03 28 21 The ‘White Hats’ Are In Exile



By Pastor Rob Pue

It’s now been just over a year since the open conspiracy was set in place — a conspiracy against all personal and individual freedoms in America and worldwide, setting the stage for a New World Order, a One World Government that will fully enslave the planet.  Of course, the conspiracy against God Almighty, Jesus Christ and His followers has been going on forever; only in the last decade or so have we seen it become so bold here in America, with conservative Christians being actively hunted down and openly persecuted, and immorality being legislated — by Congress as well as our unjust “justice” system.

I’ve shared Psalm 2 with you many times before.  But so many STILL don’t seem to “get it,” as even professing Christians refuse to believe there is anything nefarious going on in the world, or any conspiracy taking place.  They’re content to just continue “playing church” turning a blind eye to everything “anti-christ” that continues to creep in like unseen black mold “sliming” out of a dark, wet basement.   In truth, there’s been a conspiracy going on against all things good and Godly for all of history, and Psalm 2 explains it quite well, and it’s especially relevant in what we see happening all around us right now.  So let me share it with you again:  Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing?  The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD and His anointed, saying, ‘let us break their bands asunder and cast away their cords from us.’”  Sounds like a conspiracy to me.  The kings of the earth setting themselves and the rulers taking counsel together, against the LORD and His anointed… can you say “Unitied Nations?”  Can you say “World Health Organization?”  How about “Green New Deal?”  “Build Back Better?”  Lovely sounding names, disguising the agenda of the fallen serpent and deceiving the willfully ignorant Godless, compliant masses.

The heathen have been raging, constantly calling for another new “revolution” — one that will bring about a world without God, a world of perceived “freedom” where licentiousness and the foolish so-called “wisdom” of man will freely celebrate all manner of wickedness, without any guilt.  But the wicked will always be guilty.  They can pass as much “pretend legislation” as they like.  They can deny God and His natural laws all they like.  But that will never change the price of beans…  You can call evil “good” and good “evil” all you like — you can deny truth, facts and absolute proof if you like.  But you’d be wrong.  And there’s a price to pay for that.  Psalm 2 tells us the Lord will have such people “in derision.”  He will “vex them in His sore displeasure.”  He will “break them with a rod of iron.”  They’ll be “dashed in pieces like a potter’s vessel.”

It’s disheartening that today, so many professing Christians still refuse to believe God’s Word and His commands.  Probably because the most they’ve ever studied of it has been a Bible verse or two, flashed up on the big screen in church, taken out of context as the hip new pastor twists and pontificates the Word of God, until it seems perfectly reasonable to the ignorant listeners that the Scripture REALLY means the exact opposite of what it clearly says.  Reminiscent of the serpent in Genesis who asked, “Did God REALLY say…?”   The false prophets and those who preach a “different Gospel” should be ashamed of themselves for casting doubt — and even re-writing what God wrote.  But many times they’re only teaching what they, themselves, have been taught by liberal seminary professors.  And the people remain ignorant; never encouraged to study and learn the precious Word for themselves, even though it’s so readily available.  Truly, all are without excuse.  Willful ignorance will be their downfall as the people perish for lack of knowledge.

So in October of 2019, the kings of the earth and the rulers — the so-called “Power Elite;”   the Globalists — took counsel together and planned for what hit us just over a year ago — an ORCHESTRATED worldwide panic; a shutdown of the world economy; a massive increase in personal and national debt; unjust edicts handed down by governors and judges, forcing people to cover their faces in abject submission to the Almighty State, under the guise of keeping one another safe — from a virus less harmful than the seasonal flu.  This, of course, has led to extremely dangerous vaccines, not properly tested, (and I believe purposely manufactured for EVIL) and mandated in many places, even though they’ve been shown to cause serious injuries and even many deaths.  Other countries have halted vaccinations because of this.  But America — the devil’s greatest prize — continues on, full speed ahead.

Plans are already well underway for the vaccines to be mandatory, and proof of vaccination necessary for one to travel, hold a job or shop in a store.  Those who refuse will be outcasts and the Power Elite are, right now, savoring the idea of making it mandatory for anyone who dares to resist their ultimate authority and tyranny to be treated like the Jews in Nazi Germany.  They can’t wait for that day.

They’ve already succeeded in dividing the populace here in our country very well — into “maskers” and “anti-maskers”; “pro-vaxxers” and “anti-vaxxers”… the other day I was standing in a very long line at the post office, the ONLY one not wearing a mask.  Let’s be clear:  I don’t wear the mask because I don’t care about other people.  I don’t wear the mask because it’s stupid.  Study after study shows masks don’t work.  AT ALL.  In fact, they’re physically harmful.  Not to mention the fact that their MAIN purpose is to instill a mindset of submission and compliance among the people, so they will obey WHATEVER they’re told to do… and we’re seeing this play out now.  I refuse to have any part in this wicked plan and I believe we should ALL take off our masks.  They make us look brainwashed.

And amid the lockdowns, the cancellations of all summertime activities, festivals, fairs and public gatherings, the heathen raged as the country burned — once again, fueled by the ORCHESTRATED hatred under the guise of “racism.”  But anyone with eyes to see can easily recognize the riots were well planned and carried out by Leftist groups, allowed to run wild.  Even mayors and chiefs of police would not protect and defend their cities.  Even governors would not protect and defend their states.  Because they WANTED to see carnage.  That’s how the Left operates:  DELIBERATELY CREATE a crisis, exploit that crisis to the greatest degree possible, and then provide the so-called “solution.”  In our case, the “solution,” apparently, was to tear down monuments and statues and re-write our history so that America becomes the world’s greatest evil in the minds of our young people — who were ALSO, by the way, manipulated, brainwashed and exploited for the benefit of the Leftist/Communist agenda.  And this continues today.

The “kings” and the “rulers” were so successful so quickly in 2020 that they were emboldened to take on their greatest challenge yet: to OPENLY steal an American election in broad daylight, (AND under cover of darkness, but not even concerned that their fraud was being captured on video in living color).  And because we live in a country with wicked, evil judges and courts, all the way to the highest court in the land, they got away with it.  Though millions could clearly see the absolute proof of the stolen 2020 election, the wicked got away with it, because there is no longer any place to voice our “redress of grievances.”

Today, our nation’s capitol is surrounded by an impenetrable fence, topped with razor wire and guarded by thousands of military troops.  Meanwhile, the illegitimate man in the White House has opened the floodgates on our southern border, allowing thousands of illegal aliens to enter our country every day.  These illegals come from all countries around the world.  It’s not an exaggeration to say we are being invaded.  And American taxpayers are footing the bill, as the invaders are given food, shelter, clothing and CASH — while they infiltrate every city and small town across this country.  I have to wonder: what was the point of us all being forced to cover our faces, wearing masks for over a year, if now we’re just letting every illegal alien from every third-world country who wants to, to move in, do as they please, no masks, no health checks, no requirements for anything?

Well, the point is obvious.  The Leftists are intent on bringing America to it’s knees.  They want to get us so brainwashed that we will DEMAND “income equality” and their “Great Reset” — to keep us all safe from a mostly harmless microbe; to end “racial inequality”  and strife; to provide a “universal basic income,” and to “rescue the planet” because us filthy peasants have caused the earth’s climate to change.  Friends, the devil is the father of lies and he’s having a field day with people today.  Because, I’m sorry to say, but people today are so STUPID.  Absolutely clueless.

Do you really want this “Build Back Better” plan?  You really want communism, even though it’s NEVER done anything but cause death and destruction everywhere it’s been tried?  Let’s look at Venezuela as just one recent example.  In 1992, Venezuela was the 3rd wealthiest country in the hemisphere.  But the communists — the enemies within — were working to fundamentally change that country.  Just nine years later, they voted for a socialist president, who promised to provide “income equality.”  Three years after that, private healthcare was socialized.  Three years after that, in 2007, all higher education became “free.”  Two years later, the government banned private ownership of guns.  In 2014, Opposition leaders were imprisoned.  Within two more years, with the communists now in full control, food and healthcare shortages were widespread and the people were desperate.  Then their nation’s Constitution and all elections were suspended.  And in 2019, unarmed citizens were massacred by their own government.  This situation continues today.

   “Oh, but that would NEVER happen here in America!” you say.  Really?  We’re already there, folks.  Last year proved us to be nothing but a “banana republic.”  Conservative Christians and patriots are being imprisoned and even gunned down by the FBI and our CIA while being labeled as “Domestic Terrorists.”  The brainwashed masses are demanding that everyone follow all the other lemmings off the cliff, with mandatory masking, mandatory vaccines, a “vaccination passport,” allowing those who comply to have SOME of their freedoms back… but still forced to live under a totalitarian regime.

Then there’s the economy.  Their ‘Great Reset’ necessitates the elimination of all private property ownership, in exchange for a “universal basic income.”  How’s THAT going to go for us?  One need only look at the recent COVID relief plan to get an idea: if the funds our “kings” and “rulers” have dedicated to provide financial relief for our citizens actually WENT to the citizens, each person would receive more than $41,000.  Forty-One THOUSAND dollars per person.  Instead, we MAY receive $1400.  Where does the rest go?  It goes into the pockets of the kings and rulers, of course.  As well as payoffs to special interests, payoffs to foreign countries, often ENEMY foreign countries…and the enemies within.

Is it any wonder the capitol is surrounded by a high wall topped with razor wire?  When patriots TRIED to show up and voice their outrage at an obviously fraudulent election they were basically ambused.  That was January 6th.   I had a bad feeling about that event before it happened, and unfortunately, my instincts were correct.  Video footage from citizen reporters showed DC and capitol police ESCORTING ANTIFA rioters into the staging area.  These anarchists are the ones who caused the problems, but the patriots were the ones the kings and rulers and the media blamed.  So now we accept razor wire fences around the Peoples’ House, and we sheepishly acquiesce to every unjust edict from the imposter in the Oval Office and those who contine to control his puppet strings.

Proverbs 29:2 reminds us, “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice, but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.”   Indeed.

Friends, please be vigilant.  Learn the truth about what’s really taking place in the dark alleys of the shadow government and the Deep State.  Understand the agenda of the Globalist New World Order Elites.  They do NOT have anyone’s best interests in mind, except their own.  DO NOT trust the media.  We must even be careful of the alternative media — many are STILL saying that Donald Trump and our military are REALLY in control, not the Leftists.  They’re still holding out hope for justice and unfortunately, it’s not true.  There IS no grand plan for the “White Hats” to ride in and rescue us.  The “White Hats” are in exile.

There will BE no justice for the wicked until the Lord Himself returns, on a white HORSE, in fury and wrath to justly judge the wicked, cowardly and unbelieving.  Until He returns, we must occupy, we must educate, and we must preach the WHOLE counsel of God.  In order to DO that, it means, WE, ourselves, must invest ourselves into intense STUDY of the whole counsel of God.  So let us not be ignorant.  We’re all without excuse if we’re taken by the enemy unawares.  Know WHY you believe what you believe, and stand firmly on the solid rock of your faith in Jesus Christ and the TRUTH.  Make Him your LORD, because if He’s not your Lord, He will not be your Savior either.

This world changed drastically in just one year.  It’s been unbelievable.   There’s no telling what the COMING year is going to bring.  Let us put on the full armor of God and understand we’re here to do battle with the enemies of God, to defeat the works of the devil, just as Jesus did.  And if there’s any truth left in this world, then let the world see that truth IN US.  It will not be easy and it won’t be pleasant.  I hope you’re ready.

03 27 21 No, We Are Not Working For or With The “Vatican”



 By Anna Von Reitz

Once again, the idiocy abounds.

We are addressing the Vatican and the Holy See at an international level concerning the Great Fraud (and their culpability for it) and various people in our Assemblies have served Notice on the Archbishops to fully inform them of the skullduggery going on and their personal and professional liability for it.

This is not the same as working with the Vatican.

What we are doing is serving Notice and Due Process to the Holy See, which is a different part of the Church Hierarchy entirely — and the Principal (besides the Pope) which is ultimately responsible for the misadministration of The Constitution of the United States and the Municipal Government of the United States.

Most Americans have yet to learn that they have Federal Subcontractors, much less the fact of who these Subcontractors are, or the fact that these Subcontractors have been operating in Breach of Trust, even though these same people suffer the consequences of this situation every day.

As I noted yesterday, there are many people in America who are ignorant or can’t read or both.

They don’t know the difference between “the Vatican” and “the Holy See”—all they’ve heard about is “the Vatican” so they assume that what we are doing concerns the Vatican operations— which it does, but only tangentially and as a result of mis-administration by the Holy See.

They also can’t distinguish the difference between acting as a “private attorney” for a Pope to serve Due Process on employees of his (which I did for seven years during the tenure of Pope Benedict XVI) versus being “an Agent of the Vatican”.

That’s rather like mistaking a draft horse for a goat.

They don’t know what they are talking about or what we are doing or why, and they are not bothering to learn. Educate them if you can. Ignore them and move on if you can’t.

See this article and over 3000 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com

03 27 21 Non-Judicial Courts: The Two Crimes They Use Most Often



 By Anna Von Reitz

Many people have contacted me with the news that Rick Martin, from The Constitutional Law Group, has been arrested for “contempt of court charges”.

Well, what does that mean and what is the nature of the court making the charge?

Contempt of Court generally means disobeying a court order when that court has jurisdiction and authority to issue the order in question, or somehow obstructing the orderly administration of justice — such as causing a riot in a courtroom.

Perjury is the other crime that these non-judicial courts use as a mainstay in support of their business, and it is almost impossible for you to enter one of their courts and not perjure yourself.

The very first thing that they ask is for you to state your name for the record, but as we all know now, they have already stolen your name via secretive registration processes, so that your name no longer belongs to you —- it has been copyrighted by the British Crown.

You stand up and say, “I’m John Roy Adams.” and —Bam! You lied on the court record and the Judge is free to treat you as a liar using a nom de guerre guilty of copyright infringement; so far as he or she is concerned, you have perjured yourself in the first five seconds of the proceedings, and the Judge takes “silent Notice” of this.

These sorts of tricks and unspoken wiles and games are the best practical reason to severely limit your interactions with all non-judicial courts and the officers of such courts.

When they call out, “John R Adams” —- you rise and say, “I’m known as John. I don’t know what the “R” stands for in this case and the surname ownership is in dispute.”

This is an honest answer and evades perjury.

There are many ways to evade perjuring yourself by claiming a name they already pretend to own — but you have to know that this is a fundamental issue before you can dance around it and give them the bad end of the stick.

Most judges upon hearing any honest answer, including, “I’m John Roy Adams, according to my parents.” —will find a means to take a break, and change up the venue, or roll their eyes and prepare for worse to come.

From our perspective, they are criminals acting under color of law, presenting themselves as if they were judicial courts, when in fact they are non-judicial corporate tribunals, engaged in fraud and racketeering every single time they address an American “as if” that American was a federal employee or federal dependent.

But we have to be polite, because they are foreigners, and with respect to their own employees and dependents, they do have a system of foreign law to administer.

This puts us in the irritating-as-Hell position of treating these pikers with velvet gloves and raising our pinkies and calling them “My Honor” — never “Your Honor”— and using mild-sounding questions to nail them to their own cross.

Any honest frontal engagement “threatens” them. Just think of the whining politically correct little obnoxious cowardly dishonest panty-waists claiming that your gun rights “frighten” them, and that your plain English “offends” them, too.

You can’t do what Rick Martin did, and attack their proceedings in their own court.

That’s called a “transgression” and they will happily throw the entire Code at you if you cross into their lane or interfere with their dispensing of “justice” to one of their employees or dependents.

This is why it is always best to be cloyingly nice and limit yourself to asking questions– and only questions– in the most friendly tone of voice.

The actual question: is the alleged Defendant a federal employee or dependent? Or, a federal corporation? Or anyone voluntarily and knowingly adopting Federal citizenship? — never gets asked.

They don’t want you asking that multi-part question, ever. And we are free to ask questions, so long as they are phrased as questions.

I can simper with the best of them in court, because that is what you need to do in their courts. Simper. That is their tradition. It’s what they expect and need in order to function. The least little upset to their delicate systems gives them dyspepsia.

And when they have dyspepsia or a sinking spell of any kind that they can attribute to rough language or threatening demeanor or lack of decorum, they accuse you of contempt of court and have their private security personnel haul you away to a jail cell.

You are now in the “possession” of a private foreign corporation, and like the pirates of old, they can claim to own you and dispose of you as they wish — as long as no lawful government claims you and pays your insurance.

This is why absolutely everyone in the world and especially every American needs to know –and have evidence of– who they are and where they were born, and to have recorded their name and identity and political status, and to know the number of their Indemnity Bond, before they ever enter one of these non-judicial courts.

The Indemnity Bond Series AMR10001 to AMR100001 lodged with the United States Treasury in the name(s) of the Fiduciary for The United States of America, Anna Maria Riezinger, is the Indemnity Bond for every American claiming their birthright political status.

Your Indemnity Bond is at this point: AMR10001, and that is additionally backed up by the “individual trust account” assets that are owed to you as an American, and which should be accessible for your use to pay your bills and care for your families—but which have been used to create giant Slush Funds instead.

Many people have a hard time understanding “indemnity” which accrues to unincorporated entities, versus “insurance” which accrues to incorporated entities. And they also have a startling hole in their education when it comes to the key issue of “legal dependency”.

Here is a quick and dirty legal definition of “dependent” and “legal dependent” from the “free dictionary” online service:

“A dependent is someone who is sustained by another person, such as a child supported by his or her parents. … In an insurance policy, the term legal dependent generally includes all of those people whom the insured person is under a legal duty to support, such as a spouse and minor children.”

Our erstwhile Federal Subcontractors, which have been operated as private, for-profit commercial corporations, have claimed to be our Trustees — thereby making us their dependents. They have also claimed that we are their legal dependents and that they are under a legal duty to support us as a result of exercising our delegated powers “for” us.

Read that: they insure their operations as commercial corporations and thereby secondarily insure us, so they have claimed that we are their legal dependents, even though they work for us and charge us for their insurance costs.

And they’ve been getting away with this outrageous claim of “legal dependency” because we were not “otherwise insured” —- which for us means “indemnified” with an indemnity bond lodged with a bank somewhere.

The United States Treasury is our bank, so we lodged and allocated the AMR10001-AMR100001 Bond and Bond Series as an Indemnification Bond for all fifty States of the Union to put an end to the idea that we are legal dependents of these corporations in our employ.

All of this again underlines the critical importance of knowing who you are, having evidence of who you are and your political status recorded, and being competent to conduct your affairs—-such as setting aside an indemnity bond for the benefit of your security, or in this case, the security of all the States of the Union.

Your country and your Federation of States is back on the board. And so are you. Go to: www.TheAmericanStatesAssembly.net.

Your State is indemnified and all the people deriving their political status from each State are also indemnified, and so you cannot be considered legal dependents of any foreign commercial corporation in the business of providing you with “essential governmental services”.

See this article and over 3000 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com

03 27 21 Is Pope Francis Guilty?



By Anna Von Reitz

The first question must be, guilty of what?

Obviously, anyone who becomes Pope has plenty of skeletons in his closet, if only to assure his loyalty to the thugs of Rome.

The darker the secrets, the better, from the perspective of the Roman Hierarchy.

Pope Benedict XVI, who admitted the Great Fraud and wished to correct it, was promptly removed; and the punishment didn’t stop with the loss of his office.

There were several exposes in the Italian Press disclosing his sexual orientation and other gossipy issues, and, as always, threats against his life.

We forget, and we should not forget, that Italy was a home to Fascism. We should not overlook the fact that the Italian Government was up to its ears in the recent “US” election scandals.

As for Pope Francis, he circled the wagons and plumped up the coffers, which we can hardly blame him for as the Chief Executive of the Church Temporal, and he cut loose the Bar Association Privateers to sink or swim on their own — another wise business move on his part.

There remain two (2) very serious and very public issues with Francis.

The first is his continuing promotion of “war” between the two governmental corporations on our shores, the US, INC. and the USA, Inc., that he ultimately owns and controls.

Now, obviously, other Popes have promoted this same Cash Cow for sixteen decades and it has proven extraordinarily profitable, so from that perspective he has little reason to Cease and Desist the harvesting of American lives and American assets.

The bad Public Relations and bad advertising for the Church, he no doubt figures he can sidestep and overcome with the help of all the major media corporations he also owns.

So despite the downsides, he and his henchmen have decided to try to brazen it out and pretend that they have nothing to do with the destruction of America, and the pillaging and plundering that has gone on here, and the criminal mis-administration of the Federal Subcontractors involved.

He can try.

Speaking from my own direct experience, it doesn’t take very long to figure out which way the water flows in this world, because it always flows downhill and straight into a giant sluice drain in Rome.

So I don’t personally give him much chance of escaping the consequences of that reality.

The responsibility for the mismanagement of the “federal” government, and culpability for any violence that erupts here, is also squarely on his shoulders first and foremost, although some of that burden is shared by the Queen.

What else is Francis guilty of, besides whatever personal darkness earned him the trust of the Roman Hierarchy?

In my mind, it is hard to reconcile his formal education in science, and particularly, chemistry, with his stance on the Paris New Green Deal and the whole topic of Climate Change.

As a scientist he is bound to know such basics as the Water Cycle, the Carbon Cycle, and Photosynthesis. I would be hard-pressed to find an eighth grader who is not fully familiar with these topics, so….. how can the Pope, with his education, miss the whole point?

The wholesale slaughter of the plant kingdom on this planet, by direct poisoning (Fukushima) and more generally by water pollution of all kinds including injection wells and fracking, and by wholesale stripping of the Amazon Basin and Equatorial Forests, leads inexorably to two phenomena that we are seeing: (1) drastic drop in atmospheric oxygen, because there are fewer plants to produce it and (2) drastic increase in carbon dioxide, because there are no plants to use it up and recycle it into oxygen.

There is no more important issue than finding a way to stop the China Syndrome scenario taking place in Japan, and there is no hope of moderating the situation by “reducing our carbon footprint”.

The Fwits in Rome and “Eastminster” have really done it this time, and they are still trying to chisel some profit out of it with their Carbon Taxes.

Everyone who lives on the Pacific Rim, including certain people in Alaska, have a major bone to pick with Rome and those running it and everything else into the ground, for the sake of digits entered on a computer screen.

Why not have done with the nonsense once and for all? Just have a big party?

Start with the number one (1) on the screen, and then let every “President” of every governmental services corporation on Earth stand there and punch the “O” key for as long as he or she can keep standing —- that’s how much “money” their country gets in the Big Nothing Lottery Game.

It makes as much sense as anything else that Francis and his friends have tried thus far, but despite having no viable, fair, or sensible solution themselves, they keep on trying and meddling and won’t listen to anybody else.

Meantime, Fukushima keeps rolling and the Pacific Biome continues to be polluted and yes, at least a third of the fish and sea mammals are dead or dying, and yes, the flora of the Pacific — vast amounts of the algae, corals, and seaweed and other sea plants are already dead, gas hydrates are melting in the coastal waters of California and as far north as the Bering Sea, and if somebody in Rome doesn’t wake up, soon, and focus on the actual problem —- there will be nothing left for them to argue about.

For guys who have been arguing about such things as how many angels can sit on the head of a pin for the last dozen centuries, that will be quite a loss.

Is Pope Francis guilty? What do you think?

What I do know is that we have one of the biggest nightmare scenarios in human history breathing down our backs, and instead of addressing it honestly and dealing with it — telling the corporations in the US to stand down and be at peace, cleaning up the accounting practices, and cleaning up the pollution that is killing the plants — they are all busy trying to make a profit off of the disasters, including the Wuhan Virus, that they created.

Which leaves the rest of us to thwart their Ferengie-like efforts to profit at any cost, and deal with the disasters they have caused.

See this article and over 3000 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com

03 27 21 Notice the Sequence of Things



By Anna Von Reitz

Those who have profited themselves at our expense have done so using a very ancient form of law—- Roman Civil Law.

They have subjected each one of us individually to their foreign and ancient law by “conveying” our names into their jurisdiction via a process of multiple registrations.

So we start out as babies on the land and soil of our country and then are conveyed successively into Territorial Jurisdiction under the Law of the Sea, and then into Municipal Jurisdiction under Roman Civil Law.

Think of this as moving from Point A to Point B to Point C.

Unknown to us or our parents we were trafficked off our native land and soil (Point A) and transported to the foreign jurisdiction of the sea (Point B) and from there transported to the jurisdiction of Municipal Government (Point C).

We have to start out at C, move back to B and from B move the rest of the way to A.

There is a process and steps and procedures that have been employed to traffic us from land to sea to air, and there is a process to convey us from air to sea to land again.

And it is one more step from the land to the soil.

Success in unraveling the mess depends on us deconstructing the process that put us at Point C and doing it step by step— backwards to Point A.

What they did to us in transporting us off the land and soil is a crime known as unlawful conversion and they followed that with another crime known as impersonation—-which is a form of identity theft that allowed them to access our credit.

Unwinding it requires careful and knowing action on our parts.  If we try to go directly from Point C to Point A we quickly find that we “can’t get there from here”.

If you want to think of it in terms of political units, you start out on a county in a State of the Union, get shanghaied and transported out on the High Seas, and from there, you are sold as a slave to a foreign Municipal Government.

The only way home is to travel overseas again.

People get confused about “where they are” as a result of being moved around like this and many assume that they can take one step back and be home again, but it is more complex than that.

You come back the way you came.

You “lawfully convert” the Municipal PERSON back to being a Territorial Person on the High Seas, and from there you can step back on the land (State) and from State level you can step back on the soil— the County level.

I am pointing this out because you have to return by the same path you left, and too many people think there is a short cut.

You have to come back home by moving from State to County, because, as a baby, you were moved from County to State.

“As a thing is bound, so it is unbound.”

Now that you know how you were bound, you are in a position to untie the knots and keep them untied.

Go to: www.TheAmericanStatesAssembly.net.

See this article and over 3000 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com

03 26 21 Overview for Those Who Need It



By Anna Von Reitz

Be patient. Be strong. Keep walking forward. I’ve explained the situation —

(1) what the Plotters originally intended (corner the gold market during a fiat debt-credit legal tender system, then sell the gold back at a huge profit margin resulting from inflation and devaluation of the fiat money) and

(2) what has subsequently happened (demand for viable currency and crimes including counterfeiting and securitization of living flesh have increased to the point that a gold or silver-based commodity currency would require gold prices to be set at ridiculously high rates — in excess of $100,000.00 per ounce, and nobody in their right mind would believe that.)

So here we sit. The Numbnutz in charge are so lacking in vision and creativity that their solutions involve catastrophic disruption, killing their creditors, enslaving the world population to serve as collateral for their debts, and more fraud.

They just don’t get it. Fraud vitiates everything.

It vitiates treaties. It vitiates international law. It vitiates handshakes.

And no, you can’t give someone something that doesn’t belong to you in payment of your debts.

That is known as embezzlement and theft.

These are things that are so simple, and yet, full grown men and women who have spent their lives in responsible positions in the military, in government, in international diplomacy—- doctors, lawyers, and Indian Chiefs —- don’t get it.

This is largely a bookkeeping boondoggle of epic proportions, caused in part by the decision of the U.S. Government to adopt a new bookkeeping system known as “double accrual accounting” after the Second World War. This is more popularly known as “keeping two sets of books”– and it allowed the appearance of insurmountable debts on one side of the ledger, while hiding even more unimaginable credits (Slush Funds) on the other.

So it’s a crisis on paper, and all that really needs to be resolved is:

(1) a degree of amnesty;

(2) balancing the books; and

(3) who controls things going forward–and, no, it should not be the same people who created the Mess in the first place.

I have suggested a moderate and common sense approach that:

(1) holds harmless the vast majority of those who implemented and ran this system in ignorance;

(2) restoration of our complete traditional government;

(3) creation of an honest world currency in addition to national currencies;

(4) returns power — and responsibility — to the people of each country;

(5) erasure of False Debts and payback of accrued credit to individual people and unincorporated businesses;

(6) issuance of credit cards to Americans and people of other countries who are in similar situations, to pay for any and all public debts;

(7) restructure of the taxation functions to live off Slush Fund earnings instead of preying upon living people;

(8) liquidation of offending corporations and punishment of corporation officers who have acted in a lawless and predatory manner against the Public Good;

(9) complete overhaul and migration/transition of the courts and court systems;

(10) simplification and re-tasking of the bureaucracy;

(11) retirement and culling of millions of statutory laws, codes, and regulations;

(12) removal of agency administrative “law” and its misapplication to average people;

(13) end redundancy;

(14) reform all operations of the U.S. Patent Office/US PATENT OFFICE, the respective Trademark and Copyright Offices, and the various Postal Services;

(15) open public discussion and international treaty negotiations to establish a realistic and solid foundation to go forward.

It’s clear that these issues and topics that I have highlighted, including the illegal securitization of living flesh which is a crime and a central issue, have all contributed to the deplorable state of world government.

It should be crystal clear to all concerned that the only reason to have a government or pay for government services is to protect the bodies and other assets of living people.

If that is not obvious, it needs to be made so.

See this article and over 3000 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com

03 26 21 Housekeeping With Grandma



  By Anna Von Reitz

This week, I have had people accusing me of “stealing” my own work, because unscrupulous con artists published my work as theirs.  They simply plagiarized entire books, claimed author-ship, and the resulting controversy wasn’t settled until I totally lost my temper and asked, “Who in this group (the offenders) has the knowledge and ability to write something like this?”

Dead silence. The Truth and the writing style and everything else was suddenly apparent and we were able to determine who wrote what and who didn’t write anything at all—- just “misappropriated” someone else’s work and claimed it was their group’s publication.

This kind of skullduggery is unfortunately all too common.

To repeat— my policy is to allow reposting and republication for educational purposes so long as the content is not altered and the source is fully credited.

Just this morning I gave such permission to someone who is publishing a compendium of information for home school families, so it isn’t hard to obtain so long as you: (1) don’t alter the material, and (2) credit the source.

This cuts me out of a lot of income from royalties and publication permission deals, but it gets the word out, and will hopefully save both American property and American lives which is the whole point.

While we are on this topic — let me point out that there are reasons why people should abide by this simple set of copyright rules.

First, I am responsible for what I say. I know the sources and the validity of the records on which I stand. People who copycat and plagiarize do not.  They won’t be able to defend the things I have written and will get themselves in trouble if a court or other authority questions them and they claim authorship — so it isn’t only a matter of “credit” for me — it’s a matter of protection for you, to accurately present what I have written and attribute it to me.

Second, it’s the right thing to do.  Your thoughts are your property just as much as your bicycle or your car.  Stealing thoughts and words are theft in just the same way as if you’d broken into my garage and taken my bike. So consider that when you are sharing information that I’ve written or transcripts of what I’ve said.

The other thing that has raised its ugly head this week is that many people are struggling with an inability to read.  I don’t mean absolute illiteracy, such that they can’t read basic things like road signs and telephone bills, but they can’t read more complex material to save themselves.  Many young people below the age of forty are struggling with very poor reading skills. And many of them are embarrassed or angry to admit it.

This is one of the worst failings of an educational system that I can imagine and many parents and grandparents need to be made aware of the situation.

We have two generations of Americans who are reading at the level of third graders.

Throughout this entire effort, I have often been amazed because I have been attacked for saying things I never said, writing things I didn’t write, or doing things I didn’t do.

And in review, most of those incidents are because the people attacking couldn’t read at a high enough level to be able to rightly interpret the content of what they were reading.

A prime example is the idea that I ever worked for the Vatican, because in the process of serving Due Process on Municipal Government officials, I acted in the capacity of “personal attorney” for Pope Benedict XVI, who never intended for them to be conducting business in the manner they were (and are) conducting it.

People who can’t  read very well misinterpret that whole scenario, because the Vatican is all they know about the Church, and they don’t know what a “private attorney” is.

Another example is the idea that Americans are all U.S. Citizens of some kind.

People who can’t read well don’t notice the difference between “U.S. Citizen” and “US CITIZEN” and “United States Citizen” and so on, much less do they catch the nuances of the different meanings attached to these descriptors.

This inability to read well enough to catch the drift, then leaves these people open to be defrauded and preyed upon.

As parents and grandparents we owe it to our children and they owe it to themselves, to develop their reading skills– which includes the use of dictionaries.

I have the pleasure of talking to people of all ages every day.  One of the most astounding observations I’ve made is that young people don’t know when they need to look a word up in a dictionary— they just try to “gloss over” it and guess at its meaning from context.

This is especially dangerous when legalese is involved, and you may in fact need not only a legal dictionary but a financial dictionary as well.

I cannot count the times that I thought I knew the meaning of a word, only to find out that some enterprising legal beagle had found an arcane meaning for it, and was trying to pass something off on me.

If this is still happening to me after forty years of sifting legal crappola through fine sieves, it is certainly no shame for any young person to grab a dictionary off the shelf (or pull it up on the computer), yet many of them are too lazy or too embarrassed to admit that they don’t know the meaning of a word to take the necessary action.

Remember that we are all ignorant.  It’s just a spectrum of “more ignorant” or “less ignorant”.  There’s no shame in admitting this and even less shame in doing something to improve upon our situation.

So take a half an hour, here and there, Grandpa and Grandma, to explore the dictionary with your children and grandchildren. Show them the different kinds of dictionaries at the Public Library.  Teach them how to look words up in a dictionary and impress it upon them that the dictionary is their friend. And there is never any shame in consulting a dictionary.

You’ll be doing them, yourselves, and your country a big favor.

See this article and over 3000 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com



03 25 21 Message to the World Court Dateline 23rd March



 By Anna Von Reitz

The United States of America — our Federation of States — was never incorporated. It is a Lawful Person.

The present crisis is nothing but the end result of a national-level identity theft and credit fraud racket, with multiple bankruptcy frauds added on top of that, all implemented via a double-impersonation scheme, and washed down with more attempts to latch onto living people as private property.

Mr. Bill Gates, Mr. Anthony Fauci, and their European compatriots have endeavored to convert innocent people into property by injecting patented mRNA into our gene codes, and claiming that they have thereby created new genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) at a cellular level — thus trying to take advantage of a loophole in the Patent Laws administered illegally and improperly by SERCO, INC. allowing this outrage.

Our State Assemblies which have been summoned into Session have taken emergency action to outlaw these repugnant, immoral, and unlawful claims which would otherwise result in the enslavement and further securitization of living people as chattel for the debts of these monsters.

The American States and People, and our lawful unincorporated American Government doing business as The United States of America — are still alive and are the Persons of Interest owed all right title and interest in everything on our soil, including all US CORPORATIONS and USA, Inc. holdings, all land and mineral assets, all mortgages, all land assets, and everything else that is ours by principle and right.

We are not missing; we were never absent.

We didn’t volunteer to be the Administrators or Executors of our own estates and we don’t agree to be the victims of obvious identity theft, fraud, deceit, and Breach of Trust.

It’s true that every corporation chartered in this country owes us money, but it is also true that these facts were not fully disclosed to the American Public, and that our estates have been established and administered by Territorial and Municipal Executors de Son Torte in the face of our living presence for decades without proper action by the international community, including those Principals named as Defendants and Debtors.

Corpus Juris Secundum Estate and Trust Law: “ANY administration on the Estate of a LIVING person is VOID; if it is made to appear that the person was in fact ALIVE at the time such administration was granted, the administration is absolutely VOID”. [Emphasis added.]

This means that every action brought by every Territorial Court and every Municipal COURT Officer acting against average Americans under color of law and the presumptions of the foreign corporation bankruptcies ever since March of 1863 is absolutely void.

This means that all the actual silver and gold, all land, all the actual homes and businesses mortgaged, all the theft of our labor through bondage and fraudulent taxation, all of it is required to be returned free and unencumbered and unharmed to the lawful living owners.

We are not the ones at fault, and those who did this were not acting as our agents.

This ongoing saga is a crime of genocide on paper promoted by self-interested con artists, public employees, who have been acting under color of law and impersonating us, their employers.

The Nazis have a history of paying their bills by killing off their Priority Creditors, and judging from the 800 FEMA Camps that have been built on our shores using our money, this is precisely the fate they have planned for us.

The time has come for everyone on Earth who has a face and a soul to awaken and to take determined, effective, and systemic action to obliterate this threat to mankind and to the Earth once and forever. It’s time for everyone to remember the dark days of World War II and the endless outpouring of aid given to virtually every country on Earth by the Americans.

The American People were never anyone’s enemy. They never sought to cheat anyone. It was “the” US — foreign, incorporated, privately owned and operated commercial corporations in the business of providing “governmental services” that are responsible for the war-mongering, false flags, press-ganging, and other evils that we and the rest of the world have all suffered.

It’s time to realize the parasitic nature of this “beast” made of paper and lies, and it’s time for China to know that it is next on the menu, with Iran for a second course, if we are not assisted in our efforts to bring sanity back and an end to this lawlessness and depravity.

They are our runaway employees. Help us to fire them. They have commandeered our assets. Help us to regain them.

Everyone worldwide who gives a Flying Finger of Fate for their lives and property must wake up. Everyone needs to show their support for our government. Everyone needs to send us prayers and money and skills and everything else that can be mustered to end the incipient Reign of Terror and Theft before it begins—- lawfully and peacefully.

If it is to have any credibility at all, the International Court of Justice must move in our favor. The Vatican Chancery Court must move in our favor. The Court of the Lord High Steward must move in our favor.

We must all take a stand in defense of the Public Law of this country, the International Laws that apply to Fraud, Identity Theft, and Human Trafficking, the Ecclesiastical and Commercial Law concerning the disciplining of corporations and those running corporations, and all Trust Law known to Man.

By: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary

The United States of America

See this article and over 3000 others on Anna’s website herewww.annavonreitz.com

03 25 21 DON’T BE FOOLED



Whether you are aware of it or not, our Government is not your protector. In fact they are just as much our enemy as any other gun free Nation. You may have the opinion that our government is our protectors but that subject has enough info behind it to prove you wrong. In my experience I have encountered people who damn near faint if you show them a gun, and they do not know anything about guns. You can talk your head off and not convince them that proper training will make a gun a life saver. In fact a gun is safer than a car and our accident rate proves it.

Next is an example of how crazy some folks get in the presence of a pistol. I was doing some work on a customers home and when I bent over to get to the kitchen plumbing the wife saw my pistol in a behind my back holster. She screamed and ran to the phone to call the police! The so called man of the house grabbed the children and they all bailed out of the house. Two police cars showed up in a couple of minutes ready to blow my head off, and then apologized when I showed them my carry permit.

The family would not listen to any thing I or the cops said and demanded I leave immediately. Such is the attitude of many Americans because the TV and the police attitude had them scared to death of any weapon. 

I firmly believe that children should be required to take a gun safety class and maybe the adults too. Americans are so used to the gun violence on TV they are convinced it may blow up as soon as they pick it up.

Don’t be fooled folks, a gun is the best way to protect your self and your family and knowing how and when to use it is only common sense after proper training.

I purchased my first pistol when I was sixteen and gun laws were non existent although the salesman did ask me why I thought I needed a gun. I told him I believed speed shooting was a fascinating sport and I intended to become a serious contender. Which I did, and have the trophies to prove it.

I see no comprehensible reason for an adult to be frighten of a gun that could very easily be a life saver of your family.

If you will not save your children and wife you sure as hell will not protect your country. Grow up and get some balls before you put your children at risk. Shooting is a fascinating sport and I for one WILL NOT surrender it.

03 25 21 The War of the Fey Who Remained



By Anna Von Reitz

We have been engaged in a spiritual war for many years; it is time for everyone to come to intellectual grips with this struggle, because whether you like it or not, we are all in the middle of it.

According to Irish traditions about the Fey and their appearance from the fog and also the disappearance (of most them) into another fog, we now know that this is consistent with the phenomena of extra dimensional travel and the use of clouds and fog to hide the “blinking out” associated with this. Remember how Jesus and others in Old Testament accounts went up in a cloud?

Now you know why.

It should be no surprise to hear that there are those Fey loyal to Truth, and those who are loyal to the Lie (Illusion), so it is not a matter of “all Fey are bad” or “all Fey are good” according to blood or nature.

It’s a matter of allegiance, whether you stand for Truth or for Illusion.

The Romans made most of the British Isles uninhabitable to the Fey who remained there by polluting natural water wells, streams, and ponds with iron objects and iron ore and later by using iron pipes to convey water. The Fey are allergic to iron and this action by the Romans rendered the water unusable.

The remaining Fey have been at war with the Romans ever since, though as in any conflict, there are and always have been a few Turncoats assisting the common enemy.

Unknown to most of the people on this planet, water is alive. It has a memory. It knows when it has been violated and it remembers both the offense and the offenders.

Consider— is this really any stranger than learning that chips made of silicon can be imprinted to carry vast amounts of information?

The deliberate destruction and pollution of the entire Pacific biome by the Romans and their Allies (again) resulting from the Fukushima disaster has brought the ancient conflict over the poisoning of the wells back to the surface, and it is now entering public cognizance.

This may seem very strange to you, simply because you have never been made aware of the unique properties and crystalline characteristics of water, but then, you have never been made aware of a great many things.

You have never been made aware of the drastic decline in atmospheric oxygen levels, either. Listen up.

This is occurring even more rapidly than before because Fukushima is polluting most of the Pacific Ocean and the marine algae and other ocean flora are dying, thus no longer producing oxygen for people and animals to breathe. Harvesting of the Amazon Basin and many of the Equatorial African forests have only added to the problem, as has the senseless jihad against carbon dioxide.

We are living in an oxygen starved environment with oxygen levels far below our optimum performance requirements.

As a result of deliberate acts against Mankind, our water is polluted, and our food is only partially oxidized during digestion for lack of adequate oxygen to burn it up — which leaves a lot of toxic unconsumed food residue in our bodies, and results in chronic diseases occurring on an unprecedented scale.

Hear this loud and clear: the problem is not enough oxygen.

Excess of carbon dioxide is a secondary result.

And the entire problem is caused by killing plants, both on land and sea.

Repeat that as often as necessary to get it firmly through your heads and then carry the message forward. Talk about it. Send letters about it. Make a noise!

Plants use carbon dioxide as a building block to grow and increase their mass, and they expel oxygen as a waste product of this process.

When you kill the plants, two things happen — (1) oxygen levels fall (no plants producing oxygen), and (2) carbon dioxide levels increase (no plants using up carbon dioxide).

The idiot measures to artificially decrease the amount of carbon dioxide —-which harms the ability of the plants to survive by depriving them of the material they need to live—-is not only unspeakably stupid, it’s criminal.

Those who planned and executed the Fukushima disaster did this as a deliberate act of pollution and they intended deliberate mass death within the Pacific Biome as a result.

Next, they raised their hands above their heads and started wailing about just one of the results– the build up of unused carbon dioxide in the atmosphere– and they propose to use this as an excuse to impose draconian taxes on carbon dioxide emissions, which will only worsen the problem they created by killing half the Pacific Ocean flora, while threatening the government of Japan and enriching themselves.

Everyone on Earth needs to recognize what is actually going on here behind the Papal Curtain and Corporate Veil, and we all need to tear the rest of the gauze off.

At this moment, the Enemy of all mankind is centered in a longitudinal ley line array with key points just west of Prague, just north of Meissen, Germany, and just south of Ulm, Germany. All remaining Light Workers and volunteers need to concentrate on clearing these energy centers and also on clearing another triangle just west of Cologne/Koln, just north of Vienna, and just west of Stuttgart, Germany, in the Pindar (Rhein River Watershed).

All those who feel ill-equipped for an energetic rough and tumble at this time, are advised to concentrate their energy on bolstering Avallon in France. Remember that I told you that the Kingdom of Camelot (actually Camelotte) is in France, and all the legends of “Avalon” are those of Avallon, in France, also.

Fully inform all members of all governments worldwide, and most especially, the delegations to the United Nations and the Justices of the World Court.

Put down the Paris New Green Deal with a thump and face the actual problem that has been created in your midst.

The remaining Fey are leading the charge, but the people of the Earth must rise to defend themselves from these criminals, must make use of their True God-given abilities.

See this article and over 3000 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com

03 24 21 Message to the World Court: Dateline 23rd March 2021



By Anna Von Reitz

The United States of America — our Federation of States — was never incorporated. It is a Lawful Person.

The present crisis is nothing but the end result of a national-level identity theft and credit fraud racket, with multiple bankruptcy frauds added on top of that, all implemented via a double-impersonation scheme, and washed down with more attempts to latch onto living people as private property.

Mr. Bill Gates, Mr. Anthony Fauci, and their European compatriots have endeavored to convert innocent people into property by injecting patented mRNA into our gene codes, and claiming that they have thereby created new genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) at a cellular level — thus trying to take advantage of a loophole in the Patent Laws administered illegally and improperly by SERCO, INC. allowing this outrage.

Our State Assemblies which have been summoned into Session have taken emergency action to outlaw these repugnant, immoral, and unlawful claims which would otherwise result in the enslavement and further securitization of living people as chattel for the debts of these monsters.

The American States and People, and our lawful unincorporated American Government doing business as The United States of America — are still alive and are the Persons of Interest owed all right title and interest in everything on our soil, including all US CORPORATIONS and USA, Inc. holdings, all land and mineral assets, all mortgages, all land assets, and everything else that is ours by principle and right.

We are not missing; we were never absent.

We didn’t volunteer to be the Administrators or Executors of our own estates and we don’t agree to be the victims of obvious identity theft, fraud, deceit, and Breach of Trust.

It’s true that every corporation chartered in this country owes us money, but it is also true that these facts were not fully disclosed to the American Public, and that our estates have been established and administered by Territorial and Municipal Executors de Son Torte in the face of our living presence for decades without proper action by the international community, including those Principals named as Defendants and Debtors.

Corpus Juris Secundum Estate and Trust Law: “ANY administration on the Estate of a LIVING person is VOID; if it is made to appear that the person was in fact ALIVE at the time such administration was granted, the administration is absolutely VOID”. [Emphasis added.]

This means that every action brought by every Territorial Court and every Municipal COURT Officer acting against average Americans under color of law and the presumptions of the foreign corporation bankruptcies ever since March of 1863 is absolutely void.

This means that all the actual silver and gold, all land, all the actual homes and businesses mortgaged, all the theft of our labor through bondage and fraudulent taxation, all of it is required to be returned free and unencumbered and unharmed to the lawful living owners.

We are not the ones at fault, and those who did this were not acting as our agents.

This ongoing saga is a crime of genocide on paper promoted by self-interested con artists, public employees, who have been acting under color of law and impersonating us, their employers.

The Nazis have a history of paying their bills by killing off their Priority Creditors, and judging from the 800 FEMA Camps that have been built on our shores using our money, this is precisely the fate they have planned for us.

The time has come for everyone on Earth who has a face and a soul to awaken and to take determined, effective, and systemic action to obliterate this threat to mankind and to the Earth once and forever. It’s time for everyone to remember the dark days of World War II and the endless outpouring of aid given to virtually every country on Earth by the Americans.

The American People were never anyone’s enemy. They never sought to cheat anyone. It was “the” US — foreign, incorporated, privately owned and operated commercial corporations in the business of providing “governmental services” that are responsible for the war-mongering, false flags, press-ganging, and other evils that we and the rest of the world have all suffered.

It’s time to realize the parasitic nature of this “beast” made of paper and lies, and it’s time for China to know that it is next on the menu, with Iran for a second course, if we are not assisted in our efforts to bring sanity back and an end to this lawlessness and depravity.

They are our runaway employees. Help us to fire them. They have commandeered our assets. Help us to regain them.

Everyone worldwide who gives a Flying Finger of Fate for their lives and property must wake up. Everyone needs to show their support for our government. Everyone needs to send us prayers and money and skills and everything else that can be mustered to end the incipient Reign of Terror and Theft before it begins—- lawfully and peacefully.

If it is to have any credibility at all, the International Court of Justice must move in our favor. The Vatican Chancery Court must move in our favor. The Court of the Lord High Steward must move in our favor.

We must all take a stand in defense of the Public Law of this country, the International Laws that apply to Fraud, Identity Theft, and Human Trafficking, the Ecclesiastical and Commercial Law concerning the disciplining of corporations and those running corporations, and all Trust Law known to Man.

By: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary

The United States of America

See this article and over 3000 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com

03 24 21 The Esau Story”



 By Anna Von Reitz

Over the past few months I have been receiving tons of mail from apparently well-intentioned people talking about a supposed eternal fight between Jacob and Esau, his older brother, whom Jacob defrauded.

They are picking this up from reading the Book of Esdra, which is a book of scripture that was not included as part of the Bible.

According to Esdra, Esau and Jacob and all their respective progeny are at eternal war with each other, and we are stuck in the middle, choosing sides.

Oh, and did I tell you that Esau is the Bad Guy in this drama?

This is where “blame the victim” got its Big Start, folks.

You will remember that I told you that there are two (2) Gods in the Bible, and especially in the Old Testament, you must attune your ears to recognize their very different “voices”, in order to discern which one is speaking at any given time. This is a case in point.

In the official canon of the scripture which is included in the Bible, we have God Number Two saying, “I have always hated Esau…. but Jacob I have loved…..”

Okay? Well, let’s take a look at the two brothers.

Esau, the oldest, is red-haired and bullish and strong, a hard worker, who goes out and hunts and works the farm and tends the animals and gets things done. He’s a practical, down-to-earth type, not given to daydreaming and intangible things. In today’s world, we would call Esau a man of action.

Jacob, Esau’s younger brother, is dark-haired and handsome, more like the rest of the family, and he is much more effeminate, much more the Momma’s Boy, who is allowed to stay home with Mom and be pampered and not work the hard jobs.

Obviously, within the context of the story, Esau suffers what too many children suffer — parental favoritism, where a parent favors one of their children over the others, and thereby harms all of them. Esau is harmed for lack of maternal love, and Jacob is spoiled by too much of it. He also bears the burdens of the older son and heir apparent — all the hard work and responsibility of taking care of the estate and the herds and needs of the family from an early age.

But getting back to the story, his own Mother actively plots against Esau to defraud him of his birthright that he has worked hard for all his life.

Think about that?

The true God ordained that Esau be born first, because that’s what happened in real life, but a scheming Mother decided to promote the younger son over the older son, and fool her elderly husband, Isaac, into giving his blessing to the younger son.

And Jacob doesn’t resist. He follows along in lock-step with his Mother. They devise a way to make his arms feel hairy like his brother’s and being blind, Isaac gives him the blessing intended for Esau.

They try to defend their actions and claim that Esau “sold” his birthright for a bowl of porridge, but that, too, is based on deceitful contracting practices in breach of trust. There’s no full disclosure. No reason for Esau to take his younger brother seriously.

This entire story is about fraud and deceit, unlawful contracting processes, and worst of all, betrayal of Isaac and disrespect for the True God.

If we are to believe this, the entire foundation of the Chosen People is based on fraud. And lies. And betrayal of trust. And who is the Father of All Lies?

If we don’t recognize which “God” is speaking about how he hates Esau and loves Jacob, we get the impression that our God loves liars and deceivers and con artist Momma’s Boys, because that is what Jacob is.

Yet throughout the Bible and in our own experience, our Father hates lies and liars and gossips. They are on his Top Ten list of Despicable-Creations-I-Have -Allowed-to-Exist, because I gave them freewill to hang themselves.

Are we supposed to think that he, our Creator, who is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, just up-ended his eternal decision and nature, and made an exception, suddenly loving a Liar and Trickster over a truthful man?


In the actual Bible, Jacob returns to his home country after many years away wandering around in Egypt and other places, and he is in dread of meeting his brother, Esau, who stayed home and was blessed in his own way, with many children and abundant herds and possessions.

What will Esau do? Will he take his superior forces and fall upon Jacob and his family, take whatever they have, and maybe kill them all in vengeance? No. In the actual Bible, the two brothers meet, make peace about the past, and Esau helps Jacob find a place and settle down.

That’s what the actual Bible says, and the actual Bible should be believed, if only because it shows the power of forgiveness, the strength of brotherhood in good men who honor their God-given responsibilities, and the Way of Peace, which doesn’t spoil the present because of the past.

It’s Esau who makes this happy resolution possible.

And the True God? The True God blessed Esau abundantly, and saw him well-settled and happy on the land of his Fathers, at peace, and doing what he loved to do.

Jacob was stuck wandering around like a lost sheep in a storm, facing one horrible conflict and loss after another, selling his beautiful wife’s favors for his own advantage, losing his favorite son (or so he believed for many years), wrestling with the Devil at Bethesda and losing ten of his sons and their tribes to Baal worship…..losing Rachel, never properly valuing his first wife, Leah — let’s face it: Jacob was a mess. Drama was his middle name.

Esau was blessed, despite Isaac’s mistake. And if Jacob was blessed, it would have been Big News to him, because his whole life was one big learning session after another.

So let’s read the whole story as the actual Bible tells it, with discernment, and realize that no, Esau and Jacob were reconciled within their own earthly lifetimes. It is extremely unlikely any ill-will continued between them, much less extended into the far future of today; and, there are certainly other Biblical explanations for the conflict that is ever-present among us.

For example, the conflict between Cain and Abel. Clearly, this gave rise to two completely different mindsets and kinds of people, and clearly, the two brothers were so opposed that their conflict ended in murder. And once again, we have an unidentified “God”, protecting a wrong-doer by placing a special mark or sign above his head.

Would our Father, the True God, protect and condone a murderer and egotist who could do such a thing and shrug and say, “Am I my brother’s keeper?”

This is “God Number Two” at work again, putting in a cameo appearance in the rest of the narrative— Satan protecting his own.

What happens to Cain? He went to the Land of Nod (forgetfulness: he forgot about killing his brother, didn’t even consider what he’d done) and built cities.

And what do we find today? Hordes of city-dwellers who are under the sway of the money delusion, cut off from the Earth, encouraged to be selfish and materialistic and thoughtless and politically correct. Many have the same exact thought and attitude as their Father and when asked, will look at you like dumb animals and say, “What’s it to me?”

They never heard the answer to their question, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” because the True God didn’t speak to them.

Now, please, take away a worthy lesson — the Bible is a tricky book. You can read it many ways and it is up to you to see what you see in it, but being forewarned that you should take nothing for granted, read it with discernment, so that you can distinguish between the two “Gods” who speak from its pages, and find the truth in what it reveals.

See this article and over 3000 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com

03 23 21 Modus Operandi of the Criminals



By Anna Von Reitz

Just change the meaning of the words. Or the labels. Or use slightly different words — and attach new meanings to them.

This is how the criminals create codes — including Federal codes, so that they can speak a different language in broad daylight, without other Americans knowing what is being said.

You will remember that they changed the meaning of “person” to mean “corporation” during the Civil War dust up, and also changed the meaning of “state” and such common phrases as, “Do you understand?”

And they always do this for specific reasons: (1) to avoid criminal charges; (2) to defraud others; (3) to obscure what they have done; (4) to promote theft; and (5) to legalize illegal acts— especially after the fact.

No surprise that they are “at it” again, only this time, it’s changing the definitions of “pandemic” and “vaccine” and “herd immunity” among other key words needed to discuss the current boondoggle.

They are rushing to change the definitions so that they can’t be held accountable for promoting fraud. Again. Where does this end?

Who is going to stand up and take control of this miasma of miserable criminality?

Read on: Facebook friends will need to go to my website, www.annavonreitz.com to see this content, because of the censorship issues.

Words That Changed Meaning in the Midst of COVID-19

If you are as sick of this dishonesty as I am, please go to: www.TheAmericanStatesAssembly.net and get involved in the pushback that is long, long overdue.

See this article and over 3000 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com

03 23 21 The Truth Counts



By Anna Von Reitz

One big problem with Fulford and his “reports” —- he always makes assumptions based on his experiences in Asia and what the Asians tell him. We have FDR on movie film admitting that the Federal Reserve was initially funded with 6,000 tons of gold looted from the Americans, not any Asian gold deposited with the New York Fed. That was a separate issue, especially as all the Federal Reserve Banks are completely separate entities.

Sitting here between the worlds of East and West it is easier to sort out the Whole Truth. It wasn’t that Asians weren’t getting paid for their goods, though it may have looked that way to them. It was a matter of the “pipeline” carrying the goods and the money, both. The transfer mechanisms were all controlled by the Rockefellers, and later by the Generals of both the U.S. and China.

The Generals on both sides colluded to siphon off the money flowing from the West and the goods flowing from the East. Both militaries and the politicians associated with them gorged themselves on Chinese labor and American money.

This is how the “Secret” Space Force was funded. This is how the vast Chinese land forces, the cities in the Gobi Desert, and so many other Chinese development activities have been built and maintained.

Now they are all trying to circle the wagons and blame each other and blame the civilian politicians, but the Truth is that both the U.S. Military and the Chinese Military are to blame for stealing from our mutual trade pipeline. This has been set up to make it look like the Americans weren’t paying their bills, and like the Chinese were being victimized, but the Truth is plain to see.

Neither side would have continued to trade if they weren’t benefiting from it.

The benefit to both sides was the existence of a huge and readily accessible Slush Fund that they could secretively use to fund military and industrial projects without having to deal (much) with the civilian politicians.

And all without the public in either country knowing. So now we know.

The money has been spent, the goods have been purchased, and here we all sit. The economic “pump” is grinding slowly to a standstill, because we are all too stupid and selfish to deal with reality. There are those who want to go to war over this in hopes of killing off sufficient numbers of their Priority Creditors; indeed, this war is already launched in America — the only place on Earth where any “health emergency” exists.

It is clear now that those who have been fully vaccinated are dying at the same rate as the general population. It is also clear that the overall death rate is the same, statistically, as it has always been, with respect to flu virus and seasonality of the Common Cold.

It is also clear that those responsible for all this have ties to the old Nazi Party, but not as people initially think —- not the German Nazi Party. We are facing—primarily—- the French Nazi Party, which also had many adherents in Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg.

Examination of the bank records in Monaco and Liechtenstein and Rome have proven that the Vichy French did not just disappear after the war, and that they were the primary beneficiaries of Hitler’s Empire. The plans for this present situation were put in place as early as 1910. We are dealing with a vast international, multi-generational crime syndicate, with the kingpins operating out of the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Switzerland.

The BIS was established to keep a lid on all the theft and banking chicanery. The World Bank was created to channel the profits. Thus we have the pillar and the post of Freemasonry sitting here in broad daylight, pretending to be anything and everything, but what they are.

Unlike their German Nazi counterparts who were hunted and forced to flee to the far corners of the Earth to try to eke out lives for themselves (many German Nazi soldiers ended up as mercenaries working for the French Government in Southeast Asia — especially in Vietnam, South America, and Africa).

The Vichy French are also the connection to the continuing criminality in Canada.

Finally, it takes no great eyesight to see that the French have been at the center of the Nazi Globalist Movement for a very long time, even before Hitler, and that they were in turn the instruments and agents of the corrupt elements of the Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church, both. Both these major bastions of Catholicism have been used as storefronts and as safehouses for criminals.

Just as we tend not to think about the Vichy French when we think of “Nazis”, we tend not to think of the Eastern Orthodox Church as a problem akin to the Roman Catholic Church, but bear in mind that just as the German Nazis and French Nazis were born of the same political ideology, the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Church of Roman share the Roman legacy in common— which means that the same Roman paganism that co-opted the Church at the Council of Nicaea spread to the East as well as the West.

Note well Prince Philip’s Greek origins, his family ties to the Eastern Orthodox Church (his Mother became a nun in the Eastern Orthodox Church) and his connections to the Vichy French Governor of Ottawa, who delivered $950 Trillion dollars worth of “Life Force Value Annuities” to Prince Philip in April of 2017, exactly three days before he “retired” from public life.

There is much more to be observed, like the physical similarities between Lord Mountbatten, Prince Philip, Prince Charles, and the most talented of all the German Nazi Lieutenants, Reinhard Heydrich —- a similarity so pronounced that Prince Charles is never photographed in left profile.

And why is it, you may ask, that Eva Braun, a professional photographer, never allowed her beloved Adolph to be photographed from a complementary angle and always with a ridiculous moustache? We would have noticed his facial and physical similarity to George V.

The same sorts of issues apply to the entire Bush-Walker family hegemony running “the” United States. Get out your photos and look at GHWB, GW, and former Alaska Governor Bill Walker. Now look at Jeb Bush and former Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. Now look closely at former VP Al Gore and U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski — same family, the Gore Family, and they are in turn related to the Chicago Daley Clan.

And you wonder why Lisa Murkowski is famous as a RINO? Get out your spectacles and look—- simply look at the world around you.

These people are all Nazis. Prescott Bush funded Adolph Hitler, and thanks to the Vichy French and traitors in America, and traitors in the British Government, including members of the Queen’s own family, guess who got to be President?

So how do you get rid of Satanism or Nazism or any bad idea?

Can you fight such a foe on a battlefield or even in a courtroom? No, you must fight such evil in your own mind and heart. You must examine the teachings of these ideologies and discern why innocent people would support them? And then you must remove those motivations.

Just as we rear-ended their plot to re-label people as animals and then via a phony vaccination gain the right to claim that everyone vaccinated was a Genetically Modified Product (GMO) at a cellular level, and therefore “property” belonging to their corporations, we can deprive them of their money and their profit motives and their rationales.

As we sit here at the start of 2021, watching the world economy implode via planned demolition, we seem stymied and confused, unable to take action because we can’t interpret what’s going on.

Well, here’s a start. The practical problem lies with the BIS and World Bank, both of which are hopelessly crooked. After that, it lies with the Securities and Exchange Commission and the various so-called “depository trust company corporations” like the DTCC. These “depository trust company corporations” have been used to unlawfully securitize living flesh and to unlawfully convert international trade into international commerce.

Last, but not least, we can hold the ecclesiastical authorities responsible for the proliferation of all these forms of corporations and their resulting business models, accountable.

I recently read two articles that matter — one proclaimed that every war in history has been preceded by a theft, and another that observed that the destruction of the world has occurred twice before, once by fire, once by flood, and now, it is coming to us from the air, that is, from the realm of ideas and mental constructs, both good and bad.

We have been indoctrinated to believe in the existence of such things as “the government” as if it were something separate and apart from ourselves; just as we have been taught to think of political parties and ideologies as being something separate and apart from ourselves.

Now, we must wake up and realize that, no, this isn’t so. All these things exist only in our minds, via a process of compartmentalization, which seems to establish their identity as separate from us —- when in fact, they cannot even exist without our belief in their existence.

Stand in the middle of a courtroom and ask, “Where is the State of Maryland? Does this man, the Prosecutor, represent the State of Maryland?” They will answer, “Yes, he does.”

And then, you may question him —- “And what is the State of Maryland?” —- knowing that it is only a commercial corporation in the business of providing governmental services. “And where is your authority to act for this corporation?”

Go on, children. Have a Field Day. Tear apart and deconstruct this wall of ideas and purported authorities, choosing among them only those that faithfully serve your best interests to believe in.

As one of my favorite film heroes, Hub McCann, instructed his young Grand-nephew: you don’t believe in things because you can hold them in your hand. You believe in them because they are worth believing in. Thus, we believe in love, even though we cannot see it. We believe in freedom, even if we have never experienced it.

And we must realize that we have the ability to choose what we believe in.

Do we believe in a world where we are helpless, brainless dolts? Mere slaves to a hodge-podge of bankers and securities brokers (and their collaborating insurance agents and bureaucrats) who make their livings from legalized theft of our assets?

Are we Slaves who meekly hand our proxies to “representatives” chosen for us by faceless, nameless political parties who no longer even try to deliver on their promises? Political Parties that can’t even mount a roster of candidates faithful to their own platforms?

Not me, Brother. I will not be overwhelmed by such nonsense and puerile guile. I won’t participate in it, just because it appears to be the only show in town.

I will choose other ideas and other forms of government.

Globalism is nothing but the newest shade of failed doctrines and bad ideas, the ghost of Nazism, the shadow of the Holy Roman Empire —- all things founded on fraud and doomed to fail.

We each need to found our world on the solid bedrock of truth and fairness, and when we do, we find that the evil in High Places flees from the light of rational thought. We can discern the difference between what is imagined and what is real. We can enjoy the peace and security we are owed.

Go to: www.TheAmericanStatesAssembly.net and get started toward a New World that you choose and create.

See this article and over 3000 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com

03 23 21 Confusion Regarding Fraud



 By Anna Von Reitz

The spell-binding effect of the fraud and confusion is self-evident as indoctrination — the many assumptions that we all consciously and unconsciously embrace as a means to navigate day to day.

In this country, many people assume that they are Americans and some form of “US Citizen” at the same time. We routinely accept such things as Daylight Savings Time. We stand in lines. We answer police questions. We endorse checks without limitations. We skip over the details of history, if we pay attention to history at all.

We are all so busy just dealing with life, paying bills, working, trying to raise families —- that the shortest line between Point A and Point B and the simplest possible explanation always seems to be the preferable answer, even if it’s not the right answer.

Many people are trying to recapture the funds that were raised by bonding their name and “monetizing” it — without realizing that securitization of living flesh is a crime, and without realizing that for them, those bonds are not profits. They are debts that unlawfully convert free men and women into indentured servants.

The profit from this illegal trade which is a form of human trafficking, was long ago eaten up by the Perpetrators and Expediters — the Depository Trust Company Corporation, which securitized the Birth Certificate associated with your birth event and issued the bonds, the Bank of New York Mellon which received the funds from the bond sales, the Vatican Bank which took its cut off the top, the Bank of Canada which took the Queen’s cut, before returning the rest of the plunder to the Federal Reserve Banks — which they then loaned out under the fraud of fractional reserve banking to create (and attach) even more debt to the phony Municipal CORPORATION, which was also constructed under conditions of fraud and used to “stand for you” as a public slave.

Don’t seek after the rewards of crime against you. It only makes you an accomplice and beneficiary of those crimes.

Rather, stand against them for what they are — acts of self-interested fraud and Breach of Trust. Don’t believe in the existence of these THINGS, and they have no choice but to disappear, upon your demand.

The simple Maxim of Law is that fraud vitiates everything it touches.

The first fraud was to presume that you were a Territorial U.S. Citizen. The second fraud was to securitize and bond your Name as such–unlawfully converting you, an American, into a British Territorial Citizen and indentured bondservant owned by the British Crown.

The third fraud was to impersonate you as a Municipal citizen of the United States, thus unlawfully converting your Proper Name a second time, to create Municipal CITIZENS — corporations of various kinds, owned and operated in your name by the Verminous Oligarchs running the Municipal Government of Washington, DC.

It’s all fraud against you, first to last and top to bottom.

So don’t bother mucking around, learning all the excuses the Perpetrators have offered for this circumstance, their Breach of Trust, their flagrant criminality — any of it. There are no excuses.

Don’t get tangled up trying to administer their legal fictions for them, pretending (or agreeing) to be the Executor of your own estate, or similar efforts. All that does is get you into closer proximity to the skunk(s) and their gigantic sting operation.

And what smells like a skunk can too easily be mistaken for a skunk, even when you are just making an honest mistake and trying to haul your chestnuts out of their firestorm of debt and dishonesty.

They took advantage of their positions of trust to unjustly enrich themselves. They created public trusts for the purpose of pillaging them. They unlawfully converted the natural political status of millions of Americans to do this.

All the corporations they created are forfeit to the actual people whose names and identities were abused to promote this unimaginably large bunko scheme.

And this is true on a worldwide basis, whether the banks and securities corporations like it, or whether they don’t.

Fraud vitiates everything, wipes even the most solemn contracts and treaties away, as if they never existed. Everything associated with fraud is null and void as the Italians say, “ab initio” — from the initiation.

So, as it turns out, Constantine did not grant the lands and holdings of the Western Roman Empire to the Roman Catholic Church. And that excuse for claiming the existence of “commonwealth” interests related to the former Roman Empire goes right out the window.

Good-bye to the Holy Roman Empire, and good riddance to bad rubbish.

So, as it turns out, King George arrogantly contracted with the American Indians via Treaties, that he subsequently evaded and dishonored with the collusion of his Cousin, George Washington.

Notice that the name “George” is common as dirt in that family, and means “Farmer” — as in one who “farms” others, uses us as “livestock” and profits by our death and dismemberment.

There were plenty of good and earnest patriots who suffered and died in the Revolution, fully believing in freedom and brotherhood and the justice of what they fought for.

There were also cads and scam artists and bad actors who profited themselves and their own schemes on the backs of those patriots, and so we find that King George’s evasion of his Treaties with the Natives became the driving force behind these less savory elements and their pursuit of The War of Independence.

It was only later, in the grips of what was supposed to be a brief salubrious war of political convenience, culminating in a resounding victory for King George III against the Americans, of course, that George Washington apparently realized that this was his chance to set up an American Kingdom.

So while he started out doing damage to his old foes, the Delawares, Lenapi, Mikmaks, and Iroquois, George Washington turned out to be a triple-crossing rat—- converting a war of political convenience into an actual war, and then, later, selling out America’s control of her international interests back to the British Crown.

There is a reason that the Washington Monument is a giant phallic symbol.

My point to all of you, is that we are best served by exposing the fraud and the criminality of the abuse we have suffered, so as to rouse the conscience of our fellow-man and create the inescapable awareness of the political pundits—- plus all those bureaucrats and private law enforcement personnel they have been using to plunder and pillage the very people they are under contract to protect.

Our job is to deny them plausible deniability, expose the fraud, and enforce the Public Law — remembering always that fraud is fraud, and piracy is piracy— and studiously avoiding stepping in either pile.

See this article and over 3000 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com




By  Anna Von Reitz

As of the first week of October 2017 the Municipal UNITED STATES ceased functioning. Attempts to replace it with a UN Corp “Regional Government” have thus far been successfully rebuffed and prevented.

That leaves us to deal with the Territorial United States government, which is controlled by the military and has substantially different rules and procedures than the old Muni government.

As a result some of the recommendations I have made to people in the past either no longer apply or require tweaking to make them work in this altered scenario.

Those who got their paperwork done and in before October 2017 are grandfathered in and have their records established via the old Muni process. They have to be recognized as civilians.

Those who didn’t do this have to follow a different process which has yet to be negotiated to the same ends– correction of the public record, reclaiming ownership of your Name/NAMES, and recognition of your civilian status with respect to the military government.

The criminals in charge have made a great hash of things.

It will require a lot of effort to correct and some confusion is unavoidable. Just remember the key points — you are no kind of “citizen” but are a civilian non-combatant “national”.Make use of all means to establish public claim of your Names/NAMES as of your actual birthday. This can be accomplished by publication in newspapers, sealed registered mail record copies, Certificates of Assumed Names, formal name changes followed by Acknowledgement, Acceptance, and Re-Conveyance of Deed and Title to the land and soil of your birth state recorded with the local Land Recording Office. A Corrected Deed to your Name and Estate –land, etc., can be used to the same effect.

Whatever means and route you use to claim back your Name and Estate, it will be necessary to begin carrying copies of paperwork with you, ready to produce as part of your identification process.

Mr. Trump was doing the best he could with a bad situation.

Our country as a whole is indeed facing an emergency of sorts. Now more than ever it is imperative that those born in this country claim their names and their natural political status and organize their county jural assemblies.

There is not a moment to waste. Your destiny and the destiny of your country depends on your willingness to set the records straight and organize the local county government you are owed.

Assistance is available from https://theamericanstatesassembly.net/

In addition, given the history and the current state of affairs, it seems only prudent for people to make the effort to set aside emergency stocks of food, fuel, water and yes, some silver coinage.

I am now and will continue to benefit somewhat if you decide to make use of the Mint Builder opportunity offered by Paul to acquire some silver, but the real benefit may be to you and to your families to get serious about a moderate amount of preparation for possible disruptions.

At present there is no better or other option on the table than to fall back to using gold for international transactions and silver for domestic purchases.

I am hopeful that we will get through the woods and be able to ultimately outgrow our belief in money and be able to transition to a more enlightened system of value soon but, until then, a transition via the old gold and silver standard is in my opinion likely to happen.

See this article and over 3000 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.


03 21 21 Canned Laughter



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 By Anna Von Reitz

Another reason I stopped watching television years ago is the use of canned laughter.   I hate canned laughter and I can always discern it; it grates on my nerves and makes me feel oddly cross.

Imagine waking up one morning and you are the only one left alive, so you are listening to old reruns of ancient television shows to pass the time, hearing the canned laughter and knowing those people are dead and still cut off too abruptly in time for the next one-liner.

To me, it has always felt like someone was standing in the background manipulating me and “telling” me when to laugh and when to be silent and I naturally question that.

Why should it be necessary (or desirable) to trigger laughter?

It turns out that laughter triggers endorphins and other “feel good” chemicals. By inducing laughter the Svengali behind the screen gives us the idea that we are having a good time —- whether or not we really are. That brings us back for more.  That encourages us to sit through boring commercials.  That keeps us “tuned in”.

There is an entire science committed to triggering our physical responses in order to induce mental states.  They have formulas for how to induce every emotion you can imagine.  The easiest emotion to provoke is fear and the hardest to trigger is love, but within that wide spectrum they labor to play you like a stringed instrument.

They even tune their programming to a “target resonance” trying to keep the audience in a specific range of “response states”.   So, yes, Virginia, there is a reason why PBS has its own feel and why Fox News comes across as having more conservative values when in fact it is delivering much of the same prepackaged drivel as the others.

Things have gotten so far advanced that actors and actresses are rated and paid according to their ability to provoke your emotions—- good or bad, and by their ability to provoke a variety of responses or their ability to provoke one consistent response.

Danny De Vito makes us laugh, but it’s a particular kind of almost painful laughter. Clint Eastwood easily arouses our feelings of righteous outrage and relief. Meg Ryan makes men feel protective toward her. And Tom Hanks is that rare thing— a chameleon who can provoke almost any emotion he wishes to provoke.

Taken together, these actors are like a color palette that the screenwriters paint on your TV screen, and use to imprint programming on you.

This programming can be good or bad.

They can inspire you to be better parents as easily as they can terrify you.

Like so many other aspects of the Fake World, the whole point is that you are being purposefully manipulated — and depending on who is doing the manipulating and what motivates them, the impact on you and on our world can be deduced and evaluated.

Next time you sit down in front of the TV to ingest your daily dose of programming—- as in computer programming—- set a timer for five minutes.

After five minutes, break the input stream and check how you feel?

Set the timer for another five minutes…. check how you feel.

Do this at random for a few days and you will be able to discern exactly what these programmers are aiming for—- and how they are manipulating you for profit.

Big profit.

Over the past hundred years what started out as art has become science.  The BBC motto, “Listen and obey.” might more aptly be recast as “Monkey see, monkey do.”

The most obvious and harmful such programming comes from the shadiest sources—- the pornography industry, which blatantly and with routine success stimulates sexual responses and behaviors of whatever kind they wish to promote.

And experience has proven that no matter how depraved a particular behavior might be, there is always a market for it and that market grows depending on how many people are exposed to “the product”—- which is really the complex cocktail of chemicals it triggers in response to visual and auditory cues.

It’s not that TV is addicting.  It’s our physical responses to TV that are addicting.

We are not any different than Pavlov’s dog —- except that we have the potential to realize that we are being played and zombified and reduced to a pile of chemicals using audio-visual stimuli.

That and it’s dangers is what I am bringing to your attention today.

Full grown men don’t suddenly have a hankering to rape little girls.  This is an unnatural aberrant behavior that is being induced deliberately via these same sorts of programming.

All manner of such perversions are being mainstreamed by deliberately connecting them into the stimulus-response grid that movie and television companies have mapped out —- and that is why Hollywood is to be held responsible for the “messaging” it is putting out—- because that messaging is harmful as well as profitable.

This stimulus of emotional and physical responses has another dark aspect and that is the widening epidemic of “adrenal failure”.

People watch TV for the emotional and physical “thrills”—- and a big part of what the junkies crave is their own Adrenalin response; however, our bodies were never designed for such constant stimulation.  It should be no surprise that the overworked adrenal glands give out.

And then what?

A death spiral of chronic disease conditions and system failures that is more disgusting and frightening than any horror movie— only now it is happening in real life to people you know.

The New Plague of adrenal failure and its causes is not a mystery.  It’s one of the dangers of constantly over-stimulating your own internal chemistry factories— the adrenal glands— and wearing them out.

So what can we do to protect ourselves and our children from The Box?

We can become aware of the clear and present danger in our living room. We can realize it’s potential to harm and manipulate and addict people under the guise of entertainment.

We can stand back from “the show” and analyze it.  We can ask— what are they feeding me today?  How does that make me feel? Am I being harmed or helped by this?

Five minutes spent outside listening to birds chirping and wind blowing does more for your health and mental well-being than you can currently imagine, because The Box has disconnected you from the natural world and it’s beneficial, life-enhancing program.

When I say, “Come out of Babylon!” I am saying something far broader than any exhortation to leave certain political and religious institutions behind.  This is a call to examine the way you are living, what you are doing, and what is being done to you.

You and I face implacable and evil forces bent on destroying us in pursuit of profit.

The only weapon we have in this “war” is the truth and our own ability to observe the dangers of our situation and the profit-driven motives of those forces arrayed against us.

We can deny them profit by turning the knob and flicking the switch.  We can deny them profit and redirect their activities by deliberately selecting only that programming that is beneficial to us.  That’s the carrot.

And, by working together, we can also apply The Stick—- and sue and liquidate corporations that have harmed the Public Good for their own profit.

Corporations that have abused the people with destructive products and practices need to be fined, regulated, placed under new management and/or liquidated—- not simply re-branded under another name and allowed to continue their predatory behavior.

It is not an accident that Hollywood moguls Big Tech tycoons are among the biggest investors in medical technology.  They know they are making us sick, so logic dictates The Next Big Thing for their own investments.

The next thing they will distort and manipulate for profit will, predictably, be health care.

If we all stand around like cows in a feedlot and allow this “program” to proceed, our quality of life will be ruined and the destruction of mankind is assured—- simply because tearing us down has become more profitable than building us up.

Only we can change this horrifying situation by becoming aware of it and making new choices and creating new political and market dynamics.

See this article and over 3000 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com

03 21 21 The Nazis All Moved West



 By Anna Von Reitz

IG Farben was one of the biggest chemical and drug producers in the world. It was a major German Defense Contractor.  It was the manufacturer of the Zyklon-B gas used to kill people in the concentration camps.

After the end of the Second World War:

IG Farben is liquidated by George Soros, rebranded as Moderna.

Jeffrey Epstein the largest single shareholder in Moderna

Anthony Fauci was the first President of Moderna.

Fauci was Bill Gates’s roommate at Cornell.

Bill Gates designed RFID at Cornell.

Patent US 2006257852.

They are all Nazis.

Wake up!



Often my readers get overwhelmed with too many words.

This one is short and sweet.

Take in the information.

Think, think, think.

All Nazis


Gates stole his ideas and patented ancient technologies

Discovered in Africa, the Middle East, and Serbia

Serbia is the connection to Tesla, too.

Soros the Money Man.

Gates the Patent Man.

Epstein the Pusher.

GHWB the Killer.

Fauci the Face.

Pigeons all.

For Wettin.

House of.

Oppenheimer – I am become death – Death Cult Member

Warburgs and Grand Duchy of Luxembourg /Vaduz

Dutch East India Company “lost at sea”

Bottomry Bond Fraud of 1702 is key.

Benvenistes of Aragon/Castille

Royal Baillies & Templar Nasi:

House of David Princes

Mendes of Antwerp

Flanders Empire

Paris Central

French Third




Vichy French

Swiss Connection Davos

UN CORP 1943 French Incorporation

The United Nations Organization Charter 1945

The Hidden Flanders/Swiss/Vichy Empire in 1946

The British Raj in India “Om Rajasthani Sutra” of Kashmir

Lost Holy Family of the North Gate Kashmir

The Tomb of Our Mother, Mary.

The Mirror of Destiny

Lost Israel / Disraeli

Empress of India

Many waters




To know the life of a crystal is to know the life of all.

Order out of chaos: the energetic templates.

Magick, pure and impure, before the Romans.

Council of the Lords of the Isles.

The Lords of Camellotte

The Lords of Dwarka

The Orions come

Three castes

One ruler

Two sides

One coin

We have settled our bones in the Earth and become the grass.

We have loved each other too dearly.

We have learned to laugh.

Death no longer scares us.

Numbers and words no longer deceive us.

See this article and over 3000 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com

03 20 21 Let’s Put It to Rest



By Anna Von Reitz

The very words– “Public School”— have different meanings — in Britain, “Public School” means “private school”.  Harrow is a Public School.  Eton is a Public School — in Britain.

Here, the words “Public School” have by a process of usurpation come to mean “District School” or “Federal School” — anything and everything but what Americans expect when they hear the words “Public School”.

These omissions and differences result in semantic deceits and obfuscations that are easily turned to political uses.

Here’s a great example.  We have taught you some basic English Grammar, which includes the Definite Article as the Proper Name of unique Things, as in The United States of America, which is the Proper Name of this country in international jurisdiction.

Whenever you see “the” United States of America, you are looking at something entirely different — the British Territorial Government, which operates via the exercise of our Delegated Powers conveyed by The Constitution of the United States of America.

Look closely.  See “the” — not “The”— in The Constitution of the United States of America?   The reference is to the British Territorial entity operating under our explicitly Delegated Powers.

Now, finally knowing this Flying Factoid, it becomes possible for people to rightly interpret which “United States of America” is being discussed at any given time, as in this excerpt from a historian blog, in which “Anonymous” was blaming the Americans for making “whiteness” a requirement for people to be Naturalized, ——but was in fact unwittingly demonstrating that the Offender wasn’t the American Government at all.  It was the British Territorial Government that made “whiteness” a requirement — read the words, notice the Definite Article:

United States Congress, “An act to establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization” (March 26, 1790):

“Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That any Alien being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof on application to any common law Court of record in any one of the States wherein he shall have resided for the term of one year at least, and making proof to the satisfaction of such Court that he is a person of good character, and taking the oath or affirmation prescribed by law to support the Constitution of the United States…etc”

United States Congress, “An act to establish an uniform rule of Naturalization; and to repeal the act heretofore passed on that subject” (January 29, 1795):

“SEC.1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That any alien, being a free white person, may be admitted to become a citizen of the United States…

An Act To establish an uniform rule of Naturalization and to repeal the acts heretofore passed on that subject, Approved April 14 1802 US Statutes at Large Vol 2 pp 153 155:

“Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled That any alien being a free white person may be admitted to become a citizen of the United States or any of them on the following conditions and not otherwise”.

It was only in 1870 that the naturalization was extended to “aliens of African nativity and to persons of African descent.”

And that was in tandem to the plot to gratuitously confer U.S. Citizenship on the victims for the purpose of re-enslaving them as public property.

Look at the words.  Look at the way the name is styled. It is not our American Government doing any of this; it was always our British Employees stirring the racial pot and placing obstacles in the way of people of color.

It was the British Territorial Government running “the” United States of America that abolished slavery with one hand by creating the Thirteenth Amendment to their corporate “constitution”, and permanently enshrined slavery with the other hand, via the Fourteenth Amendment to that same document.

Thus all the “freed” black plantation slaves were converted from being private property to being public property, and they were unlawfully conveyed—human trafficked— into this hitherto unknown political status known as “citizen of the United States”, by the same British Territorial Government.

And they have been kept suppressed in this same disadvantaged Third Class citizenship status ever since.

The only advance was made in the 1960’s when they gained “equal Civil Rights” —- equal to the Natural and Unalienable Rights enjoyed by other Americans — but which are actually “privileges” that can be suspended at will by the members of Congress.

Please note that these “equal civil rights” are suspended right now, together with all constitutional guarantees, for all Territorial and Municipal Employees and all their presumed Dependents.

Every black “person” in America is presumed to be “at war” and to be an “unknown combatant”, a fugitive, a criminal, and a debtor belonging as property to the Municipal United States Government and the British Territorial United States Government, jointly, because each such “person” has been defined as a Dual Federal Citizen and as a Public Trust to be pillaged at will by the Perpetrators of this fantastic injustice.

This has been going on and expanding ever since the end of the hostilities in the so-called American Civil War, and none of it can be placed at the feet of the American Government.

Instead, Americans of all colors and creeds have suffered as one, as a direct result of these same unholy and illegal and unlawful usurpations made against us in Gross Breach of Trust and Commercial Service Contract by our foreign Federal Subcontractors.

Let’s make an end to this caste system illegally imposed upon our soil by our British Employees and put an end to the “misunderstanding” with regard to The United States of America versus “the” United States of America, too.

We, the actual American Government, have been painted with the racial prejudice brush by the very people who have created, maintained, and profited themselves from this bitter apartheid based on different kinds of “citizenship” and the resulting convenient Public Policy of enslavement.

The actual American Government has no such history of racial or social class prejudice.

Our people have suffered right along with the original targets of this grotesque and anti-American conspiracy, and we won’t take the blame for it, nor will we tolerate it anymore.

The blame for this returns to the British Monarchs and most especially to the Popes responsible for it.

This is because both of the governmental services corporations responsible, British and Papist, ultimately belong to the Pope.

The Queen in this instance is merely the Pope’s Overseer of the Commonwealth interest in the British Territorial United States Government — so the one person at the bottom of the dog pile, is the Pope, and it has been the responsibility of the various Popes to correct this gross injustice and mis-administration of the British Territorial Government ever since 1865.

Why hasn’t this been addressed?  Why has this evil been allowed to proliferate in our midst when our Will was written in our blood and clearly enunciated and delivered to our Employees and to the other Principals entrusted with the direction of those Employees?

By what imaginable confluence of irony and lack of decency have Americans been blamed for the social repression and caste system of the British aristocracy?  For the actions of the Raj sitting on our shores, causing trouble for us and everyone else in the world?

And by what authority are these Freebooters and Criminals now being allowed to export as much as a centime of our energy and wealth and natural resources to China?

We, Americans, paid for the goods and the gold and the services that the Chinese People extended to us with our labor and our commodities; if the payment was not received, the problem lies with the transfer agents, not with us.

We place these issues firmly on the Public Record for the contemplation of the entire world — and for condemnation by the entire world populace, acting with one voice and one sense of outrage.

It’s time for these deceptions to end and for the Sons of Saturn to depart— not merely beat feet for China and begin the whole parasitic program all over again with different victims in the cross-hairs.

Whether black, white, or Chinese, it is time for the people of this planet to unite and put an end to this depravity and criminality.

See this article and over 3000 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com

03 19 21 Syrian Equals Sirian



By Anna Von Reitz

In the world of ancient history and ancient languages, transliteration is common. Words with similar sounds can be spelled in similar ways in many languages, especially Proper Nouns. This “similar but not the same” phenomenon arises from differences in the languages themselves, and their spelling conventions.

The use of “y” to stand for the “i” sound is relatively recent, so we can surmise that “Sirian” is the more ancient spelling for today’s “Syrian”.

And where does the name “Sirian” appear in ancient scripture and other texts? It occurs in reference to the “Morning Star” — or “Dog Star”, Sirius. Satan is referred to as the “Son of the Morning Star” — a being created at the dawn of time, and forever associated with Sirius, the Morning Star.

So Satan was a Sirian, and we can guess that the “Fallen Angels” — and the other Angels loyal to God, the Creator, were Sirians, too. In the great panoply of Galactic History, we have been told — clearly and concisely – that these angels, whose war has affected our own history, were from Sirius and in our languages, that makes them Sirians. Or Syrians.

And on Earth, we are given good reason to think that they touched down in the Fertile Crescent region, and spread into and populated Syria.

It is this search for the “gods” that has formed the international impetus to invade Syria in the present day—- and created the motivation to destroy much of the archeological evidence of this extraterrestrial colonization by angelic forces, too.

Men seek the power of the angels, because they observe that angels destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, and did many other superhuman things, like flying and disappearing into thin air—- and men think that they will attain these powers by learning the secrets of the angels, which many of them think of in terms of advanced technologies.

After all, if we believe the ancient texts and hieroglyphics discovered in places like Gobekli Tepe, the angels were using advanced technology and engaging in interstellar travel thousands of years ago. We would be stupid to ignore the possibilty that they left valuable information behind— information that could lead to advances in science, technology, and—– of course, warfare.

It was this that prompted the Nazis to begin their worldwide search for ancient archeological sites, and after they found them and extracted anything valuable, it is also what prompted the Nazis to destroy and/or bury so many archeological sites— especially in North Africa.

It would stun many people worldwide to learn that more Nazi bombs were dropped on uninhabited archeological sites in North Africa than any bombing campaign addressed against then- current military targets. Rommel was engaged in a desperate race to uncover, photograph, and then either bury or destroy archeological sites.

The V-2 self-guided (drone) bomb and the Mercury propulsion engine the Nazis were working on at the end of the Second World War were both inspired by ancient archeological findings —the technology of the angels. Much of Nikola Tesla’s work was similarly inspired.

And now, we come to today and the vicious war that has been conducted in Syria and against “Syrians” for the same purposes of discovery and self-interested destruction by modern con artists and war-mongers.

There is no reason to suppose that the people now living in Syria are descendants of the Fallen; instead, there are many sites across the Middle East and also in America that prove the existence of the Nephilim, the race of giants that, according to the Old Testament and many other records, resulted when the ancient Sirians bred with mankind—both the Fallen and the Nephilim are long gone, but modern day Syrians have borne the brunt of invasion by both NATO and Russia, and their innocent people have been made to suffer the destruction of their homes along with their archeological sites and museums.

We should all be appalled on a worldwide basis and we should all condemn the destruction of Syria and of Syria’s archeological sites by both NATO and Russia. This history and the technological discoveries resulting from it belong to all mankind, for better or worse.

It should not matter to us to know that the story of the Holy Family and of Yehushuah far pre-dates anything that happened 2,000 years ago— this story and the moral teachings associated with it came to us from a distant star-system, yet the truths embodied are the same. The principles of eternal life based in eternal love are the same.

The only ones who stand to lose from this denouement are those who have set themselves up as religious leaders — leaders who have prospered on plagiarism and taken advantage of the innocence of their audience.

As for the angelic technology, this is not something that can or should be fought over like bones being contested by a pack of dogs. It is inevitable that this technology will be “discovered” and used worldwide, and it is equally inexorable that we must struggle with the moral questions and practical problems that accrue from this knowledge.

We stand on the doorstep of physical immortality, a time long foretold, wherein disease and disappointment and misery disappear like the morning mist. And this is a good thing, even though it requires us to profoundly change our mind maps and assumptions, and especially our attitude toward procreation.

With everyone living “forever” — relative to our lifespans now — we must alter our care-less ideas and practices about bringing children into this world, review the way we treat children, how we educate them, how we value them, too. The reckless, unthinking, animal-like procreation of earlier times has to go away. and the ability and right to procreate must be taken not only for the divine gift it is, but also the profound responsibility it represents.

The specter of eugenics is being fostered and promoted for practical reasons by those with little imagination and delusions of grandeur, such that they propose to act as the arbiters of our divinity. This cannot be allowed. At the same time, we all bear a new cross — to be taught and to think in terms of the sacredness of life and the responsibility we bear as we bring new life into the Universe.

We call upon all nations to stop the carnage and senseless arms race mentality that has thus far led to the destruction of Syria, and for the creation of a sensible and fair-minded international committee to oversee the excavation of archeological sites worldwide —-and to make the discoveries available worldwide.

In this way we may finally come to value ourselves as part of the Universe and give up the childish egocentricity that has been the hallmark of our history thus far. When we were children, we thought as children — but now that we are men and women, we must set aside childish things, and progress as we are meant to progress as part of All That Is.

We issue this plea to all other nations and all leaders in every country and sphere of endeavor. We cannot do this alone. We cannot overcome the assumptions of power-mongers and the acts of evil men without a very broad-spectrum response from everyone in every country worldwide—saying enough is enough.

We know why you, the Perpetrators, are causing all this war in the Middle East and Ukraine.

We know why you, the Perpetrators, are causing the destruction of much of the human race through these False Vaccines.

There is no protection from the truth. The Truth simply is, and it remains present, in spite of what we might say or do or think.

Stop this genocide and destruction now. Remember that what you do unto others will be done in the same way unto you. This is the literal Law of Creation. Heed it well.

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary

The United States of America

See this article and over 3000 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com