International Monetary Fund Memes Roll On


The Daily Bell


Christine Lagarde

Monday, May 30, 2011 – by Staff Report

Why Christine Lagarde should never be head of the IMF … Christine Lagarde is in poll position. Having put her name forward last week, the silver-haired French finance minister may well become the new managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Lagarde has, with a depressing inevitability, secured the backing of most European countries. The UK was among the first to endorse her. There are rumours the mighty US could soon throw its weight behind Lagarde – making her bid a fait accompli. Europe seems determined to retain its prerogative of appointing the boss of the world’s most important financial watchdog. Throughout the IMF’s 65-year history, all 11 bosses have been from Western Europe. In return for allowing this stitch-up, America has traditionally provided the IMF deputy, while securing the top spot at the World Bank. – UK Telegraph

Dominant Social Theme: At this most critical time, this Western powers are about to make a critical mistake regarding this critical facility!

Free-Market Analysis: There seems to be emerging consensus in the constitutionally suspicious alternative Internet press that Dominique Strauss-Kahn was “stung” for any one of a variety of reasons. It was not rape, therefore, that brought him down but his effectiveness in dealing with the EU’s economic crisis.

Alternatively, we have read, his arrest provided a distraction from the real and serious failures surrounding the great powers ability to deal with the unfolding crisis.

Finally, there is the idea that DSK wanted to continue to rejigger the voting mechanisms of the IMF. The US currently holds 17 percent of the votes in the IMF and IMF bylaws demand a majority of 85 percent for any substantial moves or changes in policy. Thus, the IMF is the US’s creation and is beholden to it.

Anyway, we’ve stayed away from speculating. We don’t seen any specific promotional value in what happened to DSK, other than to reinforce the meme that American justice is absolutely pure and non-discriminatory. But that’s a pretty small, sub dominant meme, not one that would seem especially worth reinforcing at this point in time.

While we are not tempted to join the fray regarding DSK conspiracy theories, we have presented on several occasions the one powerful dominant social theme that has predictably emerged from the affair, which is that the IMF is an incredibly important institution and that its leaders are really, really, really important people.

In fact, if there were no IMF and no leadership it is likely – so we are informed – that the world’s economies would probably collapse sooner rather than later. You can see our previous articles on the topic here:

We recently analyzed the memes in an article by Joseph Stiglitz on this topic, entitled, “The IMF cannot afford to make a mistake with Strauss-Kahn’s successor.” Now the UK Telegraph has issued yet another jeremiad on the importance of the IMF from columnist Liam Halligan. This focuses on the meme of IMF-as-most-important-institution-ever.

The institution he writes, “needs to reflect the extent to which the world has changed since it was launched from the ashes of the Second World War.” Why? Because the markets could soon face another “Lehman moment.” Lehman Brothers is widely held to have destabilized global markets in 2008.

From this (fallacious in our view) perspective, Halligan goes on to argue that it would be a “historic” mistake to appoint a European to head the IMF, especially given that non-Western countries compose most of the world’s population now, some 80 percent. He cites other statistics too: The world’s markets produce half the GDP and out-trade the West. They hold most of the world’s currency reserves and are not mired in debt.

The IMF, he concludes, needs a leader from the developing world, a world that has arranged its finances better than the Western world. The West does not have a moral argument to make regarding IMF leadership. The mess it has made collectively of its finances has removed its credibility and “moral authority.”

Halligan is also upset over the idea that the new leader of the IMF might be what he calls a “politician.” Halligan claims the IMF “works properly” when it is taking an adversarial role and “banging political heads.” The IMF must be seen as “tough – even unreasonably tough … an IMF that colludes with the political classes isn’t enacting reform. It is simply helping the politicians bury their mistakes and kick any problems into the long grass where they will fester.” Here’s some more from the article:

The IMF should be respected – even feared. It is for the politicians to stand up and face the political music – explaining to their electorates why harsh actions are needed and why nations can’t go on living beyond their means. Perhaps the most dangerous type of politician to run the Fund is a politician still hankering after high office. Strauss-Kahn, of course, was using the post and the influence it bestowed over trillions of dollars of bail-out cash, as a platform for a French presidential bid. As such, he turned the IMF into a soft-credit society for the eurozone’s periphery nations, holding the single-currency together for the benefit of his Franco-German friends.

Strauss-Kahn’s continued insistence on “just one more bail-out”, rather than forcing Greece, Portugal and the rest to face up to genuine debt-restructuring, also made sure that the losses stayed with plebian taxpayers, rather than being shifted on to Europe’s banks. He could have called in the favour, no doubt, when the need came to finance his campaign for the ultimate prize. It was not to be for Strauss-Kahn, of course. But what is to stop Lagarde following the same route? …

Running the IMF, now more than ever, requires economic expertise, massive intellectual authority and a willingness to be deeply unpopular – particularly, if you are a European, on your home turf. The emerging economies need to stop moaning, put their differences aside, and set their combined authority behind a world-class economic policy-maker to run the IMF. Such nations should be doing everything in their power to wrestle control of this pivotal institution from a Western political elite that is not only intellectually inadequate, but which seems determined to compound the world’s economic problems …

Halligan is convinced that Lagarde has her own unfortunate political ambitions. As we can see from the above excerpt, he seeks a person of “massive intellectual authority” – and believes that person can only be found in the developing world.

We wonder exactly why somebody of massive intellectual authority would want to run the IMF in the first place. Anyone with massive intellectual authority would realize that the IMF is a dysfunctional organization that was constructed to increase Western dominance over the developing world, not to “help” countries recover from excessive debt.

The IMF is part of a fiscal and monetary tag team with the World Bank. The World Bank encourages dysfunctional, developing-world leaders to borrow more than their countries can withstand. Once the money has been wasted or spirited away, the country is effectively broke and the big western banks call for the IMF to step in.

The IMF’s solutions are always the same. They tend to crush the middle class by reducing public subsidies and hiking taxes. Then they put tremendous pressure on remaining government officials to sell off a country’s prime assets under the pretext that these are assets that need to be privatized. In truth these are mostly monopoly assets, like water and electrical facilities – and thus even privatization does not remove the monopoly status. One has just transferred a public monopoly into private hands. The profits are tremendous.

It is hard to avoid the conclusion (we won’t) that the EU acted as the World Bank when it came to Europe’s PIGS. These southern countries were given tremendous amounts of cash to supposedly make them financially healthy – or healthy enough to join the EU. But in addition to outright grants were numerous huge loans that were presented to all these countries during the faux-boom of the 2002-2007, many no doubt with EU cooperation. Now that the bill has come due, the EU is cynically calling on the IMF to ensure these countries make their payments.

Why isn’t it working this time? Why have the protests only become stronger and deeper, threatening to tear apart the entire EU? We’ve presented the idea that the Internet itself has helped mobilize people in a way that Western eliteswere not expecting. Instead of crushing European middle classes and strengthening the EU, Eurocrats are discovering they may fundamentally weakened it and the euro besides.

The IMF, of course was supposed to play an integral role in this slaughter of the PIGS. The IMF is always involved in such pillaging. Of course, Anglosphere elites would much rather have the developing countries clamoring to “get in” than ignoring such institutions or seeking to remove themselves. This may yet happen however if the US continues to insist on its 17 percent control of the IMF.

Conclusion: Times are changing substantially, as are the attitudes of developing countries. The control that Western elites expected to exercise over these institutions is coming increasingly into question. Ironically, if the West does give up control and allow these institutions to play their putative role, they will become fairly useless to their creators. They will also be seen, increasingly, as the ineffective entities they actually are. For this reason, the US is not likely to cede any part of its 17 percent. Lagarde may get her dream post, but she may soon come to regret it


Queen Worried About Empire’s Meltdown


The Daily


Monday, May 30, 2011 – by Staff Report 

Queen Elizabeth II Downing Street to bring in a constitutional expert to advise on the process of staging a referendum on Scottish independence and the dismantling of the union in the event of a yes vote. – London Sunday Times

Dominant Social Theme: An extremely grave situation. The Anglo realm, which is the fundament of civilization, is toppling …

Free-Market Analysis: Hey, are we right on schedule? Even Queen Elizabeth is worried. Say, about time! It’s only taken 2,000 years if we are correct in our reading of history – as the British empire is at least a remnant of the Roman Empire (later the “Holy Roman Empire”), though some would trace its antecedents back to Babylon and beyond. The Hindus track these episodes in chunks of 12,000 years or so, and apparently we’re on that cusp as well. All we know is that the Internet seems

The Queen has expressed concern that she might be the last monarch of the UK and has asked Downing Street to keep her informed. The Queen has signalled in a private meeting with David Cameron her concern at the prospect of the break-up of the United Kingdom. The monarch met the prime minister at Buckingham Palace after the Scottish National party’s victory in the Holyrood elections this month to discuss the potential implications for the monarchy. It is understood that palace officials asked to be making a mess of Anglo-American power-elite plans.

If you read this modest newspaper you’re surely aware that the previous collapse of the British Empire World War II was a kind of phony one; part of the disinformation practiced by the Anglo-American elite that seeks to run the world and does run a good chunk of it. The powers-that-be merely substituted Money Power for colonial rule. Economic clout took over from military dominance.

This sort of process has been ongoing not for years or decades but centuries. The elites took a step back after the arrival of the Gutenberg press made being a king or queen a dangerous occupation. That was seemingly when the idea of “democracy” was invented. Much easier to let the common people vote and then merely give the winner his orders rather than give orders to the whole country out in the open.

Now even this subtle strategy is running into trouble. As the only popular, on-line publication in the world dedicated to explaining the dominant social themes of the elite within the context of the Internet Reformation (presenting the Internet as a modern Gutenberg press) our brain trust of elves and gnomes believed that the worldwide changes we were analyzing would take up 20 years or more. How did we come to this calculation? Hah, we guessed!

We figured the Gutenberg press itself took something like 100 years to spark the Renaissance and Reformation; today, we decided, the timeframe of sociopolitical and economic changes had collapsed a good deal. Twenty years sounded about right. If we date the growing impact of the Internet from 1990, we are exactly at 20 years now and thus it may be no coincidence that the world of Anglo-American Money Power is beginning to tremble, or at least to vibrate.

Did you believe, dear reader, even two years ago, that the West would be scrambling to leave Afghanistan with its conquest of the Taliban unfinished? That there are by last count (thanks, Max Keiser) nearly SIX HUNDRED separate uprisings and regime changes ongoing in the world today? That the fate of the euro and even the EU would be in serious question? And that the Queen herself would be concerned over an imminent break-up of her empire?

We’ve been at this kind of reporting for some ten years now, ever since we decided around 2000 that the business cycle was turning and that fiat money would be on the way out and gold and silver on the way in. (Yes, it was that obvious to us because we follow Austrian business-cycle economics as do others who figured it out at the same time.) But we’ve learned a lot since then because we’ve been in the position of carefully charting what’s going on. We’ve been able to see day by day, sometimes hour by hour for ten years how the powers-that-be have reacted to the renewed strength of the hard-money business cycle.

It hasn’t been pretty. From our point of view, the Anglo-American elite pulled out all the stops to combat what they believed was coming. They set up the foundation for war (Iraq and Afghanistan in particular), created false flag mechanisms (WikiLeaks?), built up phony enemies (Al Qaeda?), crashed the global economy (2008 financial crisis?), and even now may be working on food and water shortages.

But this is nothing new. Anglosphere Money Power seems to have been engaged in a conspiracy to create a New World Order for up to 300 years, with increasing urgency in the past 100. When we sit down and analyze this conspiracy, it is hard not to come to the conclusion that the 20th century was a time of great gains for Western banking elites.

Increasingly it seems to us (via documented evidence) that Western Anglo powers were behind most of the major wars of the 20th including the Cold War. These wars were created to consolidate power domestically throughout the West in order to build support for international agencies (the UNIMFWorld Bank, etc.) that would provide the backbone of a formal WORLD government, which was the elite banking families’ great dream.

In the mid 20th century, the elites apparently created Israel to serve as a further fulcrum of tension and disarray in the heart of the Islamic Middle East. The plan, so far as we can tell, was to pacify and westernize the Islamic tribes by creating tension and war that would justify more and more Western interference in the area.

This is the way the elites have always expanded their sphere of influence – via civil tension leading to war that then leads to “international” (read Western) involvement. The Anglosphere elites are doing the same thing in Libya and Syria today. It is a simple plan and like most of what the City of London inflicts upon the world, it doesn’t really change from one generation to the next.

In 1971, the Anglosphere elites created the world’s first fully fiat reserve currency – the US dollar – by instructing their Saudi surrogates to accept payment for oil only in dollars. Since this meant that every other country in the world had to hold dollars to purchase oil, the US could print as much money as it needed to fund whatever global adventures it wished to undertake. It used much of its windfall to further build up the military. Eventually, this money-printing capacity helped undermine – or at least provide the justification for the collapse of – the Soviet Union.

Everything was going well for the elites in the late 20th century. Russia was westernizing, Israel’s power was advancing and world government was gradually moving forward as well with the expansion of the West’s various globalist instrumentalities. Even the dollar was holding steady. But then came the Internet.

The Internet and 9/11 proved to be two great fulcrums generating haste and urgency for those who dwell in the City of London. Hitherto, these plans in our opinion had been much concealed – for 50 years at least. But starting on 9/11, the real nature of the Conspiracy showed itself like the smile of the Cheshire cat or a disembodied grimace.

Yes, hard as it may be to fathom, the old men of the City likely gathered round their big conference table deep in the heart of Londinium and seemingly began to plot a takeover of the world with renewed urgency. Perhaps they were worried about the Internet and a coming worldwide communication’s revolution. Perhaps they understood that the business cycle had turned and that the fiat dollar would lose power against the gold and silver they hated and yet clutched ever-more tightly.

Perhaps it was a confluence of all these things. But the solution was the same. They would use war as they did after the advent of the Gutenberg press; they would use revolution, too as they did then. (The French Revolution comes to mind). And they would use American power and military might to project their global-spanning interests.

What did they decide? That they would promote a phony war on terror to justify the renewed military push meant to further consolidate the world to create an ever-closer world government? That they would create more chaos in the Middle East this way and would generate increased tension via Israel? That they would push for a closer European Union, a more powerful IMF and perhaps even a world currency by purposefully inflicting financial chaos to redouble the power of their fear-based dominant social themes – global warmingpeak oilmonetary inflation and chaos, etc. – to justify global governance?

This has been the story of the past decade. In some sense it seems as though it is a most conspiratorial retelling! Nonetheless, conspiratorial or not, somewhere around 2005-2006 things seem to have started to go wrong. The Internet itself – like the Gutenberg press before it – began to play havoc, first with the power elite’s dominant social themes (by exposing them) and then even with Anglo-American military power. Global warming, peak oil, central banking itself all came under attack. It was not as it once was.

And that brings us to the Queen and her concerns in 2011. She is concerned mostly about Scotland, apparently, which is about to remove itself from the United Kingdom that is made up of N. Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales. This does not cause the larger New Commonwealth to crumble and people have little idea how large it is – consisting of such countries as India, Australia and Canada plus a variety of smaller nations and island-states. Put all of it together and you have a mass of land of people far larger than anything else that currently exists.

Is it merely a paper Federation? Not from what we can tell. We’ve been told specifically of a certain level of “fear” that lingers to a greater or lesser degree among the disparate ruling classes as regards crossing the monarchy and those behind it. Beyond that, there are the “shared values” of “representative democracy” and “opposition to racism” and other fundaments of the Commonwealth.

Yet, as the Queen looks around, she is concerned. The hive mind buzzes busily, disseminating Internet information and subsequent resistance throughout the world. In Afghanistan the US is losing to the Pashtun/Taliban and Pakistan’s leaders have begun turning away from the West and toward China. The youth revolutions that seemed like such a good idea months ago have rebounded brutally against the West. Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia, Bahrain and even Saudi Arabia have become destabilized.

Surely Money Power did not intend for all this. Food scarcity and economic unrest were in some sense to be inflicted. But the intention was to create misery and CONTROLLABLE rebellion. It seems things are not going altogether to plan. Libya and Syria have been marked for regime change, but even here, the work proceeds laboriously – and in the case of Libya, the “rebels” have already indicated their revolution is an Islamic one and the West is not welcome! They have appeared on various news programs to state this over and over with increasing emphasis.

If Saudi Arabia topples, the dollar reserve currency topples with it. Thus, the end of Anglo-American hegemony may be short months or years away, not decades. This is difficult to fathom. Yet human beings are tribal creatures – and the trends and information that the Internet is spreading may be no more opposable than the ideas of the Renaissance or Reformation.

The Renaissance was entirely an anomalous event. The Reformation less so, but it soon evidently and obviously spun out of control. We think we see the same sort of events occurring today. CIA sponsored youth movements have spun out of control in Egypt and Tunisia. What is worse is that they have spread throughout the Middle East and into the EU, destabilizing Spain and Greece and probably other Southern PIGS as well.

The idea of course is that such destabilization (including depression and wider war) will usher closer global governance – and we have proposed this possibility. Yet this is not the way things are necessarily headed. Unlike after World War II, the great powers are not venerated and their hyper-globalist solutions (far better understood today) will not necessarily be welcomed. This has no doubt occurred to the elites. It must be depressing.

The Queen is said to be concerned about Scotland, but she is a tough and cultured woman, bred to rule. Like the great mafia dons of the 20th century, she has elevated saying nothing to a kind of art form and believes her son Charles has no knack for it. Prince William, meanwhile, is said to want to do away with the monarchy. No wonder the Queen believes she may be the last of her line.

Western Money Power of course remains tremendously forceful, and apparently has tens or hundreds of trillions of dollars at its command. But the issue here is not money but power (as it always has been). The Internet in our view is unprecedented (in the modern era anyway); and it may be there is no direct and immediate solution to its impact. The great armies and gulags that the West – especially America – has assembled to counteract what is evidently and obviously taking place are like the wind blowing over an open plain. The grasses bow but rise again.

Today, the American military is holding naval exercises with the Gulf States; but who are these exercises aimed at? The poor people of these states have no armies, no ships, no weapons. And yet when change comes, it will come from within. It will come from the power of an idea – or ideas – and not even a nuclear deterrence will help.

The Queen, wise, elderly and brutal, sees these disturbances. They have already invaded Europe and are headed to Britain and then to America, the “City’s” hammer. American elites have been preparing for sometime, of course. Prison camps stand silently, starkly ready – or so Jesse Ventura apparently discovered. The police have been militarized, along with the FBI and CIA and a dozen other spy agencies busily monitoring the cyberspace for evidences of unrest. Yes, preparations and more preparations go on and on…

But what is coming is likely no 20th century unrest. It is not going to be like the Veteran’s march on Washington during the Depression (which was successfully combated). It will not be alleviated in our view even by a world war. This is the sort of unrest that convulsed Europe after the advent of the Gutenberg press. But stronger still. A Renaissance or Reformation on steroids. People know too much, or at least are beginning to learn. And they are angry. The central banking economy is a sham and globalism – more of the same – provides no answers.

Twenty years ago it was impossible to conceive of technology that could purvey complex and detailed information to billions at once with the hands-on delicacy of individual instruction. Today such an impossibility is a reality. DARPA created it and two “Steves” in a garage unexpectedly built a personal computer that turned a military network into a worldwide communication facility. Ah, if only it were possible to go back in time! If only DARPA had a single head to wrench!

But it is too late. Hitler’s example (apparently paid for by Wall Street) holds no relevant lessons in today’s Internet society. State propaganda undermined by the Internet may not produce the required results. Economic dysfunction might only eventually undermine the workings of the state itself. The penitentiary society might not hold. Even the nation’s own security police forces could sooner or later be undermined (as happened in the USSR and East Germany); their pensions reduced or eliminated; their power drained; their moral sapped and then destroyed by what they are required to do and what people have come to think about it.

Conclusion: Sound farfetched? One can see the forces building, and there is historical precedent: the queen seems worried. She sits in her palace listening. She hears the wind. It is a billion voices, chanting.


Do not under estimate the power over the people that the elites have. We are still a totally divided country when it comes to what is, and what is not freedom. With internet education, the political dissidents are coming out of the woodwork in mass, and what was once accepted as normal political bullshit is now becoming a target for annihilation. Having reached a level of understanding the dissidents will accept nothing less than live free or die. The elites will willingly comply.



Who really rules the world?



An introduction by James P. Harvey (aka OldDog)

Be advised that this is a controversial article that will require the reader to compare the deterioration of freedom –  world-wide – , to what they have accepted as truth for their entire life. If anyone, especially an attorney, can offer proof that this article is speculation, I would be in your dept to read it. On the other hand, what critical thinker cannot see the connection to historical events?

Send reply’s to:

Who really rules the world?

Michael Edward of the 
Ecclesiastic Commonwealth Community (ECC)
Submitted by Gary Reil
July 15, 2003

The Templar’s of the Crown

The governmental and judicial systems within the United States of America, at both federal and local state levels, is owned by the “Crown,” which is a private foreign power. Before jumping to conclusions about the Queen of England or the Royal Families of Britain owning the U.S.A., this is a different “Crown” and is fully exposed and explained below. We are specifically referencing the established Templar Church, known for centuries by the world as the “Crown.” From this point on, we will also refer to the Crown as the Crown Temple or Crown Templar, all three being synonymous.

First, a little historical background. The Temple Church was built by the Knights Templar in two parts: the Round and the Chancel. The Round Church was consecrated in 1185 and modeled after the circular Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. The Chancel was built in 1240. The Temple Church serves both the Inner and Middle Temples (see below) and is located between Fleet Street and Victoria Embankment at the Thames River. Its grounds also house the Crown Offices at Crown Office Row. This Temple “Church” is outside any Canonical jurisdiction. The Master of the Temple is appointed and takes his place by sealed (non-public) patent, without induction or institution.

All licensed Bar Attorneys – Attorners (see definitions below) – in the U.S. owe their allegiance and give their solemn oath in pledge to the Crown Temple, realizing this or not. This is simply due to the fact that all Bar Associations throughout the world are signatories and franchises to the international Bar Association located at the Inns of Court at Crown Temple, which are physically located at Chancery Lane behind Fleet Street in London. Although they vehemently deny it, all Bar Associations in the U.S., such as the American Bar Association, the Florida Bar, or California Bar Association, are franchises to the Crown.

The Inns of Court (see below, The Four Inns of Court) to the Crown Temple use the Banking and Judicial system of the City of London – a sovereign and independent territory which is not a part of Great Britain (just as Washington City, as DC was called in the 1800’s, is not a part of the north American states, nor is it a state) to defraud, coerce, and manipulate the American people. These Fleet Street bankers and lawyers are committing crimes in America under the guise and color of law (see definitions for legal and lawful below). They are known collectively as the “Crown.” Their lawyers are actually Templar Bar Attornies, not lawyers.

The present Queen of England is not the “Crown,” as we have all been led to believe. Rather, it is the Bankers and Attornies (Attorneys) who are the actual Crown or Crown Temple. The Monarch aristocrats of England have not been ruling sovereigns since the reign of King John, circa 1215. All royal sovereignty of the old British Crown since that time has passed to the Crown Temple in Chancery.

The U.S.A. is not the free and sovereign nation that our federal government tells us it is. If this were true, we would not be dictated to by the Crown Temple through its bankers and attorneys. The U.S.A. is controlled and manipulated by this private foreign power and our unlawful Federal U.S. Government is their pawn broker. The bankers and Bar Attorneys in the U.S.A. are a franchise in oath and allegiance to the Crown at Chancery – the Crown Temple Church and its Chancel located at Chancery Lane – a manipulative body of elite bankers and attorners from the independent City of London who violate the law in America by imposing fraudulent “legal” – but totally unlawful – contracts on the American people. The banks Rule the Temple Church and the Attorners carry out their Orders by controlling their victim’s judiciary.

Since the first Chancel of the Temple Church was built by the Knights Templar, this is not a new ruling system by any means. The Chancel, or Chancery, of the Crown Inner Temple Court was where King John was, in January 1215, when the English barons demanded that he confirm the rights enshrined in the Magna Carta. This City of London Temple was the headquarters of the Templar Knights in Great Britain where Order and Rule were first made, which became known as Code. Remember all these terms, such as Crown, Temple, Templar, Knight, Chancel, Chancery, Court, Code, Order and Rule as we tie together their origins with the present American Temple Bar system of thievery by equity (chancery) contracts.

“Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness.”
-Matthew 23:27

By what authority has the “Crown” usurped the natural sovereignty of the American people? Is it acceptable that the U.S. Supreme Court decides constitutional issues in the U.S.A? How can it be considered in any manner as being “constitutional” when this same Supreme Court is appointed by (not elected) and paid by the Federal U.S. Government? As you will soon see, the land called North America belongs to the Crown Temple.

The legal system (judiciary) of the U.S.A. is controlled by the Crown Temple from the independent and sovereign City of London. The private Federal Reserve System, which issues fiat U.S. Federal Reserve Notes, is financially owned and controlled by the Crown from Switzerland, the home and legal origin for the charters of the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization, and most importantly, the Bank of International Settlements. Even Hitler respected his Crown bankers by not bombing Switzerland. The Bank of International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland controls all the central banks of the G7 nations. He who controls the gold rules the world.

Definitions you never knew:

ATTORN [e-‘tern] Anglo-French aturner to transfer (allegiance of a tenant to another lord), from Old French atorner to turn (to), arrange, from a- to + torner to turn: to agree to be the tenant of a new landlord or owner of the same property. Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law ©1996.

ATTORN, v.i. [L. ad and torno.] In the feudal law, to turn, or transfer homage and service from one lord to another. This is the act of feudatories, vassels or tenants, upon the alienation of the estate.-Webster’s 1828 Dictionary.

ESQUIRE, n [L. scutum, a shield; Gr. a hide, of which shields were anciently made.], a shield-bearer or armor-bearer, scutifer; an attendant on a knight. Hence in modern times, a title of dignity next in degree below a knight. In England, this title is given to the younger sons of noblemen, to officers of the king’s courts and of the household, to counselors at law, justices of the peace, while in commission, sheriffs, and other gentlemen. In the United States, the title is given to public officers of all degrees, from governors down to justices and attorneys.-Webster’s 1828 Dictionary.

RULE, n. [L. regula, from rego, to govern, that is, to stretch, strain or make straight.] 1. Government; sway; empire; control; supreme command or authority. 6. In monasteries, corporations or societies, a law or regulation to be observed by the society and its particular members. -Webster’s 1828 Dictionary

RULE n. 1 [C] a statement about what must or should be done, (syn.) a regulation.

REGULATION n. 1 [C] a rule, statement about what can be done and what cannot. 2 [U] the general condition of controlling any part of human life. -Newbury House Dictionary ©1999.

CODE n. 1 [C;U] a way of hiding the true meaning of communications from all except those people who have the keys to understand it. 2 [C] a written set of rules of behavior. 3 [C] a formal group of principles or laws. -v. coded, coding, codes to put into code, (syn.) to encode.ENCODE v. 1 to change written material into secret symbols. -Newbury House Dictionary ©1999.

CURTAIN n. [OE. cortin, curtin, fr. OF. cortine, curtine, F. courtine, LL. cortina, also, small court, small inclosure surrounded by walls, from cortis court. See Court.] 4 A flag; an ensign; — in contempt. [Obs.] Shak. Behind the curtain, in concealment; in secret. -1913 Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary.

COURT, n. 3. A palace; the place of residence of a king or sovereign prince. 5. Persons who compose the retinue or council of a king or emperor. 9. The tabernacle had one court; the temple, three. -Webster’s 1828 Dictionary.

COURT n. 2 the place where a king or queen lives or meets others. -The Newbury House Dictionary ©1999.

TEMPLAR, n. [from the Temple, a house near the Thames, which originally belonged to the knights Templars. The latter took their denomination from an apartment of the palace of Baldwin II in Jerusalem, near the temple.] 1. A student of the law. -Webster’s 1828 Dictionary.

TEMPLE, n. [L. templum.] 1. A public edifice erected in honor of some deity. Among pagans, a building erected to some pretended deity, and in which the people assembled to worship. Originally, temples were open places, as the Stonehenge in England. 4. In England, the Temples are two inns of court, thus called because anciently the dwellings of the knights Templars. They are called the Inner and the Middle Temple. -Webster’s 1828 Dictionary.

CAPITOL, n. 1. The temple of Jupiter in Rome, and a fort or castle, on the Mons Capitolinus. In this, the Senate of Rome anciently assembled; and on the same place, is still the city hall or town-house, where the conservators of the Romans hold their meetings. The same name was given to the principal temples of the Romans in their colonies.

INN, n. [Hebrew, To dwell or to pitch a tent.] 2. In England, a college of municipal or common law professors and students; formerly, the town-house of a nobleman, bishop or other distinguished personage, in which he resided when he attended the court. Inns of court, colleges in which students of law reside and are instructed. The principal are the Inner Temple, the Middle Temple, Lincoln’s Inn, and Gray’s Inn. Inns of chancery, colleges in which young students formerly began their law studies. These are now occupied chiefly by attorneys, solicitors, etc.

INNER, a. [from in.] Interior; farther inward than something else, as an inner chamber; the inner court of a temple or palace. -Webster’s 1828 Dictionary.

CROWN, n. 4. Imperial or regal power or dominion; sovereignty. There is a power behind the crown greater than the crown itself. Junius. 19. A coin stamped with the image of a crown; hence, a denomination of money; as, the English crown. — Crown land, land belonging to the crown, that is, to the sovereign. — Crown law, the law which governs criminal prosecutions. — Crown lawyer, one employed by the crown, as in criminal cases. v.t. 1. To cover, decorate, or invest with a crown; hence, to invest with royal dignity and power. -1913 Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary.

COLONY, n. 1. A company [i.e. legal corporation] or body of people transplanted from their mother country to a remote province or country to cultivate and inhabit it, and remaining subject to the jurisdiction of the parent state; as the British colonies in America or the Indies; the Spanish colonies in South America. -Webster’s 1828 Dictionary.

STATE, n. [L., to stand, to be fixed.] 1. Condition; the circumstances of a being or thing at any given time. These circumstances may be internal, constitutional or peculiar to the being, or they may have relation to other beings. 4. Estate; possession. [See Estate.] -Webster’s 1828 Dictionary.

ESTATE, n. [L. status, from sto, to stand. The roots stb, std and stg, have nearly the same signification, to set, to fix. It is probable that the L. sto is contracted from stad, as it forms steti.] 1. In a general sense, fixedness; a fixed condition; 5. Fortune; possessions; property in general. 6. The general business or interest of government; hence, a political body; a commonwealth; a republic. But in this sense, we now use State. ESTATE, v.t. To settle as a fortune. 1. To establish. -Webster’s 1828 Dictionary.

PATENT, a. [L. patens, from pateo, to open.] 3. Appropriated by letters patent. 4. Apparent; conspicuous. PATENT, n. A writing given by the proper authority and duly authenticated, granting a privilege to some person or persons. By patent, or letters patent, that is, open letters, the king of Great Britain grants lands, honors and franchises.

PATENT, v.t. To grant by patent. 1. To secure the exclusive right of a thing to a person

LAWFUL. In accordance with the law of the land; according to the law; permitted, sanctioned, or justified by law. “Lawful” properly implies a thing conformable to or enjoined by law; “Legal”, a thing in the form or after the manner of law or binding by law. A writ or warrant issuing from any court, under color of law, is a “legal” process however defective. – A Dictionary of Law 1893.

LEGAL. Latin legalis. Pertaining to the understanding, the exposition, the administration, the science and the practice of law: as, the legal profession, legal advice; legal blanks, newspaper. Implied or imputed in law. Opposed to actual. “Legal” looks more to the letter, and “Lawful” to the spirit, of the law. “Legal” is more appropriate for conformity to positive rules of law; “Lawful” for accord with ethical principle. “Legal” imports rather that the forms of law are observed, that the proceeding is correct in method, that rules prescribed have been obeyed; “Lawful” that the right is actful in substance, that moral quality is secured. “Legal” is the antithesis of “equitable”, and the equivalent of “constructive”. – 2 Abbott’s Law Dict. 24; A Dictionary of Law (1893).

STATUS IN QUO, STATUS QUO. [L., state in which.] The state in which anything is already. The phrase is also used retrospectively, as when, on a treaty of place, matters return to the status quo ante bellum, or are left in statu quo ante bellum, i.e., the state (or, in the state) before the war.
-1913 Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary

The Four Inns of Court to the unholy Temple

Globally, all the legalistic scams promoted by the exclusive monopoly of the Temple Bar and their Bar Association franchises come from four Inns or Temples of Court: the Inner Temple, the Middle TempleLincoln’s Inn, and Gray’s Inn. These Inns/Temples are exclusive and private country clubs; secret societies of world power in commerce. They are well established, some having been founded in the early 1200’s. The Queen and Queen Mother of England are current members of both the Inner Temple and Middle Temple. Gray’s Inn specializes in Taxation legalities by Rule and Code for the Crown. Lincoln’s Inn received its name from the Third Earl of Lincoln (circa 1300).

Just like all U.S. based franchise Bar Associations, none of the Four Inns of the Temple are incorporated – for a definite and purposeful reason: You can’t make claim against a non-entity and a non-being. They are private societies without charters or statutes, and their so-called constitutions are based solely on custom and self-regulation. In other words, they exist as secret societies without a public “front door” unless you’re a private member called to their Bar.

While the Inner Temple holds the legal system franchise by license to steal from Canada and Great Britain, it is the Middle Temple that has legal license to steal from America. This comes about directly via their Bar Association franchises to the Honourable Society of the Middle Temple through the Crown Temple.

From THE HISTORY OF THE INN, Later Centuries, [p.6], written by the Honourable Society of the Middle Temple, we can see a direct tie to the Bar Association franchises and its Crown signatories in America:

“Call to the Bar or keeping terms in one of the four Inns a pre-requisite to Call at King’s Inns until late in the 19th century. In the 17th and 18th centuries, students came from the American colonies and from many of the West Indian islands. The Inn’s records would lead one to suppose that for a time there was hardly a young gentleman in Charleston who had not studied here. Five of the signatories to the Declaration of Independence were Middle Templars, and notwithstanding it and its consequences, Americans continued to come here until the War of 1812”.

All Bar Association licensed Attorneys must keep the terms of their oath to the Crown Temple in order to be accepted or “called to Bar” at any of the King’s Inns. Their oath, pledge, and terms of allegiance are made to the Crown Temple.

It’s a real eye opener to know that the Middle Inn of the Crown Temple has publicly acknowledged there were at least five Templar Bar Attornies, under solemn oath only to the Crown, who signed what was alleged to be an American Declaration of Independence. This simply means that both parties to the Declaration agreement were of the same origin, the Crown Temple. In case you don’t understand the importance of this, there is no international agreement or treaty that will ever be honored, or will ever have lawful effect, when the same party signs as both the first and second parties. It’s merely a worthless piece of paper with no lawful authority when both sides to any agreement are actually the same. In reality, the American Declaration of Independence was nothing more than an internal memo of the Crown Temple made among its private members.

By example, Alexander Hamilton was one of those numerous Crown Templars who was called to their Bar. In 1774, he entered King’s College in New York City, which was funded by members of the London King’s Inns, now named Columbia University. In 1777, he became a personal aide and private secretary to George Washington during the American Revolution.

In May of 1782, Hamilton began studying law in Albany, New York, and within six months had completed a three year course of studies, passed his examinations, and was admitted to the New York Bar. Of course, the New York Bar Association was/is a franchise of the Crown Temple through the Middle Inn. After a year’s service in Congress during the 1782-1783 session, he settled down to legal practice in New York City as Alexander Hamilton, Esqr. In February of 1784, he wrote the charter for, and became a founding member of, the Bank of New York, the State’s first bank.

He secured a place on the New York delegation to the Federal Convention of 1787 at Philadelphia. In a five hour speech on June 18th, he stated “an Executive for life will be an elective Monarch”. When all his anti-Federalist New York colleagues withdrew from the Convention in protest, he alone signed the Constitution for the United States of America representing New York State, one of the legal Crown States (Colonies).

One should particularly notice that a lawful state is made up of the people, but a State is a legal entity of the Crown – a Crown Colony. This is an example of the deceptive ways the Crown Temple – Middle Templars – have taken control of America since the beginning of our settlements.

Later, as President Washington’s U.S. Treasury Secretary, Hamilton alone laid the foundation of the first Federal U.S. Central Bank, secured credit loans through Crown banks in France and the Netherlands, and increased the power of the Federal Government over the hoodwinked nation-states of the Union. Hamilton had never made a secret of the fact that he admired the government and fiscal policies of Great Britain.

Americans were fooled into believing that the legal Crown Colonies comprising New England were independent nation states, but they never were nor are today. They were and still are Colonies of the Crown Temple, through letters patent and charters, who have no legal authority to be independent from the Rule and Order of the Crown Temple. A legal State is a Crown Temple Colony.

Neither the American people nor the Queen of Britain own America. The Crown Temple owns America through the deception of those who have sworn their allegiance by oath to the Middle Templar Bar. The Crown Bankers and their Middle Templar Attornies Rule America through unlawful contracts, unlawful taxes, and contract documents of false equity through debt deceit, all strictly enforced by their completely unlawful, but “legal”, Orders, Rules and Codes of the Crown Temple Courts, our so-called “judiciary” in America. This is because the Crown Temple holds the land titles and estate deeds to all of North America.

The biggest lie is what the Crown and its agents refer to as “the rule of law”. In reality, it is not about law at all, but solely about the Crown Rule of all nations. For example, just read what President Bush stated on November 13, 2001, regarding the “rule of law:”

“Our countries are embarked on a new relationship for the 21st century, founded on a commitment to the values of democracy, the free market, and the rule of law.” – Joint Statement by President George W. Bush and President Vladimir V. Putin on 11/13/01, spoken from the White House, Washington D.C.

What happened in 1776?

“Whoever owns the soil, owns all the way to the heavens and to the depths of the earth.” – Old Latin maxim and Roman expression.

1776 is the year that will truly live in infamy for all Americans. It is the year that the Crown Colonies became legal Crown States. The Declaration of Independence was a legal, not lawful, document. It was signed on both sides by representatives of the Crown Temple. Legally, it announced the status quo of the Crown Colonies to that of the new legal name called “States” as direct possessive estates of the Crown (see the definitions above to understand the legal trickery that was done).

The American people were hoodwinked into thinking they were declaring lawful independence from the Crown. Proof that the Colonies are still in Crown possession is the use of the word “State” to signify a “legal estate of possession.” Had this been a document of and by the people, both the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution would have been written using the word “states”. By the use of “State,” the significance of a government of estate possession was legally established. All of the North American States are Crown Templar possessions through their legal document, signed by their representation of both parties to the contract, known as the Constitution of the United States of America.

All “Constitutional Rights” in America are simply those dictated by the Crown Temple and enforced by the Middle Inn Templars (Bar Attorners) through their franchise and corporate government entity, the federal United States Government. When a “State Citizen” attempts to invoke his “constitutional”, natural, or common law “rights” in Chancery (equity courts), he is told they don’t apply. Why? Simply because a State citizen has no rights outside of the Rule and Codes of Crown “law”. Only a state citizen has natural and common law rights by the paramount authority of God’s Law.

The people who comprise the citizenry of a state are recognized only within natural and common law as is already established by God’s Law. Only a State Citizen can be a party to an action within a State Court. A common state citizen cannot be recognized in that court because he doesn’t legally exist in Crown Chancery Courts. In order to be recognized in their State Courts, the common man must be converted to that of a corporate or legal entity (a legal fiction).

Now you know why they create such an entity using all capital letters within Birth Certificates issued by the State. They convert the common lawful man of God into a fictional legal entity subject to Administration by State Rules, Orders and Codes (there is no “law” within any Rule or Code). Of course, Rules, Codes, etc. do not apply to the lawful common man of the Lord of lords, so the man with inherent Godly law and rights must be converted into a legal “Person” of fictional “status” (another legal term) in order for their legal – but completely unlawful – State Judiciary (Chancery Courts) to have authority over him. Chancery Courts are tribunal courts where the decisions of “justice” are decided by 3 “judges”. This is a direct result of the Crown Temple having invoked their Rule and Code over all judicial courts.

“It is held to be a settled Rule, that our courts can not take notice of any title to land not derived from the State or Colonial government, and duly verified by patent.” -4 Johns. Rep. 163. Jackson v. Waters, 12 Johns. Rep. 365. S.P.

The Crown Temple was granted Letters Patent (see definition above) and Charters (definition below) for all the land (Colonies) of New England by the King of England, a sworn member of the Middle Temple (as the Queen is now). Since the people were giving the patent/charter corporations and Colonial Governours such a hard time, especially concerning Crown taxation, a scheme was devised to allow the Americans to believe they were being granted “independence.” Remember, the Crown Templars represented both parties to the 1776 Declaration of Independence; and, as we are about to see, the latter 1787 U.S. Constitution.

To have this “Declaration” recognized by international treaty law, and in order to establish the new legal Crown entity of the incorporated United States, Middle Templar King George III agreed to the Treaty of Paris on September 3, 1783, “between the Crown of Great Britain and the said United States”. The Crown of Great Britain legally was, then and now, the Crown Temple. This formally gave international recognition to the corporate “United States”, the new Crown Temple States (Colonies). Most important is to know who the actual signatories to the Treaty of Paris were. Take particular note to the abbreviation “Esqr.” following their names (see above definition for ESQUIRE) as this legally signifies “Officers of the King’s Courts”, which we now know were Templar Courts or Crown Courts. This is the same Crown Templar Title given to Alexander Hamilton (see above).

The Crown was represented in signature by “David Hartley, Esqr.”, a Middle Templar of the King’s Court. Representing the United States (a Crown franchise) by signature was “John Adams, Esqr”, “Benjamin Franklin, Esqr.” and “John Jay, Esqr.” The signatories for the “United States” were also Middle Templars of the King’s Court through Bar Association membership. What is plainly written in history proves, once again, that the Crown Temple was representing both parties to the agreement. What a perfect and elaborate scam the people of North America had pulled on them!

It becomes even more obvious when you read Article 5, which states in part,

“to provide for the Restitution of all Estates, Rights, and Properties which have been confiscated, belonging to real British Subjects.”

The Crown Colonies were granted to “persons” and corporations of the Crown Temple through Letters Patent and Charters, and the North American Colonial land was owned by the Crown.

Now, here’s a real catch-all in Article 4:

“It is agreed that creditors on either side shall meet with no lawful impediment to the recovery of the full value in sterling money of all bona fide debts heretofore contracted.”

Since the Crown and its Templars represented both the United States, as the debtors, and the Crown, as the creditors, then they became the creditor of the American people by owning all debts of the former Colonies, now called the legal Crown States. This sounds too good to be true, but these are the facts. The words SCAM and HOODWINKED can’t begin to describe what had taken place.

So then, what debts were owed to the Crown Temple and their banks as of 1883? In the Contract Between the King and the Thirteen United States of North America, signed at Versailles July 16, 1782, Article I states,

“It is agreed and certified that the sums advanced by His Majesty to the Congress of the United States under the title of a loan, in the years 1778, 1779, 1780, 1781, and the present 1782, amount to the sum of eighteen million of livres, money of France, according to the following twenty-one receipts of the above-mentioned underwritten Minister of Congress, given in virtue of his full powers, to wit…”

That amount equals about $18 million dollars, plus interest, that Hamilton’s U.S. Central Bank owed the Crown through Crown Bank loans in France. This was signed, on behalf of the United States, by an already familiar Middle Templar, Benjamin Franklin, Esquire.

An additional $6 million dollars (six million livres) was loaned to the United States at 5% interest by the same parties in a similarContract signed on February 25, 1783. The Crown Bankers in the Netherlands and France were calling in their debts for payment by future generations of Americans.

The Fiscal Agents of Mystery Babylon

Since its beginnings, the Temple Church at the City of London has been a Knight Templar secret society. It was built and established by the same Temple Knights who were given their Rule and Order by the Roman Pope. It’s very important to know how the British Royal Crown was placed into the hands of the Knights Templars, and how the Crown Templars became the fiscal and military agents for the Pope of the Roman Church.

This all becomes very clear through the Concession Of England To The Pope on May 15, 1213.charter was sworn in fealty by England’s King John to Pope Innocent and the Roman Church. It was witnessed before the Crown Templars, as King John stated upon sealing the same,

“I myself bearing witness in the house of the Knights Templars.”

Pay particular attention to the words being used that we have defined below, especially charter, fealty, demur, and concession:

We wish it to be known to all of you, through this our charter, furnished with our seal… not induced by force or compelled by fear, but of our own good and spontaneous will and by the common counsel of our barons, do offer and freely concede to God and His holy apostles Peter and Paul and to our mother the holy Roman church, and to our lord pope Innocent and to his Catholic successors, the whole kingdom of England and the whole kingdom Ireland, with all their rights and appurtenances… we perform and swear fealty for them to him our aforesaid lord pope Innocent, and his catholic successors and the Roman church… binding our successors and our heirs by our wife forever, in similar manner to perform fealty and show homage to him who shall be chief pontiff at that time, and to the Roman church without demur. As a sign… we will and establish perpetual obligation and concession… from the proper and especial revenues of our aforesaid kingdoms… the Roman church shall receive yearly a thousand marks sterling… saving to us and to our heirs our rights, liberties and regalia; all of which things, as they have been described above, we wish to have perpetually valid and firm; and we bind ourselves and our successors not to act counter to them. And if we or any one of our successors shall presume to attempt this, whoever he be, unless being duly warned he come to his kingdom, and this senses, be shall lose his right to the kingdom, and this charter of our obligation and concession shall always remain firm.

Most who have commented on this charter only emphasize the payments due the Pope and the Roman Church. What should be emphasized is the fact that King John broke the terms of this charter by signing the Magna Carta on June 15, 1215. Remember; the penalty for breaking the 1213 agreement was the loss of the Crown (right to the kingdom) to the Pope and his Roman Church. It says so quite plainly. To formally and lawfully take the Crown from the royal monarchs of England by an act of declaration, on August 24, 1215, Pope Innocent III annulled the Magna Carta; later in the year, he placed an Interdict (prohibition) on the entire British empire. From that time until today, the English monarchy and the entire British Crown belonged to the Pope.

The following definitions are all taken from Webster’s 1828 Dictionary since the meanings have not been perverted for nearly 200 years:

FEALTY, n. [L. fidelis.] Fidelity to a lord; faithful adherence of a tenant or vassal to the superior of whom he holds his lands; loyalty. Under the feudal system of tenures, every vassal or tenant was bound to be true and faithful to his lord, and to defend him against all his enemies. This obligation was called his fidelity or fealty, and an oath of fealty was required to be taken by all tenants to their landlords. The tenant was called a liege man; the land, a liege fee; and the superior, liege lord.

FEE, n. [In English, is loan. This word, fee, inland, or an estate in trust, originated among the descendants of the northern conquerors of Italy, but it originated in the south of Europe. See Feud.] Primarily, a loan of land, an estate in trust, granted by a prince or lord, to be held by the grantee on condition of personal service, or other condition; and if the grantee or tenant failed to perform the conditions, the land reverted to the lord or donor, called the landlord, or lend-lord, the lord of the loan. A fee then is any land or tenement held of a superior on certain conditions. It is synonymous with fief and feud. In the United States, an estate in fee or fee simple is what is called in English law an allodial estate, an estate held by a person in his own right, and descendible to the heirs in general.

FEUD, n. [L. fides; Eng. loan.] A fief; a fee; a right to lands or hereditaments held in trust, or on the terms of performing certain conditions; the right which a vassal or tenant has to the lands or other immovable thing of his lord, to use the same and take the profits thereof hereditarily, rendering to his superior such duties and services as belong to military tenure, &c., the property of the soil always remaining in the lord or superior.

By swearing to the 1213 Charter in fealty, King John declared that the British-English Crown and its possessions at that time, including all future possessions, estates, trusts, charters, letters patent, and land, were forever bound to the Pope and the Roman Church, the landlord. Some five hundred years later, the New England Colonies in America became a part of the Crown as a possession and trust named the “United States.”

ATTORNING, ppr. Acknowledging a new lord, or transferring homage and fealty to the purchaser of an estate.

Bar Attorneys have been attorning ever since they were founded at the Temple Church, by acknowledging that the Crown and he who holds the Crown is the new lord of the land.

CHARTER, n. 1. A written instrument, executed with usual forms, given as evidence of a grant, contract, or whatever is done between man and man. In its more usual sense, it is the instrument of a grant conferring powers, rights and privileges, either from a king or other sovereign power, or from a private person, as a charter of exemption, that no person shall be empanelled on a jury, a charter of pardon, &c. The charters under which most of the colonies in America were settled, were given by the king of England, and incorporated certain persons, with powers to hold the lands granted, to establish a government, and make laws for their own regulation. These were called charter-governments.

By agreeing to the Magna Carta, King John had broken the agreement terms of his fealty with Rome and the Pope.

The Pope and his Roman Church control the Crown Temple because his Knights established it under his Orders. He who controls the gold controls the world.

The Crown Temple Today

The workings of the Crown Temple in this day and age is moreso obvious, yet somewhat hidden. The Crown Templars have many names and many symbols to signify their private and unholy Temple. Take a close look at the (alleged) one dollar $1 private Federal Reserve System (a Crown banking franchise) Debt Note.

Notice in the base of the pyramid the Roman date MDCCLXXVI which is written in Roman numerals for the year 1776. The words ANNUIT COEPTIS NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM are Roman Latin for ANNOUNCING THE BIRTH OF THE NEW ORDER OF THE WORLD. Go back to the definitions above and pay particular attention to the words CAPITOL, CROWN and TEMPLE. 1776 signifies the birth of the New World Order under the Crown Temple. That’s when their American Crown Colonies became the chartered government called the United States, thanks to the Declaration of Independence. Since that date, the United Nations (another legal Crown Temple by charter) rose up and refers to every nation as a State member.

The Wizard of Oz = the Crown Temple

This is not a mere child’s story written by L. Frank Baum. What symbol does “Oz” stand for? Ounces.Gold What is the yellow brick road? Bricks or ingot bars of gold.

The character known as the Straw Man represents that fictitious ALL CAPS legal fiction – a PERSON – the Federal U.S. Government created with the same spelling as your Christian birth name. Remember what the Straw Man wanted from the Wizard of Oz? A brain! No legal fiction has a brain because they have no breath of life! What did he get in place of a brain? A Certificate. A Birth Certificate for a new legal creation. He was proud of his new legal status, plus all the other legalisms he was granted. Now he becomes the true epitome of the brainless sack of straw who was given a Certificate in place of a brain of common sense.

What about the Tin Man? Does Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) mean anything to you? The poor TIN Man just stood there mindlessly doing his work until his body literally froze up and stopped functioning. He worked himself to death because he had no heart nor soul. He’s the heartless and emotionless creature robotically carrying out his daily task as if he was already dead. He’s the ox pulling the plow and the mule toiling under the yoke. His masters keep him cold on the outside and heartless on the inside in order to control any emotions or heart he may get a hold of.

The pitiful Cowardly Lion was always too frightened to stand up for himself. Of course, he was a bully and a big mouth when it came to picking on those smaller than he was. They act as if they have great courage, but they really have none at all. All roar with no teeth of authority to back them up. When push came to shove, the Cowardly Lion always buckled under and whimpered when anyone of any size or stature challenged him. He wanted courage from the Grand Wizard, so he was awarded a medal of “official” recognition. Now, regardless of how much of a coward he still was, his official status made him a bully with officially recognized authority. He’s just like the Attorneys who hide behind the Middle Courts of the Temple Bar.

What about the trip through the field of poppies? They weren’t real people, so drugs had no effect on them. The Wizard of Oz was written at the turn of the century, so how could the author have known America was going to be drugged? The Crown has been playing the drug cartel game for centuries. Just look up the history of Hong Kong and the Opium Wars. The Crown already had valuable experience conquering all of China with drugs, so why not the rest of the world?

Who finally exposed the Wizard for what he really was? Toto, the ugly (or cute, depending on your perspective) and somewhat annoying little dog. Toto means “in total, all together; Latin in toto.” Notice how Toto was not scared of the Great Wizard’s theatrics, yet he was so small in size compared to the Wizard, no-one seemed to notice him. The smoke, flames and hologram images were designed to frighten people into doing as the Great Wizard of Oz commanded. Toto simply went over, looked behind the curtain – the court – (see the definition for curtain above), saw it was a scam, and started barking until others paid attention to him and came to see what all the barking was about.Just an ordinary person controlling the levers that created the illusions of the Great Wizard’s power and authority. The veil hiding the corporate legal fiction and its false courts was removed. The Wizard’s game was up. It’s too bad that people don’t realize how loud a bark from a little dog is. How about your bark? Do you just remain silent and wait to be given whatever food and recognition, if any, your legal master gives you?

Let’s not forget those pesky flying monkeys. What a perfect mythical creature to symbolize the Bar Association Attorners who attack and control all the little people for the Great Crown Wizard, the powerful and grand Bankers of Oz – Gold.

What is it going to take to expose the Wizard and tear down the court veil for what they really are? Each of us needs only a brain, a heart and soul, and courage. Then, and most importantly, we all need to learn how to work together. Only “in toto,” working together as one Body of the King of Kings, can we ever be free or have the freedom given under God’s Law.

Mystery Babylon Revealed

There is no mystery behind the current abomination of Babylon for those who discern His Truth:

-Revelation 17:5

God has reserved His judgment for the great idolatress, Rome, the chief seat of all idolatry, that rules over many nations with whom the kings have committed to the worship of her idols (see Revelation 17:1-4). The Pope and His purported Church; sitting on the Temple throne at the Vatican; ruling the nations of the earth through the Crown Temple of ungodly deities are the Rule and Order of Babylon; the Crown of godlessness and the Code of commerce.

One may call the Rule of the world today by many names: The New World Order (a Bush family favourite), the Third Way (spoken by Tony Blair and Bill Clinton), the Illuminati, Triad, Triangle, Trinity, Masonry, the United Nations, the EU, the US, or many dozens of other names. However, they all point to one origin and one beginning. We have traced this in history to the Crown Temple, the Temple Church circa 1200. Because the Pope created the Order of the Temple Knights (the Grand Wizards of deception) and established their mighty Temple Church in the sovereign City of London, it is the Pope and his Roman Capitols who control the world.

“And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication”
-Revelation 17:4

This verse appears to be an accurate description of the Pope and His Bishops for the past 1,700 years. The idolatries of commerce in the world: all the gold and silver; the iron and soft metals; the money and coins and riches of the world: All of these are under the control of the Crown Temple; the Roman King and his false Church; the throne of Babylon; attended to by his Templar Knights, the Wizards of abomination and idolatry.

“The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman [mother of harlots] sitteth” – Revelation 17:9

The only mention of “seven mountains” within our present-day Bible is at Revelation 17:9, so it’s no wonder this has been a mystery to the current Body of Christ. The 1611 King James (who was a Crown Templar) Bible is not the entire canon of the early church (“church” in Latin ecclesia; in Greek ekklesia). This in itself is no mystery as history records the existence and destruction of these early church writings; just as history has now proven their genuine authenticity with the appearance of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the coptic library at Nag Hagmadi in Egypt, among many other recent Greek language discoveries within the past 100 years.

The current Holy Bible quotes the Book of Enoch numerous times:

By faith Enoch was taken away so that he did not see death, “and was not found, because God had taken him”; for before he was taken he had this testimony, that he pleased God.
– Hebrews 11:5

Now Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about these men also, saying, “Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of His saints, to execute judgment on all, to convict all who are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have committed in an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.”
– Jude 1:14-15

The Book of Enoch was considered scripture by most early Christians. The earliest literature of the so-called “Church Fathers” is filled with references to this mysterious book. The second century Epistle of Barnabus makes much use of the Book of Enoch. Second and Third Century “Church Fathers,” such as Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Origin and Clement of Alexandria, all make use of the Book of Enoch “Holy Scripture”. The Ethiopic Church included the Book of Enoch to its official canon. It was widely known and read the first three centuries after Christ. However, this and many other books became discredited after the Roman Council of Laodicea. Being under ban of the Roman Papal authorities, afterwards they gradually passed out of circulation.

At about the time of the Protestant Reformation, there was a renewed interest in the Book of Enoch, which had long since been lost to the modern world. By the late 1400’s, rumors began to spread that a copy of the long lost Book of Enoch might still exist. During this time, many books arose claiming to be the lost book but were later found to be forgeries.

The return of the Book of Enoch to the modern western world is credited to the famous explorer James Bruce, who in 1773 returned from six years in Abyssinia with three Ethiopic copies of the lost book. In 1821, Richard Laurence published the first English translation. The now famous R.H. Charles edition was first published by Oxford Press in 1912. In the following years, several portions of the Greek text also surfaced. Then, with the discovery of cave number four of the Dead Sea Scrolls, seven fragmentary copies of the Aramaic text were discovered.

Within the Book of Enoch is revealed one of the mysteries of Babylon concerning the seven mountains she sits upon (underlining has been added):

[CHAPTER 52] 2 There mine eyes saw all the secret things of heaven that shall be; a mountain of iron, a mountain of copper, a mountain of silver, a mountain of gold, a mountain of soft metal, and a mountain of lead.

6 These [6] mountains which thine eyes have seen: The mountain of iron, the mountain of copper, the mountain of silver, the mountain of gold, the mountain of soft metal, and the mountain of lead. All these shall be in the presence of the Elect One as wax: Before the fire, like the water which streams down from above upon those mountains, and they shall become powerless before his feet. 7 It shall come to pass in those days that none shall be saved, either by gold or by silver, and none be able to escape. 8 There shall be no iron for war, nor shall one clothe oneself with a breastplate. Bronze shall be of no service, tin shall be of no service and shall not be esteemed, and lead shall not be desired. 9 All these things shall be denied and destroyed from the surface of the earth when the Elect One shall appear before the face of the Lord of Spirits.’

[CHAPTER 24] 3 The seventh mountain was in the midst of these, and it excelled them in height, resembling the seat of a throne; and fragrant trees encircled the throne.

[CHAPTER 25] 3 And he answered saying: ‘This high mountain which thou hast seen, whose summit is like the throne of God, is His throne, where the Holy Great One, the Lord of Glory, the Eternal King, will sit, when He shall come down to visit the earth with goodness. 4 As for this fragrant tree, no mortal is permitted to touch it until the great judgement when He shall take vengeance on all and bring (everything) to its consummation for ever. 5 It shall then be given to the righteous and Holy. Its fruit shall be for food to the elect: It shall be transplanted to the Holy place, to the temple of the Lord, the Eternal King. 6 Then shall they rejoice with joy and be glad, and into the Holy place shall they enter; its fragrance shall be in their bones and they shall live a long life on earth, such as thy fathers lived: In their days shall no sorrow, or plague, or torment, or calamity touch them.’

The present wealth and power of all the world’s gold, silver, tin, bronze, pearls, diamonds, gemstones, iron, and copper belonging the Babylon whore, and held in the treasuries of her Crown Templar banks and deep stony vaults, will not be able to save them at the time of the Lord’s judgment.

But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in [yourselves], neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.
– Matthew 23:13

Where do we go from here?

Now that their false Temple has been exposed, how does this apply to the Kingdom of Heaven? To reach the end, you must know the beginning. For everything ordained of God, there is an imitation ordained of evil that looks like the genuine thing. There is the knowledge of good and the knowledge of evil. The problem is, most believe they have the knowledge of God when what they really have is knowledge of world deceptions operating as gods. The only way to discern and begin to understand the Kingdom of Heaven is to seek the Knowledge that comes only from God, not the knowledge of men who take their legal claim as earthly rulers and gods.

The false Crown Temple and its Grand Wizard Knights have led the world to believe that they are of the Lord God and hold the knowledge and keys to His Kingdom. What they hold within their Temples are the opposite. They claim to be the “Holy Church,” but which holy church? The real one or the false one? Are the Pope and his Roman Church the Temple of God, or is this the unholy Temple of Babylon sitting upon the seven mountains?

They use the same words, but alter them to show the true meaning they have applied: The State is not a state; a Certificate is not a certification. The Roman Church is not the church (ekklesia). There is the Crown of the Lord; and a Crown of that which is not of the Lord. All imitations appear to be the genuine article, but they are fakes. Those who are truly seeking the genuine Kingdom of God must allow the Lord to show them the discernment between the genuine and the imitation. Without this discernment by the Holy Spirit, all will remain fooled by the illusions of false deity emanating from the unholy spirits of the Wizards.

Neither shall they say, Lo here! Or, lo there! For behold, the kingdom of God is within you.
– Luke 17:21

Jesus said, “If your leaders say to you, ‘Look, the (Father’s) kingdom is in the sky,’ then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, ‘It is in the sea,’ then the fish will precede you. Rather, the FATHER’S kingdom is within you and it is outside you.”
– Gospel of Thomas 3

Don’t you know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
– 1 Corinthians 3:16

Jesus said, “Know what is in front of your face, and what is hidden from you will be disclosed to you. For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed. [And there is nothing buried that will not be raised.”]
– Gospel of Thomas 5


See The Official International Knights Templar Website

Ecclesiastic Commonwealth Community (ECC)

“The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out…without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, and intolerable.” FL. Hamer

TSA agents grope high school students at prom security checkpoint


Natural News


 (NaturalNews) It seems like it was just last week that I warned NaturalNews readers about how the TSA was expanding to become the new Nazi Secret Police of America. Actually, it was just last week (…). And now, over the weekend, the TSA confirmed exactly what I was warning about: They have expanded their security checkpoint pat-down searches to high school prom night, which now involves TSA perverts feeling up high school girls in their formal dresses.

Recently the TSA threatened to set up a security checkpoint at the Sante Fe High School and conducted illegal searches on high school prom students there. The agency ultimately backed down and didn’t go through with the checkpoint plan at that high school, but one month earlier at Capital High School, two students were sexually molested by the TSA and filed a lawsuit over the incident (…).

Describing the illogical and abusive TSA  pat-down, high school student Candace Herrera said, “She grabbed my breast and grabbed the inner part of my bra and shook it and then picked up the front of my dress to like mid thigh. She was patting down my bare legs which kind of didn’t make sense.”

Of course, it doesn’t make sense. None of it makes sense. It doesn’t make sense that the TSA, which was created to counter Bin Laden’s mastermind plan to blow up airplanes, is now running security checkpoints at high school prom dances! Of all the places to find terrorists in America, does the high school prom rank anywhere near the top-100 locations?

This is all psyops to indoctrinate young people into accepting the police state

Let me lay it out here and explain what this is really all about. This is OBVIOUSLY not about terrorism. High school proms are not command headquarters for terror cells.

And secondly, if the TSA is patting down bare legs and thighs of high school girls, then that’s obviously not a security pat-down but rather a form of molestation. No wonder the TSA specifically chose high school prom night to conduct its searches — these TSA workers are all the perverts who never touched a girl when they went to prom night in high school, and now they’re getting their shot!

As I already warned NaturalNews readers on multiple occasions, if we don’t reel in this out-of-control rogue police state agency right now, the TSA will continue to expand its power until it is the new secret police of Amerika, running searches on street corners or conducting house-to-house pat-downs of entire neighborhoods, just because they can.

The American sheeple go right along with the rise of the Nazi TSA

There is no limiting the power grab by this rogue Nazi organization unless we stand up to them. And that brings up the question: Why did all the students, parents and teachers at these high schools go along with the TSA sexually molesting their girls?

The Sheeple, it seems, have become so “zombified” and dumbed down that they don’t even recognize tyranny when they see it. When our own daughters and sisters are being sexually molested in the name of false “security” designed to keep the terrorists out of the prom dance hall, it has all become to utterly bizarre and mindless that I can hardly describe the lunacy of it. Has our nation really surrendered so completely to tyranny that we are going to let the TSA set up its security checkpoints anywhere and everywhere, then reach into our pants at dance events, sporting events, train stations, bus stations and probably soon shopping malls?

Are the American Sheeple really so brain dead that they will stand by and watch their Constitutional rights be utterly destroyed by this illegal, rogue agency known as the TSA?

The proper response

Let me describe the proper response of what should have happened at the high school when the TSA showed up and started feeling up the breasts and thighs of the students there.

First, when the TSA showed up, the principal should have told them to go away. “This is the prom, not a terrorism convention. Go home and leave our students alone.”

Secondly, after the TSA started shoving their hands into the bras of the female students there, some brave student should have loudly protested, called 911 and requested the local police to arrive on the scene to arrest the TSA agents.

At that point, the local police should have pulled out their guns and arrested the TSA agents at gunpoint, then booked them with charges of molesting a teenage girl. The parents, meanwhile, should have held a protest rally at the high school to loudly protest this treatment of their daughters by this out-of-control government agency.

This would have been the proper response. But instead, we get nothing. No police – No sheriff – No protests. Only two students had the courage to stand up and file a lawsuit against the TSA. Even the school principal stood by and did absolutely nothing, further advocating the idea that students are subjects of the state and that if the government wants to reach down your pants (or inside your bra), they have the right to do that any time they want to.

When they come for you, there may be no one left to protest

I ask the question: When will America wake up and arrest these criminal TSA workers? When will we say, “Enough is enough!” and force Congress to de-fund this entire group? At what point will the Sheeple working slaves of America finally realize they are watching the unfolding of a Nazi-style police state right in front of their very eyes?

It all reminds me of just how easily the Nazi party rose to power in the 1930’s. The German people just stood by and did nothing, too. It wasn’t until the abuses of power turned to genocide that the rest of the world woke up and tried to do something about it; and even then, most of the German people simply tolerated the Nazis and did nothing to stand up against them.

The famous movie Schindler’s List(…) is an account of one courageous entrepreneur who decided to take a stand against the Nazi tyranny, yet he found himself virtually alone in taking that stand. History has proven that most of the mindless masses will go along with tyranny because that think like slaves and subjects rather than citizens.

What all this really proves is that New Mexico’s high schools are failing to teach their students much about history. Because if they knew the true history of the world — and how tyranny rises up and threatens freedom— none of the students would put up with this TSA nonsense.

Didn’t their history teachers teach them anything about the rise of tyranny in Nazi Germany? Or the British-controlled American colonies? Or Eastern Europe? Only someone who is completely ignorant of world history could stand by and watch the TSA rise to power in America today and not recognize what’s really happening. Because what we are watching, dear readers, is the rise of an evil agency that will, if allowed to continue expanding, soon run its own secret prisons and secret courts where people are guilty until proven innocent.

We are watching America’s freedoms crumble right before our eyes, and only a small handful of people who are familiar with world history seem to understand what’s unfolding.

Any government body that does not recognize limits of power is a danger to the nation

That the TSA is running a security checkpoint at the local high school prom is not, in and of itself, the problem here. The problem is that the TSA thinks it CAN run security checkpoints anywhere it wants, without justification, without notification and without cause. This is how tyranny begins: First it’s necessary for national security, and then it creeps into your cities, towns, schools and eventually your homes.

Mark my words: If we don’t stop the TSA, they will eventually be running door-to-door searches on innocent Americans in complete violation of our Fourth Amendment rights.

People forget so easily, this is why we fought the War of Independence against the British Empire. British soldiers used to go house to house, entering homes, stealing valuables and groping the women. That’s why our founding fathers specifically wrote the Fourth Amendment to prohibit such activities by any government or military force.

Remember, folks: The U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights is, in essence, an ANTI-GOVERNMENT document whose sole purpose is to limit the scope of government and protect the rights of the People. Today, America has forgotten that, and unless things are reversed very soon, they will escalate into the exact same abuses against our persons and our privacy that were once committed by the British Empire against the colonialists.

Those who do not learn the lessons of history, it is often said, are doomed to repeat them. And that’s exactly what we are witnessing in America today. The rise of the TSA secret police is under way, and virtually no one is lifting a finger in protest. This is why the American people, in one sense, actually deserve the police state brutality they have brought onto themselves. If you don’t stand up and protest now, then don’t bother when they come for your wife, or husband or children. By the time they come for you it may very well be too late.

It is a truism of government that every government body or agency always seeks to gain more power and expand its reach. If allowed to do so, the TSA will grow like a cancer until it is the dominant secret police organization, dwarfing the power of local police and even the FBI.

Sources for this story include:………





10 Indications The United States Is A Dictatorship


“Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely” — Lord Acton

Activist Post

For a people to be free, they must first be honest with themselves, their government, and the world at large.  History is filled with stories of free nations that fell under the spell cast by their governments who exploited the threat of terror.

In fact, numerous presidents in American history already have used various specific threats to sidestep their Constitutional restraints.  Today we are entering a nebulous world where our “enemy” cannot be defined, has no particular allegiance to one country, and is able to adopt new leaders at will.  Rather than encourage a sense of resilience and independence in its citizens, America has chosen to amplify the terror threat in order to concentrate power in the hands of the State.  The very first signpost on this historically familiar road to tyranny is an atmosphere of hate, suspicion, and vindictiveness.  It first begins as an outwardly directed aggression and then rather abruptly turns inward upon itself.

The good news is that freedom is won and lost in our hearts and minds.  It is for this reason that we must state the obvious:  we have clearly passed through the first “atmospheric” stage of approaching dictatorship, and have now entered the second — the open behavior of a dictatorship in the United States.

It will never be announced on the evening news, and it is not likely to continue under an authoritarian leader in the mold of a Stalin, Hitler, or Mao.  Likewise, it is not to say that Barack Obama is the first dictator of The United States, but rather is part of a continued expansion of executive power that is now so great that by all measures America can no longer be called a Land of the Free ruled by We the People.  We stand no chance of reversing this forced march by false democracy until we understand where we are headed, who is leading us there, and for what purpose.

1. Rule by force, not by law: This is where it all begins; when the legal framework that serves to define a country and its behavior is dismantled and intimidation tactics take over.  In the most extreme case, drone bombings and assassinations have begun of non-citizens, as well as U.S. citizens, leading only to a debate over whether U.S. citizens should be stripped of citizenship before assassination.  Governmental assassinations are in complete opposition to the laws of America and all international laws and agreements.  In the last week we have also seen the official elimination of the 4th Amendment in Indiana, which is a clear precedent-setting ruling to say that the State now believes that it owns the property and person of its citizens.  As a result, the militarized police have been granted unlimited access, which will only cause an escalation in cases of police brutality and misconduct.  This is yet another addition to the precedent set by TSA groping and sexual harassment in airports, Child Protective Services kidnapping children of activists in pro-liberty causes, public school surveillance, and the lawless detention of activists who videotape the police.  All areas of society are now ruled top-down through state legislation adopted to justify federal grants that have installed a police state apparatus in America.  And these federal agencies such as the TSA actually believe they rule supremeover the states.  We now live in a country where CIA abductions, overseas detention, torture and assassinations can be carried out against anyone without due process and without recourse if later cleared; in fact, the Supreme Court has just ended the legal debate by refusing to even consider appeals.  Consequently, an atmosphere has been created where the government is permitted to break countless laws, like warrantless GPS tracking of activists by the FBI, while average citizens are guilty of pre-crimes.  The increase in executive power under the aegis of National Security is our greatest threat and has led to all that follows.

 2. Crushing peaceful protest:  Despite the current mission to defend protesters living in dictatorships overseas, when George Bush brought “free speech zones” to America it effectively spelled the end of peaceful, lawful street protest.  Now the full force of brutality and surveillance has been unleashed upon the very people intent in stopping it through peaceful means.  It is as sure a sign as any about totalitarian intentions, when anti-war activists have become one of the targets.  The activist is beginning to equal terrorist in the all-seeing eye of the State, and any street gathering is a sure sign to let loose all of the riot weapons that were formerly used against insurgents on foreign battlefields.  One look at the G20 protest in Pittsburgh,  a recent Illinois University event, and the ongoing travesty of the torture and incarceration of Bradley Manning, and we can begin to see through the propaganda of White House officials when they talk about terrible dictators in other nations crushing dissent.

3. Checkpoints: The slow acclimation of the populace to military-style checkpoints began first as border control operations up to 100 miles inland in what the ACLU calls the Constitution Free Zone.  However, this has rather quickly morphed into local traffic stops across the country for “unsavory” characters such as those targeted by the Amber Alert system and DUI checkpoints.   Though apparently well meaning, we are now far beyond even loosely suspected criminal activity, as VIPR teams have been introduced totake over public transportation and events.  The TSA tyranny has hit the streets of America, now forming a de facto internal passport system straight out of the totalitarian playbook.  The expanding checkpoint system dovetails with new initiatives such as the No Ride List proposal of Chuck Shumer, building upon the No Fly List already in place.  These no-travel lists are extrajudicial, secret, and form a guilty-until-proven innocent framework that subverts freedom instead of protecting it.  Incidentally, this element of constant suspicion is exactly what leads to a citizen spy network.

4. Citizen spy network:  Dictatorships know how difficult it is to rule over large populations with only the relatively small numbers of military and police. Despite the lessons of terror created by citizen surveillance that the East German Stasi files left us to examine, just such a network has been openly introduced to present-day America — and now it’s even more high-tech and populated.  Secret black budget projects organized through the NSA like Perfect Citizen is just one among many.  Our head of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano — in partnership with retailerWal-Mart — kicked off the See Something, Say Something program, which goes beyond the already high-tech surveillance apparatus of the NSA and turns each of us into an unpaid employee of the police state.  Similarly, the web of cameras and data mining is far too massive for even the well-funded NSA, but with gadgets at our disposal we can nowdownload apps to enable spying on our neighbors.  Most dangerous of all, though, is new legislation introduced by Peter King that enshrines Janet Napolitano’s program and would provide immunity for accusers “acting in good faith” while reporting suspicious activities.  This is guaranteed to lead to false arrests and disappearances, just as it has on every occasion throughout history when a society’s fear becomes self-directed.

5. Executive Orders:  This is means by which a dictator can come to power in the United States, despite a framework of checks and balances.  Any time a country has centralized its power to the executive branch by erasing the checks and balances of separate legislative and judicial bodies, the result has been dictatorship.  And this normally happens when national security is “threatened.”  The Constitution is clear, however: only the legislature (Congress) can make laws.  Yet, the use of Executive Orders has increased, beginning with President Clinton who came under fire for his abuse of this power, becoming one of only two presidents (the other was Truman’s E.O. 12954) to have an Executive Order struck down by the courts.   His successors seem only to have been encouraged. Clinton issued 14, George W. issued over 60, and Obama is at 26 with many more to be expected if he wins a second term. Among the most egregious of Obama’s orders is the ability to hold detainees indefinitely even after a court has found them not guilty.  Executive Orders also form the basis for control over regulatory agencies, which then impose the directives.  While it seems multi-layered with potential checks and balances, all directives can now be issued top-down in dictatorial fashion.  

 6. Control of regulatory agencies: This is the more insidious and, ultimately, dangerous tactic used by dictatorships.  Dictatorship through regulation invades every facet of societywithout relying only upon overt violence.  As mentioned above, only the legislature can make laws.  However, the legislature has created “regulatory bodies” which make de facto laws through “violations” that rob us of freedom.  There is no clearer example at the moment than the FDA, which has brought in near-total food control.  The FDA is working in concert with a global agenda being foisted upon us through the Codex Alimentarius commission in Europe which essentially renders anything healthy as toxic, and all that is toxic as healthy.   Regulatory agencies in the United States have engendered a system where the corporate-governmentrevolving door leads to corruption and consolidation — not free markets.  The current regulations are opposed to the principles of freedom and independence, and favor only those in positions to make money from more control; so more control and less freedom is what we can expect under these federal directives controlling the states.

7. President declares war unilaterally: Despite the parade of lies that led to wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, it pales in comparison with the new war in Libya and other interventions and sanctions throughout the Middle East and North Africa.  Through Executive Orders, outlined above, the President can declare war so long as there is a resolution passed by Congress.  This has been dispensed with through Obama’s illegal wars, and it appears that Congress could go even further by ceding its power completely to the president.  The disregard for Congressional approval is already dictatorial, but if this last step is taken we will effectively be living in a permanent state of war tantamount to WWIII that will be controlled at the sole discretion of the current and future presidents.  This unilateral power to drag nations into war without checks and balances is a hallmark of dictatorships where entire countries are swept along purely by the ideology of their leader. As Ron Paul and Lew Rockwell have stated, “We have a dictatorship when it comes to foreign policy.”  With the latest development, it is actually a dictatorship when it comes to domestic policy as well, since America’s espionage network has turned inward, and this new presidential power would not be limited to overseas actions.

 8. Torture:  Torture has long been a tactic used by America. In fact it runs the leading school on its methods.  The School of the Americas (now called WHINSEC) has been responsible for training Latin American dictators and their thugs on how to intimidate the local population and rule with an iron fist.  However, the torture debate has hit mainstream media in a serious discussion about its effectiveness, especially following the assassination of Osama bin Laden.  Aside from the despicable morals involved, torture doesn’t work for intelligence gathering, according to experts.  Furthermore, the legalization of torture was what really brought the dreadedRussian secret police out into the open.  When such a declaration is made, it is literally a recruiting strategy to find the criminals and sadists who would love to be part of such a system.  Torture is not normal work for normal people; it is the work of psychopaths such as Dick Cheney who loves the tactic of waterboarding so much that he has stated it should be brought back and used more widely.  No nation that uses torture to obtain confessions can be called legitimate. It is only used as a tool of intimidation and oppression by totalitarian regimes.

9. Forced labor camps (gulags): This is when we know that a totalitarian society has arrived in full and our society is run completely by coercion.  As Naomi Wolf has illustrated, “With its jails in Iraq and Afghanistan, and, of course, Guantánamo in Cuba, where detainees are abused, and kept indefinitely without trial and without access to the due process of the law, America certainly has its gulag now.”  Additionally, a silent gulag has already been created inside America, starting with the nation’s prisoners who are increasingly locked up within a for-profit prison-industrial system that makes money both on theconstruction of prisons as well as the cheap labor force.  The Defense Department itself pays prisoners 23 cents per hour to build its weapons systems, which is clearly a type of slave labor.  One might immediately argue that there is a huge difference between real prisoners and innocent people swept off the streets as they were in Stalinist Russia, for example, or in modern day North Korea and China.  That is to presume, however, that everyone in prison is guilty; and, if they are, that the crimes which have sent them there really constitute offenses worthy of prison sentences.   America has theworld’s largest prison population and the highest incarceration rate precisely because nearly everything is a jail-time crime, and there is money to be made by the growing corporate prison system.  The War on Drugs alone has led to a disproportionate number of inmates for non-violent offenses among the already 2.4 million in jail and the 5 million on probation.  With the economy imploding, evendebtors prisons have made a comeback.  Although FEMA camps are still relegated to fringeconspiracy theory, we should be wary of the potential endgame for such a proven system of oppression.  Through Continuity of Government, national emergency directives would openly suspend the Constitution and could possibly lead once again to internment camps in America.

10. Control over all communications (propaganda):  Once the physical framework of dictatorial control has been set up, then the justification for its continued presence can commence.  The type of high-tech control grid now put into place in The United States to this point has only been explored in works of fiction such as 1984, which has led Paul Craig Roberts to draw a correct parallel.  A public emergency announcement system has in fact been in place since the ’50s, whereby the president can interrupt television and radio to deliver critical messages.  However, this has been recently expanded even beyond the Telecommunications Act of 1996 as the FCC voted to mandate (PDF) “the first-ever Presidential alert to be aired across the United States on the Nation’s Emergency Alert System (EAS).”  Now, with the arrival of the trackable smartphone that can be hijacked to bring government messages (emergency or not) we find ourselves “willing” participants in a scenario reaching far beyond 1984.  Using the bin Laden assassination and the threat of guaranteed reprisal, the government has announced that the president will break into these private networks to carry PLAN government messages and warnings; and there is no opt-out. This is slated to go even further, as Infowars has reported: “All smart devices have federally-mandated control and kill switches added. This will give the government total control over incoming information to all smart phones regardless of manufacturer. These policies dovetail with the roll out of Smart Meters and the new Google controlled smart homes which will send messages over the power-lines to your appliances to control power consumption or simply cut the power. In addition, new ‘green’ lighting systems are being installed in government buildings which send and receive data through controlled pulses of light. And now the Pentagon wants the authority to run it all.” At the same time, we have seen the buildup in rhetoric leading toward Internet control.  As always, an unsavory element of society (pirating) has been used as one of the pretexts to introduce government control over private industry, while cybersecurity lays claim to total control over the infrastructure for national emergencies.  Ideologically, Obama advisor, Cass Sunstein, has proposed a fairness doctrine for the Internet that would enable a government overlay on private websites that would offer counter opinions to anti-establishment content.  We are approaching a situation worse than China, where both mental intrusion via propaganda and physical intrusion via systems control are merging.  It is not comforting to know, also, that the president made a shocking claim recently that he can censor unclassified documents.  There is clearly a concerted effort to take over all forms of information, permitting the government to alter it or censor it before consumption by its citizens.  In any other country we would call this a dictatorship.

It would appear that the United States should be a called a dictatorship based on the above criteria. Once the atmosphere is established, average participants need not be part of a conspiracy, as they tend to unquestioningly go with the flow.  However, we must acknowledge that the U.S. is in a vastly different position than totalitarian regimes of the past, as well as her contemporaries. America has a history that is built upon the foundation of resistance to dictators.  This memory needs to be invoked by following the protections outlined in our founding documents, particularly the power of the states to resist Federal tyranny.  The protections therein can be restored once we have the courage to admit how much freedom we have lost, then refuse to succumb to a fear-based perception of reality.  Only then will Liberty, Love and Peace prevail!






By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor

 “The 2010 election had one purpose, war with Iran, even if the risk is world conflict and the real loser, no matter what happens on the battlefield is the United States.”

Plans are in motion for a “false flag” attack on America.   Iran will be blamed, everyone knows that and Iran will be totally innocent.  This is the last thing Iran would ever want.  The most likely scenario is a nuclear attack.  Two bombs are missing, bombs built by Israel in South Africa and lost long ago.  These were supposedly Saddam’s bombs.  Now we are told Iran has them.  Israel has had them all along and the fear is, they may be inside the United States already.

The Israeli game with these weapons is one of the worst kept secrets in the world and has already cost the deaths of many.  It will take nothing short of the detonation of one of this Hiroshima sized Israeli nukes to push America into Israel’s war with Iran, much as hunting for these nukes which Israel informed President Bush were in Iraq, led “the decider” to making one of the many blunders of his career.  Our next 9/11 will be nuclear.

The purpose will be to push America into a 20 year war that will destroy Iran and Pakistan, take oil to over $300 per barrel and collapse the dollar and Euro.  Iran isn’t Iraq of 2003, toothless and starving.  This will be America’s last military adventure, and the end of America’s place in the world as we know it.  We know the details of the proposed military campaign and the military and political leaders who support it are the worst imaginable incompetents and traitors.

Invading Iran is an impossible task for America.  Other than there be no reason whatsoever to engage in such folly, something that, of recent years, seems to concern fewer and fewer Americans.   Turn on the TV, if the “rodeo clown” says “wipe ‘em out” then we do it.

Invading Iran is an impossibility for America. Going to the moon was easier.  No matter how senseless, how impossible, the decision has been made, more in Tel Aviv than Washington, for sure, but one that will be obeyed.

There are only two scenarios that can fulfill the nightmare Israel and her shiny new congress have in store with us.  One is a preemptive nuclear attack on Iran and the other full scale total war with up to 500,000 Americans being drafted into the military.


 Forcing America to return to a draft and begin a major war, one America can never really win as with Iraq and Afghanistan and, let us not forget Vietnam, is something absolutely vital to hang around the neck of a Democrat,


 especially one of African American ancestry.  Anyone who doesn’t think the real heart of American politics has always been racism is a liar.  Family values means “white” family values.  African Americans know shame at the relief they have felt seeing Muslims targeted for persecution.  Every political position in today’s America is derived from institutionalized racism, be it immigration, health care or “constitution.”

When a return to the “constitution” is brought up, by people who wouldn’t know the document from a Croatian take-out menu, the reality is always race, fear, hate and envy, the glue that holds American society prisoner.  Decades ago, and even more recently during our last presidential election, African Americans were represented as animals, “goyim” to the Jews.  Now we play “Kill the camel jockey.”  Is this why the Christianized army we sent to Afghanistan murders innocent civilians for sport?

An America in total economic collapse will require another “decider” and more “Patriot Acts,” even more totalitarian and vicious than the last, that and an end to the even farcical elections that are now inundated with drug money and cash from US based foreign corporations.

This is the plan and a criminal gang in America, some in government and the military but more behind the scenes, “banksters” and media moguls, many with ties to Israel, are working feverishly to bring it about.  However clever the planners may think they are, their machinations can be tracked through the media, the army of “Wolf Blitzers” that “work” the American people with the subtlety of carnie shills.


 Why would anyone want to destroy America, kill millions, leave the nation that has been there to save the world over and over a virtual wasteland?  If you think America’s castrated government or the military, now relegated to acting as virtual mercenaries for drug lords, oil cartels and bizarre Zionist plots, have the will or ability to stop what has already begun, you have not been paying attention for some time.  While the “circus of deception” went on, the utterly phony “war on terror,” imaginary enemies, the 9/11 disaster, orchestrated by Israel and its puppets,

Israel has decided that America is going to war with Iran.  The new congress, the one Israel openly boasts is under their total control, will make it happen, it was why they were put there.  The upcoming war will leave the United States crippled, castrated, a “third world” nuclear power like the old Soviet Union.  The plot isn’t against Iran and Pakistan, that’s just an excuse.  The real enemy is what is left of a free and democratic America.

 The real goal is to end America’s leadership role in the world.

 Israel has plans for Russia, China and India, especially India, to rule the world with them pulling the strings.  America had been their “milk cow” for some time, now that cow is going to slaughter.



 This is how it is going to play out.  The news media has gotten their orders, Wikileaks is part of it.  From now on, key members of congress will, on cue, begin harping about the threat of Iran.  Governments in the Middle East that are under the total control of Israel and the American military will aid in every way possible.  Thus far, of all the Islamic nations in the world, only Syria and Afghanistan are not taking orders from Tel Aviv.

The next step will be to replace key military staff as was done prior to 9/11, with “Israel friendly” third stringers, “dominionists” and “Israeli firsters” who place “end times” religious mythology over the welfare, safety and sovereignty of the United States.  This group has been infiltrating the American military for years and has gained control of every service but the Marine Corps, starting with the United States Air Force.

The military pundits, with their laundered payoffs and free trips to Israel and the dozens of propaganda websites have already begun.  If you have a computer, you can check this easily.  Simply go into your email, it will be filled with warnings of Iran and nuclear terrorism.  An Israeli teenager paid dearly to bring you that message, spending a difficult night in a hotel with one of our political or military “pro-Zionists.”

Our newly elected “Tea Party’ gang will be visiting Israel soon, watch and see, there is a “Monica Lewinsky” in their future.  This is how it works, how it has worked for a long time and why we have sunk so low.

Anyone who talks about “liberal” media is part of it.  A cursory check of who owns the media, “liberal” or any other media is easy.  Israel owns our media, all of it.  The stories will start with tales of Iran controlling the Shiite government of Iraq.  Then you will hear of them controlling Karzai’s government in Afghanistan.


 Then the stories will start, Iran has to be tied to terrorist attacks on American troops.  Watch for this.  Americans will start dying and Iran will be blamed.  Wikileaks started this with their fanciful stories about Iranians training Iraq in making explosives.  A few years ago, we invaded Iraq because we believed they were building nuclear weapons, or so we were misinformed, now they can’t build pipe bombs without Iranian help?  Wikileaks is a clear demonstration at how childish, how outlandish the lies are going to be.  Wikileaks is prestaging terror attacks on Americans as much as if they made the bombs themselves, no question about that.

Every media outlet that, under specific directions, carries the “party line” on Wikileaks and the rest of it, no matter how absurd, carries these fabrications without question or embarrassment, should be considered a terrorist organization and their employees enemy combatants.

It will be Israel doing the killing just as with 9/11 and the USS Liberty and, frankly, so many other times Americans have died, like the Marines killed in Beirut, an attack Israel admitted knowing of in advance.  More and more, we are finding everything was “known” in advance, “known” because those who knew planned it.

Getting the scene set, all the assets in place, buying or blackmailing congress, keeping the president surrounded by Israeli advisors as he is today, silencing voices of reason in the military, all this is going on right now.

Years have been spent branding Iran and Pakistan as dangerous, the press continually ignoring reports that Iran has no nuclear program or endlessly repeating outrageous rumors that Pakistan’s nuclear weapons are almost in the hands approaching “Taliban” forces.  With Karzai’s government Afghanistan openly negotiating with the Taliban after American forces, 9 years of fighting, have only managed to secure 3% of the country, building a case for war tied to Iranian “interference” in that conflict is going to be unmarketable.

This leaves Pakistan.  Drone attacks in Pakistan have brought about considerable destabilization and an increase in terrorism in Pakistan.  They have, as seemingly planned, worked to harm American interests in the region while attempting to bring about the dissolution of Pakistan.  Continual reports of American contractors in Pakistan, working for the CIA and State Department, aiding terrorists, go unreported in the American media.  Even when caught with weapons and explosives inside Pakistan, such reports are suppressed.

Increasingly, evidence is showing that the Mumbai attack, the massive terror assault on India blamed on Pakistan, was orchestrated by one of these American groups.


 However, considering the financial collapse engineered though Bush era deregulation frauds combined with unstable tax policies and massive increase in government spending, combined with cost of two failed wars, America’s options are limited.  There is simply no revenue to pay the current military without rollbacks or sustain moderate capabilities and readiness.  America is too broke, not just to fight a new war but to continue the two that are going or even maintain a fully peacetime force at near current levels.

In fact, our military expenditures need to be cut by 30% or more, as studies being reviewed by the Department of Defense and congress are showing.  We have the choice of cutting back now or dealing with consequences later, including, not only cuts in military and veterans health care but substantial cuts in pensions and disability compensation as well.

Another war, and there is no question that another war is planned, will push American debt to $20 trillion or more, half being military expenditures, always a combination of pork, payoffs and “misplaced” weaponry and the rest looted from the economy by the planned massive manipulation of oil prices made possible by the shutoff of world petroleum supplies.



 In March, 2010, a Chinese built missile factory opened in Iran.  The plant builds a variety of missiles, primarily anti-ship, with ranges from 100 to 300 miles or more.  These are advanced weapons that can be launched from hardened facilities along Iran’s rugged coastline, from aircraft, both fixed and rotary, from patrol boats, from nearly anything.  One of these missiles can sink a frigate, perhaps even a destroyer.  Several can disable an aircraft carrier.  Approaching Iran from sea is impossible.

Iran controls Hormuz, not just with missiles but patrol boats as well, and not just from their own shore but from the islands in the gulf, some of which were seized 30 years ago and are still held.

The government of the United Arab Emirates has discussed, from time to time, a canal bypassing the strait, through to Oman and into the Persian Gulf.  However, the cost would be outrageous as a ridge of hills would have to be crossed, something difficult to manage with a lock system capable of handing the largest ships in the world, oil supertankers.

The missiles, the torpedo boats and the almost impossible network of islands and swamps along the coast would make suppressing Iran’s capabilities impossible.  The strait would close, oil would stop, Iraq, Iran certainly, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.  In days, currencies would collapse, stock markets shut down, gas lines would form and gas rationing would be required around the world.  All western economies would disappear overnight.

Iranian Facilities at Hormuz


 There is simply no way into Iran by land.  We can barely keep American troops in Afghanistan supplied with many routes being hundreds of miles long, narrow roads from the Port of Karachi in Pakistan.  Recently we found how easily this supply line could be cut off.  Agreements with Iran, not to mention religious affiliations between Shiites in Iraq, the majority there and the Shiite based government in Iran, make an approach through Iraq impossible.

We could also consider that our existing forces in Iraq and the entire Persian Gulf could be cut off by Iran with no resupply by sea possible for, not only Iraq but Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait and Iraq.  These nations and the US forces there would be immediately isolated.  The only way in to Iran, restricted because of the topography, is through the province of Baluchistan, a remote area of Pakistan that borders Iran.



 This isolated region has become the staging area for attacks against Iran, supposedly by Jundallah “rebels” but actually orchestrated by the Mossad and CIA.  There are two independence movements wanting to break Baluchistan from Pakistan.  One of the leaders I met in Islamabad while he was recovering from gunshot wounds.  The other lives in Israel, surprise-surprise.

Because of the topography of Iran, the only way to approach Tehran is over more than a thousand miles of valleys.  They can only be approached through Pakistan and there is only one port that serves that region.  The only way to resupply other than through this small Chinese built port, Gwadar, is to truck into Kandahar, hundreds of miles, then back down into Pakistan, following the 500,000 man army into Iran in something closely akin to Napoleon’s ill fated invasion of Russia, but even worse if that is possible.

 Tiny port, dirt roads, narrow gauge rail only

 The military analogies are inescapable, Dien Bien Phu and Stalingrad are two that come to mind.  Though the government of Pakistan lacks strong civilian leadership and is largely dependent on US aid, the use of Pakistan’s territory for another aggressive war in the Middle East that will perceived by almost all the world’s population, not just Muslims, as a sign of Israel’s control of the United States and its ability to get America to commit any crime, will not be acceptable to the people of Pakistan.  It is also highly unlikely that even Karzai’s government in Afghanistan would abide such an action.

Thus, America could become beset, not just from Pakistan but by its own allies in Afghanistan and, quite possibly, the newly trained and surprisingly effective army in Iraq as well.

America would become a rogue state, even if purporting to respond to a devastating terrorist attack.  In the aftermath of 9/11, America lacks any credibility.  The second a disaster strikes inside America, the world will immediately assume the worst, Israel has deemed such an act necessary to push America to war.  No rational person could assume otherwise.


 In order to stabilize the situation with our allies, those likely to become enemies, it will likely necessitate the decapitation of several regimes, Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan initially.  Others will quickly fall into line though some will be directly under the control of Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, in particular.  They will become indefensible except through massive airlift, resources that will be needed elsewhere.  Half the troops needed to secure America’s lines of supply left military service after multiple deployments in Afghanistan and Iraq for nearly a decade.  Many are sick, some are homeless and hundreds of thousands are simply “fed up.”

This leaves the new citizen army, the one America had to turn to because of a “9/11 – Pearl Harbor” disaster fewer and fewer believe the cover story on as days go by.  Even in America, despite what Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu thinks, you can only fool people so many times.  The most glaring example of the lack of foresight some of our “War College” grads have can be seen in the Gwadar Port facilities, the only place American can use for supplies for the most difficult invasion in history, with, perhaps, the exception of Okinawa.



 The 2010 election paid for a war, there is no question of that.  Many of the puppets in America’s government had to be replaced as there was fear some of them might object to something as obscene as what is in the planning.  Lies, fear mongering and childish rhetoric had never reached the levels seen in 2010.  Never had a nation, since Germany in 1932, gone over to the “darkside” as clearly as America has done, a rejection of decency and common sense.

When the bill becomes due, and it most certainly will, that “smaller government” so many thought they would get will most certainly come true.  What won’t happen is a return to constitutional rule, that will be gone forever.  Habeas Corpus won’t be missed so much in a country where those without the cash to buy their way out of military service, yes, that great American tradition, will be one step ahead of the press gangs working to keep the military training camps filled to capacity.  America may, quite likely, have bitten off a bit too much, a world war, and this time, no allies, none, not a chance.



 Plans for less government have always been around, we have seen attempts to put these plans in place many times, starting with attempts to have Social Security declared unconstitutional back in the 1930s.  This will be first to go, Social Security.  Getting rid of Social Security has long been a dream of the GOP, either through outlawing it as “Socialism,” or “borrowing” the trust fund to cover war expenses or, more recently “privatization.”  Now, none of those will be needed.  The money will simply disappear overnight, not to pay war expenses, not hardly.  It will be split up and stashed in Swiss bank accounts the same place the “bail out” money went, the same place every 401k in America went, the same place the assets of our largest banks went.


 They will be the next to go.  States will be asked to fund this themselves.  There won’t be any more questions about illegal aliens using our medical care, there won’t be any, not for them, not for the poor or not for the senior citizens who paid into medicare all their lives.  Just because it was paid for doesn’t mean the government can’t simply break its promise, there are loyalties more powerful and more important that our government has than to the people.  9/11 proved that to any rational person.


 The time for borrowing, counterfeit money, the “Federal Reserve System” and selling T -Bills will be over.  China and Iran are close.  China will be finished with us, India too and no more Arab money.  The dollar, the instrument we use to buy oil, fertilizer, metals and so many other things, will be worthless.  We are going to have to invent a new form of monopoly money or go on the barter system.  The dollar, as a world currency, will disappear.


 One good thing, schools will shut down.  Thus, America’s inferior education system will no longer do the damage it once did.  Along with that, mothers will be home to take care of children, a “blast from the past.”  The downside, of course, the mothers will have lost their jobs, the homes will be unheated, some with no electricity, more with no water, all eventually repossessed and, unless the government starts giving out food as it had in the past, we will see starvation.  The money that financed Food Stamps will be long gone.


 Long seen as “freeloaders,” veterans and military retirees will be cut off.  Pensions once seen as a “promise” have long been referred to as “entitlements.”  Any entitlement can be “un-entitled” and these will.


 Troops in Vietnam were paid $30 dollars a week.  We are going to see that again.


 The draft, worthless money, gas lines, martial law, metal detectors in supermarkets, cameras everywhere, everything filmed, recorded, everyone every day, biometrics, face recognition, these things will be part of our lives from now on.  These are the plans and putting this machinery in place, much of it “designed” in Israel, is what Americans voted for, this and the invasion of Iran, part of a war where only Americans will fight and die.

No one cares about Iran.  No knowledgeable person ever thought they had nuclear weapons or wanted them.  It was never about them.  They were never a target, they were never a threat.  The threat, the target, was always the United States.  We were the danger, a free people.

Free people can’t be trusted, can’t be managed.

 The plans are in place to bring that to an end.

How many Americans will continue to be a part of it?



Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.


Strauss-Kahn, IMF Scam Fails, the Debt Crisis Crescendo


The plot is thicker than mud: the rest of the Strauss-Kahn story.

 The Market Oracle

 “The latest plan was almost ready for launch, 14 May. Federal officials invited Strauss-Kahn to New York, arranged the hotel and travel, and set the agenda for a final review before going public on Strauss-Kahn’s last plan to roll US debt into European debt, in which the Federal Reserve, and all its State banks, as well as European central banks would disappear. We know what happened, next.”

By Andrew McKillop

Strauss-Kahn, IMF Scam Fails, the Debt Crisis Crescendo

Why was Stauss-Kahn in New York ? He went there instead of flying direct from Washington to Berlin, first stop on a European tour and first meeting set with chancellor Merkel of Germany. To reassure Merkel that the next bailout of Greece would cost little to German finances, that the euro would stay strong and credible because the US dollar was now close to terminal meltdown – and was receiving special treatment from the IMF.

Webmaster’s Commentary:
Stauss-Kahn is the mastermind of the IMF plan to impose a global Federal Reserve System on the nations of the world (and wage war on those that, like Libya, refuse). In that context, the absence of morality required to allegedly orally rape and sodomize a hotel maid (not necessarily in that order) seems like a foregone conclusion!

Strauss-Kahn, IMF Scam Fails, the Debt Crisis Crescendo

Politics / Global Debt Crisis May 15, 2011 – 12:35 PM

By: Andrew_McKillop


When Dominique Strauss-Kahn, then director of the IMF, fled his Manhattan hotel room in a vain attempt to take an Air France plane to Europe, Roman Polanski style, he inexplicably left his cellphone in the room where he had alledley attempted to rape a hotel maid. The cellphone was of course loaded with a list of very interesting names and numbers, pored over by New York police and Federal US officials.

Why was Stauss-Kahn in New York ? He went there instead of flying direct from Washington to Berlin, first stop on a European tour and first meeting set with chancellor Merkel of Germany. To reassure Merkel that the next bailout of Greece would cost little to German finances, that the euro would stay strong and credible because the US dollar was now close to terminal meltdown – and was receiving special treatment from the IMF.

The special treatment was designed in ultra-secret conditions with the US Federal Reserve, led by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the foremost link in the Fed’s debt and deficit recyling program, in place since 2005-2006. The program is described, in coded messages, by many Fed Bank of NY publications, vaunting its role in recycling gray and off-white capital flows from non-OECD countries. In premier place, these include the Arab oil exporter and small island tax haven countries, but the Fed’s activities in propping the dollar and diluting US overseas debt are also linked with and rivalled by Russian, Chinese and Indian capital laundering banks and institutions.

Strauss-Kahn had played a kingpin role is reassuring capital markets, debt-strapped governments and opinion formers by operating a global-size version of what started in the USA with the Paulson plan in the dying days of the G W Bush presidency, late 2008.

This was a losing quest, but Strauss-Kahn’s failure was only known to insiders – and his enemies. The scope of the challenge resumes in a few figures.

After a declining trend in the 1990s, US national debt dramatically increased from US$ 5.7 trillion in January 2001 to $10.7 trillion at the end of 2008, and then $14.3 trillion through April of 2011 when the debt reached 98 percent of 2010 GDP of the USA.

The approximately US$ 3.6 trillion added to US national debt since the end of 2008 is more than double the market value of all private sector manufacturing in 2009 ($1.56 trillion), more than three times the market value of spending on professional, scientific, and technical services in 2009 ($1.07 trillion), and nearly five times the amount spent on non-durable goods in 2009 ($722 billion). Only taking interest paid on Federal debt in the first six months of the present financial year (October 2010-April 2011), nearly $245 billion, this is equal to more than 40 percent of the total market value of all private sector construction spending in 2009 ($578 billion).

Compared with the bugaboo of olden times – the price of oil – the world’s biggest oil importer country faces a debt crisis that is out of control. The US ran an oil trade deficit in March 2011 estimated by the Commerce Dept. on the basis of gross oil imports – before re-exports of higher value refined products – of 333,831,058 barrels in March at a month-average barrel price of $ 93.67, giving a gross deficit before re-exports of $ 31.3 billion for the month. Taking only interest paid on US Fed debt as approximately $ 490 billion-per-year in 2011, almost certainly set to rise, this comfortably covers 1.5 times the total gross cost of all US oil imports at a record-high average price of $ 93.67 per barrel.

Taking the growth of debt since December 2008, about $ 3600 billion, this amount would cover almost exactly 10 years of gross total oil import costs for the US at current volumes and current record high oil prices. While recycling petrodollar capital surpluses is a key need for the US Fed, with the Fed Bank of NY in the lead role, and the siphoning of illegal capital exports from the world 20-leading tax haven small island states is also useful, total amounts cannot match the USA’s runaway debt growth.

Right through his tenure as IMF chief, Strauss-Kahn not only trawled the comfort ladies, but also worked hard to ramrod the ultimate in shock treatment for the global economy: the selective demonetization of the US dollar, the world’s prime reserve currency. The basic plan is simple: cancel and dishonor debts in US dollars through reducing or completely stopping dollar convertibility, for example by limiting the use and the holding of the US dollar to US citizens, only. Another version is to create and launch a new reserve currency, linked with the dollar, at a very favourable double conversion rate for the dollar: debts in dollars will be depreciated; holdings in dollars by US citizens and US-favoured corporations will be appreciated, when the new money is introduced. The inflation which comes with this will help mask the depreciation of debt and appreciation of holdings. Within six months, a fait accompli will be created, with no way back.

From December 2009, Strauss-Kahn went public with his new money initiatives, under the imprimatur of the IMF, with the Green Energy Fund proposal to fight climate change in low income countries with a fund built from the IMF’s own printable money – SDRs – starting at the equivalent of $ 100 billion. Other versions of this plan by Strauss-Kahn and his personal team were advanced, at growing scales and declining credibility, through March-April 2010, but were each time shot down by capital surplus countries led by China and including the Arab petro states, Russia, India, Brazil and Argentina.

Each time, the Straus-Kahn target was to exchange US dollars for new money, and dissolve US debt in new and printable fiat paper money. recycling wealth from the few capital surplus countries to the OECD debtor countries, headed by the US but including all EU27 states and Japan.

From mid-year 2010 the European PIIGS crisis only got worse, as US debt also worsened, forcing Strauss-Kahn to shelve public airing of his pipedreams and concentrate on saving both the euro and the dollar. The role of recycling and siphoning capital surpluses from smaller players with big holdings, starting with the Arab petro states and small island tax haven states, became more important than ever, as remarks by Strauss-Kahn and variable geometry allies and friends like George Soros, at the 2011 Davos Forum suggested to observers able to cut through the counter-noise. Likewise the role of SDR allocations and plans for radically increasing the production or issuance of SDRs most surely placed Strauss-Kahn in private conflict with very big players, starting with the US and China.

The latest plan was almost ready for launch, 14 May. Federal officials invited Strauss-Kahn to New York, arranged the hotel and travel, and set the agenda for a final review before going public on Strauss-Kahn’s last plan to roll US debt into European debt, in which the Federal Reserve, and all its State banks, as well as European central banks would disappear. We know what happened, next.

By Andrew McKillop


Former chief policy analyst, Division A Policy, DG XVII Energy, European Commission. Andrew McKillop Biographic Highlights

Andrew McKillop has more than 30 years experience in the energy, economic and finance domains. Trained at London UK’s University College, he has had specially long experience of energy policy, project administration and the development and financing of alternate energy. This included his role of in-house Expert on Policy and Programming at the DG XVII-Energy of the European Commission, Director of Information of the OAPEC technology transfer subsidiary, AREC and researcher for UN agencies including the ILO.

 © 2011 Copyright Andrew McKillop – All Rights Reserved Disclaimer: The above is a matter of opinion provided for general information purposes only and is not intended as investment advice. Information and analysis above are derived from sources and utilising methods believed to be reliable, but we cannot accept responsibility for any losses you may incur as a result of this analysis. Individuals should consult with their personal financial advisors.

America’s 21st Century Klondike Banksters Dig For Nation’s Gold


W. R. McAfee, Sr. (c)copyright 2011

All Rights Reserved

A great wailing has arisen in Washington to “. . .sell off everything we own, pay off all this out-of-control debt, and take back America.”

Selling America’s assets  —including the nation’s gold—would come nowhere close to paying off the trillions we owe (somewhere north of 15 now) unless there’s a hidden vault full of gold at Fort Knox no one knows about.  Or the price of gold suddenly quadrupled. ( Possible.)

For openers, no one is even sure how much gold America has because the fed will not let anyone audit the nation’s reserves. The question is why?  Have they confiscated it as collateral for the trillions we owe them?  Have they already moved it out of America?

We don’t know and they won’t say because the same liars and thieves that have deliberately run up our current debt and enriched themselves are, in my opinion, running a scam similar to the one their grand daddies and President Roosevelt ran when he (Roosevelt) illegally confiscated gold from American citizens during the 1930s in the middle of the Great Depression.

In the run-up to the first confiscation, their grand daddies got advance word and moved their gold offshore where it couldn’t be confiscated.  Roosevelt then seized citizen-held gold at $25 an ounce, remunerated the holders and—after the government got about all the gold that citizens were willing to give up,  the government declared the new price of gold would hence forth be set at $35 an ounce.

The elite who, then as now, held gold in pounds and tons, realized an instant profit with the stroke of a pen.

The government kept this confiscated gold through World War II and increased its stash by war’s end by demanding payment in gold from its allies in return for supplying them war materials during the war.

Post WWII, America’s gold vaults were reported full and, it’s theorized, they stayed that way until 1971 when the dollar was decoupled from gold.

One of the things that prompted this was that France had an epiphany and began flying planes loaded with US dollars from French vaults to America, exchanging the dollars for gold from America’s vaults, and flying back with their planes loaded. The Wizards of Oz quickly slammed this dollar-gold exchange window shut, told Nixon to announce we were going off the gold standard, decreed the dollar pegged to oil, and that world oil would hence forth be available for purchase only through two “world-sanctioned” bourses—one in London and one in New York—and only with dollars.

This kept the dollar dominate long enough to keep their world government plan on track.  (A premature dollar crash somewhere along the way would have set their global plans back decades.)

Fast forward now.

Let’s say it has been decided by the globe’s “elite” bank-rollers that it’s time to shut the world economy down, go to an appointed (theirs) world government, and a single, gold-backed currency with them (England’s Rothschild interests) holding the majority of the world’s gold.

To do this, they needed America’s gold because (at least following WWII) the U.S. held a goodly portion of the globe’s gold.

So, how to relieve America of its gold?  Let’s see, why not give the US’s electeds and our Wall Street confederates a blank check to run up a paper money tab—we’ll print trillions if they want—which America can’t repay and we’ll (the fed) call their debt, “accept” their gold and other resources as partial payments on the debt, then set the gold price at, say, $5,000 an ounce and go on down the road?

Unless an audit reveals otherwise, the transfer may have occurred already.

If an audit shows America’s gold is still intact, however, we need to hold onto it, in my opinion. First, “selling” America’s gold to the fed will come nowhere close to paying the trillions we “owe” English banksters.  Second, if the international banking cabal forces a gold-backed currency on the world, the last place in the world a country would  want to be is out of gold.  Third, if that situation should develop, it’s doubtful anyone would sell America gold for dollars.

Did I mention America’s enemies past—Russia, China, Japan—and every other nation in the world have been amassing gold (with their paper currencies and U.S. dollars stashed in their vaults) by the tons of late? Or that they’re maneuvering the world oil market away from the dollar?

No, it makes no sense at all to sell our gold, especially if we have no more gold than the linked article implies.  Or none, if an audit reveals.

Central bank “switchovers” and similar confiscations are going on around the world as we speak, and is what the so-called Middle East riots are all about. Did you know those countries where the riots are occurring all have (or had, as in the case of Iraq) their own central banks, resources, revenue, and  currencies independent of the English central bank and their international banking cabal? Who are on record as not wanting to be a part of the global scheme? Could the banking globalists be paying NATO, the UN, and “rebels” to install new leaders in these countries – who think right and are willing to join the global team?”

Then again, maybe the natives are – just restless?


For those of you who think the present price of gold is too high,

just wait and see what it is in two years!

Buy gold now!!!!

David Morgan on the Global Economy Inflation Recession and Where Silver Is Headed


05 15 11 David Morgan on the Global Economy Inflation Recession and Where Silver Is Headed

Sunday, May 15, 2011 – with Anthony Wile

David Morgan

The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with David Morgan (left).

Introduction: David Morgan is a widely recognized analyst in the precious metals industry and consults for hedge funds, high net worth investors, mining companies, depositories and bullion dealers. He is the publisher of The Morgan Report on precious metals, author of “Get the Skinny On Silver Investing” (Morgan James Publishing, 2009), and featured speaker at investment conferences in North America, Europe and Asia.

Daily Bell: Let’s ask some general economic questions first. We asked some of these last time, but you can update us. Are we at the end of the economic crisis in the West or is there more to go?

David Morgan: We are not at the end of an economic crisis in the West. The crisis is a debt crisis that emanates primarily from the reserve currency of the world which is the US dollar. Until this debt problem is resolved one way or the other crisis will continue. It may not manifest in a manner or in a timeframe that most people expect nonetheless it will continue.

All debts are paid eventually. There’s two ways for this debt situation be resolved. One is by a direct default on the debt of the US government and the second is by defaulting on the currency itself. At this point in time almost everyone expects one or the other as the Federal Reserve has taught us time and again. Over and over, it comes into the marketplace to boost the markets by printing more money and stimulating the economy a global basis, and eventually that makes the currency worthless. Right now there’s a fluctuation between the United States and the European markets. The euro is no better than the dollar. All fiat currencies and are based upon the faith credit or trust of the nation state or global economy as a whole.

Daily Bell: Is America due for significant inflation?

David Morgan: The problem with inflation is that it is measured in today’s “1984” world. What we find is that government’s statistics mean very little. Since the US government takes out food and energy from the overall inflation index, the index is almost pointless as those are the two most important facts for any living human being. Thus government economists can say that inflation is whatever they want to say. Inflation is probably somewhere around the 10% level in the US, and of course again the things you need the most food and energy keep increasing in price.

But many people don’t understand is that there’s no need for a hyperinflation for the US economy to have a greater collapse than already exists. In advanced capital markets, the bond market is a governor on the overall health of the system. As interest rates increase because people no longer trust the currency, the bonds fall in value. This is basically what took place during the Volcker administration of the Federal Reserve back in 1980.

Daily Bell: A crashing bond market is hugely deflationary.

David Morgan: Perhaps, but if we look at what we know as an absolute fact right now, it looks as if the Feds wish is to inflate the problem away. Of course this can only go on for so long, as  sooner or later someone determines that the dollar is not worth the paper it’s printed on and gradually people start to move their dollars into anything tangible that’s not a paper asset. This is why the precious metals are such a strong indicator what’s going on under the surface of the global currency markets.

Daily Bell: How about companies. They seem to be doing better. Is this a good sign?

David Morgan: Big US companies are full of cash at the present time. However they’re not ready deploy this cash because they really don’t know where a good place to put the cash to work exists. US consumers are burnt out, basically, burned as blackened toast. They can’t borrow any more; their only savings is their overprice “home,” and that’s still falling in value. Since so much of the US economy is based on consumerism these companies have decided to sit on their cash. Off course, it’s a good sign that some companies are profitable; in real free market capitalism profit is a legitimate motive.

Daily Bell: How would you grade Ben Bernanke‘s performance as head of the Fed?

David Morgan: I would give him a B-, and I know that may seem shockingly high.

Daily Bell: Yes, that’s high to us. We’d give him a Z.

David Morgan: He’s in a horrible no win position; at this point, he has far less control than many think. His press conferences do not seem to be helping. I recall watching him on “60 Minutes” and his lower lip was quivering as he spoke. I thought this poor fellow is not a practiced hypocrite like most of the U.S. politicians; he should do as little in public view as possible. So, I will withhold further comment for now, but from what I have seen, my advice would be to send a Public Relations type to read a prepared statement.

In my view there is only one thing that will help and that is an immediate return to the Glass-Steagall Standard that was removed during the go-go derivative years. We must let this truly worthless debt perish and soon before the whole system does a repeat of 2008 and never gets off the mat.

Daily Bell: Seems like the mat is as good a place as any. Is significant inflation “baked into the cake?”

David Morgan: Not necessarily! First, as an Austrian-oriented economic observer, let me be clear that there is enough “money” in the system to cause a hyperinflationary blow out in 12 milliseconds. So, it is NOT a function of how much funny money that is in the system but what it is doing.

If the velocity is very low, then it is as if the over-abundance of “money” does not even exist because the currency is just sitting. In the U.S. the turnover is very low because there is little demand for money as consumers have stopped spending. Overseas, however, the velocity is increasing. But until the velocity gets to a point where it is having an impact on prices, which is how most people understand inflation, we cannot be 100% certain that inflation is baked into cake. A deflationary wild card could still take hold.

For a quick thought experiment, let us say overnight all commodities are settled in Chinese yuan. The U.S. dollar is suddenly void—is that inflationary? It would be hugely deflationary and have the same effect as the end of a hyperinflation. The currency is worth –NOTHING! So in a bond default bonds are worth nothing, and the currency has value; or in a currency default the currency becomes worthless and the associated bonds as well. Go watch the movie “Gone with the Wind” for a good reminder about the beliefs surrounding money and what kind of lessons lie ahead.

Daily Bell: Where does silver go from here?

David Morgan: To be clear we are doing this interview after silver nearly hit $50 and fell to $33 and change. At this point (mid May 2011), silver will establish a trading range in my view. It is far too early to know what that range will be or even if I am correct.

Daily Bell: What are the best investments to make throughout the business cycle, and do they change over time?

David Morgan: Yes, they do change over time,. Early in the cycle from a hard-money point of view, almost any exploration company is a good bet and these companies are usually more dependent on promotion than merit. As the cycle matures then mid-tier growth companies do the best overall. Finally, in the final mania stage, the real crummy penny stocks do the best … but be careful! Throughout the entire cycle a pure silver or silver and gold (metal) investment is usually superior to a gold or silver stock investment.

This has been proven again and again, and each year I verify it for my members. We’ve beaten the heck out of the averages, but most investors don’t. In other words, following the example in The Morgan Report would have provided very superior gains to a pure silver or gold investment.

Daily Bell: Explain why silver has historically been called the people’s money.

David Morgan: Silver has been used for longer periods of time, in more places in the world, and by more human beings for money than anything else … period! End of story! If you have the ability to think then no further comment is necessary.

Daily Bell: There are some that believe that silver is a secondary money. And that gold is primary money. What about you?

David Morgan: Gold is worth more per ounce than silver and has been since the beginning of recorded history. In that sense it has a higher unit value (more value per ounce). Both serve their purpose.. Gold for international settlement and silver for individual settlement.

Daily Bell: Why did silver take off in the past few months?

David Morgan: The physical market has finally taken control after all these years.

Daily Bell: Why did it drop?

David Morgan: You can build a case in several ways, but primarily the continual increase of margin requirements brought the leveraged silver speculators down and down hard.

Daily Bell: Yes, the old trick. When silver and gold go up, it’s a bubble and the exchanges have to take action by raising margin requirements and wiping out a slew of small investors. Funny, the stock markets never raise margins when stocks are on the way up. Anyway, is it still a bull market for silver?

David Morgan: Yes, as we discussed earlier, until the debt bubble bursts precious metals will reflect just how bad the debt problems are.

Daily Bell: Can you comment on the gold-silver ratio? It has come under attack as a false or made up ratio from some.

David Morgan: It is not made up; divide the price of gold by the price of silver to gauge it accurately. It is a way to measure which metal is doing better in terms of the other one. For example when I started pounding the table to buy silver, the ratio was 80 to 1. It took 80 ounces of silver to buy one ounce of gold. The ratio is now 40, which means at this point in time silver has been twice as profitable as gold in the same time frame … BUT could you have stood the volatility?

Daily Bell: Good point. Is industrial demand for silver growing? Is there enough silver around?

David Morgan: Industrial demand continues to grow and is estimated to by 60% of the market by 2015 from the current 54%, mostly due to solar, water purification, and food preservation/packaging. There is enough silver — as price determines who gets the silver. This is not to say that a squeeze cannot take place and “shortages” do appear in certain areas. For example, both the U.S. and Canadian mints are NOT keeping up with demand.

Daily Bell: How much is the world’s silver supply increasing? What about future production?

David Morgan: Silver is increasing by around 3% per year and that will continue for the next 3-4 years, after that time frame things could get a bit dicey and we might see silver go back into a deficit situation similar to what existed between 1990 and 2006.

Daily Bell: Have gold and silver mining peaked? Do India and China play into this equation?

David Morgan: I will stick my neck out and venture the supposition that silver production could peak in 2015-2016.

Daily Bell: We’ve suggested the same possibility.

David Morgan: Indian and China both play significant roles primarily in their industrial use of silver, and that’s where some of the demand is coming from on the margin.

Daily Bell: Does price manipulation continue?

David Morgan: Yes, but it is becoming less and less effective. As our work indicated so long ago, once the physical market takes over, then the paper pushers will have a very difficult time “managing” things. But never give up on the (silver and gold) paper pushers! They are very imaginative.

Daily Bell: Where will silver end up at?

David Morgan: We called the breakout at $19 and rode it up to around the $46 level. No one knows what paper price silver will end up at… but I am on record that silver would make it to at least $100 by the top, so let’s stick to that for now and visit it again later. It is really an error to focus too much energy on the paper price. An ounce of silver and an ounce of gold never change in value actually; it is the price that is quoted in paper currency that varies. This is a reflection of the debasement of all currencies globally.

Until the debt bubble bursts or is resolved, money metals will continue to see price pressure to the upside. Of course, all markets move up and down … and from time to time gold and silver will see their prices knocked down. A true, ultimate paper price for silver or gold is impossible to forecast accurately.

Daily Bell: What countries are most hospitable to silver mining today? Mexico and Peru you mentioned last time.

David Morgan: Same this year, with China number 3. There are concerns surrounding Mexico because of the drug wars going on in that country. Quite frankly, some of the miners are near the vicinity of trouble. There have been reports of some mining incidents do to the drug problems.

Another factor that we get asked often is whether a country might nationalize a mine. This surfaced recently in Bolivia and it is a concern. Might I suggest anyone that wants to examine this in depth read Resource Wars by Michael Klare.

Daily Bell: Any important silver mining companies you want to mention?

David Morgan: We reserve this for our paid membership but there is lots of information available on the Internet and many ETF’s and even silver funds are available that people can find with very little effort. Let me remind everyone that a simple non leveraged silver investment has outperformed any silver index so far. However, again, our portfolio has done much, much better than a silver only investment.

In other words, I and our members (that follow our model) have made much more money in the mining stocks than a simple silver only investment. The stocks have lagged the metal in this most recent move, and for those that understand market cycles and want to catch up to the people that bought silver at $20 to $25, it can be done by careful selection of mining companies and the ability to hold on tightly.

Daily Bell: What’s going on with the CFTC? Any news on the silver manipulation front?

David Morgan: The CFTC has been very quiet. There are several suits that have been filed and the authorities are doing their best to put all “manipulation of the silver price” suits into one large class action suit. We are purportedly getting close, but don’t hold your breath. Governments can outlive individuals by hundreds of years, if you know what I mean.

Personally, it would benefit so many to see some resolution to this question. It has been at the heart of the silver world for so long. The opinions are so strong on both sides of the argument that I doubt any resolution would satisfy both sides. But a clear and fair rule regarding market manipulation equally applied across the board would go a very long way in restoring faith in the system.

Daily Bell: Can the powers-that-be continue to control the price regardless of CTFC action, or are they losing control?

David Morgan: They are losing it as mentioned previously; this is not to say that they cannot come up with all kinds of rhymes and reasons to further “control” things but in the end the free market wins. There will be times such as now that we will experience silver finding it way to a trading range and the market cooling off for weeks, or perhaps months. But the powers-that-be can only raise margins so many times. As long as the debt bubble continues to inflate, the pressure on precious metals will continue.

Daily Bell: Will the world end up with a new currency in the near future? Will it be silver and gold based?

David Morgan: Tough question. Steve Forbes former presidential candidate recently forecast a return to the gold standard by the United States within the next five years because a gold standard would help the nation solve a variety of economic, fiscal, and monetary ills. Such a move would stabilize the U.S. dollar, restore confidence globally and reassure the U.S. bonds market. Under a gold standard reckless federal spending would be impossible.

As Forbes pointed out, the United States used gold as the basis for valuing the U.S. dollar successfully for roughly 180 years before President Richard Nixon embarked upon an experiment in pure paper money that has contributed to a number of woes that the country is suffering from now. The only probable 2012 U.S. presidential candidate who has championed a return to the gold standard so far is Rep. Ron Paul (R.-Tex.). But the idea makes too much “sense” not to gain popularity given the terrible performance of the US economy. “If the dollar was as good as gold, other countries would want to buy it,” Forbes said and he has a point.

My main concern is not a return to a gold standard; in fact we are quite favorable to it. The concern we have is how much of the reported gold is held by the U.S. Treasury? In other words, would the U.S. have unencumbered gold to back the U.S. dollar? We ask the question because through the years so much information has built strong cases that the “gold” in Fort Knox is perhaps gone, or at best not owned by the Treasury.

Daily Bell: We’ve heard the same stories. An audit would be nice. Any other points you want to make? Any articles or websites you want to point out?

David Morgan: Let me state for your U.S. readers and soon all your Canadian readers, please check:

This is a site that offers a silver savings program. That is a monthly accumulation program that once it is set up it continues as long as you wish. In the past this was primarily directed to the small saver but it now is also competitive for very large purchases. This methodology takes advantage of one of my Ten Rules of Silver Investing which any of your readers can obtain for free just by visiting our website:

Daily Bell: You do not write much in the public domain anymore. Why is that?

David Morgan: I spent so much of my time and money to spread the word on the problems in the financial system and why precious metals were part of the solution it took a full decade of my life. I do not regret one minute of it, but that work is on the Internet for anyone that wants to visit my thinking from the bottom until say 2010.

The demands for my time became overwhelming so my efforts are now directed to our paid members, although I still find the time to send something of merit to our free list once per week.

Daily Bell: Thanks for your time and for sitting down with us again.

David Morgan: My pleasure…

 Daily Bell Afterthoughts

We have two points to make on this article. One, we disagree with David Morgan about central banks generally and Ben Bernanke in particular. Central banking, from its inception, fixed the price of money. It is impossible to fix prices, for the market will always determine prices. The more one fixes the prices, the worse the end result becomes. And in the 2000s we have seen – and felt – the terrible results.

To the degree that Bernanke supports the current system and continues to make it viable (as viable as it can be) we would argue that Bernanke is doing a disservice to his fellow citizens. The current money system is a disaster and he is supporting it. Of course the people he works for – the Anglo-American power elite – regularly do various disservices to their fellow citizens, so this is probably no surprise.

What IS something of a surprise is Morgan’s track record regarding silver. He has been touting the benefits of owning silver for 15 years now and has a significant presence in the silver market as a pundit. He goes to the trade shows and speaks out online, yet you will not see David much (relatively speaking) in the mainstream media. We believe Warren Buffett for instance sold his silver under $10 an ounce, yet David held on to over $40.

David is a better investor regarding silver than Buffett by a long shot, but Buffett will continue to gain ink because he endorses the current lousy money system. The powers-that-be have a great affection for fiat money, which ruins people’s savings and debases their overall wealth. David would do better in the media endorsing fiat currency. But of course he won’t. He actually wants to help people.

It is most ironic that the people who have been wrong about the economy and about investing are the ones who are regularly treated as pundits by the mainstream media. Almost every single economist and investment advisor continued to maintain the world’s economy was fine until late 2007 or early 2008 when it was obvious something was wrong. And yet these are the people that the media wishes to present as “experts” in 2011. Just turn on your TV to the “investment pornography channels” and you can see for yourself. It really is reprehensible.

Meanwhile, the people who were right about the economy in this past decade – the Schiffs, Morgans and Rockwells – are basically ignored by the same Western mainstream media that celebrates the Keynesian econometric economists. In the 21st century, the wronger you are on the issues the more easily you will build a career and become prosperous via Western mainstream media programs. Ironically, Press TV (Iran) and Russia Today media channels regularly present the views of hard-money, free-market economists. In the bizzarro world of 21st century economics, the former Soviet Union regularly sponsors the free-market economists that Western mainstrean cable channels will not! Figure that one out …

Anyway, we thank David Morgan for his insights on silver. He has become successful without a great deal of mainstream media exposure and the Internet has certainly helped with the process and will continue to help him propogate his views on money metals which have been a great deal more accurate than, say, the “Sage From Omaha” (Buffett).

Buffett gets more press, but David Morgan has more gains.

Secession: An Answer to the Sovereign Debt Crisis


The Daily Bell

By Ron Holland

05 12 11

Get ready as secession is coming soon to a failed union near you. Over the weekend, the news has been full of reports about Scotland getting ready to vote on independence from the United Kingdom after the election victory by the Scottish National Party. The UK has stated it will abide by the coming referendum but we fear the Bank of England, their central bank will not be so agreeable.

Also we hear with the usual denials, that Greece is considering withdrawing from the Eurozone due to their sovereign debt problems. The Greek leadership believes dumping the Euro and creating their own currency will allow them to inflate their sovereign debts away as well as getting the country out of recession and forced austerity from Brussels. These same Greek politicians should have thought of this when earlier receiving their big payoffs and incentives to force the nation into the EU. They will claim the motive now is patriotism to save the nation as sometimes even politicians will become patriots when necessary but we expect they see another graft opportunity.

The European Central Bank (ECB) will not be pleased with Greece because its Greek bond portfolio will suffer. Also these free-market human political actions where individuals decide their future rather than distant central banking cartels and eurocrats threatens the entire European Union. We think this is great as the EU and ECB were just a sham and power grab from the beginning for power hungry European elites not content with just pillaging their own citizens.

Solving the sovereign Debt Crisis

Secession is the right for an area to leave a government tax jurisdiction (national boundaries) based on the will of a majority of the voters in the geographic area wishing to peacefully withdraw by democratic means and create a government more in tune and controlled by the citizens in the region.  Often just the threat to withdraw from a larger union is enough to cause the central government politicians and central banking cartel to better follow the needs and dictates of the people. But when all other political remedies fail, secession is often the final solution to an elite political and central banking tyranny which steals from the people for the benefit of the controlling Anglo-American monetary elites in many Western nations.

The establishment media avoids like the plague the only real solution to the sovereign debt crisis around the world because they are totally controlled and exist only to protect the elites which created the sovereign debt crisis in the first place.  Today democratic secession is starting to happen in Scotland and Greece and this peaceful political tool is a real alternative to forced unions like the American and European Union as well as national politicians on the take that pillage their own individual nations.

Today, most forced, arbitrary unions of nation states are ended by negotiation, democratic voting by the regional citizens involved and then a friendly and cooperative relationship with the former state. Scotland which was annexed into the British Empire by terrible wars and force of arms over hundreds of years will likely soon depart peacefully as did the old nation of Czechoslovakia split into the Czech and Slovakia Republics back in 1993.

Creating A New Currency

I fear, here in the US, if we fail to take the necessary political actions to protect our wealth now at a time of our choosing, then foreign creditors and markets will decide when the American debt and the dollar are finished. Secession is one alternative and I hope others will come up with a better solution. But citizens of every overly indebted state need to ask themselves and their political representatives a few questions:

• Are the benefits of distant central banking and political elite controls worth the economic costs, debts on future generations and the loss of personal and financial liberties?

• Would we not be better off as new independent sovereign states or nations with the opportunity to create our own currencies after repudiating all or part of the illegitimate

• Are federal taxes, controls, welfare/warfare expenses and government debts which threaten to impoverish the individual states and citizen worth the costs of control, economic rape and financial pillage from central government politicians and central bank thugs out only to make more money and profits at the expense of normal productive citizens?

• Would you rather as an individual or a nation become debt free and prosperous with your own currency or allow the central banks to continue their actions which have brought most western nations to the brink of ruin and bankruptcy?

If you answered yes to these four questions, then it is time to begin organizing and taking peaceful democratic actions to save our liberties and remaining wealth before the coming Treasury debt and dollar crisis happens in the United States as it has in Greece.

The time of large nation states began to end when they realized they could borrow from our posterity to buy votes and control today. The new internet reformation makes it impossible for media and political elites to hide the truth about our economic situation from the voters or world investors.  This new transparency creates both danger and opportunity and we can either seize the opportunity for freedom or wait for the danger of economic collapse.

Secession does not have to mean the end of your nation but rather a democratic change from an incompetent structure representing elite interests into a decentralized limited government which serves the interest of the citizens rather than the central bankers and political establishment would be a positive change.

The Swiss Confederation might have the right answer for Europe and America’s first government, the Articles of Confederation has the solution for the United States. For example in Europe, a confederation of independent sovereign nations with the right to voluntarily enter and leave a European Confederation might be the solution.

In the US, now with easy communication and travel a simple return to our decentralized Articles of Confederation would allow the individual states to compete with currency alternatives along with private competitors as well as repudiate the illegitimate sovereign debt of the former federal government. This national debt was created primarily to fund money making opportunities for a few favored elite controlled global corporations, banks and oil conglomerates but paid for by our taxes and with sovereign debts on future generations.

Political & Monetary Secession

Just withdrawing from a former political entity if the new nation retains the same central banking cartel and fiat currencywithout an alternative really accomplishes nothing. At best, you would have a new generation of tax feeding politicians and bureaucrats at the public trough and no more.  The solution for most regions is to leave the political elites, their sovereign debt and the central bank controls behind when declaring independence.

After all, fiat currencies and the central banking monopoly can only survive if there are no alternatives. One day soon. A nation or nations and maybe even private entities will take the concept of the Central Fund of Canada which is made up of gold and silver bullion and traded like a stock on several exchanges and create a new store of value for the 21stCentury. They might use controlled and owned gold and unmined gold reserves, oil and oil reserves with maybe timber or another finite resource and create the ultimate store of value for world investors.

This private store of value and competing alternatives using the free-market could then transcend into a real alternative to central bank fiat currencies and thus end the hundred year reign of the Anglo-American central bank monopoly cartel on currency creation, sovereign debts and inflation wealth destruction. Until this happens, individuals, organizations and businesses can take advantage of gold storage mechanisms like the Central Fund of Canada and Global Gold of Switzerland until new more diversified alternatives are available.

It is now time to prepare a secure future for ourselves and future generations. It is time to leave the governments behind who oppress us and the central bankers which plan to finish us off in the coming US dollar and sovereign debt crisis.

In the 13th Century, William Wallace gained recognition when he led the Scottish people in their fight against English occupation in the First War of Scottish Independence.  Who can forget the last scene in the 1995 film epic,Braveheart, as the English were torturing Wallace and his last words were “FREEDOM.”

I believe the cry of William Wallace for “Freedom” and Scottish Independence should be carried forth across the WEST today …

• It is time to demand freedom from national sovereign debts we did not approve.

• Freedom from central banks we never wanted which are destroying our economies and our currency.

• Free us from far off bureaucrats and Anglo-American elites which increasingly seize our wealth for their purposes.

• End the enticement of our children and grandchildren into serving their interests in foreign wars for wealth and resources rather than defending our nation.

Few citizens in Europe had the opportunity to vote on EU membership and when they did the answer was usually a resounding “NO”.

In America, no living citizens have had an opportunity to democratically vote on remaining in the arbitrary American union since 1860 when 11 states were allowed to vote at the state level, the democratic majority was overturned by Lincoln’s War which killed over 600,000 Americans.

It is time to put the killing and war on citizens and regions wanting to leave forced inclusion behind us as is the case of the United Kingdom allowing the citizens of Scotland to decide and choose whether to remain in the UK or leave and remain allies of equal position. The days of tyrants like Saddam Hussein, Gadhafi and Lincoln making war on their own citizens who simply want to leave and be left alone should be over.

This year marks the 150 anniversary of another nation which also fought under the sacred banner of the St. Andrews Cross.  General Robert E. Lee prayed: “While we see the course of the final abolition of human slavery is still onward, and give it the aid of our prayers, let us leave the progress as well as the results in the hands of Him who, chooses to work by slow influences, and with whom a thousand years are but as a single day.” 

Although chattel slavery ended a few years after Lee’s prayer, today most of the Europe and the Americas are increasingly slaves today.  The war that ended chattel slavery paved the way for the destruction of the Southern economy and political power to allow a new kind of slavery, central bank slavery which began with the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913.

Today we are all slaves to fiat currencies which decimate our wealth, central banks and governments which create and burden future generation with sovereign debt and controls which are destroying our remaining freedoms and liberties.

It is time for the West to follow the halting steps of Scotland and Greece and begin the cry for Freedom from those financial institutions and political elites who oppress us and consider us as mere slaves to be manipulated, wealth creators to be fleeced and cannon fodder for their global wealth and resources plunder expeditions.


Being ashamed of America is a new experience for me, and it is the result of becoming informed on our true history by seven years of constant research.

If the people of America do not set aside a minimum of one hour per day to study what has really happened to us, slavery will be our future.

I, for one do not intend to let a bunch of emotionally patriotic dead heads force me into slavery by their childish inability to face reality.

Our Federal, State, and local governments have been controlled by the International bankers for most all of our countries history, and only an idiot is unaware of it.

So, here is the bottom line, either accept secession, as the only possible way to correct our problems without blood-shed, or go out and buy as much ammunition as you can afford.





Naming Names: Your Real Government


Naming Names Your Real Government

By VC | April 15th, 2011 | Category: Latest News | 125 comments

I’ve been asked many times: “You often talk about the pawns of the elite, but who are the elite?”. Although many powerful international organizations have been mentioned throughout the articles of this site, they were never compiled in a single place…until now. Here’s an article Land Destroyer Report listing the main organizations of un-elected people governing the world.

Naming Names: Your Real Government

This is your real government; they transcend elected administrations, they permeate every political party, and they are responsible for nearly every aspect of the average American and European’s way of life. When the “left” is carrying the torch for two “Neo-Con” wars, starting yet another based on the same lies, peddled by the same media outlets that told of Iraqi WMD’s, the world has no choice, beyond profound cognitive dissonance, but to realize something is wrong.

What’s wrong is a system completely controlled by a corporate-financier oligarchy with financial, media, and industrial empires that span the globe. If we do not change the fact that we are helplessly dependent on these corporations that regulate every aspect of our nation politically, and every aspect of our lives personally, nothing else will ever change.

The following list, however extensive, is by far not all-inclusive. However after these examples, a pattern should become self-evident with the same names and corporations being listed again and again. It should be self-evident to readers of how dangerously pervasive these corporations have become in our daily lives. Finally, it should be self-evident as to how necessary it is to excise these corporations from our lives, our communities, and ultimately our nations, with the utmost expediency.

International Crisis Group

Background: While the International Crisis Group (ICG) claims to be “committed to preventing and resolving deadly conflict,” the reality is that they are committed to offering solutions crafted well in advance to problems they themselves have created in order to perpetuate their own corporate agenda.

Nowhere can this be better illustrated than in Thailand and more recently in Egypt. ICG member Kenneth Adelman had been backing Thailand’s Prime Minster Thaksin Shinwatra, a former Carlyle Group adviser who was was literally standing in front of the CFR in NYC on the eve of his ousting from power in a 2006 military coup. Since 2006, Thaksin’s meddling in Thailand has been propped up by fellow Carlyle man James Baker and his Baker Botts law firmBelfer Center adviser Robert Blackwill of Barbour Griffith & Rogers, and now Robert Amsterdam’s Amsterdam & Peroff, a major corporate member of the globalist Chatham House.

With Thailand now mired in political turmoil led by Thaksin Shinwatra and his “red shirt” color revolution, the ICG is ready with “solutions” in hand. These solutionsgenerally involve tying the Thai government’s hands with arguments that stopping Thaksin’s subversive activities amounts to human rights abuses, in hopes of allowing the globalist-backed revolution to swell beyond control.

The unrest in Egypt, of course, was led entirely by ICG member Mohamed ElBaradeiand his US State Department recruited, funded, and supported April 6 Youth Movement coordinated by Google’s Wael Ghonim. While the unrest was portrayed as being spontaneous, fueled by the earlier Tunisian uprising, ICG’s ElBaradei, Ghonim, and their youth movement had been in Egypt since 2010 assembling their “National Front for Change” and laying the groundwork for the January 25th 2011 uprising.

ICG’s George Soros would then go on to fund Egyptian NGOs working to rewrite the Egyptian constitution after front-man ElBaradei succeeded in removing Hosni Mubarak. This Soros-funded constitution and the resulting servile stooge government it would create represents the ICG “resolving” the crisis their own ElBaradei helped create.

Notable ICG Board Members:

George Soros
Kenneth Adelman
Samuel Berger
Wesley Clark
Mohamed ElBaradei
Carla Hills

Notable ICG Advisers:

Richard Armitage
Zbigniew Brzezinski
Stanley Fischer
Shimon Peres
Surin Pitsuwan
Fidel V. Ramos

Notable ICG Foundation & Corporate Supporters:

Carnegie Corporation of New York
Hunt Alternatives Fund
Open Society Institute
Rockefeller Brothers Fund
Morgan Stanley
Deutsche Bank Group
Soros Fund Management LLC
McKinsey & Company

Brookings Institute

Background: Within the library of the Brookings Institute you will find the blueprints for nearly every conflict the West has been involved with in recent memory. What’s more is that while the public seems to think these crises spring up like wildfires, those following the Brookings’ corporate funded studies and publications see these crises coming years in advance. These are premeditated, meticulously planned conflicts that are triggered to usher in premeditated, meticulously planned solutions to advance Brookings’ corporate supporters, who are numerous.

The ongoing operations against Iran, including US-backed color revolutions, US-trained and backed terrorists inside Iran, and crippling sanctions were all spelled out in excruciating detail in the Brookings Institute report, “Which Path to Persia?” The more recent UN Security Council resolution 1973 regarding Libya uncannily resembles Kenneth Pollack’s March 9, 2011 Brookings report titled “The Real Military Options in Libya.”

Notable Brookings Board Members:

Dominic Barton: McKinsey & Company, Inc.
Alan R. Batkin: Eton Park Capital Management
Richard C. Blum: Blum Capital Partners, LP
Abby Joseph Cohen: Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Suzanne Nora Johnson: Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
Richard A. Kimball Jr.: Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Tracy R. Wolstencroft: Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Paul Desmarais Jr.: Power Corporation of Canada
Kenneth M. Duberstein: The Duberstein Group, Inc.
Benjamin R. Jacobs: The JBG Companies
Nemir Kirdar: Investcorp
Klaus Kleinfeld: Alcoa, Inc.
Philip H. Knight: Nike, Inc.
David M. Rubenstein: Co-Founder of The Carlyle Group
Sheryl K. Sandberg: Facebook
Larry D. Thompson: PepsiCo, Inc.
Michael L. Tipsord: State Farm Insurance Companies
Andrew H. Tisch: Loews Corporation

Some Brookings Experts:
(click on names to see a list of recent writings.)

Kenneth Pollack 
Daniel L. Byman
Martin Indyk
Suzanne Maloney
Michael E. O’Hanlon
Bruce Riedel
Shadi Hamid

Notable Brookings Foundation & Corporate Support:

Foundations & Governments

Ford Foundation
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
The Rockefeller Foundation
Government of the United Arab Emirates
Carnegie Corporation of New York
Rockefeller Brothers Fund

Banking & Finance

Bank of America
Goldman Sachs
H&R Block
Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.
Jacob Rothschild
Nathaniel Rothschild
Standard Chartered Bank
Temasek Holdings Limited
Visa Inc.

Big Oil

Exxon Mobil Corporation
Shell Oil Company

Military Industrial Complex & Industry

General Dynamics Corporation
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Northrop Grumman Corporation
Siemens Corporation
The Boeing Company
General Electric Company
Westinghouse Electric Corporation
Raytheon Co.
Hitachi, Ltd.

Telecommunications & Technology

Google Corporation
Microsoft Corporation
Panasonic Corporation
Verizon Communications
Xerox Corporation

Media & Perception Management

McKinsey & Company, Inc.
News Corporation (Fox News)

Consumer Goods & Pharmaceutical

PepsiCo, Inc.
The Coca-Cola Company

Council on Foreign Relations

Background & Notable Membership: A better question would be, who isn’t in the Council on Foreign Relations? Nearly every self-serving career politician, their advisers, and those populating the boards of the Fortune 500 are CFR members. Many of the books, magazine articles, and newspaper columns we read are written by CFR members, along with reports, similar to Brookings Institute that dictate, verbatim, the legislation that ends up before the West’s lawmakers.

A good sampling of the most active wings of the CFR can be illustrated best in last year’s “Ground Zero Mosque” hoax, where CFR members from both America’s political right and left feigned a heated debate over New York City’s so-called Cordoba House near the 3 felled World Trade Center buildings. In reality, the Cordoba House was established by fellow CFR member Feisal Abdul Rauf, who in turn was funded by CFR financing arms including the Carnegie Corporation of New York, chaired by 9/11 Commission head Thomas Kean, and various Rockefeller foundations.

Notable CFR Corporate Support:

Banking & Finance

Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
JPMorgan Chase & Co
American Express
Barclays Capital
Morgan Stanley
Blackstone Group L.P.
Deutsche Bank AG
New York Life International, Inc.
Prudential Financial
Standard & Poor’s
Rothschild North America, Inc.
Visa Inc.
Soros Fund Management
Standard Chartered Bank
Bank of New York Mellon Corporation
Veritas Capital LLC
Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.
Moody’s Investors Service

Big Oil

Chevron Corporation
Exxon Mobil Corporation
BP p.l.c.
Shell Oil Company
Hess Corporation
ConocoPhillips Company
Marathon Oil Company
Aramco Services Company

Military Industrial Complex & Industry

Lockheed Martin Corporation
Airbus Americas, Inc.
Boeing Company, 
DynCorp International
General Electric Company
Northrop Grumman
Raytheon Company
Hitachi, Ltd.
BASF Corporation
Alcoa, Inc.

Public Relations, Lobbyists & Legal Firms

McKinsey & Company, Inc.
Omnicom Group Inc.
BGR Group

Corporate Media & Publishing

Economist Intelligence Unit
News Corporation (Fox News)
Thomson Reuters
Time Warner Inc.
McGraw-Hill Companies

Consumer Goods

Nike, Inc.
Coca-Cola Company
PepsiCo, Inc.
Toyota Motor North America, Inc.
Volkswagen Group of America, Inc.
De Beers

Telecommunications & Technology

Google, Inc.
IBM Corporation
Microsoft Corporation
Sony Corporation of America
Xerox Corporation
Verizon Communications

Pharmaceutical Industry

Merck & Co., Inc.
Pfizer Inc.
The Chatham House

Background & Membership: The UK’s Chatham House, like the CFR and the Brookings Institute in America, has an extensive membership and is involved in coordinated planning, perception management, and the execution of its corporate membership’s collective agenda.

Individual members populating its “senior panel of advisers” consist of the founders, CEOs, and chairmen of the Chatham House’s corporate membership. Chatham’s “experts” are generally plucked from the world of academia and their “recent publications” are generally used internally as well as published throughout Chatham’s extensive list of member media corporations, as well as industry journals and medical journals. That Chatham House “experts” are submitting entries to medical journals is particularly alarming considering GlaxoSmithKline and Merck are both Chatham House corporate members.

No better example of this incredible conflict of interest can be given than the current Thai “red” color revolution being led by Chatham House’s Amsterdam & Peroff with consistent support lent by other corporate members including the Economist, the Telegraph and the BBC.

In one case, the Telegraph printed, “Thai protests – analysis by Dr Gareth Price and Rosheen Kabraji,” within which Price and Kabraji make a shameless attempt at defending the Western-backed, Maoist themed, violent protests. While the Telegraph mentioned that Price and Kabraji were both analysts for the Chatham House, they failed to tell readers that the Telegraph itself retains a corporate membership within the Chatham House as does the Thai protest leader’s lobbyist, Robert Amsterdam and his Amsterdam & Peroff lobbying firm.

Notable Chatham House Major Corporate Members:

Amsterdam & Peroff
Coca-Cola Great Britain
Goldman Sachs International
HSBC Holdings plc
Lockheed Martin UK
Merck & Co Inc
Mitsubishi Corporation
Morgan Stanley
Royal Bank of Scotland
Saudi Petroleum Overseas Ltd
Standard Bank London Limited
Standard Chartered Bank
Thomson Reuter
United States of America Embassy
Vodafone Group

Notable Chatham House Standard Corporate Members:

Amnesty International
Boeing UK
CBS News
Daily Mail and General Trust plc
De Beers Group Services UK Ltd
G3 Good Governance Group
Hess Ltd
Lloyd’s of London
McGraw-Hill Companies
Prudential plc
Telegraph Media Group
Times Newspapers Ltd
World Bank Group

Notable Chatham House Corporate Partners:

British Petroleum
Chevron Ltd
Deutsche Bank
Exxon Mobil Corporation
Royal Dutch Shell
Toshiba Corporation
Total Holdings UK Ltd
Unilever plc


These organizations represent the collective interests of the largest corporations on earth. They not only retain armies of policy wonks and researchers to articulate their agenda and form a consensus internally, but also use their massive accumulation of unwarranted influence in media, industry, and finance to manufacture a self-serving consensus internationally.

To believe that this corporate-financier oligarchy would subject their agenda and fate to the whims of the voting masses is naive at best. They have painstakingly ensured that no matter who gets into office, in whatever country, the guns, the oil, the wealth and the power keep flowing perpetually into their own hands. Nothing vindicates this poorly hidden reality better than a “liberal” Nobel Peace Prize wearing president, dutifully towing forward a myriad of “Neo-Con” wars, while starting yet another war in Libya.

Likewise, no matter how bloody your revolution is, if the above equation remains unchanged, and the corporate bottom lines left unscathed, nothing but the most superficial changes will have been made, and as is the case in Egypt with International Crisis Group stooge Mohamed ElBaradei worming his way into power, things may become substantially worse.

The real revolution will commence when we identify the above equation as the true brokers of power and when we begin systematically removing our dependence on them, and their influence on us from our daily lives. The global corporate-financier oligarchy needs us, we do not need them, independence from them is the key to our freedom.


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Is the Gold Rally Still in the Middle Innings?



Is the Gold Rally Still in the Middle Innings?



Tocqueville Gold Fund’s John Hathaway thinks that gutless government leaders will continue to push up the price of his favorite metal.

John Hathaway recalls the days when being the portfolio manager of a gold fund was like being the punch line of a joke.

“In 1998, when we started the fund, people thought we were crazy,” says Hathaway, the 69-year-old manager of the $2.8 billion-asset Tocqueville Gold Fund.

One of the skeptics at the time was an Internet stock specialist who worked for the Tocqueville fund family. “He is no longer here,” says Hathaway, before letting loose with a laugh.

Hathaway’s relaxed confidence can be easily explained. Over the past 10 years, his fund has generated an average annual return of 29%, easily outpacing the average precious-metals fund and earning it Morningstar’s coveted five-star rating.

Hathaway has outperformed the pack by finding mining stocks that tend to be smaller and at an earlier stage of their development than the average mining stock. These are the kind of stocks that, if properly picked, can smash through benchmarks.

Manager’s Bio

Name: John Hathaway
Title: Tocqueville Gold Fund
Age: 69
Education: B.A., Harvard University; MBA, University of Virginia.
Hobbies: Alpine skiing, golf

Even with gold and silver hitting record highs on an almost daily basis, he is still very bullish on both precious metals.

As Hathaway sees it, gold prices will hold up as long as the U.S. and other major Western political leaders adopt practices which result in devalued currencies, high-budget deficits, and untamed inflation. On the home front, both President Obama and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, he argues, lack the political will to rein in the deficit and fortify the dollar. And a weakening dollar, more often than not, is associated with a rising gold price.

Hathaway’s bullishness on gold is shared by investment giants like John Paulson and Jim Rogers, both of whom have invested heavily in the metal in the past year.

Recently, Hathaway sat in a spare conference room in his midtown office and discussed his latest thoughts about his favorite asset class.

Q: What’s your view on gold and silver right now?

A: The reasons to be investing in gold or silver are very much related to monetary and fiscal issues of today’s Western democracies. And those are not transitory, trading types of concerns. These seem to be intractable, vexing problems. I believe that the value of not just the dollar, but the euro and the yen will be sacrificed to the needs of the state. That was kind of always true to some extent, but it has really blossomed into a front page kind of story now. What has to be done to restore credibility to paper currency is going to be very unpopular and quite difficult to pull off.

Fund Facts

Tocquevile Gold Fund (TGLDX)

Assets: $2.8 billion

Expense Ratio: 1.34%

Load: None

Portfolio Turnover: 9%:

Q: So you don’t think the political will exists to do these kinds of things – the fiscal belt-tightening and the inflation fighting –that would actually help strengthen the value of dollar and other paper currencies, which would have the net effect of hurting gold investments?

A: Look at President Obama’s recent speech in reaction to the Republican budget plan. It was clear from his comments and from [Treasury Secretary Timothy] Geithner’s words that we are not going to make savage cuts in entitlements and raise taxes to sharply reduce budget deficits. I don’t think the political will is there.

Q: How much of gold’s current price right now is backed by fundamentals and how much of it is based on froth?

A: Well to me the fundamentals are kind of what we just talked about. They are very much supportive of gold prices where they are and in my view most investors underweight gold in a huge way.

Q: So you see no froth in the price, no speculative excess?

A: Well, you are always going to have momentum players. I am sure people invest in it because it has got momentum, and so you can’t have a successful investment without having those kinds of people along with it, but it is impossible for me to sort out how much of that there is. Still the stocks, which are a good barometer of sentiment, are trading at a very low ratio of the gold price. That argues against too much froth. There are some things that make me think there is some froth, but it’s not a lot. It is not the main thing that is going on.

Top 10 Holdings

(as of March 31, 2011)

Goldcorp (GG)
Ivanhoe (IVN)
Physical Gold
Silver Wheaton (SLW)
Osisko Mining (OSK)
Gold Resource Corp. (GORO)
U.S. Treasuries
Newmont Mining (NEM)
IAMGold Corp. (IMG)
Randgold Resources (GOLD)

Q: Last June, in your interview with Barron’s, (See “ The Golden Mean ,” June 5, 2010.) you likened the current gold rally to a football game, saying that we were at the beginning of the third quarter and that the fourth quarter would be the “silly season.” Where are we now in the gold rally?

A: Well this is a long game. We are still in the third quarter. You know to me the last bull market in gold went from 1968 to probably 1980, a period of severe rising inflation. That was 12 years. (Editor’s note: The current rally has run for 10 years.) This rally to me has potential to be longer, because the issues today are to me more challenging than they were in the 1970s and policy is more out of line with what it needs to be to get gold out of the picture.

Q: Do you have a price target for gold?

A: I don’t. A lot of people have targets, but they are based on a snapshot of where we are and it doesn’t discount where we could go in the future. So gold is dynamic, you can’t say where it should be because it doesn’t have an intrinsic value. Instead of predicting a price, what I really think about more is what would it take to make a trend change. When is the next year like 1980 when we are going to go into a 20- year plus bear market in gold. In 1980, people were fed up with inflation. We are kind of getting there but we don’t have the kind of conditions we had in 1980, which was like a grass roots movement for major change. Now you are beginning to see that with the issues you are having over the federal budget, so that is something I watch a lot.

Q: Your fund is called the Tocqueville Gold Fund, right, but yet you do invest in some silver and platinum. I notice that you own a silver-related mining and royalty companies.

A: The fund may be misnamed and maybe should be called the Tocqueville Precious Metals Fund. But I consider our mandate to be precious metals, which is basically gold, silver, platinum and palladium, strictly speaking, and that is what the world thinks precious metals are.

Q: Were you surprised at the extent to which silver has outgained gold handily in the past six months? Has it been a shock to people who follow these things professionally?

A: Well I suppose. We owned it so we are happy.

Q: In terms of thinking about silver prices, how useful to you is the gold-to-silver ratio?

A: It is something I take note of.

Q: An ounce of gold is now about 35 times silver. I am told historically the ratio is more like 20 times. Do you see that ratio returning to a more historic norm and is that an argument for loading up on silver?

A: My argument for silver would be pretty much the same as I have for gold, which is basically monetary degradation of paper money. I think the reason silver could do better from time to time is because for one thing it was more in the penalty box because it cratered in 2008. That should have taught people that silver, for all of its attractions, still has enough of an industrial case for it. So if you fear deflation (and a weak global economy) silver would not be the place to be.

Q: Assuming that there is enough industrial demand for silver, do you see the price of silver continuing to rise ahead of gold in the near term?

A: Percentage wise, anything with a $40 an ounce base as opposed to a $1500 base has the greater potential to outperform. That’s why Nelson Bunker Hunt tried to corner it.

Q: Let’s talk about mining stocks. I know that you look at the relationship between the value of the Philadelphia Gold/Silver Sector index, a proxy on mining stocks, and an ounce of gold, as a rough gauge of how gold miners should be valued. Right now it’s about 15%, which is where it was when you last talked to Barron’s. Does that mean that mining stocks are still on the cheap side?

A: Yes, in my opinion, they are still cheap.

Q: What mining stocks have you bought lately?

A: I bought about 10 big cap stocks the day after Obama’s recent speech giving the Democratic viewpoint on the budget. For example, I bought shares of Newmont Mining (ticker: NEM) Osisko (OSK), Goldcorp (GG), Agnico-Eagle Mines (AEM), and Royal Gold (RGLD), among others.

Q: If you only owned one or two gold stock, what would they be and why?

A: Goldcorp is our biggest holding.

Q: And what do you like about Goldcorp that makes it your biggest holding?

A: Actually it’s worth talking about because the reason it is our biggest holding is that we already own it and then one of our biggest juniors, Andean American, got taken over by it. What’s good about Goldcorp. is that of the big-cap companies, they have the best defined, most exciting growth profile.

Q: Right. A very different company is Osisko, which you also have a big position in. This is very much a development stage company, more of a promise of things to come rather than a proven company.

A: Except they just poured gold for the first time. We started with Osisko at 50 cents a share. And we believed the guy had an interesting theory on gold deposits in Québec and it became clear to us that this thing could be a mine and so we financed him at various stages as he needed more capital and so that became a big holding partly through appreciation and partly through the fact that in second and third rounds of financing to build the mine, we were there.

Q: Got it. One of our columnists, Mark Hulbert, recently wrote that gold is due for a pullback simply because of a complete absence of a “wall of worry” among gold investors? (See “ Is a Near-Term Pullback in Store for Gold? , April 12, 2012)

A: I am very conscious because we got into gold as a contrarian idea and now it is becoming mainstream. So to me it is very subject to pullbacks.

Q: I want to finish off by talking about gold’s role in an investment portfolio. If an investor is say 40 years old, has $2 million in investable assets, and makes around $200,000 a year, how much should he have in gold-related investments?

A: I think about 5%. And that should be split between a gold ETF and the Tocqueville Gold Fund.

Q: But if someone sees the stellar annualized returns of your fund and believes that governments won’t support their currencies, they might reasonably ask, why just 5%, why not higher?

A: Because I would sound irresponsible if I said what I really think. I would gladly do something different if I thought it was warranted.

Q: If President Obama could magically replace Bernanke with someone like former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker, a true inflation fighter, might you shut down your fund?

A: Absolutely.

Q: Thank you.