05 31 19 Dear Mr. Trump May 29th, 2019



By Anna Von Reitz

You may consider this an Order from the Civilian Government of this country, requesting and requiring that you impose command and control over the Internal Revenue Service and the US Treasury Department and the US Department of the Treasury and all their little private bill collectors nationwide, including something calling itself the “Tax Processing Center”

with no address at all, but the name of the town or city, for example: “Tax Processing Center, Big Lake, Alaska”.

Their practice of making up new variations of NAMES for people and attaching these “gifts” to us and our assets as a means of asserting new False Claims is nothing but fraud and harassment and it needs to be stopped. Now! Yesterday. Last week.  Last year.  Ten years ago.  Or, as in my case, over twenty years ago, when I gave the Internal Revenue Service/IRS Notice of Revocation.

Yes, Mr. Trump, I “retired” and formally expatriated from any Territorial or Municipal Citizenship obligation, and I fully informed the State Department, returned the ACCOUNTS to Mr. Mnuchin’s Fiduciary Responsibility, and wiped my hands a long time ago.  Not only that, I seized ownership interest and control of all my names, all my Names, and all my NAMES — in all variations, permutations, styles, punctuations, and orderings whatsoever, and returned them all to their natural permanent domicile on the land and soil of Wisconsin, the Federation Compact State where I was born

All these records are Public.  All of them have been duly recorded.

So what do your feckless subcontractors do, but try to create yet another variation of one of my names using a tiny little change in punctuation (which, however, I have also already claimed as my property and placed on the Public Record) and use that as a means to assert False Claims in Commerce and also in International Trade against me and my assets in the world of fact.

What is there about that little word, “No” and the fact that “No means no.” are the adult members of your Administration not getting?

All your Buddies work for me, even if the Queen or the Pope pays their wages. I am not pleased whatsoever by the continued mis-administration of the Federal Taxing Authority and the gross frauds and racketeering taking place on our shores.

Millions of Americans are being harassed for no sane reason.  Millions! Mr. Trump.  What you need to do is admit the circumstance.  Just admit it.  Your “National Debt” is our National Credit.  As we access our credit, that will pay down your debt.  Inform your other creditors that the American People showed up at the last minute, back from oversees, hungry, foot-sore, and not at all happy with what has gone on here.

I suggest that you pick up Charles Rettig by both ears and send him packing before I do.  We are not franchises of the Municipal Government.  We are not Paupers.  We are not Employees nor Dependents of the Federal Government. We are not Withholding Agents.  Not Warrant Officers in the Merchant Marines. We are not Voluntary Franchisees.  We are not United States Citizens.  We are not Citizens of the United States.  We are not Dependents. Not, not, not. 

 It is only going to shine a much brighter light on the corruption of the corporations involved if you do not order an end to the fraudulent impersonation and racketeering committed by these private “Bureaus”.  So, do what has to be done to shut these malfunctioning agencies down and re-task and retrain them to make sure that Americans have access to their National Credit.

We are charging a trillion dollars per head as valued today and ever afterward for every American who dies or is maimed or otherwise significantly harmed in any altercation arising from any forced conscription or confiscation of land jurisdiction assets by any incorporated entity including the IRS and the Internal Revenue Service and The United States Department of the Treasury and the Department of the United States Treasury and the US Treasury Department, and the Bureau of Federal Taxation and the Tax Processing Centers and all the Municipal Government goons posing as REVENUE OFFICERS.  They all need to be re-tasked and right about now.

We realize the consternation that this demand places upon all the other Creditors, but the fact remains that we are your Priority Creditors as well as the Priority Creditors of the United States and compared to what both the Queen and Pope owe to us, all the rest is chicken change. It’s time for them and all the actual corporations — not the “PERSONAL” corporations that have been created in Bad Faith and Fraud — to pay for their sins and for our Credit to be redeemed. Worldwide.

Remind the Pope of the Double Golden Jubilee and what is actually required of him, both as Pope and as Roman Pontiff.  Tell him I said so and so did Mother Mary.  Those roses I received are to be delivered.

And as for Mr. Barr, I like him, but his Office is all messed up, too.  We are owed the return of all our land jurisdiction assets.  Mr. Barr has inherited the job of the Alien Property Custodian and that’s our property he is still holding.  It all belongs to the American States and People and we are the only American States and Nations that have the provenance, standing, and treaties to inherit.  We are the only “People” left alive and in possession.  So return what is owed to The United States of America (Unincorporated) to us.  Collapse the trusts and the titles back to the States and the People.  That is the only sane and proper solution to this debacle.

Please tell the Queen that for me, too.

We aren’t going to stand here and let Secondary Creditors prey upon us under False Pretenses.  The jig is up.  The fraud is known.  And at a trillion dollars a head, those promoting these outrages on our soil are not likely to secure any profit from their actions.  So please pass that posted charge on to the Bilderburgers, too?   All the land assets belong to us and we shall charge them all up the wazoo if they do anything but return our assets unharmed, debt free, and unencumbered.

Most sincerely,

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary

See this article and over 1800 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com

06 31 19 Flag With Blue Stripes?



By Anna Von Reitz

This is what they are trying to get away with.  They want to turn our country from being a country into being a corporation existing only in the jurisdiction of the air and the sea.  So much easier for them, if they don’t have to deal with flesh and blood: you can rape, murder, pillage, torture, and otherwise destroy a “corporation” because a corporation only exists on paper.

The fact that a living man or woman is presumed to be chattel owned by a corporation in their System,  is just more of the fun from the perspective of the madmen and madwomen responsible for all this criminality.  Then the assets of living people can be salvaged or impounded or whatever else the vermin responsible for this outrage conceive of and we are all reduced to being nothing but bar-coded animals in a stockyard.

Those who are so eagerly promoting this don’t realize that what they do to others will literally also be done unto them.

Those who are disgracing our flag in the name of Corporate Feudalism don’t really understand what they are doing, either.  They think it is “revolutionary” and a political statement and that it stands for a new government— but in fact, it’s just the ongoing attempt of the nasty de facto government we’ve had for the past 150 years to officially entrench itself and devour what is left of human decency.

Corporations are not competent to serve as governments, because they have only one purpose: profit.  And they will profit themselves at the cost of everyone and everything else like a giant eating machine that does nothing but consume twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

For this reason, corporations are supposed to be subservient to government, instead of “acting as” governments.  If the politicians have any sense, they will start pulling strings and plugs like mad, and liquidate these monsters before they are themselves rendered obsolete.

Think about it.  The corporate bosses need someone to blame. They will happily sacrifice all their henchmen once they are no longer needed, and that hour is just about here.

Put on a Big Show, trot out the 100,000 indictments, have lots of show trials, execute a lot of Third Stringers nobody ever heard of.  Blame them.  Who cares?

Change the colors of the flag and you change the nature of the government and the world—- but not in a good way, not for the good of Mankind.  So, stand by Old Glory.  Those red stripes stand for the blood in your veins and the white stripes stand for the soul in your body.

Blue stripes stand for Corporate Feudalism on steroids, and for you and yours, stripped naked and wearing a plastic ear-tag.

See this article and over 1800 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com

03 30 19 State Assemblies and Jural Assemblies



 By Anna Von Reitz

We are forming State Assemblies and Jural Assemblies are part of State Assemblies.  Our right to assemble and to execute the Jural duties as well as all other duties of self-governance are based on The Declaration of Independence and agreed upon and confirmed by all three Federal Constitutions.

And that’s an end to that.

There is a group of unnamed people going around like Chicken Little claiming that we do not have the right to form our own courts and execute justice in our own country and that Jural Assemblies are dangerous.

My response is that this is only true if those founding and operating Jural Assemblies are doing so without the proper standing and knowledge– which is like everything else, a challenge to us all to rebuild and restore.

This ill-informed and quite possibly self-interested rumor (consider the likely sources) is very easily disproven by the fact that we Americans had our own independent courts and form of Common Law for two centuries prior to the adoption of any Federal Constitution and have remained fully competent at all times prior and since.

There is also considerable confusion about the difference between “Jural Assemblies” which give rise to Land Jurisdiction Courts and Jural Societies which give rise to Sea Jurisdiction Courts.

Obviously, our States as sovereign entities can form either kind of Jural Body, but the Constitutional Agreements limit our Sea Jurisdiction Courts to address only those powers that were not Delegated and which are covered by Amendment X.

Thus the actual States have limited use for Jural Societies and have traditionally focused on Jural Assemblies that support the Land Jurisdiction Courts as organizations that derive from the State Assembly for the special purpose of organizing our court system in the same way that the militia of each State is formed as an adjunct organization operating under the State Assembly as a whole.

There is no mystery about this, no cause for alarm or misgivings or fear-mongering about anything The American States Assembly is doing and anyone who says otherwise is either (a) misinformed or (b) deliberately trying to mislead people and cause trouble.

See this article and over 1800 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com

05 30 19 More Misdirection



By Anna Von Reitz

We are forming State Assemblies and Jural Assemblies are part of State Assemblies.  Our right to assemble and to execute the Jural duties as well as all other duties of self-governance are based on The Declaration of Independence and agreed upon and confirmed by all three Federal Constitutions.

And that’s an end to that.

There is a group of unnamed people going around like Chicken Little claiming that we do not have the right to form our own courts and execute justice in our own country and that Jural Assemblies are dangerous.

My response is that this is only true if those founding and operating Jural Assemblies are doing so without the proper standing and knowledge– which is like everything else, a challenge to us all to rebuild and restore.

This ill-informed and quite possibly self-interested rumor (consider the likely sources) is very easily disproven by the fact that we Americans had our own independent courts and form of Common Law for two centuries prior to the adoption of any Federal Constitution and have remained fully competent at all times prior and since.

There is also considerable confusion about the difference between “Jural Assemblies” which give rise to Land Jurisdiction Courts and Jural Societies which give rise to Sea Jurisdiction Courts.

Obviously, our States as sovereign entities can form either kind of Jural Body, but the Constitutional Agreements limit our Sea Jurisdiction Courts to address only those powers that were not Delegated and which are covered by Amendment X.

Thus the actual States have limited use for Jural Societies and have traditionally focused on Jural Assemblies that support the Land Jurisdiction Courts as organizations that derive from the State Assembly for the special purpose of organizing our court system in the same way that the militia of each State is formed as an adjunct organization operating under the State Assembly as a whole.

There is no mystery about this, no cause for alarm or misgivings or fear-mongering about anything The American States Assembly is doing and anyone who says otherwise is either (a) misinformed or (b) deliberately trying to mislead people and cause trouble.

See this article and over 1800 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com

05 29 19 Daylight in the Swamp!



 By Anna Von Reitz

If there’s some lying skullduggery afoot, some mean, deceptive, sideways knife in the back, it’s always the Brits.  That’s 100% of the time.  Those who were reading my blog at the time (and anyone who cares to go back in the archives and look) will find that I reported (months and months ago) that the Brits were the ones in back of the now-infamous Dossier framing President Trump for “Russian Collusion” and now –finally— this basic truth is coming to light.

Even if I hadn’t seen British fingerprints on it, I would have still assumed out of hand, sight unseen, no questions asked — that the Brits were the ones at the bottom of it all.  And I would have also guessed that they and their American pals were in fact the ones colluding with the Russians to sell out our Uranium.  So guess what?

A few days ago it came out that the Italian Secret Service was supposed to be employed to plant emails and other material gleaned from Hillary Clinton onto Trump’s computers, so as to make it look like he was the one colluding when in fact it was her behind it the whole time.  Look a little further into the rabbit hole and what do you find?  Oh, a New York-based FBI unit was in it up to their little pink whiskers.  And under whose direction were they working?  Oh, the Secret Service.

Goodness me, how it all comes around and around and around and always lands back on Britain.  Always in the past fifty years that I can verify.  It’s as if everyone else stopped stirring the pot and just let them have at it.

And here’s today’s news from the Alt Media—which is the only media we have left:


Those of you who have been reading a while will also remember that I told you it was the Russian Czar who sent his navy to intervene and stand between us and the British at the end of the Civil War.   I mentioned it again just recently.

Russia has often been our friend and the Brits have often been our enemies, but somehow nobody notices these things because we are not thinking and looking at the facts in front of our faces.  Nor are we trying hard enough to reason our way forward from the facts.

America has always been the death-knell of feudalism and monarchy.  Every American born on our land is a sovereign in their own right.  350 million of us, all equal to the Queen.  Imagine how that went down the old pipes?

And it was bad news for the Pope, too.  How could absolute Papal Supremacy be maintained in a world where average people, even low-life dirty American Commoners without a shred of culture, could aspire to rule their own lives, consult their own conscience, and own their own property?

This is self-evidently why, in 1822, the then-Pope and the then-British Monarch authored and signed The Secret Treaty of Verona, admitting that our form of government was antithetical to their form of government, and agreeing secretly to undermine us in Breach of Trust.

They’ve been at it ever since.

They co-sponsored the Civil War.  They engineered the substitution of British Territorial States of States for American States of States.  They picked and chose the Presidents from Whitehall.  They lapped up the cream of their perfidy.  They stuck a straw in America and sucked us dry and used us as unbelievably cheap mercenaries in endless wars for profit. And they did it all behind such a nice facade that nearly everyone was content to blame all the war-mongering and evil-doing  on “the Americans, the Americans, the Americans….”


They have also sought to make the Chinese and the Russians into our enemies, when in fact, neither one have been.  The Chinese just want to have reliable  trading partners who pay their bills.  The Russians want to have peace, free markets and economic opportunities for themselves. There is nothing about our Sino-Russian relationship that is hard to observe or explain….except, why should we be enemies with them?

To put it flatly and in a nutshell — because the Queen and the Pope want it that way.

The Chinese and Russian Communists are in fact closer in sympathy to the American Dream than the European Monarchists could ever be.  They enshrine the Worker and we enshrine the Common Man.  We are not that far apart in our egalitarian attitudes.  They simply focus on the group while we focus on the individual.  At least we are in the same sector of the Human Values galaxy.

If we became friends and Allies with the Russians and Chinese, that would be the end of the Spiderweb in Europe, and the end of the ability of the Queen and the Pope to use America and Americans as the Bulwark for their own monopoly interests.

They’d have to pay for their own defense.  They’d have to come out of the shadows and stop pretending that “the Americans” are the aggressors and bullies.  They’d have to take their greasy paws off of Africa and stop meddling in the Middle East.

It would be a whole new world.

Interfering in the American elections is the least of it.  They have been interfering with and funding and manipulating and hand-choosing the Electors in every election for decades.  That’s a no-brainer and not even worth discussing.

What should be more “newsworthy” is the fact that they have been running a de facto government on our shores in Breach of Trust for a 150 years.

It’s not just the elections, folks.  It’s the whole Shizzam.  It’s the two party system.  It’s the Democrats and the Republicans. It’s the whole concept of having two groups of lobbyists in Washington, DC, fighting over the spoils and handing off large chunks of the profits to the Pope and the Queen.  It’s everything we have taken for granted and “trusted” and not questioned.

Daylight in the Swamp!

See this article and over 1800 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com

05 29 19 For Kevin Cote—



 By Anna Von Reitz

Let’s make this perfectly clear to you, Kevin, and everyone else: Jocelyne owns PaperUpNow.com. She put it up and she took it down and that is her decision.

I didn’t “take” anything away from her. I didn’t tell her to shut it down. And I certainly didn’t profit from her work and leave her without compensation, as you imply.

She hasn’t talked to me about selling the website.

I asked her politely, as an adult to an adult, to reconsider her decision because I believe she has a mission and that mission isn’t going to happen if she lets gossip and the stupidity of others get in her way.

If she is upset and angry about her own decisions, as you say— without any proof—- who else is to blame?

Not me, Bubba.

You, Kevin, are always stirring the pot. You did the same thing with Tressa Heywood. You don’t like strong women who are competent. You undermine them every chance you get.

And here you are, trying to undermine Jocelyne and me, both at once.

You may think that this isn’t being noticed and recognized for what it is, but think again.

This isn’t my first time at the rodeo. I watched you spread poison through the Continental Marshals program, too. Same MO.

Since when has anyone ever had any trouble getting me to “respond”—???? Exactly what “facts” am I supposed to have ignored? And how have I twisted anything around?

You certainly have cause to know that Jocelyne both owns and controls that website. But here you are, twisting and turning, stirring the pot, giving people false information. Deliberately.

I am not a member of the Arizona Assembly and not likely to be one anytime soon.

So I suggest that you all put on your Big Girl and Big Boy pants and deal with your own internal bad behavior, sort it out, and get on the road toward something positive. Soon.

The rest of the Assemblies are moving forward and if Arizona doesn’t get moving, it’s not going to be ready to move forward with the rest of the States.

See this article and over 1800 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com






From: Marilyn MacG <marilynmacg@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, May 27, 2019 at 4:00 PM
Subject: America’s New Civil War

This should give everyone something to think about.

Dr. Jack Minzey on Civil War in U.S. Today ….Jack passed away Sunday, 8 April 2018.

Professionally, Jack was head of the Department of Education at Eastern Michigan University as well as a prolific author of numerous books, most of which were on the topic of Education and the Government role therein.

This is the last of his works: Civil War

(The following is the speech that I delivered this Sunday at the South Carolina Tea Party Coalition Convention in Myrtle Beach. My appreciation to Joe Dugan and everyone involved in organizing it and making it a reality once again. And to Don Neuen and Donna Fiducia of Cowboy Logic Radio for the introduction. And to anyone and everyone still fighting the good fight.)

This is a civil war.

There aren’t any soldiers marching on Charleston… or Myrtle Beach. Nobody’s getting shot in the streets. Except in Chicago… and Baltimore, Detroit and Washington D.C.

But that’s not a civil war. It’s just what happens when Democrats run a city into the ground. And then they dig a hole in the ground so they can bury it even deeper.

If you look deep enough into that great big Democrat hole, you might even see where Jimmy Hoffa is buried.

But it’s not guns that make a civil war. It’s politics.

Guns are how a civil war ends. Politics is how it begins.

How do civil wars happen?

Two or more sides disagree on who runs the country. And they can’t settle the question through elections because they don’t even agree that elections are how you decide who’s in charge.

That’s the basic issue here. Who decides who runs the country? When you hate each other but accept the election results, you have a country. When you stop accepting election results, you have a countdown to a civil war.

I know you’re all thinking about President Trump.

He won and the establishment, the media, the democrats, rejected the results. They came up with a whole bunch of conspiracy theories to explain why he didn’t really win. It was the Russians. And the FBI. And sexism, Obama, Bernie Sanders and white people.

It’s easier to make a list of the things that Hillary Clinton doesn’t blame for losing the election. It’s going to be a short list.

A really short list. Herself.

The Mueller investigation is about removing President Trump from office and overturning the results of an election. We all know that. But it’s not the first time they’ve done this.

The first time a Republican president was elected this century, they said he didn’t really win. The Supreme Court gave him the election. There’s a pattern here.

Trump didn’t really win the election. Bush didn’t really win the election. Every time a Republican president won an election this century, the Democrats insist he didn’t really win.

Now say a third Republican president wins an election in say, 2024.

What are the odds that they’ll say that he didn’t really win? Right now, it looks like 100 percent.

What do sure odds of the Dems rejecting the next Republican president really mean? It means they don’t accept the results of any election that they don’t win.

It means they don’t believe that transfers of power in this country are determined by elections.

That’s a civil war.

There’s no shooting. At least not unless you count the attempt to kill a bunch of Republicans at a charity baseball game practice. But the Democrats have rejected our system of government.

This isn’t dissent. It’s not disagreement.

You can hate the other party. You can think they’re the worst thing that ever happened to the country. But then you work harder to win the next election. When you consistently reject the results of elections that you don’t win, what you want is a dictatorship.

Your very own dictatorship.

The only legitimate exercise of power in this country, according to the left, is its own. Whenever Republicans exercise power, it’s inherently illegitimate.

The attacks on Trump show that elections don’t matter to the left.

Republicans can win an election, but they have a major flaw. They’re not leftists.

That’s what the leftist dictatorship looks like.

The left lost Congress. They lost the White House. So what did they do? They began trying to run the country through Federal judges and bureaucrats.

Every time that a Federal judge issues an order saying that the President of the United States can’t scratch his own back without his say so, that’s the civil war.

Our system of government is based on the constitution, but that’s not the system that runs this country.

The left’s system is that any part of government that it runs gets total and unlimited power over the country.

If it’s in the White House, then the president can do anything. And I mean anything. He can have his own amnesty for illegal aliens. He can fine you for not having health insurance. His power is unlimited.

He’s a dictator.

But when Republicans get into the White House, suddenly the President can’t do anything. He isn’t even allowed to undo the illegal alien amnesty that his predecessor illegally invented.

A Democrat in the White House has “discretion” to completely decide every aspect of immigration policy. A Republican doesn’t even have the “discretion” to reverse him.

That’s how the game is played. That’s how our country is run.

When Democrats control the Senate, then Harry Reid and his boys and girls are the sane, wise heads that keep the crazy guys in the House in check.

But when Republicans control the Senate, then it’s an outmoded body inspired by racism.

When Democrats run the Supreme Court, then it has the power to decide everything in the country. But when Republicans control the Supreme Court, it’s a dangerous body that no one should pay attention to.

When a Democrat is in the White House, states aren’t even allowed to enforce immigration law. But when a Republican is in the White House, states can create their own immigration laws.

Under Obama, a state wasn’t allowed to go to the bathroom without asking permission. But under Trump, Jerry Brown can go around saying that California is an independent republic and sign treaties with other countries.

The Constitution has something to say about that.

Whether it’s Federal or State, Executive, Legislative or Judiciary, the left moves power around to run the country. If it controls an institution, then that institution is suddenly the supreme power in the land.

This is what I call a moving dictatorship.

There isn’t one guy in a room somewhere issuing the orders. Instead there’s a network of them. And the network moves around.

If the guys and girls in the network win elections, they can do it from the White House. If they lose the White House, they’ll do it from Congress. If they don’t have either one, they’ll use the Supreme Court.

If they don’t have either the White House, Congress or the Supreme Court, they’re screwed. Right?


They just go on issuing them through circuit courts and the bureaucracy. State governments announce that they’re independent republics. Corporations begin threatening and suing the government.

There’s no consistent legal standard. Only a political one.

Under Obama, states weren’t allowed to enforce immigration laws. That was the job of the Federal government. And the states weren’t allowed to interfere with the job that the Feds weren’t doing.


Now Trump comes into office and starts enforcing immigration laws again. And California announces it’s a sanctuary state and passes a law punishing businesses that cooperate with Federal immigration enforcement.

So what do we have here?

It’s illegal for states to enforce immigration law because that’s the province of the Federal government. But it’s legal for states to ban the Federal government from enforcing immigration law.

The only consistent pattern here is that the left decided to make it illegal to enforce immigration law.

It may do that sometimes under the guise of Federal power or states rights. But those are just fronts. The only consistent thing is that leftist policies are mandatory and opposing them is illegal.

Everything else is just a song and dance routine.

That’s how it works. It’s the moving dictatorship. It’s the tyranny of the network.

You can’t pin it down. There’s no one office or one guy. It’s a network of them. It’s an ideological dictatorship. Some people call it the deep state. But that doesn’t even begin to capture what it is.

To understand it, you have to think about things like the Cold War and Communist infiltration.

A better term than Deep State is Shadow Government.

Parts of the Shadow Government aren’t even in the government. They are wherever the left holds power. It can be in the non-profit sector and among major corporations. Power gets moved around like a New York City shell game. Where’s the quarter? Nope, it’s not there anymore.

The shadow government is an ideological network. These days it calls itself by a hashtag #Resistance. Under any name, it runs the country. Most of the time we don’t realize that. When things are normal, when there’s a Democrat in the White House or a bunch of Democrats in Congress, it’s business as usual.

Even with most Republican presidents, you didn’t notice anything too out of the ordinary. Sure, the Democrats got their way most of the time. But that’s how the game is usually played.

It’s only when someone came on the scene who didn’t play the game by the same rules, that the network exposed itself. The shadow government emerged out of hiding and came for Trump.

And that’s the civil war.

This is a war over who runs the country. Do the people who vote run the country or does this network that can lose an election, but still get its agenda through, run the country?

We’ve been having this fight for a while. But this century things have escalated.

They escalated a whole lot after Trump’s win because the network isn’t pretending anymore. It sees the opportunity to delegitimize the whole idea of elections.

Now the network isn’t running the country from cover. It’s actually out here trying to overturn the results of an election and remove the president from office.

It’s rejected the victories of two Republican presidents this century.

And if we don’t stand up and confront it, and expose it for what it is, it’s going to go on doing it in every election. And eventually Federal judges are going to gain enough power that they really will overturn elections.

It happens in other countries. If you think it can’t happen here, you haven’t been paying attention to the left.

Right now, Federal judges are declaring that President Trump isn’t allowed to govern because his Tweets show he’s a racist. How long until they say that a president isn’t even allowed to take office because they don’t like his views?

That’s where we’re headed.

Civil wars swing around a very basic question. The most basic question of them all. Who runs the country?

Is it me? Is it you? Is it Grandma? Or is it bunch of people who made running the government into their career?

America was founded on getting away from professional government. The British monarchy was a professional government. Like all professional governments, it was hereditary. Professional classes eventually decide to pass down their privileges to their kids.

America was different. We had a volunteer government. That’s what the Founding Fathers built.

This is a civil war between volunteer governments elected by the people and professional governments elected by… well… uh… themselves.

Of the establishment, by the establishment and for the establishment.

You know, the people who always say they know better, no matter how many times they screw up, because they’re the professionals. They’ve been in Washington D.C. politics since they were in diapers.

Freedom can only exist under a volunteer government. Because everyone is in charge. Power belongs to the people.

A professional government is going to have to stamp out freedom sooner or later. Freedom under a professional government can only be a fiction. Whenever the people disagree with the professionals, they’re going to have to get put down. That’s just how it is. No matter how it’s disguised, a professional government is tyranny.

Ours is really well disguised, but if it walks like a duck and locks you up like a duck, it’s a tyranny.

Now what’s the left.

Forget all the deep answers. The left is a professional government.

It’s whole idea is that everything needs to be controlled by a big central government to make society just. That means everything from your soda sizes to whether you can mow your lawn needs to be decided in Washington D.C.

Volunteer governments are unjust. Professional governments are fair. That’s the credo of the left.

Its network, the one we were just discussing, it takes over professional governments because it shares their basic ideas. Professional governments, no matter who runs them, are convinced that everything should run through the professionals. And the professionals are usually lefties. If they aren’t, they will be.

Just ask Mueller and establishment guys like him.

What infuriates professional government more than anything else? An amateur, someone like President Trump who didn’t spend his entire adult life practicing to be president, taking over the job.

President Trump is what volunteer government is all about.

When you’re a government professional, you’re invested in keeping the system going. But when you’re a volunteer, you can do all the things that the experts tell you can’t be done. You can look at the mess we’re in with fresh eyes and do the common sense things that President Trump is doing.

And common sense is the enemy of government professionals. It’s why Trump is such a threat.

A Republican government professional would be bad enough. But a Republican government volunteer does that thing you’re not supposed to do in government… think differently.

Professional government is a guild. Like medieval guilds, you can’t serve in if you’re not a member. If you haven’t been indoctrinated into its arcane rituals. If you aren’t in the club.

And Trump isn’t in the club. He brought in a bunch of people who aren’t in the club with him.

Now we’re seeing what the pros do when amateurs try to walk in on them. They spy on them, they investigate them and they send them to jail. They use the tools of power to bring them down.

That’s not a free country.

It’s not a free country when FBI agents who support Hillary take out an “insurance policy” against Trump winning the election. It’s not a free country when Obama officials engage in massive unmasking of the opposition. It’s not a free country when the media responds to the other guy winning by trying to ban the conservative media that supported him from social media. It’s not a free country when all of the above collude together to overturn an election because the guy who wasn’t supposed to win, won.

We’re in a civil war between conservative volunteer government and leftist professional government.

The pros have made it clear that they’re not going to accept election results anymore. They’re just going to make us do whatever they want. They’re in charge and we better do what they say.

That’s the war we’re in. And it’s important that we understand that.

Because this isn’t a shooting war yet. And I don’t want to see it become one.

And before the shooting starts, civil wars are fought with arguments. To win, you have to understand what the big picture argument is. It’s easy to get bogged down in arguments that don’t matter or won’t really change anything.

This is the argument that changes everything.

Do we have a government of the people and by the people? Or do we have a tyranny of the professionals?

The Democrats try to dress up this argument in leftist social justice babble. Those fights are worth having. But sometimes we need to pull back the curtain on what this is really about.

They’ve tried to rig the system. They’ve done it by gerrymandering, by changing the demographics of entire states through immigration, by abusing the judiciary and by a thousand different tricks.

But civil wars come down to an easy question. Who runs the country?

They’ve given us their answer and we need to give them our answer.

Both sides talk about taking back the country. But who are they taking it back for?

The left uses identity politics. It puts supposed representatives of entire identity groups up front. We’re taking the country back for women and for black people, and so on and so forth…

But nobody elected their representatives.

Identity groups don’t vote for leaders. All the black people in the country never voted to make Shaun King al Al Sharpton their representative. And women sure as hell didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton.

What we have in America is a representative government. A representative government makes freedom possible because it actually represents people, instead of representing ideas.

The left’s identity politics only represents ideas. Nobody gets to vote on them.

Instead the left puts out representatives from different identity politics groups, there’s your gay guy, there’s three women, there’s a black man, as fronts for their professional government system.

When they’re taking back the country, it’s always for professional government. It’s never for the people.

When conservatives fight to take back the country, it’s for the people. It’s for volunteer government the way that the Founding Fathers wanted it to be.

This is a civil war over whether the American people are going to govern themselves. Or are they going to be governed.

Are we going to have a government of the people, by the people and for the people… or are we going to have a government for the left? Olddog

The kind of government that most countries have where a few special people decide what’s best for everyone.

We tried that kind of government under the British monarchy. And we had a revolution because we didn’t like it.

But that revolution was met with a counterrevolution by the left. The left wants a monarchy. It wants King Obama or Queen Oprah.

It wants to end government of the people, by the people and for the people. That’s what they’re fighting for. That’s what we’re fighting against. The stakes are as big as they’re ever going to get. Do elections matter anymore?

I live in the state of Ronald Reagan. I can go visit the Ronald Reagan Library any time I want to. But today California has one party elections. There are lots of elections and propositions. There’s all the theater of democracy, but none of the substance. Its political system is as free and open as the Soviet Union.

And that can be America.

The Trump years are going to decide if America survives. When his time in office is done, we’re either going to be California or a free nation once again.

The civil war is out in the open now and we need to fight the good fight. And we must fight to win.


By now Americans should be pretty damn sick of a so called democracy! That is if they have half a brain, which the majority does not, so what is the big deal about a majority? Listen up folks, the idea that America is impervious to a civil war is bull shit. As a matter of fact, a civil war is exactly what the powers that be are building as you read this. They fully intend to destroy any possibility of individualism, self education, independence or personal isolation. They have all the power needed to bankrupt every country and government on earth. Now, who do you think really runs Mother Earth?

The only logical way to fight them is to change the monetary system and make currency obsolete. Then reeducate the people so they understand their own built in deficiencies and dependence on others. Teach them to be self educated and independent of government dictates. All this is possible if the people wake up before the S.H.T.F.

The only logical system of governance is for the people to be really in charge of who is running their lives and a democracy is not the way people become free of tyranny. If you doubt my opinion please do some research on this web site – http://www.annavonreitz.com/  This is where individual freedom from tyranny will be found, and the world free from the rich and powerful. A democracy is like trying to lift a thousand pound barbell. It will crush you! A Country of self educated, independent minded individuals can form a system of laws that everyone can live with if they desire a true freedom from tyranny. A country of people who let their government educate them and control their information will remain subjects of power hungry tyrants.

05 28 19 Memorial Day Visitation



 By Anna Von Reitz

The Virgin Mary has appeared to me exactly three times in my life.  She has a presence and aura that is all her own, unique among all others, and the scent of roses fills the air around her as if all the roses of a thousand fields of bloom were present in the room.

Last night she came to me in her gentle way and gave me a bouquet of roses to bring home to you, to this world.  Each rose is a gift and a blessing symbolizing some Great Good — kindness, compassion, friendship, loyalty, generosity, hope.

All this she sent to each one of us, to our country, to our world.

I don’t know what to expect.  I can tell you that that was the basic thrust of the action and the message — to deliver blessings to our world. I can also tell you that each time she appears huge changes appear soon after.

On both of the other occasions when she has come to visit me, within three days, major changes and challenges have come.

So, while I am blessed and while it has been given to me to bring blessings, too, I cannot tell you by what path or motivation or opening of doors this is to be accomplished.

Buckle up your seat belts.  I am certainly buckling mine.

See this article and over 1800 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com

05 28 19 Enough Arizona



By Anna Von Reitz

If the people in the Arizona Assembly can’t get this job done without having  cliques of volunteers bad-mouthing other cliques of volunteers and accusing me of taking down the PaperUpNow website—- go away.

Just admit that you are all too immature to get the job that needs to be done, done.

This is serious business.  It needs serious commitment and level heads. If you can’t provide both, stay home.

Those that are committed to restoring a proper government for Arizona and a better future for America will soldier on.

And just like Rhett said to Scarlett— “Frankly, my dear….”

Arizona is your home, your State, your homes and families are there.

If you don’t care enough to protect your own and do the right thing by each other, I sure as blazes am not coming all the way down there to nursemaid or coerce you, either one.

See this article and over 1800 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com

05 28 19 One Brilliant Deceit Too Many



 By Anna Von Reitz

Look at the 14th Amendment. Look at the crucial phrase, “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof”.

Look at the Trading With the Enemy Act. Look at the crucial phrase, “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof”.

What are they talking about? They are talking about “the” United States — that is, the Municipal United States and its “Citizens of the United States”.

It is not, as so many people have assumed, talking about us. It’s not even talking about the Territorial “United States Citizens”, either.

None of that is our “United States”. None of us are naturally subject to the jurisdiction of the Municipal United States.

You will also hear that the British Parliament declared “war” on us in 1860, but if you look closely at that, you will see that it is an action against the Confederate States of States, as it had to be to prevent all of our Allies from declaring an actual war on Britain.

That this is true is underlined by the fact that the Russian Czar placed his Navy between us and the British at the end of the hostilities— just to “remind” them of their obligations under actual international law and international treaties and service contracts and trust agreements that the rats owed us then and still owe us now.

So sharpen your wits and your eye-sight to catch the fine details and don’t be misled. The actual Law is firmly on our side of the issues.

See this article and over 1800 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com


05 28 19 Gossip and Dangers in Common



 By Anna Von Reitz

Gossipers all seem to think that gossiping does not affect them — but gossip does taint those who gossip just as it taints those they gossip about.

So, please, if you have been flapping your jaws and making assumptions, stop all the he-said, she-said, did-you-hear?

There’s nothing bad going on and nothing to gossip about.

We are simply switching gears from second to third, and making it easier than ever for people to do their paperwork and create their land jurisdiction records and contact their State Assembly via TheAmericanStatesAssembly.net website.

We are also cutting down on all the verification work, too, because it can all be done and verified as part of one online process.

It’s all a good change, and everyone is helping to make it happen.

What you have to be concerned about is what you were born with — your birthright as an American. It’s up to you to claim it or not.

The rest of us have brought forward the fact that 90% of Americans (or more) have been misidentified as US Citizens and are being denied their property rights and constitutional guarantees as a result.

We have provided the means to correct this situation and allow millions of people to enjoy the freedom and the prosperity they deserve— for FREE.

As long as you do this in a peaceful and orderly fashion, nobody on Earth can complain, because all you are doing is reclaiming something that is already yours — your Good Name and Estate.

Having reclaimed your birthright political status on the Public Record, you are again operating as a Lawful Person, standing on the international land jurisdiction of your State of the Union.  You are again owed all the constitutional guarantees.  You are free to boot up your State Assembly.

As long as you do this in order, by first correcting your own political status records and then assembling your State, nobody on Earth can complain about that, either.

The danger comes when people go off half-cocked and try to assemble their States before they have corrected their own records, because it is literally against the Constitutions for US Citizens to pretend to assemble a State of the Union, and also against the Constitutions for a State to act as a State of State.

The first fact means that if the President gets grumpy, he can order all those US Citizens engaged in groups like RuSA and T-ROH and the REPUBLIC, etc., to be arrested and charged as insurrectionists acting in conspiracy against the Constitutions, which is a very serious charge.

Now I don’t want good people to be endangered and I don’t want those who are doing this the right way confused with those who are doing it the wrong way.

And I don’t want foreign “States of States” substituted for American States of States.  Britain pulled that trick on us in 1868 and it has been repeated several times since—- always to the detriment of this country.

Enough is enough of that, too.

We are engaged in very serious business here.  We are restoring a fully functioning American Government for the first time in 150 years.

A great many people have made huge sacrifices to gain the knowledge and share it with you and enable you to act upon it for yourselves. Do so. They have done all this for free — never charged you a penny.  Be grateful.

Do it the right way, be diligent, stay in your lane, and everything will all work out fine for everyone concerned.  Even the US Citizens.

See this article and over 1800 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com


05 27 19 PaperUpNow.com is down but new website coming.



From Anna Von Reitz this morning.

PaperUp is down because the majority of materials are being migrated to TheAmericanStatesAssembly.net website and a new team hopefully including Jocelyne will be further improving and upgrading the documents so they are fill-able online and can be verified and have a basic recording online with a direct link to the Assembly in each State.   This will be a lot less work for everyone concerned and will do away with the tiresome work of having to verify everyone’s documents by hand.

Posted by Paul Stramer

05 27 19 Lawful People, Lawful Money, Lawful Remedy.


Sorry Folks, I got this one out of sequence!


By Anna Von Reitz

People come to me and they want to argue.

They have a clear view of their part of the “Elephant” and they want to argue about it.

If they have hold of the trunk, they want to tell me all about how it is long and flexible and tapered and seems to be hollow.  If they have grabbed a leg, they are telling me about how it is rock solid and cylindrical.  If they have hold of an ear, well, then, it is flat and flexible and flops back and forth like a piece of heavy cloth….

Then, of course, they want to argue with each other, too.

Which one is right?  They all are.

They are just experiencing the government and the court system from different directions.

It’s important to step back and realize we have a whole “Elephant” here.

This morning I got a stream of emails because a “Petition of Remonstrance” was not heard nor addressed by the State of New Hampshire Legislature.  No big surprises here in Alaska.

When you “petition” anyone or anything, you give up your sovereignty to them, like a little kid petitioning for a cookie.  Does the parent have the right to ignore such a petition and go on doing the laundry?

And as it turns out, the Petition was mis-addressed.  Why ask Joe about Joseph’s business?  It doesn’t make sense, does it?   The names are similar, but there are two different parties involved.

So there again, why would the State of New Hampshire have a word to say about New Hampshire’s business?

This was followed by more emails back and forth, with people discovering that we don’t have any courts.  Oh, my.

If I recall correctly, I came to the conclusion that all we have functioning as courts here (with very few exceptions) are: (1) Administrative Tribunals that handle In-House disputes for the corporations; (2) Maritime (Commercial) Courts operating under Admiralty Jurisdiction granted by Article III, Section 2 and exercised via the Special Supplemental Rules of the Federal Code of Civil Procedure; (3) Admiralty Courts functioning under Article III and the US Code of Military Justice: Military “Common Law”.

That was about five years ago, but the startled squawking about this “discovery” goes on anyway.  Then the same people who say that I am wrong go on to prove me right, and the only thing that is accomplished is that more time and energy is wasted while everyone gropes the elephant.

The reason we don’t have any courts is that we haven’t been acting in our rightful capacity as Lawful People (we were unaware that we had been “redefined” as “Legal Persons” ) and we have not, as a result, provided ourselves with the Lawful Courts we are owed under the Constitutions.

That’s right.  We have been defrauded, that’s true, and we have every right to bring claims and take action.

But at the other end of the day, our lack of an honest court system for the service of Lawful People is our own fault.  We are the ones we have been waiting for.

There is a Lawful System.  We have to build it back up.

There is a Legal System.  They own it “in our names”.

Deal with the facts, folks.

We are naturally Lawful Persons known as “People”, but when we are just babes in our cradles, the perpetrators of the Great Fraud sneak in, get our

mothers to sign undisclosed contracts, and use that as the basis to redefine us as Legal Persons, instead.

No notice is given, so of course, you are unaware and unable to rebut their legal presumption  and deceitfully fabricated evidence (the Birth Certificate) that you are acting as a “Legal Person” and not a “Lawful Person”.

That is, until now, when you have all been given not only the history of how this came to be, but also the tools you need to correct the situation and reclaim your status as a Lawful Person and one of the People of this country.

Go to: www.annavonreitz.com and scroll down to Article 928.

There is a logic to be observed.  There are Lawful People living under the Public Law of this country, and those Lawful People are owed all the Lawful Money and Actual Assets, and they are also the ones owed all Lawful Relief and Remedy as well.

Legal Persons have no such rights nor property interests.

Underline that statement, put it in large boldface letters in your mind.  Think about it.  Think about what it implies.  If you don’t get busy and reclaim your lawful birthright political status, you stand to be cheated out of your birthright and sold a bowl of porridge in purportedly equitable exchange.

If you want to address the actual problem at its roots and stop flailing away like a flock of disturbed pigeons arguing about elephants, do the paperwork to correct your political status, enter into your Lawful Capacity as one of the Lawful People of this country, join your Lawful State Assembly, and restore your Lawful Counties, Lawful States, and their associated Lawful Courts to serve the needs of the Lawful People.

Your country needs you to wake up — all the way up.  The watch fires are lit and burning.

Go to TheAmericanStatesAssembly.net.

See this article and over 1800 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com

05 26 19 Court Action versus Private Arbitration




By Anna Von Reitz

Most of what passes for “court action” in our present morass of ignorance is instead the private processing of corporate tribunal decisions that are not the actions of any Public Court at all.

Any time you see a docket sheet where the style of the name of the Court and the Plaintiffs and the Defendants all match, you are looking at an action in a private corporate tribunal designed to administratively settle disputes among the officials and employees and shareholders of the corporation.

If the court is captioned (named and described) in an Upper and Lower Case name and the Plaintiffs and Defendants are too, you are looking at a Territorial Administrative Tribunal case.

If the court is captioned in all capital letters and the Plaintiffs and Defendants are also, you are looking at a MUNICIPAL COURT TRIBUNAL.

These Administrative Court Tribunals conduct about 90% of all court actions in this country.

They all function by presuming that you are either an officer or an employee or a shareholder or a dependent of a corporation, and assume that whatever is being brought forward for adjudication is an internal dispute to be settled according to the internal statutory laws of the corporation (Administrative Code) and State Statutes and Public Policies of that corporation.

So, once again, it is up to you to “declare your law” and to choose which court you do business with, and also up to you to decide whether you address a court at all—– unless of course, someone else is trying to choose your law and your court “for” you.  That’s another whole discussion.

For the moment, let’s just concentrate on the fact that when you bring forward something for settlement, it is your choice of law and your decision to address either a court or seek private arbitration that largely determines the outcome.

Most people in this country approve of land jurisdiction courts where the Ten Commandments form the basis for the Law being administered, but those courts were taken out of action surreptitiously by our “Public Servants” in order to better serve themselves.

So now what?  A corporate administrative tribunal doesn’t fit who you are or what you need in terms of services, and the gazillion codes and statutes and policies of these corporations don’t meet your needs as a living man or woman.

Chances are you are just waking up to the fact that you are being “impersonated” as a corporate entity and a legal fiction entity, and not being recognized as a living man or a Lawful Person, either one.

Chances are you don’t know the variations of laws and codes and statutes and all the corporate legalese, all the court procedures, all the court rules…..

So that leaves you a stranger in a strange land and makes you easy pickings for these predators. You really are unprepared to interact with these courts, and they know it.  They set it up that way, the better to profit themselves and to keep rigid control of you and your assets.

But when you are bringing the action, you do have an option.  You can seek private arbitration instead.  Arbitration has many advantages over court actions, not the least of which is simplicity.  In arbitration all you have to do is establish the form of law, the identities of the parties, and the nature of the conflict.

You can sit down together like rational people and speak plain English and be heard.  The Arbiter is free to render a judgment based on the principles of justice apart from any corporate policies— and they often do so with great prejudice against those perpetuating injustice.  You just don’t hear about these cases because they are private—- truly private, as opposed to the quasi-private corporate tribunal actions that are so common.

An arbitration action does not establish any precedent for anyone but you and whoever else is party to the arbitration.  It does not establish any res judicata.  But what it can and often does manage to deliver is justice.

So when you are standing there feeling utterly bewildered by the plethora of undisclosed courts and court operations that have nothing to do with you as a living man or woman, remember the option you do have — private arbitration.

As a result of the corruption of the corporate court systems and the basic fact that the courts are obliged to make insupportable presumptions against you to even bring a case into their jurisdiction — a very lively business has sprung up for Private Arbitration Services and you will find them under that heading in many metropolitan areas.

Make haste to make peace with your brother on your way to court…. and take a detour via private arbitration services instead.  Until we have our own courts set up and functioning again, this is the best option for people searching for justice.

See this article and over 1800 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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05 2619 Lawful Marriage




By Anna Von Reitz

It’s “Marriage Season” — or so I am told.  More marriages take place in June than in any other month of the year.   I’ve been thumping on everyone about the word “Lawful” this week, as opposed to “Legal” so now we have the topic of “Lawful Marriage”.

What is a “Lawful Marriage” as opposed to a “Legal Marriage”?

A Lawful Marriage is one that takes place on the land and soil of an actual, factual country.  It takes place according to the Law of Scripture and the Public Law of the country and internationally it is recognized as a Simple Treaty under the Law of Nations.

It’s both a private agreement and a public agreement between two people to live together and enter into all the rights and responsibilities of married life.

A “Legal Marriage” is a Joint Venture between two Legal Persons chartered by a State of State, subject to the Statutory Laws of that State of State.  The State of State, like the State of Washington, issuing the new franchise charter is an undisclosed Third Party having an “interest” in the JV and the “products thereof”—- your children.

Obviously, you want to have your ducks in order and be making a deliberate choice about which kind of “marriage” you are entering into.

I’ve had distraught parents contact me seeking help to protect their children who are now planning to get married and not knowing the difference between these two kinds of marriage.  They don’t want their children and grandchildren to be reduced to mere businesses operating a JV under the thumb of State of State subcontractors.

The basic situation is the same as what we encountered with the Baby Deed.  If we don’t record our baby’s true identity as an American State National, the freebooters sneak in and register our baby’s name as a Legal Person and Ward of their State of State organization, leaving him or her — and their parents — at the mercy of the Territorial State of State.

To counteract, we record the Baby Deed at the land recording office and seize ownership to our own children on the Public Record.  If the State of State then registers our baby’s name, it is clearly and demonstrably a secondary claim and is not owed any enforcement against the parents.

Straightening out your own political status records and recording that little Baby Deed on the land jurisdiction puts you back in control of your lives and the lives of your children.   It’s the same way with marriages.

You need to record your Lawful Marriage with the Land Recording Office, prior to or in concert with any “registration” of the new “vessel” with the State of State organization.

To that end, our team has constructed a new recording instrument that does for marriages what the Baby Deed does for babies —- establishes your marriage as a Lawful Marriage on the Public Record.

This document is called a “Solemn Record and Proclamation of Lawful Marriage” and will be found –together with instructions– with the Article 928 documents at my website, www.annavonreitz.com and hopefully will soon also be available on TheAmericanStatesAssembly.net website.

Those receiving this as an email will also receive a “red-line” copy of the form and instructions.

Recording this “Solemn Record and Proclamation of Lawful Marriage” protects your marriage from being treated as a commercial contract and prevents you and your children from being subjected to the unilateral demands of Territorial and Municipal Agencies.

For your own safety and sanity and for the well-being of your children, be sure to fill out the “Solemn Record and Proclamation of Lawful Marriage” and record it with the Land Recording Office nearest you.  This is evidence that you are acting as living people getting married and not functioning as business entities engaged in a Joint Venture merger—- which is how your marriage will otherwise be “interpreted” by the existing court systems.

I will also point out that doing this prevents a lot of the other heartaches that can be associated with marriages — CPS, forced vaccinations, denial of home school rights, inequitable divorces, and a whole lot more can be settled privately and should be settled privately by arbitration.  Just make sure to get your “Solemn Record and Proclamation of Lawful Marriage” properly witnessed and recorded and forestall any ability of the pirates to exercise their “discretion” with regard to what kind of marriage you have entered into.


To download and edit.


See this article and over 1800 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com

05 25 19 Title 50 Sole Relief and Remedy…



Posted by Paul Stramer 


7 TITLE 50, APPENDIX—WAR AND NATIONAL DEFENSE Page 18 ……of, or for the benefit of an enemy or ally of enemy have any right or remedy against the debtor, obligor, or other person liable to pay, fulfill, or perform the same unless said assignment, indorsement, or delivery was made prior to the beginning of the war or shall be made under license as herein provided, or unless, if made after the beginning of the war and prior to the date of passage of this Act [Oct. 6, 1917], the person to whom the same was made shall prove lack of knowledge and of reasonable cause to believe on his part that the same was made by, from or on behalf of, or on account of, or for the benefit of an enemy or ally of enemy; and any person who knowingly pays, discharges, or satisfies any such debt, note, bill, or other obligation or chose in action shall, on conviction thereof, be deemed to violate section three hereof [section 3 of this Appendix]:

Provided, That nothing in this Act [said sections] contained shall prevent the carrying out, completion, or performance of any contract, agreement, or obligation originally made with or entered into by an enemy or ally of enemy where, prior to the beginning of the war and not in contemplation thereof, the interest of such enemy or ally of enemy devolved by assignment or otherwise upon a person not an enemy or ally of enemy, and no enemy or ally of enemy will be benefited by such carrying out, completion, or performance otherwise than by release from obligation thereunder.

Nothing in this Act [said sections] shall be deemed to prevent payment of money belonging or owing to an enemy or ally of enemy to a person within the United States not an enemy or ally of enemy, for the benefit of such person or of any other person within the United States, not an enemy or ally of enemy, if the funds so paid shall have been received prior to the beginning of the war and such payments arise out of transactions entered into prior to the beginning of the war, and not in contemplation thereof:

Provided, That such payment shall not be made without the license of the President, general or special, as provided in this Act [said sections]. Nothing in this Act [said sections] shall be deemed to authorize the prosecution of any suit or action at law or in equity in any court within the United States by an enemy or ally of enemy prior to the end of the war, except as provided in section ten hereof [section 10 of this Appendix]: Provided, however, That an enemy or ally of enemy licensed to do business under this Act [said sections] may prosecute and maintain any such suit or action so far as the same arises solely out of the business transacted within the United States under such license and so long as such license remains in full force and effect:

And provided further, That an enemy or ally of enemy may defend by counsel any suit in equity or action at law which may be brought against him.

Receipt of notice from the President to the effect that he has reasonable ground to believe that any person is an enemy or ally of enemy shall be prima facie defense to any one receiving the same, in any suit or action at law or in equity brought or maintained, or to any right or set-off or recoupment asserted by, such person and based on failure to complete or perform since the beginning of the war any contract or other obligation. In any prosecution under section sixteen hereof [section 16 of this Appendix] proof of receipt of notice from the President to the effect that he has reasonable cause to believe that any person is an enemy or ally of enemy shall be prima facie evidence that the person receiving such notice has reasonable cause to believe such other person to be an enemy or ally of enemy within the meaning of section three hereof [section 3 of this Appendix].

(c) If the President shall so require any money or other property including (but not thereby limiting the generality of the above) patents, copyrights, applications therefore, and rights to apply for the same, trade marks, chooses in action, and rights and claims of every character and description owing or belonging to or held for, by, on account of, or on behalf of, or for the benefit of, an enemy or ally of enemy not holding a license granted by the President hereunder, which the President after investigation shall determine is so owning or so belongs or is so held, shall be conveyed, transferred, assigned, delivered, or paid over to the Alien Property Custodian, or the same may be seized by the Alien Property Custodian; and all property thus acquired shall be held, administered and disposed of as elsewhere provided in this Act [sections 1 to 6, 7 to 39, and 41 to 44 of this Appendix].

Any requirement made pursuant to this Act [said sections], or a duly certified copy thereof, may be filed, registered, or recorded in any office for the filing, registering, or recording of conveyances, transfers, or assignments of any such property or rights as may be covered by such requirement (including the proper office for filing, registering, or recording conveyances, transfers, or assignments of patents, copyrights, trade-marks, or any rights therein or any other rights); and if so filed, registered, or recorded shall impart the same notice and have the same force and effect as a duly executed conveyance, transfer, or assignment to the Alien Property Custodian so filed, registered, or recorded.

Whenever any such property shall consist of shares of stock or other beneficial interest in any corporation, association, or company or trust, it shall be the duty of the corporation, association, or company or trustee or trustees issuing such shares or any certificates or other instruments representing the same or any other beneficial interest to cancel upon its, his, or their books all shares of stock or other beneficial interest standing upon its, his, or their books in the name of any person or persons, or held for, on account of, or on behalf of, or for the benefit of any person or persons who shall have been determined by the President, after investigation, to be an enemy or ally of enemy, and which shall have been required to be conveyed, transferred, assigned, or delivered to the Alien Property Custodian or seized by him, and in lieu thereof to issue certificates or other instruments for such shares or other beneficial interest to the Alien Property Custodian or otherwise, as the Alien Property Custodian shall require.

The sole relief and remedy of any person having any claim to any money or other property heretofore or hereafter conveyed, transferred, Page 19 TITLE 50, APPENDIX—WAR AND NATIONAL DEFENSE § 8 assigned, delivered, or paid over to the Alien Property Custodian, or required so to be, or seized by him shall be that provided by the terms of this Act [said sections], and in the event of sale or other disposition of such property by the Alien Property Custodian, shall be limited to and enforced against the net proceeds received therefrom and held by the Alien Property Custodian or by the Treasurer of the United States.

(d) If not required to pay, convey, transfer, assign, or deliver under the provisions of subsection (c) of this section, any person not an enemy or ally of enemy who owes to, or holds for, or on account of, or on behalf of, or for the benefit of an enemy or of an ally of enemy not holding a license granted by the President hereunder, any money or other property, or to whom any obligation or form of liability to such enemy or ally of enemy is presented for payment, may, at his option, with the consent of the President, pay, convey, transfer, assign, or deliver to the alien property custodian said money or other property under such rules and regulations as the President shall prescribe.

(e) No person shall be held liable in any court for or in respect to anything done or omitted in pursuance of any order, rule, or regulation made by the President under the authority of this Act [sections 1 to 6, 7 to 39, and 41 to 44 of this Appendix]. Any payment, conveyance, transfer, assignment, or delivery of money or property made to the alien property custodian hereunder shall be a full acquittance and discharge for all purposes of the obligation of the person making the same to the extent of same.

The alien property custodian and such other persons as the President may appoint shall have power to execute, acknowledge, and deliver any such instrument or instruments as may be necessary or proper to evidence upon the record or otherwise such acquittance and discharge, and shall, in case of payment to the alien property custodian of any debt or obligation owed to an enemy or ally of enemy, deliver up any notes, bonds, or other evidences of indebtedness or obligation, or any security therefore in which such enemy or ally of enemy had any right or interest that may have come into the possession of the alien property custodian, with like effect as if he or they, respectively, were duly appointed by the enemy or ally of enemy, creditor, or obligee.

The President shall issue to every person so appointed a certificate of the appointment and authority of such person, and such certificate shall be received in evidence in all courts within the United States. Whenever any such certificate of authority shall be offered to any registrar, clerk, or other recording officer, Federal or otherwise, within the United States, such officer shall record the same in like manner as a power of attorney, and such record or a duly certified copy thereof shall be received in evidence in all courts of the United States or other courts within the United States. (Oct. 6, 1917, ch. 106, §7, 40 Stat. 416; Nov. 4, 1918, ch. 201, §1, 40 Stat. 1020.) AMENDMENTS 1918—Subsec. (c). Act Nov. 4, 1918, amended subsec. (c) generally, inserting provisions on recording of property transfers, cancellation of enemy owned stock by corporations, and restriction of claims to relief provided

Posted by Paul Stramer


05 25 19 The Existential Problem



 By Anna Von Reitz

People often ask me — how did all this get started?

My mind reels.  Adam and Eve, I think gloomily.  But it is nothing so poetic.

It’s just the facts of our life cycle.  It takes a long time to produce a fully functioning, educated, morally and emotionally sound, intellectually complete man or woman, and a lot of hard work, time, money, and effort to produce this result.

Then, there are those who — one way or another — are hurt, damaged, unable to function and support themselves.  They need care, therapy, assistance of all kinds, too.

Finally, we have the seniors, who after working all their lives, are suffering the pains and problems of old age.  Eventually, if we live long enough, we all need help just to get out of bed and eat and get to the bathroom and do our laundry and all the most mundane things.

This is the reality.  The ‘burden” of the young, the old, the sick, the crippled, the mentally ill, the addicted, and everyone else who simply cannot or will not contribute, is all resting on those of us who are able to work and care and think and contribute, and that slice of the population — about 35% of us — has to pay for and carry all the rest.

That is the existential problem.

This is what the Church has struggled with for centuries.  How do you get people to do the right thing?

Left to themselves, people are mostly too selfish to provide enough money to feed and clothe and care for and educate orphaned children and abandoned elderly, too busy working for their own benefit and survival to take on the extra load of the sick and mentally ill, the victims of accident and those who have incapacitated themselves with drugs and other addictions.

Above and beyond this reality, there is the constant need to build and maintain infrastructure — roads and communications and ports and all the rest of the physical structure and service delivery systems that make life pleasant and business possible.

So — how to take care of people who need help, which is the duty of any decent culture, while at the same time building, expanding, and maintaining infrastructure and service systems?

It’s a tall order.

For centuries the Church attempted to do this via voluntary collections and donations and “tithes” which are essentially taxes on parishioners, and also added in the volunteer work of the clergy and members of churches who contributed their time and labor and expertise for free.

But now it’s time to rethink everything that has gone before.

The corporations of this world owe the people of this world, and it’s payback time. The stellar operating feature of the Corporate Feudalism we have suffered is the amassing of gigantic Slush Funds that generate large amounts of profit and which allow for coercive control of commerce.

So, why not re-task these Slush Funds to earn money to pay for all the existential needs we have — set the people free and let the corporations be the slaves?  Lift the burden off our shoulders and let the earnings of these already amassed Slush Funds go to new purposes?  Existential purposes.

See this article and over 1800 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com

05 24 19 The Smelly Roses – – Public Notice and Demand



By Anna Von Reitz

When it comes to talking about money, I still have to overcome waves of cognitive dissonance. Here is a good example of it from Egon von Greyez:

“In the West, ordinary people’s standard of living has been maintained by increasing personal debt and also by governments running ever bigger deficits. These deficits are used for buying the votes of the average citizen to improve the perceived standard of living at the cost of an ever increasing national debt. ”

This is an example of what everyone assumes, what everyone believes, and what everyone endlessly prattles— but, this is not what is directly, observably true. What is true and what you can see for yourself is quite different:

The foreign subcontractors running the Federal Government came in and passed “legal tender” laws, and forced everyone to accept “Notes” — that is, I.O.U.s — as money. As a result, you haven’t been paid for anything, not your goods, not your labor, for decades. You haven’t been allowed access to the corresponding National Credit you have earned, either. This is what causes any “National Debt” — and it isn’t your National Debt.

It’s the debt of the Queen and the Popes who created and enforced this system on their Federal Employees, and then failed to ride herd on it.

We, Americans, were supposed to get exemptions and to be able to exercise Mutual Offset Credit Exchanges that were never provided to us. Instead, the vermin instituted a vast identity theft scheme to “redefine” us all as United States Citizens and/or Citizens of the United States, so as to deny us access to the Mutual Offset Credit Exchanges and exemptions we are owed.

Mr. von Greyez has been bamboozled along with everyone else into assuming that we, rank and file Americans, are responsible for this ” National Debt” and that it is the result of reckless overspending and under-producing on our part, or, that alternatively, it’s all the fault of “useless eaters”, all the poor people riding on our Socialist coat-tails….

That’s exactly what the perpetrators of this colossal scam wish for us to assume, but we have two eyes and two ears and a brain, don’t we?

Look at what has actually happened. We have contributed our goods and labor in exchange for corporate I.O.U.’s since the 1930’s and we have never been paid anything for it, not money and not credit, either. That’s what the “US National Debt” is— THEIR debt to us, not our debt to them.

So, the source of the debt and the problem is not reckless overspending on our part and it is not the fault of all the poor people receiving welfare benefits, either.

This whole situation is the fault of the Queen and of the Popes who allowed: (1) the imposition of “Legal Tender” laws on the Federal Employees; (2) the identity theft of Americans and mis-characterization of Americans as either United States Citizens or Citizens of the United States, thereby cheating us out of our exemptions and the Mutual Offset Credit Exchanges we are owed.

These Grafters are running no less than three (3) primary Bunko Schemes at once on the American States and People, all under color of law:

(1) Identity Theft — claiming that we are all either United States Citizens or Citizens of the United States, that is, some species of Federal Employee or Dependent, and amassing falsified registrations and undisclosed contracts as evidence for their False Claims;

(2) Credit Fraud — based on the Identity Theft — they claim that we are accommodation parties and co-signers allowing them to access our private and public assets as collateral backing their borrowing. They access our credit via a process of “hypothecation of debt” which leaves us totally unaware of what they are doing. They charge our “credit cards” up over the max, then claim bankruptcy protection for themselves, and leave us on the hook as co-signers to pay their debts for them.

(3) Abandoned Assets Scheme — based on Identity Theft — as a result of mis-characterizing us as United States Citizens or Citizens of the United States, they deny us access not only to any actual payment for our goods and services, they also deny us access to the credit that we earned as a result of their receipt of our goods and services.

Over time, this results in the massive accrual of our National Credit which exactly mirrors their National Debt. Bearing in mind that they have deliberately kept us from accessing this credit via the initial Identity Theft, they then propose to come in and claim that our National Credit is a “gift” to the Church or that it is “Abandoned Assets” left unclaimed by unknown parties who are “lost at sea, presumed dead.”

The problem for them is that all of this was completely undisclosed and non-consensual and the result of unconscionable contracting practices and Gross Breach of Trust.

A good 90% of us are not “United States Citizens” nor are we “Citizens of the United States”. We were not given full disclosure and were instead deliberately misinformed.

We aren’t lost at sea. We are back home, standing on solid ground, and we are claiming all our rights, all our constitutional guarantees, all our assets, including our purloined credit.

That includes all the Historic Trust Money and actual Assets left on deposit with all the various Federal Banks and Savings and Loans across the country and around the world. We are the Priority Creditors and we, the Lawful People, are also the actual Trustees— not the Bank Trustees. Not, in other words, Kim Gougen, and not, for example, Manna World Holdings Trust. Not Karen Hudes and any Dropbox created to bail out the criminals at the World Bank, either.

This is Public Notice and Demand:

Deposits of actual assets in the possession of commercial banks are lawful goods and can belong only to Lawful People. That means us, the actual Depositors.

Deposits are loans made to banks and are bank liabilities. Our deposits don’t belong to the banks, and they are not abandoned assets, and they are not subject to claims by bank creditors. Those actual asset deposits belong to the depositors who are the Primary Creditors of all these banks. Period.

Along with all the other criminal mischief promoted by our Federal Public Servants, both Territorial and Municipal, they have offered to mis-characterize Depositors as United States Citizens and/or Citizens of the United States, too, and thereby offer an excuse for stealing our Trust Deposits and actual assets left on deposit in Federal Banks and Federal Savings and Loans.

The assignment of Bank Trustees by the Bank to oversee these accounts does not mean that the Bank Trustee takes precedent or authority over the actual Private Trustees who made the Deposit, and no phony claim that we are “acting as” United States Citizens or Citizens of the United States can stand in our presence otherwise.

All the phony dossiers that the schemers have created via the IRS are also fully discovered. It turns out that, for example, I am not the manager of a rum distillery in Barbados and I am mad as Hell to discover than any such fanciful “colorable” idea has ever been advanced by any flat-rumped bureaucrat in my employment.

It’s time to make a deal or sit down and shut up. The Sword of Truth hangs over all your heads. The People — not only of this country — but the whole world, are now fully informed.

See this article and over 1800 other articles on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com


Although I know better because of the massive amount of medial and public education that has beguiled nearly every American; lay down your complacency, because the lady that wrote and published this warning is the only source of information we can trust. Please go to her site and start your re-education of the Real State of the Union, and devote every minute you can to learning how we were beguiled.


05 23 19 Bottom of the Ninth….



 By Anna Von Reitz

Grandma’s cupboard is bare…..

I normally give the lion’s share of my income to support the efforts of The Living Law Firm and the researchers and paralegals supporting us, but it isn’t going to happen this month.  This month, Grandma has had family problems of her own.

My dog who famously survived lymphoma by eating dandelion root also suffers from laryngeal paralysis, an inherited affliction of older Labradors that affects their voice box — their bark and the opening and closing mechanisms of their wind pipe.  This in turn affects their ability to pant and cool down.  In hot weather, it is potentially deadly.

Now, my dog is old, but he is otherwise in good shape and as lively and playful as ever.  So doing the Tie-Back Surgery has given him a new lease on whatever life he has left.  I wish you could all see how happy he is, now that the surgery is over and he can pant to his heart’s delight in this warm weather.

So in terms of things that matter to me, taking care of my animals and giving them the best care and the most life and best life I can, is a priority.

Also this past week, my son suffered a dental emergency that has resulted in dental surgery and we all know what that means in terms of the Big Bucks.

So, no, I won’t be contributing a whole lot to The Living Law Firm and the researchers this month, because I can’t.  Those of you who can—- we are sitting here with every free-booter in the Western World trying to overcome our claims to our own country — and yes, we need your help.

My PayPal is: avannavon@gmail.com and checks and other donations can be sent to: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652.  Please make checks payable to me, because I then distribute to researchers and paralegals and others in addition to just those non-Bar lawyers who are part of The Living Law Firm.

See this article and over 1800 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com


05 23 19 For All The Jural Assemblies 59 Lessons in Sovereignty



 By Anna Von Reitz

First of all, sovereignty is inherited. It is not something that simply devolves upon us by virtue of winning a war. You have all inherited “sovereignty in your own right” and the right to own property — as opposed to being considered property — by being born on the land and soil of your State of the Union.

Second of all, the Delegation of Powers under the Constitutions would not be possible if the Americans had not established Sovereignty. A King can delegate powers to a Queen, or to another King, to exercise in his behalf, but no one of lesser standing can do this. The simple fact that the British Monarch has been in receipt of Delegated Powers of ours since 1787 is all the evidence needed to prove that we possessed sovereignty prior to the establishment of the Constitutions.

Third, our actual claim to sovereignty is based upon the Norman Conquest and a particular kind of sovereignty called “sovereignty in one’s own right” that William the Conqueror bequeathed to his loyal Barons in England. In essence, he made land grants to each one following the Conquest, and upon his death in 1087 A.D., he made all of them “sovereigns in their own right” in England.

They were still “Barons” in France, and owed Williams’s heir fealty in France; but in England, they were kings with permanent hereditary holdings of land. In England, King John was just one among many kings, and the only distinction of his office was that he was responsible for the maintenance and preservation of the Church’s properties and the “Commonwealth” land.

The Commonwealth was co-administered by the Church and amounted to waste land and property that the King entrusted to the Church to develop and manage for the benefit and support of the Paupers, the Sick, and others not able to support themselves.

The Church took over these “commonwealth” properties and used them for good purposes in the communities they served. They used these properties to create common grazing fields, to establish orchards, apiaries, and herb and medicinal gardens, community vegetable gardens, and cemeteries. Rarely, the Church inherited “good wooded ground” — woodlots, and more rarely still, they were able to convert swamps into arable land via installing drainage ditches, dikes, and dams. The profits were used to support the Church’s charity efforts.

So, it was King John’s position as “the” King involved in these activities that gave him any special position in England at the time of the Magna Carta; if John had been King of the country in truth and fact, then he could not be held to the Magna Carta longer than the ink was dry and he denied his free-willing consent to it.

The fact that the Magna Carta has stood on the land and soil jurisdiction until this day is again testimony to the fact that the French Norman Barons and their progeny, acting at the time of the Magna Carta— basically a 128 years after The Settlement of the Norman Conquest, were certainly in possession of “sovereignty in the own right” and as equal kings on the land and soil of England were able to impose their demands lawfully upon King John despite whatever he wanted and despite what the Pope wanted, either.

The Belle Chers, the family of William the Conqueror — his Cousins and other relatives who remained in England, intermarried and settled in, all as sovereigns in their own right. Their names became Anglicized to “Belcher” and they formed a special alliance with the Clintwoods, a noble English family, an alliance that endured for many generations and followed them to America.

In early America, one branch of the Belchers acted as the Royal Governors of areas that would one day become three States of the Union, but this branch — headed by Governor Jonathan Belcher, founder of Princeton University, died out; the Belchers who remained in America retained both their ties to England and their ties to the Clintwood family.

William Belcher (the name “William” is retained for many, many generations and derives from William the Conquer and Guilleroi de Lancelot du Lac the son of King Ban of Gaul, our common ancestor) was here and sided with the Colonists against George III, and as he possessed sovereignty in his own right, inherited from his Norman French ancestors, he was fully competent to stand toe-to-toe with George III, just as the Norman Barons were competent to stand down King John.

Sovereignty operates in the national and international jurisdictions. When sovereignty is changed upon the soil, that is, the national jurisdiction, we see total regime change. The names of countries change. Their systems of government change. Most of the time, challenges to sovereignty occur in the international jurisdiction of the land and sea, with pushing and shoving over trade policies and offshore fishing rights and those sorts of things.

In both cases, whether national or international (domestic or non-domestic) sovereignty is exercised according to the demands of the jurisdiction. On the soil, the sovereign acts as the personification of the people. In the international jurisdiction of the land, the sovereign acts as the Lawful Person personifying the People of a country. In the international jurisdiction of the sea, the sovereign acts a the Legal Person personifying the Legal Personages of a nation.

But what happens when “sovereignty in one’s own right” is bequeathed to many people, instead of just one? As William the Conqueror did, and as William Belcher did? Then every man and woman in inheritance of such sovereignty, becomes equal to the King or Queen of any other country, and the entire system of Monarchy is overwhelmed.

From the standpoint of the British Monarchs and the Popes, this is the most damaging part of both the Normal Conquest and the American War of Independence, because it serves to destroy the elitist system of Feudalism (including Corporate Feudalism) upon which they depend. According to their reasoning, for one man to be king, all others must be in subjection.

According to the Williams — men whose names mean “Resolute Protector”– this is hogwash. According to them, all Mankind can earn their sovereignty and as far as Americans are concerned, we need only seize upon our birthright and refuse the Nanny State options offered by the Queen and the Popes.

As a result of our unique history and our unique Constitutional system, it has been very hard for them to weasel in and make false claims to the effect that we have knowingly and voluntarily “gifted” our Good Names and Estates to them in exchange for being taken care and bossed around and exploited as property by the Kings and/or the Popes.

It has taken decades and not a little prevarication and clandestine undisclosed contracting processes, plus falsification of records, for them to establish the current system of Corporate Feudalism on our shores — but all it really takes is for Americans to wake up and remember their inheritance, claim back their birthright political status, and take up the job of being sovereigns in their own right again.

On the soil jurisdiction all such sovereigns are one of the people of the soil, on the land jurisdiction they are one of the People known to be Lawful Persons, and on the international jurisdiction of the sea, they are Legal Persons.

When you return your Legal Person to the land and soil jurisdiction, it becomes a Lawful Person — owed all the guarantees and protections of the Constitutions. You come back into your birthright inherited status as a “sovereign in your own right”.

When you return all the derivative names, including the STRAWMEN to the land and soil and declare their permanent domicile on the land and soil of an American State, they are lawfully converted and they, too, are owed all the guarantees of the Constitutions.

Because sovereignty is inherited from other sovereigns, you cannot avoid being a sovereign in your own right from the moment of your birth, but you can (if it is done consciously and voluntarily — which in our case, it never is) “pledge” allegiance to other sovereigns or symbols, and become subjected to them as a result.

Generations of American school children have been taught to pledge their allegiance to an inanimate symbol — the Federal War Flag — without realizing that they are presumed to be subjecting themselves to the Queen who is flying our own flag under our delegated powers.

Various means of entrapment and identity theft have been used to “capture” and “seize upon” American sovereigns and to unlawfully convert them into US Citizens who are subjects of the Queen and into Citizens of the United States who are subjects of the Popes, but all this activity has been without disclosure, rendering all such pretended citizenship obligations moot and unenforceable so long as you are prepared to stand up and exercise the sovereignty that is your inheritance and birthright— the sovereignty in your own right — of all Free Men and Women.

Many questions have been raised about James Clinton Belcher and his role in all this. During the Theodore Roosevelt Administration the Scottish Interloper doing business as “The United States of America, Inc.” founded in 1868, was preparing to go bankrupt. James’ Great-Uncle, Clintwood Belcher, rode to Washington, DC, to take possession of the Great Seals — The Great Seal of the United States of America and The Great Seal of the United States.

On his way home, as he crossed over into Maryland, he was viciously attacked by men waiting to ambush him. In the resulting fight, he killed six of his attackers. His own horse was killed also. He grabbed one of the dead men’s horses and rode off into the night, making for the western Frontier to save his life.

They stole the Great Seals and they lied about the whole circumstance and branded Clintwood Belcher as a “horse thief” — neatly omitting their own grand theft under deadly force, their intent to murder, their killing of his horse, and all the rest of it. He spent the rest of his life “on the lam”, always looking over his shoulder, always moving from place to place to place. Theodore Roosevelt considered him “a danger to our government”— self-evidently meaning the foreign Territorial usurpers on our shores.

Clintwood died without issue, so the torch passed to his younger brother, James, and from James to his son Orville, and from Orville to his son, James Clinton Belcher. At the time my husband was born in 1941, Federal Agents were still hunting and harassing members of the family. Orville Belcher moved his young son twelve times in the first ten years of his life, constantly moving just as Great-Uncle Clintwood had to move and keep moving to avoid being arrested on false charges or be murdered outright.

This is not a glamorous story. It’s a painful, scary, shameful story, in which good men were replaced by bad men, honorable men replaced by crooks, and innocent people who were the victims of crime were portrayed as criminals —-while the actual criminals sat at ease on the White House lawn. The Belchers have lived poor and they have lived rough, but through it all, they remembered who they are. They remembered their hereditary offices. They remembered their lineage. They never ceased the search to recover the Great Seals.

The Great Seals surfaced briefly in New York City in the possession of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. They have now surfaced again in Indonesia. From our perspective, the Belchers are still the owners of the Seals no matter how many generations of pirates may possess them — under mandate and Maxim of Law: “Possession by pirates does not change ownership.”

Nor, obviously, do any documents that have been impressed with those seals since their theft during the first Roosevelt Administration have any validity or power to bind us, as they have been exercised without our knowledge or consent.

The custodians of the Great Seals in Indonesia are under demand to return them to us as stolen property. If these heirlooms are not returned, we shall have them re-cast in their original form.

It should be noted that the Office of Hereditary Head of State is not a Public Office. It is a Private Trust Office, a Lawful Person, and while it is an Office which James Clinton Belcher claims by direct descent, the reason for doing so is to prove to the Queen that yes, we still exist. It is not only those who received sovereignty at the hands of our ancestor: it is also those who received life from his body and soul who are still here on these shores.

There is no plausible excuse for the Queen or the Pope to continue their pillaging on our shores.

Now, you are being called upon to remember who you are, too. Americans. Sovereigns in your own right. Not “United States Citizens” who are subjects of the British Queen. Not “Citizens of the United States” who are subjects of the Roman Pontiff.

See this article and over 1800 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com