Jason Group (elite weapons-application scientists, developing cutting-edge-science weapons for DARPA/ARPA, and operating under the cover of the Mitre Corporation);

o) Aquarius Group (UFO technology-application scientists, reportedly working under the guidance of the Dolphin Society, an elite group of scientists privy to extremely classified science and technology findings);

p) Defense Science Board, (which serves as the Defense Department’s intermediary between weapons needs and the physical sciences);

q) Defense Nuclear Agency (DNA) (currently concentrating on fusion-powered, high-energy particle-beam, X-ray laser, and EM forcefield weapons development and deployment);

r) U.S. Space Command, (Space War Headquarters for operating “the next war, which will be fought and won in space”), Falcon AFB, CO;

s) North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), (operating the nuclear-survivable space surveillance and war command center deep inside Cheyenne Mountain), Colorado Springs, CO;

t) Air Force Office of Space Systems, (which coordinates the development of future technology for operating and fighting in space);

u) National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) (which operates covert space-defense, ET research, and space-weapons compartments, in addition to manned Shuttle and unmanned scientific satellite launches);

v) NASA’s Ames Research Center, (which conducts the SETI (Search for

Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Project, Exobiology (alien life forms) Division, and “Human

Factors” (PSY-Warfare) Division), Sunnyvale, CA;

w) Project Cold Empire (SDI weapons research-classified);

x) Project Snowbird (pseudo-UFO’s used as disinformation);

y) Project Aquarius (UFO research-classified);

x) Project MILSTAR (development and deployment of WW III [space war]

command, control, communication and intelligence satellites);

z) Project Tacit Rainbow (stealth drones/pseudo-UFO’s);

aa) Project Timberwind (nuclear-powered spacecraft);

bb) Project Code EVA (space-walk-based technology);

cc) Project Cobra Mist (SDI energy-beam (plasmoid?) weapon research); and

dd) Project Cold Witness (SDI weapons-classified), etc.


(“private” [black project] weapons and covert operations contractors):

a) AT&T (Sandia Labs, Bell Labs, etc. – Star Wars weapons research and NSA telephone/satellite communications interception facilitation); (Sandia Weapons Lab has now reportedly being taken over by Batelle Memorial Institute, a proprietary with reported Intelligence connections);

b) Stanford Research Institute, Inc. (SRI), (an Intelligence contractor involved in psychotronic, parapsychological and PSY-WAR research);

c) RAND Corporation (CIA-front involved in Intelligence projects, weapons development, and underground bases development);

d) Edgerton, Germhausen & Greer Corporation (EG&G), (NSA/DOE-contractor involved in Star Wars weapons development, fusion applications, and security for Area 51 (U.S. UFO-technology aerospace vehicles base) and nuclear installations, etc.);

e) Wackenhut Corporation (NSA/CIA/DOE cut-out contractor) involved in contract security operations for Top Secret Ultra and Black Budget surface and underground military reservations, such as Area S-4 (U.S. UFO base), NV and Sandia National Labs, (Star Wars weapons base), NM), and, reportedly, “dirty jobs” for CIA and Defense Intelligence agencies;

f) Bechtel Corporation (CIA’s “ditch-digger” for covert projects and off-the-books underground bases);

g) United Nuclear Corporation (military nuclear applications);

h) Walsh Construction Company (on the CIA projects dole);

i) Aerojet (Genstar Corp.):( makes DSP-1 Star Wars battle satellites for the NRO);

j) Reynolds Electronics Engineering (on CIA/DoD dole);

k) Lear Aircraft Company (Black Budget technology);

l) Northrop Corporation (makes U.S. antigravity craft, back-engineered from alien technology, near Lancaster, CA);

m) Hughes Aircraft (classified projects compartment);

n) Lockheed-Martin Corporation (Black Budget aerospace projects);

o) McDonnell-Douglas Corporation (Black Budget aerospace projects);

p) BDM Corporation (CIA contractor, involved in UFO back-engineering and psychotronic projects, etc.);

q) General Electric Corporation (electronic warfare and weapons systems); and

r) PSI-TECH Corporation (involved in military/Intelligence-applications of research into psychotronics, parapsychology, remote viewing, and contacting extraterrestrial consciousness);

s) Science Applications International Corp. (SAIC); “black projects” contractor, reportedly including psychic warfare.


(Extra-Constitutional funding):

a) Federal Reserve System (cartel of private banks overseen by elite superwealthy financiers, such as the Rockefellers, Mellons, DuPonts, Rothschilds, etc., which dictates to the Government the flow of money, worth of money, and the interests rates);

b) CIA self-financing (the operation and/or control of much of the international drug trade in heroin, cocaine and marijuana, as well as “front” business enterprises, as a source of cash for off-the-books covert operations, and the purchase of exotic munitions and strategic bribe funds);

c) Department of Justice self-financing (the use of confiscated cash and valuables from “targets of investigation” to finance “special projects”);

d) Special Forces self-financing (the self-use of confiscated “booty” from covert military operations to fund other clandestine operations).

What conclusions can be drawn from this preliminary analysis of the structure, functions and operations of the Shadow Government? First, the Shadow Government is a very large, well-organized, skillfully camouflaged, parallel power structure. History suggests that it has served its masters well, and that its predilection for operating out of sight and notoriety, if not in an outright clandestine fashion, is exactly how its masters want it to function — not drawing attention to itself, manipulating power behind the scenes, and accomplishing by covert operations what cannot lawfully or politically be accomplished out in the open.

What should be the attitude of the informed citizen to the Shadow Government? Since it thrives in the dark, we should shine the light of full disclosure on it. Citizens can demand: the end of the Congressional practice of allowing “Black Budget” items; the end of unpublished secret Executive Orders and National Security Directives; the end of the practice of indefinitely- sustained Presidential Declarations of National Emergency (as is currently in place); the end of Federal Reserve Notes and the return to the gold standard to back the dollar; the end to governmental domestic spying on its own citizens; and extremely severe reduction (on the order of 90%) in the number, staffing and scope of the endlessly proliferating Intelligence agencies, which are an anachronism since the Cold War ended; and an end to CIA and DEA collusion in allowing a continuing stream of drugs to pour into this country. We founded this Country; it’s time to take it back.

Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D.

Dr. Richard Boylan is a behavioral scientist, university instructor, certified
clinical hypnotherapist, and researcher into extraterrestrial-human encounters.
Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC, Post Office Box 22310, Sacramento,
California 95822, United States of America. Phone: (916) 422-7479 (PDT)
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