High School Students Expose Principals Dark Hidden Secrets



Read More Articles by Diane Kepus

“How many parents … send their children to school so central planners can mold them into functionally illiterate cogs in a centrally planned machine, having just enough knowledge to do their preassigned task? How will such cogs be able to think critically, much less sustain liberty and the American experiment? The short answer is that they will not – and that is the point. Samuel Blumenfeld and Alex Newman

“Crimes of the Educators – How Utopians are using government schools to destroy America’s children”

I have in the past brought up the topic of how parents are not allowed to know anything about their children’s teachers or principals, but they can know everything about you and your family.

Under Obama’s Federal Education Dept. and the Common Core Data Mining intrusion, teachers were encouraged to ask their students personal family questions to be reported in the children’s files.

Do your Mom and Dad Fight?

Do you go to church and where?

Does your Dad/Mom have a gun?

Do your parents fight?

Thankfully a small Kansas High School newspaper staff felt there was something very wrong about their new principal’s credentials. The students first began by checking on her credentials and they found several discrepancies. Amy Robertson, the newly hired principal had stated she had attended a private university, Corllins University, where she received her master’s and doctorate degrees’ years ago. The students found the university’s website didn’t work and they could find no evidence it was an accredited university.

Things began to heat up when the students published an article in the school paper questioning the legitimacy of the principal’s degrees and her supposed work as an education consultant. The following Tuesday Robertson resigned.

A very important question here is why the hiring school board had not already done this work?

Robertson’s resignation thrust the students into the state and national news, with professional journalists nationwide applauding the students for asking tough questions and prompting a change in their administration.

The student’s newspaper advisor Emily Smith said people were telling them to “stop poking your nose where it doesn’t belong”, but Smith went on to say the students were at a loss that it was so easy for them to see what was just waiting for the adults to see.

In their article, a team of six students — five juniors and one senior — revealed that Corllins had been portrayed in a number of articles as a diploma mill, a place where people can buy a degree, diploma or certificates. Corllins is not accredited by the U.S. Department of Education, the students reported. The Better Business Bureau’s website says Corllins’s physical address is unknown and the school isn’t a BBB-accredited institution.

Connor Balthazor, 17 said, “All of this was completely overlooked. All of the shining reviews did not have these crucial pieces of information … you would expect your authority figures to find this.”

In putting the frosting on the cake, Robertson had been living in Dubai for more than 20 years before being hired as the school’s principal. Robertson had also stated before being hired that all three of her degrees had been “authenticated by the U.S. government.”

Watch their video –

Rare occurrence? Sorry, I am afraid not! Teachers around the country are presenting their personal and social agendas to your children and telling them to NOT tell their parents and seeking jobs in charter schools where it is much easier to get a job if you are uncertified.

We have schools/leadership training all across this country for LGBTQ, Social Justice, Tolerance, Diversity, Equity and Justice and with some teachers, it sits at the head of their classrooms every day of the week.

Did you all forget Obama’s appointment of the country’s first “Safe Schools Czar” Kevin Jennings, a full-fledged GLSEN man – a man known in gay circles for his close proximity to children? No one is saying he is a pedophile, but I have always believed his work was to indoctrinate and recruit young children to “believe” they were gay.

Recently the news broke, that FACULTY members of a charter school in Sandpoint, Idaho were recruiting students to join a “secret gay club”, concealing their activism from parents.

Mary Jensen, the principal of Forrest M. Bird Charter School, colluded with community activists to establish a Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) club at Sandpoint Jr. High School and admitted they acted under secrecy,

“We’re keeping it kind of on the down low because this is North Idaho,” Jensen said in a recording obtained by the nonprofit legal organization. “Kids who wanted to participate in the club did not necessarily want their parents to know.”

School employees even went so far as to hold off-campus meetings with potential GSA students at a local library, without parental consent or involvement.

The club came to light when Jensen, along with staff members Michael Bigley and Becky Campbell, invited a student to participate in the club. When the student’s parents found out, they made it clear to the school’s administration they did not want their child involved. The school ignored the parents’ wishes and continued to send the student to GSA meetings during school hours, and on school property.

What is happening in your schools?

  • A Hillsborough County Public School teacher in Tampa, FL who just happens to be lesbian tried to ban students from wearing crosses to school because she views them as “gang symbols” and blatantly promotes a pro-LGBT agenda,” reportedly retweeted during the school day “favorite queer web series for kids”. The teacher is also a member of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network’s Leadership Institute (GLSEN).
  • Further, she put LGBT stickers on the notebooks her class uses. Her lesbian partner, also a teacher, “dressed as a nun for a school spirit week, complete with a ‘cross necklace’ made of skulls,’ and she singled out students for “false ‘misbehavior’ allegations” after they removed the LGBT stickers.
  • The After School Satanic Clubs, (ASSC) created and pushed by the Satanic Temple are gaining approval around the country with one opening in a Portland, Oregon elementary school. Their leader claims they are “entitled” to have their after-school program wherever the schools are allowing the Good News Clubs to gather. The leader Finn Rezz stated, “Our goal, ultimately, is to place an ASSC in every school where the Good News Clubs, or other proselytizing religious groups, have established a presence,”

But parents, Satanism is not a recognized religion so where are you and what is wrong with your school boards? You do understand don’t you that most of those involved in Human Trafficking and things like Pizzagate are Satanists?

Have you ever heard of the Social Justice Training Institute? One of their faculty, Becky Martinez brags “what I define as my ‘light-switch’ is my role as a change agent.

The quote at the top of this blog was written by the authors of the book “Crimes of the Educators” and it was first published a couple of years ago just before Sam passed away. Sam Blumenfeld was an educator with integrity, loved children and despised what was happening to our children through education. He previously had authored eight books on education and also created a system for teaching your child to read the “right” way. called “Alpha-Phonics. You can find the video’s here.

In Sam and Alex’s book, they explain how in the U.S. utopians, or “progressives,” have tried to destroy traditional America by strategically dumbing down her people. America’s future is being crippled on purpose in order to fundamentally transform the nation, its values and its system of government. Laid out a century ago by progressive luminary John Dewey, the fruits of his schemes are plain to see today. Dewey got rid of the traditional intensive phonics method of instruction and imposed a “look-say,” “sight” or “whole-word” method that forces children to read English as if it were Chinese. The method is widely used in today’s public schools, which is a major reason there are so many failing public schools that cannot teach children the basics. This can only be considered a blatant form of child abuse.

“Crimes of the Educators”  reveals how the architects of America’s public school disaster implemented a plan to socialize the United States by knowingly and willingly dumbing down the population, a mission now closer to success than ever as the Obama administration works relentlessly to nationalize K-12 schooling with Common Core.

This blogger makes no money from promoting this book and every parent concerned about what is happening through the education of their children should read it and know exactly how and what is planned. [Link]

Olddogs Comments!

If I knew of any teacher promoting fagism to my grandchildren I would drag the filthy bastard over a gravel road! This shit has to stop! The next generation of elected leaders will be despots of the lowest order.

If you are a parent, wake the hell up!

The Fruits of Endless War — How Insurance Fraud Funds “Your” Government(s)



By Anna Von Reitz

Let me say it again for the benefit of all those still asleep: there is (1) the actual United States composed of fifty (50) independent sovereign nation-states which are geographically defined, (2) the Territorial United States which only exists on paper composed of (57) fifty-seven incorporated “States of States” such as the State of Washington, and (3) the Municipal United States which also exists only on paper composed of (57) fifty-seven incorporated “STATES OF STATES” such as the “STATE OF OHIO”.

Unfortunately, the perpetrators of this grand fraud were allowed to create these shadow “states” via the loophole provided by Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17 giving the Congress the plenary right to govern the District of Columbia.  So they have. They set up shop for themselves in 1864 and have been operating as a crime syndicate ever since. They have played no end of semantic deceits and made false claims against you and your assets  (a process called “hypothecating debt”) and have indulged in constructive fraud and kidnapping and racketeering and inland piracy at your expense.

As if paying for three levels of government was not enough, the vermin are presently trying to saddle you with a fourth tier of useless eaters—“Regional Government” under “UN” auspices.  I say that because government produces nothing but more government, therefore, if anyone is to be discarded as “useless eaters”, I suggest that it be the bankers and politicians and government workers first in line for permanent lay-offs.

Soon, if this cancerous and fraudulent process of endlessly proliferating government is not stopped, a very tiny segment of the productive population will be laboring day and night to support unproductive government workers and government dependents and all sanity will be turned upside down and on its head.  You will literally be the slaves of your “public servants”.

This is the backdrop for today’s subject matter — the vast insurance fraud that has been used since 1702 as the means to fund government and also the reason why we have endless war in our midst.

The first scam is to seize upon you and your estate while you are still a helpless baby in your cradle.  The liars pretend that you have been “abandoned” at the hospital and that your Mother is a mere “informant”— turning you over as a ward of their “State of State” organization.

Now that they have a false claim to work from, they take out a life insurance policy on their “ward” to profit themselves in the event of your death.  This guarantees that whatever they may have to spend on you— which is usually nothing thanks to your gullible parents— will be returned with profit upon your demise.

Your entire estate— your name, your body, your assets and even your rights— are all rolled over into an ESTATE trust benefiting yet another level of government.  This trust is set up as a generation skipping trust and your “State of State” Guardians obligingly agree (on your behalf and for your own good, of course) that you “agree”—- without ever actually agreeing or even knowing about all this crap going on in the background— to “donate” all your worldly goods and assets to this generation skipping trust and to forego all benefit yourself.

That’s how all YOUR contributions to the IRS become characterized as “gift and estate taxes”.

Now obviously, when you die it is pay off time for the government criminals responsible for this “System”.  Thirty days after YOUR Death Certificate is issued they make a Claim on Abandonment against your ESTATE and they seize it for their own benefit.  They also collect on YOUR life insurance policy.

So now you know why war is so profitable and why it has been constantly perpetuated by the fiends occupying Rome, the City of London, District of Columbia, and the United Nations City State, all of which are owned and operated by three groups of Satanists, most of whom pretend to be Jews “but are not Jews, but a Synagogue of Satan” to quote Jesus.

How to end it?  Well, there are relatively few of them and a great many of us.  If we wise up and refuse to play their ugly games they are shit out of luck.  If we grab the politicians by both ears and bang our dishes on the floor like angry dogs the fear of the electorate will eventually win out over their other base instincts.

Reform of the entire insurance industry so as to put an end to profiting from death is a start.  Refusing to sign any paperwork for any hospital ever again is another. (Did you know that your dead cadaver is worth $11.4 million USD???)  Suing the rats in international court venues and operating our own Federal Postal District Courts to do it, without employing any Bar Association Members, is another.

Educating your friends, family, and neighbors is of paramount importance, as well as getting your own political status firmly declared in public record.  Organizing your county and state jural assemblies comes next.  Signing up and serving your state militias (as opposed, of course, to any “state of state militias” which are illegal commercial mercenary forces) is another big step in the right direction.

Any decent man or woman who holds a Bar Card should tear it up in little pieces, throw it down the toilet, and come join our “Living Law Firm”.  I say that not as a merely moral judgment, but as a practical prescription.  If the Bar Members themselves don’t see why this hideous crap has to stop—and take immediate steps to end it —-  they will be the first ones to go.

Talk to your insurance companies and cancel your policies.  Chances are you are just paying to protect property that a foreign government is pretending to own after lying and saying that you (or your false Guardians at the State of State office) donated your ESTATE to them.

Outright slaughter of those responsible has been suggested, but that just plays into the hands of the vermin in back of it all.  Remember— those people, the ones actually and factually behind all this, don’t care if it is a hospital administrator who dies for condoning and participating in this crime against humanity, or a Congressmen who is strung up in his hometown as an accomplice to it, or an innocent baby who is murdered as a consequence of it.  All they care about is the fact that somebody dies, and they get a big pay off as a result.

So, my dears, in approaching this scenario, it is very important to keep your tempers and to be cold as ice and to be determined as steel that this entire “System” is going to be identified and destroyed— root, stem, and leaf.

Keep calm and get even.  And get going.  Now.  Today.

See this article and over 500 others on Anna’s website here:


Cops Detain Entire School, Illegally Search / Grope 900 Kids — Find NOTHING, Parents Furious



By Matt Agorist

Worth County, GA — Children feel violated, parents are furious, and a lawsuit is getting filed after the Worth County Sheriff’s office conducted an illegal search of 900 students — in the name of the war on drugs. The rights-violating intrusive and aggressive patdowns and drug dog searches yielded absolutely nothing.

On April 14, when the students of Worth County High School returned from spring break, they arrived at school to find a police state had taken over. The sheriff and his deputies — with no probable cause — detained and illegally searched every single child in the school, all 900 of them.

When kids went home that day to tell their parents what happened, naturally, they were furious as it is a gross violation of the children’s 4th Amendment rights.

“It’s essentially a fourth amendment violation,” said attorney Mark Begnaud. “It’s 900 illegal searches, suspicion-less pat downs, suspicion-less searches.”

Naturally, Sheriff Jeff Hobby is standing by this rights violation on a massive scale, noting that as long as a school administrator was present, the search of the children was legal.

Apparently, in the sheriff’s mind, school administrators can usurp the constitutional rights of children in favor of unlawful police searches.

But school officials and the student rule book disagree.

In the student handbook, it says school officials may search a student only if there is reasonable suspicion the student has an illegal item.

As WALB reports, Worth County Schools attorney Tommy Coleman said in order for the Sheriff’s office to search any students, they’d had to have reason to believe there was some kind of criminal activity or the student had possession of contraband or drugs.

“If you don’t have that then this search would violate an individual’s rights,” said Coleman. “[It] violates the constitutional right and enforcing them the right against unreasonable search and seizures.”

Interim Worth County Superintendent Lawrence Walters said he understands parents concerns about the drug search at Worth County High school on Friday, according to WALB.

“I’ve never been involved with anything like that ever in the past 21 years and I don’t condone it,” said Walters.

Walters said he was notified that there was be a search but pointed out that he did not give permission nor did he approve the mass groping of children.

“We did not give permission but they didn’t ask for permission, he just said, the sheriff, that he was going to do it after spring break,” said Walters.

“Under no circumstances did we approve touching any students,” explained Walters.

Adding insult to injury, many students complained that they got far more than just a pat down.

At least one deputy’s searches were found to be “too intrusive.”

According to Hobby, it was later discovered that one of the deputies had exceeded instructions given by Hobby and conducted a pat down of some students that was considered to be too intrusive.

When multiple students complained about being groped by the intrusive deputy, Sheriff Hobby ensured parents and school officials that “corrective action was taken to make sure the behavior will not be repeated.”

Exactly who that cop was and what ‘corrective action’ was taken, remains a mystery.

“I’m okay with them doing the search, if it was done appropriately like the school has done in the past,” said father of two Jonathan Luke. “But when they put their hands on my son, that’s crossing the line.”

Aside from not finding a single bit of contraband, the sheriff’s search was also entirely uncalled for as the Sylvester Police Department did a search on March 17 — just a few weeks before — and found no drugs.

But Hobby told reporters he didn’t think that search was thorough enough, so he decided to do his own. And, this time, he’d grope every student.

Now, many of the parents are planning a lawsuit against the Sheriff’s office which will likely be the only means of holding this man and his department accountable.

As for the 900 counts of deprivation of rights under the color of law that the sheriff should be facing, not a single charge has been levied against the department.

This is what school has become in a police state.


Matt Agorist is the co-founder of TheFreeThoughtProject.com, where this article first appeared. He is an honorably discharged veteran of the USMC and former intelligence operator directly tasked by the NSA. This prior experience gives him unique insight into the world of government corruption and the American police state. Agorist has been an independent journalist for over a decade and has been featured on mainstream networks around the world.

Run for Your Life The American Police State Is Coming to Get You +The Iron Jaws of the Police State: Trump’s America Is a Constitution-Free Zone



By John W. Whitehead
April 25, 2017

“Policing is broken… It has evolved as a paramilitary, bureaucratic, organizational arrangement that distances police officers from the communities they’ve been sworn to protect and serve. When we have shooting after shooting after shooting that most people would define as at least questionable, it’s time to look, not just at a few bad apples, but the barrel. And I’m convinced that it is the barrel that is rotted.”— Norm Stamper, former Seattle police chief

Somebody give Attorney General Jeff Sessions a copy of the Constitution.

And while you’re at it, get a copy to President Trump, too.
In fact, you might want to share a copy with the nation’s police officers, as well.

I have my doubts that any of these individuals—all of whom swore to uphold and defend the Constitution—have ever read any of the nation’s founding documents.

Had they actually read and understood the Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights, there would be no militarized police, no mass surveillance, no police shootings of unarmed individuals, no SWAT team raids, no tasering of children, no asset forfeiture schemes or any of the other government-sanctioned abuses that get passed off as law and order these days.

We’ve got serious problems in this country, and they won’t be solved on the golf course, by wining and dining corporate CEOs, giving local police forces more military equipment, locking down the nation, or pretending that the only threats to our freedoms are posed by forces beyond our borders or by “anti-government” extremists hiding among us.

So far, Trump’s first 100 days in office have been no different from Obama’s last 100 days, at least when it comes to the government’s ongoing war on our freedoms.

Government corruption remains at an all-time high.

Police shootings and misconduct have continued unabated.

The nation’s endless wars continue to push us to the brink of financial ruin.

And “we the people” are still being treated as if we have no rights, are entitled to no protections, and exist solely for the purpose of sustaining the American police state with our hard-earned tax dollars.

Just take the policing crisis in this country, for instance.

Sessions—the chief lawyer for the government and the head of the Justice Department, which is entrusted with ensuring that the nation’s laws are faithfully carried out and holding government officials accountable to abiding by their oaths of office to “uphold and defend the Constitution”—doesn’t think we’ve got a policing problem in America.

In fact, Sessions thinks the police are doing a great job (apart from “the individual misdeeds of bad actors,” that is).

For that matter, so does Trump.

Really, really great.

Indeed, Sessions thinks the nation’s police forces are doing such a great job that they should be rewarded with more military toys (weapons, gear, equipment) and less oversight by the Justice Department.

As for Trump, he believes “the dangerous anti-police atmosphere in America is wrong” and has vowed to “end it.”

Excuse me for a moment while I flush what remains of the Constitution down the toilet.

Clearly, Trump has not been briefed on the fact that it has never been safer to be a cop in America. According to Newsweek, “it’s safer to be a cop than it is to simply live in many U.S. cities… It’s safer to be a cop than it is to live in Baltimore. It’s safer to be a cop than it is to be a fisher, logger, pilot, roofer, miner, trucker or taxi driver. It’s safer to be a cop today than it’s been in years, decades, or even a century, by some measures.”

You know what’s dangerous?

Being a citizen of the American police state.

Treating cops as deserving of greater protections than their fellow citizens.

And training cops to think and act like they’re soldiers on a battlefield.

As journalist Daniel Bier warns, “If you tell cops over and over that they’re in a war, they’re under siege, they’re under attack, and that citizens are the enemy—instead of the people they’re supposed to protect—you’re going to create an atmosphere of fear, tension, and hostility that can only end badly, as it has for so many people.”

Frankly, if there’s a war taking place in this country, it’s a war on the American people.

After all, we’re the ones being shot at and tasered and tracked and beaten and intimidated and threatened and invaded and probed.

And what is the government doing to fix this policing crisis that threatens the safety of every man, woman and child in this country?

Not a damn thing.

Incredibly, according to a study by the American Medical Association, police-inflicted injuries send more than 50,000 Americans to hospital emergency rooms every year.

Yet as Slate warns, if you even dare to criticize a police officer let alone challenge the myth of the hero cop—a myth “used to legitimize brutality as necessary, justify policies that favor the police, and punish anyone who dares to question police tactics or oppose the unions’ agendas”— you will be roundly denounced “as disloyal, un-American, and dangerous.”

As reporter David Feige concludes, “We should appreciate the value and sacrifice of those who choose to serve and protect. But that appreciation should not constitute a get-out-of-jail-free card for the vast army of 800,000 people granted general arrest powers and increasingly armed with automatic weapons and armored vehicles.”

Vast army.

Equipped with deadly weapons.

Empowered with arrest powers.

Immune from accountability for wrongdoing.

What is this, Hitler’s America?

Have we strayed so far from our revolutionary roots that we no longer even recognize tyranny when it’s staring us in the face?

The fact that police are choosing to fatally resolve encounters with their fellow citizens by using their guns speaks volumes about what is wrong with policing in America today, where police officers are being dressed in the trappings of war, drilled in the deadly art of combat, and trained to look upon “every individual they interact with as an armed threat and every situation as a deadly force encounter in the making.”

Mind you, the federal government is the one responsible for turning our police into extensions of the military, having previously distributed billions of dollars’ worth of military equipment to local police agencies, including high-powered weapons, assault vehicles, drones, tactical gear, body armor, weapon scopes, infrared imaging systems and night-vision goggles—equipment intended for use on the battlefield—not to mention federal grants for militarized training and SWAT teams.

Thus, despite what Attorney General Sessions wants you to believe, the daily shootings, beatings and roadside strip searches (in some cases, rape) of American citizens by police are not isolated incidents.

Likewise, the events of recent years are not random occurrences: the invasive surveillance, the extremism reports, the civil unrest, the protests, the shootings, the bombings, the military exercises and active shooter drills, the color-coded alerts and threat assessments, the fusion centers, the transformation of local police into extensions of the military, the distribution of military equipment and weapons to local police forces, the government databases containing the names of dissidents and potential troublemakers.

Rather, these developments are all part of a concerted effort to destabilize the country, institute de facto martial law disguised as law and order, and shift us fully into the iron jaws of the police state.

So, no, the dramatic increase in police shootings are not accidents.

It wasn’t an “accident” that 26-year-old Andrew Lee Scott, who had committed no crime, was gunned down by police who knocked aggressively on the wrong door at 1:30 am, failed to identify themselves as police, and then repeatedly shot and killed Scott when he answered the door while holding a gun in self-defense. Police were investigating a speeding incident by engaging in a middle-of-the-night “knock and talk” in Scott’s apartment complex.

It wasn’t an “accident” when Levar Edward Jones was shot by a South Carolina police officer during a routine traffic stop over a seatbelt violation as he was in the process of reaching for his license and registration. The trooper justified his shooting of the unarmed man by insisting that Jones reached for his license “aggressively.”

It wasn’t an “accident” when Francisco Serna, a 73-year-old grandfather with early-stage dementia, was shot and killed by police for refusing to remove his hand from his pocket. Police were investigating an uncorroborated report that Serna had a gun, but it turned out he was holding a crucifix and made no aggressive movements before he was gunned down.

It wasn’t an “accident” when Nandi Cain, Jr., was thrown to the ground, choked and punched over a dozen times by a police officer after the officer stopped Cain for jaywalking.  Cain made no aggressive moves toward the officer, and had even removed his jacket to show the officer he had no weapon.

It wasn’t an “accident” when 65-year-old Thomas Smith, suffering from Parkinson’s Disease, called 911 because of a medical problem only to have his home raided by a SWAT team. Smith was thrown to the ground and placed in handcuffs because his condition prevented him from following police instructions.

It wasn’t an “accident” when John Wrana, a 95-year-old World War II veteran, died after being shot multiple times by a police officer with a Mossberg shotgun during a raid at Wrana’s room at an assisted living center. This, despite the fact that there were five police officers on the scene to subdue Wrana, who used a walker to get around and was “armed” with a shoehorn and not a knife, as police assumed.

It wasn’t an “accident” when a 10-year-old boy was subdued by two police officers using a taser because the child became unruly at the day care center he attended.

It wasn’t an “accident” when police in South Dakota routinely subjected persons, some as young as 3 years old, to catheterizations in order to forcibly obtain urine samples.

It wasn’t an “accident” when Charles Kinsey, a behavioral therapist, was shot by police as he was trying to help an autistic patient who had wandered away from his group home and was sitting in the middle of the road playing with a toy car. The officer who shot Kinsey was reportedly told that neither Kinsey nor the patient had a weapon.

It wasn’t an “accident” when Frank Arnal Baker was mauled by a police dog and kicked by an officer for not complying quickly enough with a police order. Baker, who had done nothing wrong, spent two weeks in the hospital with fractured ribs and collapsed lungs and needed skin grafts for the dog-bite injuries.

No, none of these incidents were accidents.

Nor are they isolated, anecdotal examples of a few bad actors, as Sessions insists.

Far from being isolated or anecdotal, police misconduct cases have become so prevalent as to jeopardize the integrity of all of the nation’s law enforcement agencies.

Unfortunately, as I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, this is what happens when you allow so-called “law and order” to matter more than justice: corruption flourishes, injustice reigns and tyranny takes hold.

Yet no matter what Trump and Session seem to believe, nowhere in the Constitution does it say that Americans must obey the government.

Despite the corruption of Congress and the complicity of the courts, nowhere does the Constitution require absolute subservience to the government’s dictates.

And despite what most police officers seem to believe, nowhere does the Constitution state that Americans must comply with a police order.

To suggest otherwise is authoritarianism.

This is also, as abolitionist Frederick Douglass noted, the definition of slavery: “I didn’t know I was a slave until I found out I couldn’t do the things I wanted.”

You want to know what it means to be a slave in the American police state?

It means being obedient, compliant and Sieg Heil!-ing every government agent armed with a weapon. If you believe otherwise, try standing up for your rights, being vocal about your freedoms, or just challenging a government dictate, and see how long you last before you’re staring down the barrel of a loaded government-issued gun.

The Iron Jaws of the Police State: Trump’s America Is a Constitution-Free Zone



By John W. Whitehead
April 25, 2017

“Policing is broken… It has evolved as a paramilitary, bureaucratic, organizational arrangement that distances police officers from the communities they’ve been sworn to protect and serve. When we have shooting after shooting after shooting that most people would define as at least questionable, it’s time to look, not just at a few bad apples, but the barrel. And I’m convinced that it is the barrel that is rotted.”— Norm Stamper, former Seattle police chief

Somebody give Attorney General Jeff Sessions a copy of the Constitution.

And while you’re at it, get a copy to President Trump, too.
In fact, you might want to share a copy with the nation’s police officers, as well.

I have my doubts that any of these individuals—all of whom swore to uphold and defend the Constitution—have ever read any of the nation’s founding documents.

Had they actually read and understood the Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights, there would be no militarized police, no mass surveillance, no police shootings of unarmed individuals, no SWAT team raids, no tasering of children, no asset forfeiture schemes or any of the other government-sanctioned abuses that get passed off as law and order these days.

We’ve got serious problems in this country, and they won’t be solved on the golf course, by wining and dining corporate CEOs, giving local police forces more military equipment, locking down the nation, or pretending that the only threats to our freedoms are posed by forces beyond our borders or by “anti-government” extremists hiding among us.

So far, Trump’s first 100 days in office have been no different from Obama’s last 100 days, at least when it comes to the government’s ongoing war on our freedoms.

Government corruption remains at an all-time high.

Police shootings and misconduct have continued unabated.

The nation’s endless wars continue to push us to the brink of financial ruin.

And “we the people” are still being treated as if we have no rights, are entitled to no protections, and exist solely for the purpose of sustaining the American police state with our hard-earned tax dollars.

Just take the policing crisis in this country, for instance.

Sessions—the chief lawyer for the government and the head of the Justice Department, which is entrusted with ensuring that the nation’s laws are faithfully carried out and holding government officials accountable to abiding by their oaths of office to “uphold and defend the Constitution”—doesn’t think we’ve got a policing problem in America.

In fact, Sessions thinks the police are doing a great job (apart from “the individual misdeeds of bad actors,” that is).

For that matter, so does Trump.

Really, really great.

Indeed, Sessions thinks the nation’s police forces are doing such a great job that they should be rewarded with more military toys (weapons, gear, equipment) and less oversight by the Justice Department.

As for Trump, he believes “the dangerous anti-police atmosphere in America is wrong” and has vowed to “end it.”

Excuse me for a moment while I flush what remains of the Constitution down the toilet.

Clearly, Trump has not been briefed on the fact that it has never been safer to be a cop in America. According to Newsweek, “it’s safer to be a cop than it is to simply live in many U.S. cities… It’s safer to be a cop than it is to live in Baltimore. It’s safer to be a cop than it is to be a fisher, logger, pilot, roofer, miner, trucker or taxi driver. It’s safer to be a cop today than it’s been in years, decades, or even a century, by some measures.”

You know what’s dangerous?

Being a citizen of the American police state.

Treating cops as deserving of greater protections than their fellow citizens.

And training cops to think and act like they’re soldiers on a battlefield.

As journalist Daniel Bier warns, “If you tell cops over and over that they’re in a war, they’re under siege, they’re under attack, and that citizens are the enemy—instead of the people they’re supposed to protect—you’re going to create an atmosphere of fear, tension, and hostility that can only end badly, as it has for so many people.”

Frankly, if there’s a war taking place in this country, it’s a war on the American people.

After all, we’re the ones being shot at and tasered and tracked and beaten and intimidated and threatened and invaded and probed.

And what is the government doing to fix this policing crisis that threatens the safety of every man, woman and child in this country?

Not a damn thing.

Incredibly, according to a study by the American Medical Association, police-inflicted injuries send more than 50,000 Americans to hospital emergency rooms every year.

Yet as Slate warns, if you even dare to criticize a police officer let alone challenge the myth of the hero cop—a myth “used to legitimize brutality as necessary, justify policies that favor the police, and punish anyone who dares to question police tactics or oppose the unions’ agendas”— you will be roundly denounced “as disloyal, un-American, and dangerous.”

As reporter David Feige concludes, “We should appreciate the value and sacrifice of those who choose to serve and protect. But that appreciation should not constitute a get-out-of-jail-free card for the vast army of 800,000 people granted general arrest powers and increasingly armed with automatic weapons and armored vehicles.”

Vast army.

Equipped with deadly weapons.

Empowered with arrest powers.

Immune from accountability for wrongdoing.

What is this, Hitler’s America?

Have we strayed so far from our revolutionary roots that we no longer even recognize tyranny when it’s staring us in the face?

The fact that police are choosing to fatally resolve encounters with their fellow citizens by using their guns speaks volumes about what is wrong with policing in America today, where police officers are being dressed in the trappings of war, drilled in the deadly art of combat, and trained to look upon “every individual they interact with as an armed threat and every situation as a deadly force encounter in the making.”

Mind you, the federal government is the one responsible for turning our police into extensions of the military, having previously distributed billions of dollars’ worth of military equipment to local police agencies, including high-powered weapons, assault vehicles, drones, tactical gear, body armor, weapon scopes, infrared imaging systems and night-vision goggles—equipment intended for use on the battlefield—not to mention federal grants for militarized training and SWAT teams.

Thus, despite what Attorney General Sessions wants you to believe, the daily shootings, beatings and roadside strip searches (in some cases, rape) of American citizens by police are not isolated incidents.

Likewise, the events of recent years are not random occurrences: the invasive surveillance, the extremism reports, the civil unrest, the protests, the shootings, the bombings, the military exercises and active shooter drills, the color-coded alerts and threat assessments, the fusion centers, the transformation of local police into extensions of the military, the distribution of military equipment and weapons to local police forces, the government databases containing the names of dissidents and potential troublemakers.

Rather, these developments are all part of a concerted effort to destabilize the country, institute de facto martial law disguised as law and order, and shift us fully into the iron jaws of the police state.

So, no, the dramatic increase in police shootings are not accidents.

It wasn’t an “accident” that 26-year-old Andrew Lee Scott, who had committed no crime, was gunned down by police who knocked aggressively on the wrong door at 1:30 am, failed to identify themselves as police, and then repeatedly shot and killed Scott when he answered the door while holding a gun in self-defense. Police were investigating a speeding incident by engaging in a middle-of-the-night “knock and talk” in Scott’s apartment complex.

It wasn’t an “accident” when Levar Edward Jones was shot by a South Carolina police officer during a routine traffic stop over a seatbelt violation as he was in the process of reaching for his license and registration. The trooper justified his shooting of the unarmed man by insisting that Jones reached for his license “aggressively.”

It wasn’t an “accident” when Francisco Serna, a 73-year-old grandfather with early-stage dementia, was shot and killed by police for refusing to remove his hand from his pocket. Police were investigating an uncorroborated report that Serna had a gun, but it turned out he was holding a crucifix and made no aggressive movements before he was gunned down.

It wasn’t an “accident” when Nandi Cain, Jr., was thrown to the ground, choked and punched over a dozen times by a police officer after the officer stopped Cain for jaywalking.  Cain made no aggressive moves toward the officer, and had even removed his jacket to show the officer he had no weapon.

It wasn’t an “accident” when 65-year-old Thomas Smith, suffering from Parkinson’s Disease, called 911 because of a medical problem only to have his home raided by a SWAT team. Smith was thrown to the ground and placed in handcuffs because his condition prevented him from following police instructions.

It wasn’t an “accident” when John Wrana, a 95-year-old World War II veteran, died after being shot multiple times by a police officer with a Mossberg shotgun during a raid at Wrana’s room at an assisted living center. This, despite the fact that there were five police officers on the scene to subdue Wrana, who used a walker to get around and was “armed” with a shoehorn and not a knife, as police assumed.

It wasn’t an “accident” when a 10-year-old boy was subdued by two police officers using a taser because the child became unruly at the day care center he attended.

It wasn’t an “accident” when police in South Dakota routinely subjected persons, some as young as 3 years old, to catheterizations in order to forcibly obtain urine samples.

It wasn’t an “accident” when Charles Kinsey, a behavioral therapist, was shot by police as he was trying to help an autistic patient who had wandered away from his group home and was sitting in the middle of the road playing with a toy car. The officer who shot Kinsey was reportedly told that neither Kinsey nor the patient had a weapon.

It wasn’t an “accident” when Frank Arnal Baker was mauled by a police dog and kicked by an officer for not complying quickly enough with a police order. Baker, who had done nothing wrong, spent two weeks in the hospital with fractured ribs and collapsed lungs and needed skin grafts for the dog-bite injuries.

No, none of these incidents were accidents.

Nor are they isolated, anecdotal examples of a few bad actors, as Sessions insists.

Far from being isolated or anecdotal, police misconduct cases have become so prevalent as to jeopardize the integrity of all of the nation’s law enforcement agencies.

Unfortunately, as I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, this is what happens when you allow so-called “law and order” to matter more than justice: corruption flourishes, injustice reigns and tyranny takes hold.

Yet no matter what Trump and Session seem to believe, nowhere in the Constitution does it say that Americans must obey the government.

Despite the corruption of Congress and the complicity of the courts, nowhere does the Constitution require absolute subservience to the government’s dictates.

And despite what most police officers seem to believe, nowhere does the Constitution state that Americans must comply with a police order.

To suggest otherwise is authoritarianism.

This is also, as abolitionist Frederick Douglass noted, the definition of slavery: “I didn’t know I was a slave until I found out I couldn’t do the things I wanted.”

You want to know what it means to be a slave in the American police state?

It means being obedient, compliant and Sieg Heil!-ing every government agent armed with a weapon. If you believe otherwise, try standing up for your rights, being vocal about your freedoms, or just challenging a government dictate, and see how long you last before you’re staring down the barrel of a loaded government-issued gun.

A Very Important Announcement The Nature of the Battle



By Anna Von Reitz

This morning it comes across my desk that the foreign organization calling itself “General Post Office” is assembling an “army” to invade the Continental United States.

Let me point out that no such foreign entity has any right to be on our soil —and that includes the forces of the UN Corp and NATO and the US ARMY.

We are not allowing any additional illegal commercial mercenary actions to take place on our soil and we don’t care who is trying to do it or under whatever name or NAMES they are seeking to accomplish these venal ends.  You can call yourselves God, Mother, and Apple Pie for all I care and the answer is still the same.  You have no right to be here causing trouble on our soil.

Just because they got away with it during the so-called Civil War and succeeded in getting us to stupidly fight against each other instead of dispatching the perpetrators of these illegal “wars” doesn’t mean that they are going to pull it a second time.

We will not fight among ourselves, but will draw the distinction and the line very clearly for all the world to see.

The foreign corporations inhabiting the foreign jurisdiction of the Municipality of Washington and the District of Columbia have nothing whatsoever to do with the American states or their people—- these entities are subcontractors who are supposed to be here providing “essential government services” in Good Faith.

Judge for yourselves if they are doing that and who the aggressors and criminals are?

This is a criminal matter— not a political one.

And it needs to be addressed in terms of crime and it will be.

These corporations that are offering to do violence on our soil need to be liquidated and the person(s) uniquely responsible for doing that duty are Pope Francis and the Roman Curia. This is because they created all forms of corporations that exist in this world and they are responsible for making sure that they operate lawfully.

If they fail to pull the plug and the funding of the “General Post Office” and the “UN Corp” and any other corporation that offers to harm us—- “JAPAN”, “Raytheon”, “General Electric” or any other incorporated organization bent on harming actual people and our land, then it is clear to the entire world that they are part of the problem, not the solution.

These corporations have one duty— to fulfill the contractual obligations created by the actual constitution; instead, they are fighting among themselves and making all sorts of insupportable claims about land, gold, and other assets that belong to the American states and people and not to them at all.

Enough of this ridiculous situation.

The land belongs to us as it always has and titles taken and enforced under color of law and in breach of trust and under conditions of self-evident deceit and fraud are crimes.  Nothing more.

Today, it is possible to simply cut the availability of funds to such organizations and dissolve their charters—- deny them the ability to exist and identify them as outlaw organizations, aka, international crime syndicates— and in very short order, they cease to exist in any effective sense of the word.

Any assets then revert to their creditors and in this case, the American states and people are the priority creditors bar none.

For those faithful militiamen and others who are concerned and “getting ready”—- being ready for whatever comes is always a good idea and Nature does not absolve us from that responsibility— but this is not a battle of arms and armies.  This is a battle of truth against falsehood and fact against fiction—-criminal corporations against the organic states and people of the entire world.

Participants in any commercial mercenary action on our shores will be identified simply as what they are—–criminals, whether they wear uniforms or not.  And we could care less what flag they fly or what ditty they whistle.

Anyone including the Pope who fails to take drastic action to prevent any such unpleasantness is a criminal also, as an accomplice to the crime.

So use your mouths to get the word out and raise your voices and point your fingers at the actual source of the problem—– dishonest politicians and dishonest international bankers making insupportable “claims on abandonment” and seeking unjust enrichment.

If the Pope fails his duty to liquidate the offending corporations causing these dangers and problems, then point your fingers at the Pope, too.  Don’t bother to fight among yourselves.  Just hunt down the politicians and the bankers responsible and bring them to trial for crimes against humanity.

See this article and over 500 others on Anna’s website here:


Why Civil Rights Are the Key to National Solidarity



By Anna Von Reitz
Civil rights are not— strictly speaking— rights, but are instead privileges conferred on Territorial and Municipal citizens by the US Congress.
Citizens by definition serve the government, whereas Nationals are served by the government.

Therein lies the rub. A citizen lays down a greater or lesser portion of their natural sovereignty when they become a citizen. This is a natural consequence of their duty to serve the government.
In the wake of the so-called American Civil War black Americans were re-enslaved, not by private slave owners, but by the Territorial Government of the United States which arbitrarily conscripted them as citizens—public servants. They went directly from being chattel owned by individual private owners to being considered public chattel owned via citizenship obligations to the federal government. Thus, they acquired civil rights— basically, whatever rights the Congress wanted to give them—and lost their claim to the free exercise of all their natural and unalienable rights.

The excuse for this was the pretension that as black Americans were never specifically included as state nationals by the separate states, they were “stateless” and could be claimed by any government that wanted them.

Similar arguments were recently made by the same feckless Territorial United States government with regard to all the rest of us. They have claimed that we are “stateless” because we weren’t (so they said) operating our own states of the Union or any association of states, such as the United States of America.

To quote Gomer Pyle: “Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!”.

There have always been civil rights exercised by members of the civil service and elected public officials and public employees who are all citizens of one sort or another, and since 1968, those civil rights have been defined as “equal”—-but few people ever say “equal to what?”

The answer is: equal to the natural and unalienable rights enjoyed by American state nationals and American State Citizens (American State Citizens are the elected officials and public employees of the actual land jurisdiction state government–they owe their duty as citizens to the state government.)

What happens when and if there are no longer any American state nationals or American State Citizens exercising their natural and unalienable rights?

Well, then, the standard for equal civil rights disappears, because there is no longer anything for them to be “equal to”.

The Congress would finally be enabled to rule as absolute despots, not only over the actual Territorial and Municipal citizens, but over the entire population. Instead of a Republican form of government which we are owed, or even a foreign democracy such as the Territorial United States has been, we would be facing a Totalitarian Oligarchy similar to the old Soviet Union.

Nobody would have any actual rights. Everyone would instead have civil rights, but those civil rights would be entirely at the whim of the US Congress.

The rats would simply sit there smug on Capitol Hill and literally dictate whatever they pleased and everyone else would suffer the results of absolute despotism—– citizens and non-citizens alike.

And therein lies the key.

Once the federal Territorial and Municipal employees and all the other people (people of color, new immigrants, political asylum seekers, federal dependents) who are defined as citizens whether they like it or not— realize that their own equal civil rights are endangered by the continued liberal political jihad against those of us who are claiming our natural rights— the worm will turn.

Without us claiming our natural rights, they have no guaranteed civil rights at all.

If the American Republic goes down, so do they and their spiffy little democracy.

If we lose our claim to our natural and unalienable rights, they can kiss their “equal civil rights” good-bye.

And that is why civil rights are the key to national solidarity.

All those who enjoy equal civil rights have a very urgent reason to defend us and our old fashioned claims.

Every federal and federated state official, every public employee in America has their future on the line—whether they realize it or not— because their rights are utterly dependent on our rights.

If we have no natural and unalienable rights, no constitutional guarantees—guess what?

Then they have no equal civil rights to depend on, either!

See this article and over 500 others on Anna’s website here:


Tension Builds: Vladimir Putin Mobilizes Troops and Equipment To North Korean Border: “Fears U.S. Is Preparing To Attack”



Mac Slavo

We can all pretend like there is nothing going on around the Korean Peninsula and hope that cooler heads will prevail, but if history is any guide, when the militaries of multiple nations begin to mass troops at borders, it takes only a single, often seemingly inconsequential, catalyst to plunge the situation into all-out war.

That’s exactly what’s happening in North Korea today. Two weeks ago China deployed some 150,000 troops to the North Korean border and put their entire military on high alert in anticipation of a U.S. military strike on Kim Jong Un.

Now we learn that Russia is rapidly deploying troop and equipment to their border with North Korea, as well.

Vladimir Putin is sending troops and equipment to Russia’s border with North Korea over fears the US is preparing to attack Kim Jong-un.
A video purports to show one of three trains loaded with military equipment moving towards the 11 mile-long land frontier between Russia and the repressive state.

Another evidently highlights military helicopter movements towards the North Korean border and manoeuvres across rough terrain by army combat vehicles.

Other reports suggest there have been military moves by road as well.

There have been concerns that if a conflict breaks out Russia could face a humanitarian exodus from North Korea.

But Putin has been warned, too, that in the event of a US strike on Kim Jong-un’s nuclear facilities, contamination could swiftly reach Russia.

‘Railway trains loaded with military equipment moving towards Primorsky region via Khabarovsk have been noticed by locals,’ reported primemedia.ru in the Russian far East – linking the development to the North Korean crisis.

‘The movement of military equipment by different means of transport to southern areas is being observed across Primorsky region over the past week,’ said military veteran Stanislva Sinitsyn.

Full report: The Daily Mail

A few hundred thousands troops on the North Korean border, a U.S. Naval Strike Fleet awaiting orders from President Trump and constant threats of missile and nuclear tests from North Korean leader Kim Jong Un…

What could possibly go wrong?

Olddogs Comments!


When will Americans wake the hell up and take back our freedom from this bunch of whores? Do you have any idea how rich they will be from a major conflict?




What if We Don’t Really Govern Ourselves?


By Andrew P. Napolitano

What if our belief in self-government is a belief in a myth? What if the election of one political party over the other to control Congress changes only appearances? What if taxes stay high and regulations stay pervasive and the government stays oppressive and presidents fight wars no matter what the politicians promise and no matter who wins elections? What if the true goal of those whom we elect to Congress is not to be our agents of self-government or even to preserve our personal liberties but to remain in power by getting re-elected?

What if they use government to aid their own re-elections by bribing us with our own money — the rich with bailouts, the middle class with tax breaks and the poor with transfer payments?

What if Congress has written laws that are too complex for its own members to read and understand? What if the language of most federal laws is intentionally arcane so that ordinary voters cannot understand it? What if that language is actually written by faceless bureaucrats and not by accountable members of Congress? What if members of Congress in fact rarely read any legislation before voting on it? What if some legislation refers to secrets and secret procedures that only a few members of Congress are permitted to see and utilize? The Constitution in Ex… Andrew P. Napolitano Best Price: $1.05 Buy New $4.49

What if when the select few members of Congress who are permitted to see those secrets do see them, those members are themselves sworn to secrecy? What if that means that our elected representatives — our supposed agents of self-government in the government — do not fully know what the government is doing and that even if they do, they can’t legally tell us?

What if our representatives in Congress don’t really represent us? What if they really represent a political party? What if each political party is controlled by a small leadership group that punishes members who defy it? What if Congress has written laws and rules that permit its leaders to punish members’ defiance? What if another way to characterize defiance of political party leadership is political courage?

What if the laws that Congress has written about the CIA have delegated congressional power to a small secret committee of members from both houses of Congress and both political parties? What if that committee can authorize secret wars in foreign lands conducted not by the military but by the CIA? What if the reason these folks authorize the CIA and not the military to conduct secret wars is the existence of federal laws that require reporting to and a vote of the entire Congress for the military to be used but require only the small secret committee to approve for the CIA to be used?

Because wars cost money and often cost lives, what if the effect of the decisions of the small secret committee is that the committee is basically a Congress within Congress? What if the Constitution says that only Congress can spend tax dollars and declare wars but Congress Suicide Pact: The Radi… Andrew P. Napolitano Best Price: $1.06 Buy New $2.13 has let the Congress within Congress do this? What if the voters will never know what the Congress within Congress has authorized? What if the very existence of the Congress within Congress mocks, defies and betrays the concept of American self-government?

What if the data seen and discussed and the decisions made in secret by the Congress within Congress are generated by the CIA and other intelligence agencies? What if these intelligence agencies selectively reveal and selectively conceal data to manipulate the decisions of the Congress within Congress? What if those manipulations often result in bloodshed about which the American people often never learn? What if the bases for the decisions of the Congress within Congress are kept from the other members of Congress, from the media and from the voters?

What if the folks from both political parties who set up the Congress within Congress care more about wielding power than they do about preserving self-government? What if those who pull the levers of power in the intelligence community are so far removed from the voters that they don’t know and don’t care what the voters think? What if they know that the voters would react forcefully and decisively if the voters knew what the members of the Congress within Congress know but they still won’t tell us?

What if all this diversion of power from the elected Congress to the Congress within Congress and all this reliance on secret data has resulted in the most pervasive surveillance by any government of any people at any time in world history? What if the federal government’s domestic surveillance today captures and retains digital copies of every telephone call and every computer keystroke of every person in America and The Freedom Answer Boo… Andrew P. Napolitano Best Price: $2.00 Buy New $3.01 has done so since 2005? What if members of Congress who are not in the Congress within Congress do not know this?

What if the Congress within Congress has authorized American spies to spy without personal suspicion or judicial warrant on the military, the courts, the police and every person in America, including the remaining members of Congress, much of the remaining intelligence community itself and even the White House?

What if the selective use of the data acquired from mass surveillance can be used to manipulate anyone by those who have access to the data? What if those who have access to the data have used it to manipulate the president of the United States? What if all this constitutes a grave but largely unseen threat to our liberties, not the least of which is the right to self-government?

What if we don’t really govern ourselves? What do we do about it?

The Best of Andrew P. Napolitano

Andrew P. Napolitano [send him mail], a former judge of the Superior Court of New Jersey, is the senior judicial analyst at Fox News Channel. Judge Napolitano has written nine books on the U.S. Constitution. The most recent is Suicide Pact: The Radical Expansion of Presidential Powers and the Lethal Threat to American Liberty. To find out more about Judge Napolitano and to read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit creators.com.

Copyright © 2017 Andrew P. Napolitano

Previous article by Andrew P. Napolitano: The Missiles of Holy Week

Olddogs Comments!

What if we don’t really govern ourselves? What do we do about it?

The answer is below.

Become informed!

You Know Something is Wrong When…..: An American Affidavit of Probable Cause (Paperback)

by Judge Anna Maria Riezinger & James Clinton Belcher


Illegal Aliens Have More Rights Than IRS Taxpayers


“If illegal aliens can break our laws and get rewarded for it, if illegal aliens have more rights than the taxpayers that pay the billions of dollars to support illegal immigration, then there is no law and we become a de facto lawless nation without borders and without sovereignty.”  —Ron Ewart

For over eleven years we have been writing a weekly column pointing out the injustices inflicted upon Americans and the American taxpayer by government and special interests.  But no injustice is more egregious than allowing foreign nationals to invade our country by the millions where they get to profit from the invasion, rather than being put in jail or deported as they would be in any other country.  No other sovereign nation on earth allows illegal immigration to exist on such an enormous scale, as does the United States of America.  What is even more unfathomable is why this injustice doesn’t fester in the hearts and minds of the American people to the point where they put an immediate halt to it, or fire those in government who are responsible.  What does it take for the American people to rise up against this injustice in full force and fury, as they should?

Some might say we just did fire those responsible in the 2016 election by electing Donald Trump president, but most of the electorate is oblivious to the fact that their are forces in the “dark state” that are doing everything in their power to encourage illegal immigration, at the expense of the lawful American taxpayer.  That is proven by the fact that none of the magnets drawing illegal aliens to come to America in the first place, have been eliminated.  Besides employers employing illegal aliens by the hundreds of thousands and the 14th Amendment that makes every foreign national baby born in the U. S. an immediate American citizen, you have attorneys popping up all over the place to defend illegal alien “rights”, which in fact do not exist under the Constitution.  On top of that you have a sympathetic court system that falls all over themselves to molly coddle to the immigrant lobby and the illegal alien.   And guess who pays for the immigrant attorneys and the courts?  You do!

And don’t fall for that 11-million illegal alien figure government keeps tossing around.  It’s probably closer to 20-Million or even 30-Million.   The government can only count those that get caught at the border and are released into the general population.  According to an article in the Chicago Tribune on October 7th, 2016 “barely half of the people who entered the U.S. illegally from Mexico last year were caught, according to a report commissioned by the Department of Homeland Security that also shows a sharp decline in illegal entries.”  (That sharp decline is probably due to Donald Trump being elected President.)

How could government possibly know how many illegal aliens are in America when so many are not apprehended at the border and live in the shadows?  How do you count a shadow?  The government can’t even properly manage or keep track of the hundreds of thousands of foreign nationals that overstay their visas.

Then there is the crime perpetrated by illegal aliens.  Just about everyone knows of San Francisco’s Kate Stienle who was gunned down by an illegal alien criminal.  That criminal illegal alien had been deported five times and returned to San Francisco, a sanctuary city.  The Stienle event has been reported on every major news outlet, leading to proposed legislation called Kate’s Law, which the Democrats blocked.

But very few Americans know the scope of crime committed by illegal aliens.  In the State of Texas alone, as reported in the Texas Department of Public Safety:  “According to DHS status indicators, over 217,000 criminal aliens have been booked into local Texas jails between June 1, 2011 and March 31, 2017. During their criminal careers, these criminal aliens were charged with more than 579,000 criminal offenses. Those arrests include 1,179 homicide charges; 68,900 assault charges; 16,854 burglary charges; 68,999 drug charges; 699 kidnapping charges; 40,818 theft charges; 45,104 obstructing police charges; 3,813 robbery charges; 6,190 sexual assault charges; and 8,693 weapons charges. Of the total criminal aliens arrested in that timeframe, over 144,000 or 66% were identified by DHS status as being in the US illegally at the time of their last arrest.”

“According to DPS criminal history records, those criminal charges have thus far resulted in over 260,000 convictions including 485 homicide convictions; 25,882 assault convictions; 8,239 burglary convictions; 34,077 drug convictions; 238 kidnapping convictions; 18,543 theft convictions; 22,179 obstructing police convictions; 1,939 robbery convictions; 2,812 sexual assault convictions; and 3,625 weapons convictions. Of the convictions associated with criminal alien arrests, over 173,000 or 66% are associated with aliens who were identified by DHS status as being in the US illegally at the time of their last arrest.”

In each one of these crimes in Texas there is a Texas victim or victims that you never hear about, whose lives have been altered forever by the criminal actions of an illegal alien.  Many of the convicted criminal illegal aliens are now in our jails and the American taxpayer gets to pay for their incarceration as well.  And this is just one state.  Good Lord, are you beginning to get the picture?  Are you angry yet?  If not, why not?

If all this wasn’t bad enough, over three hundred cities, towns, counties and states provide sanctuary to illegal aliens, including criminals, while thumbing their collective noses at federal immigration law.  Illegal aliens get a free pass while those that foot the bill are hounded into bankruptcy or jail by a Gestapo-clone federal agency known as the IRS that gives no quarter to the American taxpayer, even when the IRS is wrong and the IRS is wrong a good portion of the time.

We can attest to the IRS being wrong most of the time in our case.  In the six separate battles we have had with the IRS over the last 14 years, we have prevailed five of those times because the IRS was wrong.  The IRS is also wrong on the battle we have yet to win, but in the end we will still win because the IRS stole over $10,000 from us, acting under the color of law and we have sound legal arguments to back up our case.   Unfortunately, it could take two or more years before the IRS ever responds to our claim for a refund.

But IRS incompetence against us gets worse.  A few weeks ago we received a demand from the IRS that we owed over $12,000 for Calendar-Year 2015.  At first we were angry but upon further inspection the demand notice was for a person who lives in California, not us.  The notice contained the name, address and social security number of the person in California.  If we were dishonest we could have used that information for unlawful purposes.

This IRS Agent violated 26 USC Section 6103 for releasing confidential taxpayer information to an unauthorized third party.  Such a violation of Section 6103 is a felony and is punishable by a fine up to $5,000 and imprisonment of not more than five (5) years, or both.  (26 USC Section 7213)  We so informed the agent and her superior in a curt letter.  What do you think will happen to the agent?  Nothing!  If you did it, you’d be in jail.

But all these battles have cost us a great deal of time and money to fight and have wrought their own emotional toll that comes from David having to fight Goliath.  Which Pro Bono or government-paid attorney came to our rescue with the IRS, as they have come to the rescue for illegal aliens?  Which court took up our cause as the courts take up the illegal alien cause?  Not one.  We were forced to fight alone, at our cost, as most taxpayers are forced to do.

So the American taxpayer gets to pay for the illegal alien’s rent, education, medical care, the crimes they commit and their time in jail, but the taxpayer also gets to pay for the attorney’s fees and court costs to defend the rights of illegal aliens who should have no rights at all if common sense and the law prevailed.  Why the Hell aren’t Americans mad as Hell?  Has cowardice infected the gene pool?

If you refuse to fight these injustices by government, you will never win and will become an indentured servant, or slave, to whatever government demands of you.  Unfortunately, most Americans just roll over to the power and authority of the IRS, thus giving into an out-of-control, rogue government agency that has no compunction against terrorizing the American taxpayer, while illegal aliens are shown the red carpet.  Most Americans just put their head in the sand when it comes to illegal aliens and just roll their eyes when we mention the horrendous cost.  What does it take to get Americans mad enough to jump into action and fight these injustices?

Because of our personal experience in fighting the IRS and our many years of experience fighting other government agencies in general, we created our “GETTING EVEN WITH GOVERNMENT” package.  This vital information is designed to defend your rights, or hold government at bay, or confuse the Hell out of them, or delay their proceedings, or stop them in their tracts, all without hiring an attorney whose allegiance and loyalty are to the very people you are fighting against, government and the courts.  Would you hire a fox to guard your hen house, of course not?  But that is what Americans do when they hire an attorney to defend them against the IRS in Tax Court, U. S. District Court, or the U. S. Court of Claims.

Fighting government in court or otherwise can be very expensive.  In an audit of one of our businesses several years ago, the IRS said we owed $15,000.  We wanted to dispute the tax because of some procedural and tax code issues.  However, upon calling an attorney to take on the IRS in court, we were informed by the attorney that it could take way more than $15,000 to fight them and we could lose.  So we paid the $15,000 to the IRS under protest, for all the good that did.

What all this boils down to is, that uneducated peasants, criminals and terrorists from Mexico, Central America, South America, the Middle East and wherever that come here illegally, or overstay their visas “Have More Rights Than the American Taxpayer.”  You might wonder how this upside down situation was allowed to happen in America, the land of the free ….. handout!  But the answer is crystal clear.  We the people allowed it to happen because we listened to and elected Democrat Socialists to lead us!  Perhaps President Trump can fix it but it may already be too late.

© 2017 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

Read More Articles by Ron Ewart

Public Notice Provided to All Federal Employees and Agency Personnel Including Internal Revenue Service and Treasury Personnel:


By The American States and People

c/o 1336 Staubbach Circle

Anchorage, Alaska 99508

 Social Security Numbers can only be issued to federal “employees” / “citizens” for use only in the performance of their official duties.  See 20 CFR §422.104.  SSN’s used as TIN’s apply to the same Persons/PERSONS.

That is, only federal Persons (Territorial’s) or PERSONS (Municipals) can be issued Social Security Account Numbers/TIN’s and that is the way it has always been, except…….

FDR and the Federal WWII Era Congress got around this and included millions of patriotic Americans by conscripting “volunteers” who agreed to pay federal income taxes as a “Victory Tax”. They did this by arbitrarily defining such voluntary taxpayers as Withholding Agents— Warrant Officers in the Merchant Marines.

The Victory Tax was supposed to sunset upon the “cessation of hostilities”, however, in September of 1945, Congress conveniently forgot to put a specific end date on this arrangement and the Internal Revenue Service continued to collect –thus changing this from a voluntary arrangement to help win the war– to an international extortion racket.

This is your reminder that the Second World War hostilities ended in September of 1945.

Any American “volunteer” who isn’t actually and naturally eligible for Social Security and who wishes to “retire” from the presumption of federal service and who revokes their election to pay federal taxes must be immediately set free and permanently released from any obligation to report, to pay, or accept responsibility for any federal Person/PERSON, and cannot otherwise be encumbered, imposed upon, or subjected by any agency or department of the federal territorial or municipal government (s).

Compulsory “citizenship” does not exist.

Those who have “retired” after becoming vested in the Social Security System as a result of this abuse are owed all their money back and/or all services promised at the time of their enrollment with no presumption of continued federal citizenship or its obligations attaching to them.

The continued issuance of Social Security Numbers to people who aren’t actually federal employees and either United States Citizens or citizens of the United States is illegal entrapment under conditions of non-disclosure and deceit; it results in mischaracterization of political status, involuntary servitude,  identity theft, unlawful conversion of assets and other evils of racketeering committed against Americans who have been deliberately misinformed and told that they have to enroll in Social Security as a requirement of having a job—-any job.

Enrollment in Social Security is only required if they happen to be seeking direct employment with the federal government or are otherwise legitimately considered federal government dependents—verifiable political asylum seekers, etc.

Those born in one of the actual states of the Union who retire from such employment, including military employment, or who, owing no natural allegiance to the Territorial or Municipal governments, and having never been employed by the federal government(s), simply realize these facts and revoke their “election” to pay federal income taxes and cease thereafter to function as voluntary Withholding Agents must be set free from the presumption of any further territorial or municipal obligation.

A similar entrapment occurs when American State Citizens are encouraged to vote in federal and federated state/county elections.  When they “register” to vote, they unknowingly give up their rights as stockholders and electors — an undisclosed loss — and they become “enfranchised” as presumed operators of federal corporation franchises.  This sleight-of-hand conversion of Americans from electors into mere voters again serves to mischaracterize them and defraud them and subject them and deprive them of their natural birth right and material interests at the hands of people who are in fact their employees.

As none of these losses and obligations are ever fully disclosed no valid private contract can be alleged and any American who subsequently rescinds a voter registration must be removed from all registration data bases and held harmless from any presumption of federal enfranchisement.

Let’s just use this one small example of the Big Lie federal employees have been told and that they have been enforcing upon others…..continuing from (1) quoting from Christopher Chapman now:

“§ 422.104. Who can be assigned a social security number.

(a) Persons eligible for SSN assignment. We can assign you a social security number if you meet the evidence requirements in § 422.107 and you are:

(1) A United States citizen; or

(2) An alien lawfully admitted to the United States….

Let’s examine the definition of United States (U.S.) used in Title 26 to see if average Americans who are not employed by the federal government are a citizens of the U.S…..

In most statutes (statute law) the Unites States referred to is federal territory, just as it is in Title 26—- i.e.:

26 U.S. Code § 7701 – Definitions

(9) United States

The term “United States” when used in a geographical sense includes only the States and the District of Columbia.

(10) State —-The term “State” shall be construed to include the District of Columbia, where such construction is necessary to carry out provisions of this title.

The term “State” exposes the truth that term “United States” means the District of Columbia and no other.

Let us review, specifically the history of the evolution of this term

The code of Federal Regulation is very definitive by using the word “its”, in lieu of, “their”

Title 26 CFR § 1.1-1(a)(1) provides, in pertinent part:

(1) Section 1 of the [Internal Revenue] Code imposes an income tax on the income of every individual who is a citizen or resident of the United States ….

(c) Who is a citizen. Every person born or naturalized in the United States and subject and subject to its [District of Columbia] jurisdiction is a citizen.

The 1939 Code through 1954 the definition of “State”:

IRC 1954:

Alaska is a U.S. Territory

Hawaii is a U.S. Territory

  • 7701 (a) (10): The term “State” shall be construed to include the Territories and the District of Colombia, where such construction is necessary to carry out the provisions of this title.

Alaska joins the Union, strikeout “Territories” and substitute “Territory of Hawaii”:

Revision 1:

Alaska is a State of the Union

Hawaii is a U.S. Territory

7701 (a) (10): The term “State” shall be construed to include the Territory of Hawaii and the District of Colombia, where such construction is necessary to carry out the provisions of this title.

Hawaii joins the Union, strikeout “the Territory of Hawaii and” immediately after the word “include”:

Revision 2

Alaska is a State of the Union

Hawaii is a State of the Union

  • 7701 (a) (10):The term “State” shall be construed to include the District of Columbia, where such construction is necessary to carry out provisions of this title.

Notice how Alaska and Hawaii only fit these definitions of [Territorial] “State” before they were declared to be States of the United States of America, and now are hereby admitted into the Union on equal footing with the original States, in all respects whatsoever.[emphasis added]

Let’s examine some court cases that further solidifies this subject:

Before the 14th amendment [sic] in 1868:

A citizen of any one of the States of the union, is held to be, and called a citizen of the United States, although technically and abstractly there is no such thing. To conceive a citizen of the United States who is not a citizen of some one of the States, is totally foreign to the idea, and inconsistent with the proper construction and common understanding of the expression as used in the Constitution, which must be deduced from its various other provisions.  The object then to be attained, by the exercise of the power  of naturalization, was to make citizens of the respective States. [Ex Parte Knowles, 5 Cal. 300 (1855)] [bold emphasis added]

It is true, every person, and every class and description of  persons, who were at the time of the adoption of the Constitution recognized as citizens in the several States, became also citizens of this new political body; but none other; it was formed by them, and for them and their posterity, but for no one else. And the personal rights and privileges guarantied [sic] to citizens of this new sovereignty were intended to embrace those only who were then members of the several state communities, or who should afterwards, by birthright or otherwise, become members, according to the provisions of the Constitution and the principles on which it was founded. [Dred Scott v. Sandford, 19 How. 393, 404 (1856)]  [emphasis added]

… [F]or it is certain, that in the sense in which the word “Citizen” is used in the federal Constitution, “Citizen of each State,” and “Citizen of the United States***,” are convertible terms; they mean the same thing; for “the Citizens of each State are entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States,” and “Citizens of the United States***” are, of course, Citizens of all the United States***. [44 Maine 518 (1859), Hathaway, J. dissenting][italics in original, underlines & C’s added]

As it was the adoption of the Constitution by the Conventions of nine States that established and created the United States***, it is obvious there could not then have existed any person who had been seven years a citizen of the United States***, or who possessed the Presidential qualifications of being thirty-five years of age, a natural born citizen, and fourteen years a resident of the United States***. The United States*** in these provisions, means the States united. To be twenty-five years of age, and for seven years to have been a citizen of one of the States which ratifies the Constitution, is the qualification of a representative. To be a natural born citizen of one of the States which shall ratify the Constitution, or to be a citizen of one of said States at the time of such ratification, and to have attained the age of thirty-five years, and to have been fourteen years a resident within one of the said States, are the Presidential qualifications, according to the true meaning of the Constitution. [People v. De La Guerra, 40 Cal. 311, 337 (1870)] [bold and underline emphasis added]

After the 14th amendment [sic] in 1868:

It is quite clear, then, that there is a citizenship of the United States** and a citizenship of a State, which are distinct from each other and which depend upon different characteristics or circumstances in the individual. [Slaughter House Cases, 83 U.S. 36]   [(1873) emphasis added]

The first clause of the fourteenth amendment made negroes citizens of the United States**, and citizens of the State in which they reside, and thereby created two classes of citizens, one of the United States** and the other of the state. [Cory et al. v. Carter, 48 Ind. 327][(1874) headnote 8, emphasis added]

We have in our political system a Government of the United States** and a government of each of the several States. Each one of these governments is distinct from the others, and each has citizens of its own ….[U.S. v. Cruikshank, 92 U.S. 542] [(1875) emphasis added]

One may be a citizen of a State and yet not a citizen of the United States. Thomasson v. State, 15 Ind. 449; Cory v. Carter, 48 Ind. 327 (17 Am. R. 738); McCarthy v. Froelke, 63 Ind. 507; In Re Wehlitz, 16 Wis. 443. [McDonel v. State, 90 Ind. 320, 323][(1883) underlines added]

A person who is a citizen of the United States** is necessarily a citizen of the particular state in which he resides. But a person may be a citizen of a particular state and not a citizen of the United States**. To hold otherwise would be to deny to the state the highest exercise of its sovereignty, — the right to declare who are its citizens.[State v. Fowler, 41 La. Ann. 380]

[6 S. 602 (1889), emphasis added]

The first clause of the fourteenth amendment of the federal Constitution made negroes citizens of the United States**, and citizens of the state in which they reside, and thereby created two classes of citizens, one of the United States** and the other of the state.

[4 Dec. Dig. ’06, p. 1197, sec. 11]

[“Citizens” (1906), emphasis added]

There are, then, under our republican form of government, two classes of citizens, one of the United States** and one of the state. One class of citizenship may exist in a person, without the other, as in the case of a resident of the District of Columbia; but both classes usually exist in the same person.[Gardina v. Board of Registrars, 160 Ala. 155]

[48 S. 788, 791 (1909), emphasis added]

There is a distinction between citizenship of the United States** and citizenship of a particular state, and a person may be the former without being the latter.

[Alla v. Kornfeld, 84 F.Supp. 823] [(1949) headnote 5, emphasis added]

A person may be a citizen of the United States** and yet be not identified or identifiable as a citizen of any particular state.[Du Vernay v. Ledbetter] [61 So.2d 573, emphasis added]

… citizens of the District of Columbia were not granted the privilege of litigating in the federal courts on the ground of diversity of citizenship. Possibly no better reason for this fact exists than such citizens were not thought of when the judiciary article [III] of the federal Constitution was drafted.  … citizens of the United States** … were also not thought of; but in any event a citizen of the United States**, who is not a citizen of any state, is not within the language of the [federal] Constitution.[Pannill v. Roanoke, 252 F. 910, 914]  [emphasis added]

That there is a citizenship of the United States and a citizenship of a state, and the privileges and immunities of one are not the same as the other is well established by the decisions of the courts of this country. [Tashiro v. Jordan, 201 Cal. 236 (1927)]

No fortifying authority is necessary to sustain the proposition that in the United States a double citizenship exists. A citizen of the United States is a citizen of the Federal Government and at the same time a citizen of the State in which he resides.  Determination of what is qualified residence within a State is not here necessary. Suffice it to say that one possessing such double citizenship owes allegiance and is entitled to protection from each sovereign to whose jurisdiction he is subject.  [Kitchens v. Steele, 112 F.Supp. 383 (USDC/WDMO 1953)]

The privileges and immunities clause of the Fourteenth Amendment protects very few rights because it neither incorporates any of the Bill of Rights nor protects all rights of individual citizens. See Slaughter-House Cases, 83 U.S. (16 Wall.) 36, 21 L.Ed. 394 (1873).  Instead, this provision protects only those rights peculiar to being a citizen of the federal government; it does not protect those rights which relate to state citizenship.

[Jones v. Temmer, 829 F.Supp. 1226 (USDC/DCO 1993)]”  unquote Christopher Chapman.

In conclusion….

Attacking Americans who are not obligated in any way to pay federal income taxes, and certainly not obligated to pay “municipal” taxes merely disguised more generally as “federal” taxes, is against the law, both statutory and Public.  Coercing exempt persons and/or denying their claim of exemption is a criminal act of extortionate racketeering and inland piracy.

There are American state nationals (people who live as non-federal, non-citizens) and American State Citizens (who occupy public offices of the land jurisdiction states).  These are distinctly different groups within one Body Politic which is foreign to the “United States” as defined in Title 26 and throughout Federal Code.

None of them are naturally liable to pay federal income taxes and none of them are subject to territorial or municipal law.  The sooner IRS employees become fully acquainted with these facts and the limitations of their powers and jurisdictions with respect to these Americans, the better for everyone involved.

These facts are unwritten by the most fundamental principles giving rise to the government of this country.  Please note the following:

The limited and exclusive power of legislation conferred on the Congress and the geographic authority of these powers is summed up by these controlling sections of the actual Constitution:

“power of personal and subject-matter legislation throughout the Union and upon the high seas at Art, I, § 8, cl. 1-16;

“power of territorial, personal, and subject-matter legislation over (what will be) the District of Columbia at Art, I, § 8, cl. 17; and“constructive (implied) power of territorial, personal, and subject-matter legislation at Art. IV, § 3, cl. 2 in the form of ‘Rules and Regulations,’ id.,

‘respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States,’ id., i.e., federal territories and enclaves.

Please note that the Constitution confers upon Congress no power of territorial legislation over any person or property anywhere in the Union.

Unless a person is naturally and/or truly voluntarily subject to the Territorial “United States” defined as the District of Columbia in Title 26, they cannot be subjected as a Municipal citizen, either; and Congress has no delegated legislative power allowing it to usurp its territorial or municipal authority upon the actual states and people otherwise.

Read that as—-no means no.  There’s a difference between consensual sex and rape.

When people born on the land of one of the actual organic states claim their non-territorial, non-municipal, non-citizen political status and give evidence of the same intention by issuing an Act of Expatriation from the presumption of Territorial citizenship, and the surrender of the Municipal PERSON issued to them back to the Secretary of the Treasury, and otherwise give Notice of their revocation of election to pay federal income taxes or to otherwise subject themselves and their assets to any territorial or municipal code, that decision must be respected and adhered to by all agents of the territorial and municipal government without question or exception.

You can tax actual federal territorial and municipal employees all you like.  You can tax political asylum seekers and immigrants. You can tax people who are knowingly and voluntarily officers and employees of federally chartered corporations.

What you cannot do is to blindly assume that the existence of a Social Security Number and Masterfile Account establishes any valid basis for presuming (1) the political status of any individual or (2) any basis for assuming and assessing federal tax liabilities or other merely presumed obligations.

This circumstance is the result of self-interested mismanagement of federal agencies and departments for several generations.  It derives from wholesale distribution of Social Security Numbers and accounts by the Social Security Administration without respect for the limitations imposed by the actual law and without full disclosure to applicants.  It derives from purposeful efforts of the Congress to receive income from Americans under false pretenses—the presumption that they are knowingly and willingly acting as “volunteer” Warrant Officers in the Merchant Marine Service.  Most of all, it results from widespread ignorance among Revenue Agents, federal program administrators, and the general public.

All federal employees, all federal Territorial and Municipal citizens, all federal program administrators and managers need to be fully cognizant of these facts and you are encouraged to share them with your staff, your domestic judicial officers, your family and your friends.

Federal service is meant to be an honorable occupation worthy of respect and support, but when it devolves to purposeful racketeering against the people this same service is meant to serve, prosecution and conflict is the inevitable result.

It is important for federal employees –especially revenue agents and federal territorial and municipal judicial officers— to realize that when they misapply the law and contribute to these self-interested confusions they are committing serious crimes of racketeering, unlawful conversion of assets, inland piracy, personage, and barratry against their employers and benefactors.  These international crimes against Americans have been promoted by the federal governmental services corporations under a pretense of war and wartime necessity.  It is therefore necessary to also address this claim.

The Territorial aka “Federal” Government was created in 1868 in the wake of what is misleadingly called the “American Civil War” upon the release of the so-called Federal Constitution. This document, the “Constitution of the United States of America” presents articles of incorporation for a corporation doing business as the “United States of America” cleverly disguised via similar names deceit to resemble the actual Constitution.

Please note that the actual constitution is: “The Constitution for the united States of America”, not “the Constitution of the United States of America”.  And both these documents are different from the municipal constitution called the “Constitution of the United States”.

This conflict, the so-called “Civil War” was in fact an illegal commercial mercenary conflict taking place on our shores.  It was never declared by any action of the united States of America in Congress Assembled, and it was never resolved by any peace treaty.  Instead, President Johnson declared peace on the land jurisdiction via three public declarations creating a binding contract mandating peace—once again underscoring the fact that this was a commercial mercenary action and no form of actual “war” at all.

Ever since then there has been no sovereign government invoked and no competent land jurisdiction Congress of the actual states of the Union has been convened.  As a result, all so-called “wars” have instead been commercial mercenary actions carried out by corporations and/or internal domestic police actions.

Read that as: Congress has no “war powers”.  “War” has specific requirements and definitions under international law, and twist and turn as they might, the members of Congress— as that body has operated since 1860 —cannot declare actual war or take refuge in any claim of war powers or any doctrine of necessity with respect to the actual states and people of the Union.  What began as a fraudulent and illegal commercial mercenary action remains a fraudulent and illegal commercial mercenary action subject to prosecution as fraud.

It should surprise nobody that the actions of Congress seeking to enrich itself and to usurp against the lawful government of the actual United States by bolstering its territorial hegemony and deceptively terming it the [territorial] “United States” as seen in Title 26, is conceived in fraud and word-smithing and similar names deceits going back six generations.

All Territorial (States of States) and Municipal (STATES OF STATES) are merely franchises of self-interested federal commercial corporations.  They have no vested authority related to the American states and people and have fraudulently usurped upon the jurisdiction and property assets of their employers.

Without the ability to engage in actual war these various commercial corporations have rampaged around under false pretenses and have criminally trespassed on the Americans they are supposed to provide with “essential government services”.  They have also caused a great deal of trouble throughout the rest of the world.

As federal employees and as citizens of the Territorial and Municipal “United States” it is very important for you to become fully aware of the limitations of your position of limited delegated authority and the substantially unfavorable circumstances created by these past actions, events, and public policies espoused by these various incorporated entities.

You should also know that there is no “state” immunity available to invoke as protection against your actions as employees of commercial corporations and in most cases, your offices are not properly insured or bonded.  The sovereign government of this country is vested entirely in the American people and their jural assemblies at both the county and state levels.  Their states are the only ones enjoying sovereign immunity.

This Public Notice is provided in the interest of avoiding unnecessary conflicts between Americans and their federal employees.

All legal presumptions regarding political status based on the existence of Social Security Numbers and Masterfile Accounts are being based on insupportable evidences obtained under conditions of non-disclosure and semantic deceit and implemented via the purposeful World War II Victory Tax circumvention of the actual law pertaining to the issuance of Social Security Numbers.

Such presumptions of federal territorial or federal municipal citizenship cannot be maintained in the face of direct objection and reasonable proof of revocation by American state nationals and American State Citizens.

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents

The American States and People

c/o 1336 Staubbach Circle

Anchorage, Alaska 99508

Olddogs Comments!

 My fellow American’s there is nothing sadder than millions of people trusting a government bent on their destruction for their protection and substance. Forget all you have been told about America being the corner stone of freedom and prosperity! Instead arm your minds with the truth and prepare for Armageddon. There is nothing disloyal about self preservation.


The Country Created by Our Founding Fathers No Longer Exists

John Whitehead is an American constitutional attorney whose institute, the Rutherford Institute, defends Americans’ civil liberties.  In the 14 minute video below, he explains that “our” government has already set up the US military in violation of all US law and the US Constitution to suppress all dissent against the policies that “our” government follows that only benefit the One Percent.  The rest of America is to be suppressed, eliminated, shot down in the streets.

I recommend that you pay attention to John Whitehead.  Americans are the most gullible, most misinformed people in human history.  They have no idea what is being done to them.  So many of them are so pathetic that they cheer on their own demise.

Here is John Rutherford: http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2017/04/15/country-created-founding-fathers-no-longer-exists/

Supreme Court Ruling NO Islam In Public Schools + Islams manufactured refugee crisis revealed



by David Robinson

The full panel of nine Supreme Court justices met to decide the fate of Islam taught in public schools. Under Obama’s lead schools were teaching that Islam is a peaceful religion, even though all of our real life examples contradict that.

Treddify reported that Judge Neil Gorsuch cast the tie-breaking vote. The 5-4 ruling was that the only part of Islam history taught in public schools will be Radical Islam and what students can do to help stop it.

Judge Gorsuch wrote, “The government certainly has no business being involved in religion, but this isn’t a government issue or a religious issue. This is about the judicial branch interpreting the laws as they apply to the teaching of religion. We should not be
teaching any religions in this country besides standard Judeo-Christianity, as our founders wanted, and we certainly shouldn’t be filling the children with lies about Islam being a ‘religion of peace’ when they see the carnage on the news almost every day.”

About David Robinson

REVISED: David Robinson is an Author and Journalist living in the mid-coast area of Maine. He is a Graduate and Alumni of the Brunswick Police Academy. He served as a JUROR seated on the Cumberland County, Maine, Grand Jury for the first four-month session of 2014. Publisher Robinson served 3 months of a 4-month sentence for Conspiracy to defraud the United States, at the FCI Berlin minimum security Satellite Camp in Berlin New Hampshire, as retaliation after he and a friend sued the IRS, unsuccessfully, for Unfair Trade Practices, under Title 15 of the US Code. +++ Maine Lawsuit Against The IRS: For Unfair Trade Practices (http://tinyurl.com/hm8gdls) +++ Failure to File & Conspiracy: United States vs. Messier & Robinson – No. 2:14-cr-00083-DBH (http://tinyurl.com/gwdyaps) +++ On Appeal from the United States District Court for the District Court of Maine / REPLY BRIEF OF ROBINSON (http://tinyurl.com/zyp9f3x) +++ Books by David E. Robinson (http://tinyurl.com/zrr9bxb)

View all posts by David Robinson →

Islams manufactured refugee crisis revealed


‘It’s different from what the mainstream media will tell you’

image: http://www.wnd.com/files/2012/10/quran.jpg

The entire Western world is being swamped by an Islamic invasion. But Muslims aren’t coming in uniforms and carrying guns. They’re arriving en masse with the assistance of Western governments.

Some call it refugee resettlement. Others simply believe it is just immigration. Few are willing to call it what it is – an “act of conquest,” according to traditional Islam.

One of those few is Paul Nehlen, producer and director of the new documentary “Hijrah: Radical Islam’s Global Invasion.” Nehlen is best known as the populist Republican who challenged House Speaker Paul Ryan in a primary campaign in 2016. In “Hijrah,” Nehlen provides a compelling examination of the issues surrounding immigration and terrorism he discussed during his bid for office.

Nehlen claims establishment media are complicit in covering up the truth about what Islam truly represents.

“When the media talks about religion, they pick out the pieces they want to talk about, the narrative they want to share or spin,” he says in the film. “But what we’re going to talk about is political Islam. We’re going to talk about how Islam developed over the years, and what basic tenets of Islam have been the same from the time it was created until now. … It’s different from what the mainstream media will tell you. It’s the truth.”

The purpose of the documentary is to introduce Westerners to the double meaning in the term “hijrah.” Nehlen argues the media is eager to project an innocent meaning onto the term, which is often used to refer to the journey of the Islamic prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina. It can also be used in a more abstract, spiritual context as a kind of “flight from sin.”

But Nehlen says there is a more sinister meaning, as the term can also refer to conquest via immigration.

“Learning the dual meanings of the word ‘hijrah’ is critical to your understanding of the manufactured refugee crisis and the migration in the name of Allah,” Nehlen proclaims in the film.

It’s an Islamic invasion which could end our civilization forever. And it’s being enabled by the very people who are supposed to protect us. Discover the terrifying truth behind our culture’s oldest enemy and unveil the darkest treason in the history of Western Civilization. Brought to you by Paul Nehlen, the man who challenged House Speaker Paul Ryan, “Hijrah” is the most explosive documentary of the year, and it’s available now in the WND Superstore.

Nehlen is not alone in regarding Islamic immigration this way. As WND’s Leo Hohmann reported in 2014, Muslim leaders with direct connections to the Muslim Brotherhood have explained immigration is part of the movement’s strategy to take over the West.

Counter-terrorism expert and former Department of Homeland Security Agent Philip Haney, co-author of “See Something, Say Nothing,” also argued immigration is a tool Islamic radicals use to pursue their goal of conquest.

“We always have to come back again to this gravitational force of Shariah,” said Haney. “The power that drives the global Islamic movement isn’t actually jihad. It is the goal to implement global Shariah law. Jihad is the tactic that is employed via various kaleidoscopic forms by the different groups that are all seeking the same thing.”

The end goal of imposing Shariah law is the driving force behind the global Islamic movement. And Nehlen assembles reams of evidence in “Hijrah” to show how mass immigration and “refugee resettlement” are furthering the core objective of the jihadists.

“If we know [Islam] has a sizable population that believes in Shariah law over secular laws, specifically, the U.S. Constitution, why are we risking American lives by permitting the hijrah in the name of Allah to continue to our shores?” the former congressional candidate asks.

Nehlen also examines Islam itself, showing extremism, violence and a call to conquest are inherent in the faith. “Hijrah” provides an in-depth examination of Islamic history, teachings and doctrine. It’s a wake-up call for all Americans who believe Islam is just another religion, no different than any other. It includes quotations from the Quran the establishment media would like to keep hidden, including:

  • Chapter 2, verse 216: “Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not.”
  • Chapter 9, verse 29: “Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.”

Viewers will hear the sermons and teachings of Anwar al-Awlaki, an American Islamic lecturer who became the first United States citizen to be killed by a drone strike. Those who watch “Hijrah” will hear from a jihadist’s own mouth how the tenets of Islam not only allow terrorism, but urge jihad and violence against the infidels with the goal of subjugating them. What’s more, even the act of migration is simply a part of this overall strategy of conquest.

“Die in the performance of jihad and you are guaranteed a place in paradise,” Nehlen says in the film. “And jihad and hijrah are inseparably linked.”

Finally, Nehlen shows how refugee resettlement, far from being a charity, is a lucrative business, with federal contractors receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars from Western governments to facilitate the Islamic invasion. Among the contractors who are being heavily subsidized are many Christian and Jewish religious organizations – the very same organizations the establishment media loves to quote to claim refugee resettlement is a moral necessity. As Nehlen shows, such organizations are really just protecting their bottom line.

Western Civilization is in crisis and Americans and Europeans are looking for answers about what our civilization really faces. “Hijrah” shows why the Islamic invasion is taking place, who benefits and what is at stake. For political organizations, church groups or individuals who want to understand the clash of civilizations, this is a film you can’t miss from one of the most important political figures on the American right today.


 Whistleblower Reveals That A UN Planned Invasion By Refugees Into The US Is Already Underway

Josh Tolley Show


US: A Missouri woman is interviewed by radio-show host, Josh Tolley, and tells how she became involved in her state’s refugee-immigration program and how the program is far more extensive and advanced than most people realize. She describes how the UN, under the heading of Agenda 2030, is planning immigration into the US similar to what is happening in Europe. The goal is to create chaos and lay the foundation for breaking the US into smaller political units with equal UN representation – and the end of America as a sovereign nation. -GEG

Radio show host Josh Tolley interviewed an unidentified American woman from Missouri who learned about her state’s refugee immigration program by attending UN-sponsored meetings and participating in the programs.  She said that refugees are brought into the US in alliance with the UN Refugee Resettlement Organization Offices of Refugee Monitoring out of Washington, DC.  In her state, Missouri Social Services administers the refugee programs that provide welfare for housing, food stamps, and medicare, in addition to cash and jobs.

The refugees receive US passports and Social Security numbers so they can receive Social Security benefits.  They are screened and, where possible, encouraged to apply for lifetime disability benefits under Social Security.

Many refugees are allowed into the US who have communicable diseases such as tuberculosis, leprosy, and smallpox.

The woman reported that there is ZERO vetting of refugees and that most are “FUNUs” which is an acronym for ‘full name unknown’.  Most of them are males aged 15 to 45 instead of women and children.

She said that Trump reduced the number of refugees from Obama’s proposed 110,000 down to 50,000. From October 2016 through February 2017, the US had taken in 34,000.  Democrats are not the only supporters of increased refugee immigration. Paul Ryan advocated bringing in 300,000 refugees.

The refugees usually are transported for settlement in the dead of night, not because of the lower air fares, but because that avoids being seen by large crowds at airports.

The federal government is secretive about how many refugees are being resettled in the US, and many governors are totally unaware of how many are in their states. The governors of Texas and Tennessee have refused to accept any more refugees and now are being sued by the US government.

The Wilson-Fish program allows the US government to circumvent state sovereignty in refugee resettlement by funding third-party organizations.  She mentioned several third-party organizations that benefit from taxpayer money in this way. They include the Jewish Vocational Services (which also uses the name Jewish Technical Services), Catholic Charities, and Lutheran organizations.  They receive $2500 to process each refugee plus block grants to staff offices.  She said she believed they are making huge amounts of money above their costs..

Her closing comment was that she believes the refugees are a tool of invasion used by the United Nations under Agenda 2030 to remove national borders.  If the UN officially recognizes a group of refugees, then UN ‘Peacekeeper’ soldiers may be placed wherever the refugees are located.  She said that there have been sightings of UN trucks in her state. She also said that there is a scheme to remove county sheriffs in order to implement total UN authority in local areas.

She ended the interview by exhorting people to get involved locally to learn what is going on in their communities, to read about their states’ refugee programs on their Social Services websites, and then to meet with local and state lawmakers to stop this covert UN scheme for destruction.

Lufkin Tax fraud



ATTENTION: To get the PDF files of the court case in this article, click on this link and then click on the appropriate links to view or download them. Please do not ask me personal questions about this court case, because I am not a part of it. The content about this court case was originally published on SupremeCourtCase.WordPress.com. I recommend reading the content in the comment section at the end of this article, because it has some interesting information on the legal system.

If you have been reading my articles about the legal system, you should know that this system is a big fat FRAUD and is run by a bunch of TRAITORS to humanity! The content below will show you more evidence of this fraud against humanity. For some reason, I could not find the court case No. 4:14-CV-0027 on txcourts.gov.

As always, use your intuition to help you discern the information and do your own research to verify the information below. Thanks to Steve for sending me the link to this article. ~ PL Chang

Sister Federal tax case: Petitioner demands Court’s constitutional authority; plaintiff and Court go silent; Petitioner demands immediate dismissal and costs, restitution, and damages of $1,841,451.45

(SupremeCourtCase.wordpress.com) The case featured in this website appealed to the Supreme Court is Southern District of Texas, Houston Division No. 4:14-CV-0027.

There is another case against Petitioner being handled by the same Assistant U.S. Attorney, the sister case: Eastern District of Texas, Lufkin Division No. 9:14-CV-138 (the “Lufkin Case”).

Petitioner’s filings in the Lufkin Case have been fielded by multiple judges and magistrates from three different judicial districts. The government has made no progress in 14 months.

When Petitioner made a motion for the first judge in the Lufkin Case—Eastern District of Texas Chief Judge Ron Clark—to recuse (self-disqualify) himself for incompetence by reason of ignorance of law (and provided evidence proving the same), Judge Clark went silent and remained so. Six weeks later the case was removed to a different judicial district (Tyler Division) under a different judge. The case is now back in the Lufkin Division; Judge Clark is not involved.

For any court to exercise jurisdiction in a particular geographic area, there is a requirement that the Constitution must have given the court the capacity to take it; to wit:

“It remains rudimentary law that “[a]s regards all courts of the United States inferior to this tribunal [United States Supreme Court], two things are necessary to create jurisdiction, whether original or appellate. The Constitution must have given to the court the capacity to take it, and an act of Congress must have supplied it. . . .” [Emphasis in original.] Finley v. United States, 490 U.S. 545 (1989).

That a lawsuit is authorized by the statutes of Congress, however, is not, in and of itself, sufficient to vest jurisdiction in any Federal court; to wit:

“So, we conclude, as we did in the prior case, that, although these suits may sometimes so present questions arising under the Constitution or laws of the United States that the Federal courts will have jurisdiction, yet the mere fact that a suit is an adverse suit authorized by the statutes of Congress is not in and of itself sufficient to vest jurisdiction in the Federal courts.” Shoshone Mining Co. v. Rutter, 177 U.S. 505, 513 (1900).

Article III of the Constitution creates the Supreme Court and authorizes Congress to ordain and establish inferior trial courts of special (or limited) jurisdiction—with no authority to exercise general jurisdiction (territorial, personal, and subject matter) anywhere in the Union.

Courtesy of Congress, however (since no later than June 25, 1948), every United States District Court is a court of general jurisdiction and hears and decides both civil and criminal cases, an implied power granted only in the territorial clause of the Constitution, Article 4 § 3(2), and only in Federal territory, such as the District of Columbia and the territories; to wit, in pertinent part:

“The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States; . . .”

All Federal civil and criminal proceedings fall under Title 28 U.S.C. Judiciary and Judicial Procedure Chapter 176 Federal Debt Collection Procedure.

Congress define “judgment” in Title 28 U.S.C., Chapter 176, Section 3002(8) as follows:

“‘Judgment’ means a judgment, order, or decree entered in favor of the United States in a court and arising from a civil or criminal proceeding regarding a debt.”

On September 14, 2015, Petitioner files in the Lufkin Case, “Defendant’s Objection to Denial of Due Process of Law and Demand for Disclosure of the Constitutional Authority that Gives the Court the Capacity to Take Jurisdiction and Enter Judgments, Orders, and Decrees in Favor of the United States Arising from a Civil or Criminal Proceeding Regarding a Debt, in Tyler County, Texas” (the “Objection and Demand”) (hyperlinked below).

The statutory period for plaintiff United States to respond to the Objection and Demand is 14 days.

On September 29, 2015, 15 days after the filing of the Objection and Demand, the record in the Lufkin Case is devoid of response from either plaintiff or the Court—and Petitioner transmits to the clerk on that date, for filing September 30, 2015, “Demand for Dismissal, with Prejudice, of this Alleged Case for Lack of Constitutional Authority that Gives the Court the Capacity to Take Jurisdiction and Enter Judgments, Orders, and Decrees in Favor of the United States Arising from a Civil or Criminal Proceeding Regarding a Debt, in Tyler County, Texas” (the “Demand for Dismissal”) (hyperlinked below).

The reason neither plaintiff nor the Lufkin Court could produce the constitutional authority that allows the Court to take jurisdiction and enter judgments, orders, and decrees in favor of the United States arising from a civil or criminal proceeding regarding a debt, in Tyler County, Texas, is because there is no such constitutional authority.

For the Lufkin Court to reveal that it is using Article 4 § 3(2) of the Constitution to take jurisdiction in Tyler County, Texas, and extend its jurisdiction beyond the boundaries fixed by the Constitution for territorial courts of general jurisdiction into geographic area fixed by the Constitution exclusively for constitutional courts of special (or limited) jurisdiction, would be to confess to usurpation of exercise of jurisdiction and treason to the Constitution.

“How can this be?” or “How can they get away with this?” you may ask.

The answer is simple.

When Congress define a word or expression by legislative act, the ordinary and popular meaning (as found in the dictionary or encyclopedia) is stripped away and the new term means only what Congress define it to mean—and there is no discretion for anyone to take such term in any other way than provided in the statute.

In all civil and criminal proceedings in United States District Courts, “United States” is a term with a special definition and meaning.

In Title 28 U.S.C. Judiciary and Judicial Procedure, in the chapter and section that defines “court,” “debt,” “judgment,” and “United States” (Chapter 176 Federal Debt Collection Procedure, Section 3002), “United States” means a Federal corporation (28 U.S.C. 3002(15)).

In the United States District Court conducting the Lufkin Case, “United States” means a Federal corporation—and the ultimate parent Federal corporation, over all other Federal entities of any kind—is the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation.[1]

Every appearance of “United States” in anything and everything relating to Federal district courts means, literally, District of Columbia Municipal Corporation; e.g.:

  • “Congress of the United States” means, literally, Congress of the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation.
  • “Title 28 United States Code” means, literally, Title 28 District of Columbia Municipal Corporation Code.
  • “United States District Court” means, literally, District of Columbia Municipal Corporation District Court.
  • “United States District Judge” means, literally, District of Columbia Municipal Corporation District Judge.
  • “United States Attorney” means, literally, District of Columbia Municipal Corporation Attorney.

In Federal civil and criminal proceedings, there is no discretion for anyone to take “United States” any other way.

Actors in government rely on cognitive dissonance[2] on the part of victims of the Federal word game to perpetrate the fraud, commit treason to the Constitution, and subject the American People to District of Columbia municipal law.

The hoax is protected by a culture of silence among all initiates in the Federal judiciary, Department of Justice, and other key positions in government.

And that is how they get away with it.

In summation: United States District Courts (i.e., Article 4 § 3(2) District of Columbia Municipal Corporation Courts) have extended their jurisdiction beyond the boundaries fixed by the Constitution for territorial courts of general jurisdiction (District of Columbia and the territories only), into geographic area fixed by the Constitution exclusively for constitutional courts of special / limited jurisdiction (the Union).

There is no constitutional authority that gives any contemporary United States District Court the capacity to take jurisdiction and enter judgments, orders, and decrees in favor of the United States arising from a civil or criminal proceeding regarding a debt, in any county in America—and no one can produce such authority.

Objection and Demand, September 14, 2015

Demand for Dismissal, September 30, 2015

[1] “An Act to provide a Government for the District of Columbia,” ch. 62, 16 Stat. 419, February 21, 1871; later legislated in “An Act Providing a Permanent Form of Government for the District of Columbia,” ch. 180, sec. 1, 20 Stat. 102, June 11, 1878, to remain and continue as a municipal corporation (brought forward from the Act of 1871, as provided in the Act of March 2, 1877, amended and approved March 9, 1878, Revised Statutes of the United States Relating to the District of Columbia . . . 1873–’74 (in force as of December 1, 1873), sec. 2, p. 2); as amended by the Act of June 28, 1935, 49 Stat. 430, ch. 332, sec. 1 (Title 1, Section 102, District of Columbia Code (1940)).

[2] In general, people cannot reconcile the 75 absurd, convoluted definitions of “United States” scattered throughout the United States Code with what they believe is the United States. For those few souls who manage to figure it out and speak up about it, actors in government follow a culture-of-silence policy of “Never respond, confirm, or deny.” Examples of this are (1) Chief Judge Ron Clark’s six weeks of silence following Petitioner’s motion for him to recuse himself for incompetence by reason of ignorance of law, and (2) ZERO government progress in the Lufkin Case in more than 14 months.

If a particular intended victim persists, government actors may mock / ridicule him by implication by quoting him, as if to say, “Can you believe how crazy this guy is? He thinks the United States is a Federal corporation!” (28 U.S.C. 3002(15)), knowing it will be next to impossible for the victim to secure general agreement in society as to the truth of the matter.

Petitioner obviates the cognitive-dissonance factor in the Lufkin Case by going straight to the supreme determinant, upon which the Lufkin Court’s very existence depends: the constitutional authority that gives the Court the capacity to take jurisdiction and enter judgments, orders, and decrees in favor of the United States arising from a civil or criminal proceeding regarding a debt, in Tyler County, Texas. There is no such constitutional authority—and the Lufkin Court and every other United States District Court located throughout the Union is a kangaroo court with no lawful authority to do business in any county, borough, or parish in America.

Sister Federal tax case: Judge and DOJ attorneys abandon case midstream, decline to participate any further

On September 14, 2015, Petitioner filed in United States District Court, Eastern District of Texas, Lufkin Division Case No. 9:14-CV-138, Defendant’s Objection to Denial of Due Process of Law and Demand for Disclosure of the Constitutional Authority that Gives the Court the Capacity to Take Jurisdiction and Enter Judgments, Orders, and Decrees in Favor of the United States Arising from a Civil or Criminal Proceeding Regarding a Debt, in Tyler County, Texas (the “Objection and Demand”).

Plaintiff United States had 14 days to respond, but went silent (first and only time of which Petitioner is aware, that the government failed to respond to a challenge of jurisdiction).

As of September 29, 2015, it was incumbent on the Court to dismiss the case under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(1) or (h)(3) or 41(b).

The Court, however, stood mute.

Thereafter, Petitioner filed on September 30, 2015, Petitioner’s Demand for Dismissal, with Prejudice, of this Alleged Case for Lack of Constitutional Authority that Gives the Court the Capacity to Take Jurisdiction and Enter Judgments, Orders, and Decrees in Favor of the United States Arising from a Civil or Criminal Proceeding Regarding a Debt, in Tyler County, Texas (the “Demand for Dismissal”).

Plaintiff had until October 14, 2015, to produce the constitutional authority that gives the Court the capacity to take jurisdiction in Tyler County, Texas.

As of this post (October 28, 2015), 44 days have passed since the filing of the Objection and Demand and 28 since the Demand for Dismissal and neither the judge nor either of the Department of Justice attorneys has responded in any way following Petitioner’s demands.

The reason neither the judge nor DOJ attorneys will respond or confirm or deny Petitioner’s filings, is that anything that any of them may say in writing—whether for or against Petitioner—will evince treason to the Constitution, not only on their part, but on the part of every other Federal judge and DOJ attorney doing business anywhere in the Union.

Notwithstanding that the penalty for treason to the Constitution is death, the Federal judge and DOJ attorneys in this case have a more pressing situation on their hands:

The entire fraudulent Federal judicial apparatus is at stake because no contemporary Federal court has the capacity to take jurisdiction and enter judgments, orders, or decrees in favor of the United States arising from a civil or criminal proceeding regarding a debt, in any county, parish, or borough in America—and there is no reason why the above filings from this case will not produce the same results in any other Federal case, civil or criminal, anywhere in the Union.

If the Department of Justice cannot win a case anywhere in America, the days of the hoax of Federal jurisdiction over the American People are numbered.

The sister Federal tax case in the Lufkin Division was an attempt to foreclose on Federal tax liens filed against Petitioner’s ranch. Judge and plaintiff having departed the field of battle, said case is over in substance—Petitioner prevailing.

Regarding the original Federal tax case, United States District Court, Southern District of Texas, Houston Division Civil No. 4:14-cv-0027 (which the Supreme Court declined to review): There are other remedies available to Petitioner and Petitioner is pursuing them. Developments will be posted on this website as they occur.

* * * *

Note: If a sufficient number of requests are received (under “Leave a comment” in the left-hand margin above), Petitioner will make available in PDF format on this website the docket and full contents of the record of both the original Houston Division case and the sister Federal tax case in the Lufkin Division. The record of these two cases chronicles and documents certain seminal congressional acts that are not taught in any school but have been used to deceive and deprive the American People of the unalienable and constitutional Right of Liberty and foist upon them (1) so-called civil (municipal) rights, (2) rules and regulations (statutes), and (3) municipal (Roman civil) law—a state of affairs abhorrent to the Founding Fathers and Framers of the Constitution for which they all risked their life to escape. The Lufkin Division case is the first time in American history that a defendant overcame and nullified the hoax of Federal jurisdiction and caused the United States District Judge, United States Attorney, and Assistant United States Attorney to flee.


To learn more about the court cases in this article, visit SupremeCourtCase.WordPress.com.





A Government of Morons



 By Paul Craig Roberts

It has become embarrassing to be an American. Our country has had four war criminal presidents in succession. Clinton twice launched military attacks on Serbia, ordering NATO to bomb the former Yugoslavia twice, both in 1995 and in 1999, so that gives Bill two war crimes. George W. Bush invaded Afghanistan and Iraq and attacked provinces of Pakistan and Yemen from the air. That comes to four war crimes for Bush. Obama used NATO to destroy Libya and sent mercenaries to destroy Syria, thereby commiting two war crimes. Trump attacked Syria with US forces, thereby becoming a war criminal early in his regime.

To the extent that the UN participated in these war crimes along with Washington’s European, Canadian and Australian vassals, all are guilty of war crimes. Perhaps the UN itself should be arranigned before the War Crimes Tribunal along with the EU, US, Australia and Canada.

Quite a record. Western Civilization, if civilization it is, is the greatest committer of war crimes in human history.

And there are other crimes—Somalia, and Obama’s coups against Honduras and Ukraine and Washington’s ongoing attempts to overthrow the governments of Venezuela, Ecuador, and Bolivia. Washington wants to overthrow Ecuador in order to grab and torture Julian Assange, the world’s leading democrat.

These war crimes committed by four US presidents caused millions of civilian deaths and injuries and dispossessed and dislocated millions of peoples, who have now arrived as refugees in Europe, UK, US, Canada, and Australia, bringing their problems with them, some of which become problerms for Europeans, such as gang rapes.

What is the reason for all the death and destruction and the flooding of the West with refugees from the West’s naked violence? We don’t know. We are told lies: Saddam Hussein’s “weapons of mass destruction,” which the US government knew for an absolute fact did not exist. “Assad’s use of chemical weapons,” an obvious, blatant lie. “Iranian nukes,” another blatant lie. The lies about Gaddafi in Libya are so absurd that it is pointless to repeat them.

What were the lies used to justify bombing tribesmen in Pakistan, to bomb a new government in Yemen? No American knows or cares. Why the US violence against Somalia? Again, no Americans knows or cares.
Or the morons saw a movie.

Violence for its own sake. That is what America has become.

Indeed, violence is what America is. There is nothing else there. Violence is the heart of America.

Consider not only the bombings and destruction of countries, but also the endless gratuitous, outrageous police violence against US citizens. If anyone should be disarmed, it is the US police. The police commit more “gun violence” than anyone else, and unlike drug gangs fighting one another for territory, police violence has no other reason than the love of committing violence against other humans. The American police even shoot down 12-year old American kids prior to asking any question, especially if they are black.

Violence is America. America is violence. The moronic liberals blame it on gun owners, but it is always the government that is the source of violence. That is the reason our Founding Fathers gave us the Second Amendment. It is not gun owners who have destroyed in whole or part eight countries. It is the armed-at-taxpayer-expence US government that commits the violence.

America’s lust for violence is now bringing the Washington morons up against people who can commit violence back: the Russians and Chinese, Iran and North Korea.

Beginning with the Clinton moron every US government has broken or withdrawn from agreements with Russia, agreements that were made in order to reduce tensions and the risk of thermo-nuclear war. Washington initially covered its aggressive steps toward Russia with lies, such as ABM missile sites on Russia’s border are there to protect Europe from (non-existent) Iranian nuclear ICBMs.

The Obama regime still told lies but escalated to false charges against Russia and Russia’s president in order to build tensions between nuclear powers, the antithesis of Ronald Reagan’s policy. Yet moronic liberals love Obama and hate Reagan.

Did you know that Russia is so powerful and the NSA and CIA so weak and helpless that Russia can determine the outcome of US elections? You must know this, because this is all you have heard from the utterly corrupt Democratic Party, the CIA, the FBI, the Amerian whore media, and the morons who listen to CNN, MSNBC, NPR or read the New York Times and Washington Post.

Surely you have heard at least one thousand times that Russia invaded Ukraine; yet Washington’s puppet still sits in Kiev. One doesn’t have to have an IQ above 90 to understand that if Russia invaded Ukraine, Ukraine would not still be there.

Did you know that the president of Russia, which world polls show is the most respected leader in the world, is, according to Hillary Clinton “the new Hitler”?

Did you know that the most respected leader in the world, Vladimir Putin, is a Mafia don, a thug, a tarantula at the center of a spy web, according to members of the US government who are so stupid that they cannot even spell their own names?

Did you know that Putin, who has refrained from responding aggressively to US provocations, not out of fear, but out of respect for human life, is said to be hellbent on reconstructing the Soviet Empire? Yet, when Putin sent a Russian force against the US and Israeli trained and supplied Georgian army that Washington sent to attack South Ossetia, the Russian Army conquered Georgia in five hours; yet withdrew after teaching the morons the lesson. If Putin wanted to reconstruct the Russian Empire, why didn’t he keep Georgia, a Russian province for 300 years prior to Washington’s breakup of the Russian Empire when the Soviet Union collapsed? Washington was powerless to do anything had Putin declared Georgia to be again part of Russia.

And now we have the embarrassment of Trump’s CIA director, Mike Pompeo, possibly the most stupid person in America. Here we have a moron of the lowest grade. I am not sure there is any IQ there at all. Possibly it reads zero.

This moron, if he qualifies to that level, which I doubt, has accused Julian Assange, the world’s Premier Journalist, the person who more than anyone represents the First Amendment of the US Constitution, of being a demon who sides with dictators and endangers the security of American hegemony with the help of Russia. All because Wilileaks publishes material from official sources revealing the criminal behavior of the US government. Wikileaks doesn’t steal the documents. The documents are leaked to Wikileaks by whistleblowers who cannot tolerate the immorality and lies of the US government.

Anyone who tells the truth is by definition against the United States of America. And the moron Pompeo intends to get them.

When I first read Pompeo’s accusation against Assange, I thought it had to be a joke. The CIA director wants to revoke the First Amendment. But the moron Pompeo actually said it. https://www.rt.com/usa/384667-cia-assange-wikileaks-critisize/

What are we to do, what is the world to do, when we have utter morons as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, as President of the US, as National Security Adviser, as Secretary of Defence, as Secretary of State, as US Ambassador to the UN, as editors of the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, NPR, MSNBC? How can there be any intelligence when only morons are in charge?

Stupid is as stupid does. The Chinese government has said that the moronic Americans could attack North Korea at any moment. A large US fleet is heading to North Korea. North Korea apparently now has nuclear weapons. One North Korean nuclear weapon can wipe out the entirety of the US fleet. Why is Washington inviting this outcome? The only possible answer is moronic stupidity.

North Korea is not bothering anyone. Why is Washington picking on North Korea? Does Washington want war with China? In which case, is Washinton kissing off the West Coast of the US? Why does the West Coast support policies that imply the demise of the West Coast of the US? Do the morons on the West Coast think that the US can initiate war with China, or North Korea, without any consequesnces to the West Coast? Are even Amerians this utterly stupid?

China or Russia individually can wipe out the US. Together they can make North American uninhabitalbe until the end of time. Why are the Washington morons provoking powerful nuclear powers? Do the Washington morons think Russia and China will submit to threats?

The answer is: Washington is a collection of morons, people stupid below the meaning of stupid. People so far outside of reality that they imagine that their hubris and arrogance elevates them above reality.

When the first Satan 2 hits Washington, the greatest collection of morons in the world will cease to exist.

The world will breathe a huge sigh of relief.

Bring it on! Come on morons, eliminate yourselves! The rest of us cannot wait.

Public Notice to the United States/UNITED STATES



By Anna Von Reitz

We, the American states and people, are not dead, not slaves, and not donating our estates, our names, our copyrights, our land, or anything else to you and your corporations.  We are not standing as sureties for the debts of the United States (Territorial United States) nor the UNITED STATES (Municipal United States) and we are giving full, fair, and public Notice of the facts.

We are disgusted by and estranged from the Territorial United States and the Municipal United States and the members of Congress representing these foreign entities which have encroached and usurped upon us by means of fraud, hypothecation of debt, and unlawful conversion of assets.

With respect to us and as commercial corporations the Territorial United States and Municipal United States have no sovereignty, no immunity, no delegated authorization to seize upon the American states nor the American people nor any asset rightfully belonging to us.

The Territorial United States and the Municipal United States must cease and desist all presumptions against the American states and people and must observe and obey the limitations stated in the contracts and treaties allowing your existence on our shores.

Failure to respect our paramount claim to our lives, souls, bodies, land, names, copyrights, trademarks, all other intellectual property and  material rights, free will and all else that rightfully and naturally belongs to us, will result in the international liquidation of your corporations, the removal of your officials from our shores, and the international prosecution of the offenders.

The United States of America and all member land jurisdiction states are alive and well.  The people of this country have reclaimed the land jurisdiction and returned to their native domicile on the land.  This is your Notice that we have done so and that we first made this announcement and these claims in 1998.

We are posting this Public Notice via email on Bulletin Boards, Blogs, Chat Rooms, News Services, and Cyber Publications worldwide.

See this article and over 500 others on Anna’s website here:


Olddogs Comments!

I am unspeakably proud of all my recipients who are forwarding Anna’s message to their friends and relatives, BUT do not forget all those who refuse to learn are not your friends. DO NOT trust them as they are too attached to the liars they worship and support. We will accept nothing but our GOD given rights from these pedophilic worms or die in the process.


The Big Job Reply to Arnie Rosner + Letter to President Trump



By Anna Von Reitz

I have told you—-and everyone else—- the circumstance and the mechanism.  So now the question is: what do we do about it?

They are occupying a foreign jurisdiction with respect to us, and that protects them in the same way that a national boundary would—say, the boundary between Canada and the states.

If we cross that boundary and attack them, it can be interpreted as: (1) trespass; (2) insurrection; or (3) an act of war.   None of those options serves our best interest nor our ultimate purposes.

It makes us into the wrong-doers and the bad guys instead of bringing the actual perpetrators to justice.

That’s why my motto is: “Keep Calm and Get Even” and that’s why I disagree with you so vehemently when you get on your broomstick and advocate attacking them physically or engaging them inside their own box.

We can’t win that way.  We can only make ourselves look bad and give them an excuse to take action against us.

In a way, it’s like the bully at school who is constantly stealing your lunch, tripping you, cuffing the back of your head, shoving you into your locker—but he never gets caught.  He keeps egging you on until you finally go for him, and then you get dragged into the Principal’s Office and punished for starting the fight.

The important thing for you to keep in mind, along with everyone else, is what I have told you until I am blue in the face: these are commercial crimes.

They are crimes in commerce, Arnie.  It has nothing to do with politics.  They are allowed to run their own internal “corporate government” and to use their own in-house corporate tribunals.  They can promote their Territorial “States of States” and if we are dumb enough to mistake those for our actual state governments, they are allowed to take us to the cleaners—–caveat emptor.

The problem for them comes when they are caught red-handed committing active and constructive commercial fraud on our shores, resulting in unlawful conversion of our political status and assets to their ownership, in Breach of Trust and Commercial Contract, and the only excuse they have for this is an illegal commercial mercenary conflict that they have tried to pass off as a “war” that was never declared and never ended.

If we stand on our flat feet and maintain our position the wheels of international justice grind slow but exceedingly fine.  They will get their come-uppance and we won’t have to suffer and bleed and die for it, either.

Their ill-gotten gains will come back to us, the rightful owners.  Their leaders will be deposed, because their corporations won’t make money for their stockholders.  Their corporations will be liquidated, as they have to be, as international crime syndicates.

And the Big Job for us, Arnie, is not to fight with them.

The Big Job for us is to restore and rebuild the actual government we are owed—to call together our county jural assemblies for the land jurisdiction, to revive our actual states of the Union, to restore our own Common Law courts, to renew our own asset-backed monetary system.

Other nations will join with us to make sure that these criminals are punished.  They will have no place left to run.

See this article and over 500 others on Anna’s website here:


Letter to President Trump


By Anna Von Reitz

For forty years we have kept the land jurisdiction states of America alive, and for the past eight years, we have played a desperate international role in preventing the Obama Administration from —quite literally— killing off the fifty republican states of the Union and liquidating our assets to pay foreign corporate debts.

We’ve had quite enough of our servants secretively waging illegal commercial mercenary “wars” against us while taking their paychecks from our pockets. You are now in charge of the same nest of Territorial and Municipal corporations that are responsible for these gross international commercial crimes against the American states and people, so let’s have a truce and discuss this ugly circumstance.

We hope that you agree that this travesty and long history of commercial crime and personage being practiced against the American states and people —-your actual underwriters and employers—needs to end.   150 years of this  interloping and usurpation on behalf of foreign powers is more than enough.

We can show you the actual history and prove beyond any doubt that the American Bar Association has violated its treaty allowing it to be here and to operate on our soil.    We can show you where the money is hidden and how all financial concerns, including worldwide debt, can be permanently eliminated.

We can show you exactly why there is no “National Debt” and we can show you the truth about the sovereign power under which all American ships sail.  We can rip the top off the mismanagement and misdirection of both the Internal Revenue Service and the IRS, and much, much more.

It’s time to respect the actual political status of Americans and stop the pretense of universal “US CITIZENSHIP”.   Toward that end we have asked that you establish a standardized (and mutually approved) process for the American states and people to reclaim their good names and estates and to live peacefully on the land of their forefathers.

We have labored under false presumptions and illegal taxation for a long time.  Tempers are high.  It is in the best interests of all concerned to move onward and upward in a cooperative way.

See this article and over 500 others on Anna’s website here:


Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Islams Most Eloquent Apostate




This is well worth the 2 -3 minutes to read it – it may well affect the remainder of your life.
It is a practical explanation of what we face.
If we don’t face it, there is ONLY ONE possible outcome – DEATH to all Infidels (YOU, me, our children & our grandchildren).

The West’s obsession with ‘terror’ has been a mistake, she argues. Dawa, the ideology behind it, is a broader threat.




April 7, 2017 2:41 p.m. ET

Stanford, Calif.

The woman sitting opposite me, dressed in a charcoal pantsuit and a duck-egg-blue turtleneck, can’t go anywhere, at any time of day, without a bodyguard. She is soft-spoken and irrepressibly sane, but also—in the eyes of those who would rather cut her throat than listen to what she says—the most dangerous foe of Islamist extremism in the Western world. We are in a secure room at a sprawling university, but the queasiness in my chest takes a while to go away. I’m talking to a woman with multiple fatwas on her head, someone who has a greater chance of meeting a violent end than anyone I’ve met (Salman Rushdie included). And yet she’s wholly poised, spectacles pushed back to rest atop her head like a crown, dignified and smiling under siege.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali, born in Somalia in 1969, is Islam’s most eloquent apostate. She has just published a slim book that seeks to add a new four-letter word—dawa—to the West’s vocabulary. It describes the ceaseless, world-wide ideological campaign waged by Islamists as a complement to jihad. It is, she says, the greatest threat facing the West and “could well bring about the end of the European Union as we know it.” America is far from immune, and her book, “The Challenge of Dawa,” is an explicit attempt to persuade the Trump administration to adopt “a comprehensive anti-dawa strategy before it is too late.”

Ms. Hirsi Ali has come a long way from the days when she—“then a bit of a hothead”—declared Islam to be incapable of reform, while also calling on Muslims to convert or abandon religion altogether. That was a contentious decade ago. Today she believes that Islam can indeed be reformed, that it must be reformed, and that it can be reformed only by Muslims themselves—by those whom she calls “Mecca Muslims.” These are the faithful who prefer the gentler version of Islam that she says was “originally promoted by Muhammad” before 622. That was the year he migrated to Medina and the religion took a militant and unlovely ideological turn.

At the same time, Ms. Hirsi Ali—now a research fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institution, where I also work—is urging the West to look at Islam with new eyes. She says it must be viewed “not just as a religion, but also as a political ideology.” To regard Islam merely as a faith, “as we would Christianity or Buddhism, is to run the risk of ignoring dawa, the activities carried out by Islamists to keep Muslims energized by a campaign to impose Shariah law on all societies—including countries of the West.”


Dawa, Ms. Hirsi Ali explains, is “conducted right under our noses in Europe, and in America. It aims to convert non-Muslims to political Islam and also to push existing Muslims in a more extreme direction.” The ultimate goal is “to destroy the political institutions of a free society and replace them with Shariah.” It is a “never-ending process,” she says, and then checks herself: “It ends when an Islamic utopia is achieved. Shariah everywhere!”

Ms. Hirsi Ali contends that the West has made a colossal mistake by its obsession with “terror” in the years since 9/11. “In focusing only on acts of violence,” she says, “we’ve ignored the Islamist ideology underlying those acts. By not fighting a war of ideas against political Islam—or ‘Islamism’—and against those who spread that ideology in our midst, we’ve committed a blunder.”

There is a knock on the door. I hear hushed voices outside, presumably her bodyguard telling someone to come back later. To add to the mildly dramatic effect, a siren is audible somewhere in the distance, unusual for the serene Stanford campus. Ms. Hirsi Ali is unfazed. “What the Islamists call jihad,” she continues, “is what we call terrorism, and our preoccupation with it is, I think, a form of overconfidence. ‘Terrorism is the way of the weak,’ we tell ourselves, ‘and if we can just take out the leaders and bring down al Qaeda or ISIS, then surely the followers will stop their jihad.’ But we’re wrong. Every time Western leaders take down a particular organization, you see a different one emerge, or the same one take on a different shape. And that’s because we’ve been ignoring dawa.”

Ms. Hirsi Ali wants us to get away from this game of jihadi Whac-A-Mole and confront “the enemy that is in plain sight—the activists, the Islamists, who have access to all the Western institutions of socialization.” She chuckles here: “That’s a horrible phrase . . . ‘institutions of socialization’ . . . but they’re there, in families, in schools, in universities, prisons, in the military as chaplains. And we can’t allow them to pursue their aims unchecked.”

America needs to be on full alert against political Islam because “its program is fundamentally incompatible with the U.S. Constitution”—with religious pluralism, the equality of men and women, and other fundamental rights, including the toleration of different sexual orientations. “When we say the Islamists are homophobic,” she observes, “we don’t mean that they don’t like gay marriage. We mean that they want gays put to death.”

Islam the religion, in Ms. Hirsi Ali’s view, is a Trojan horse that conceals Islamism the political movement. Since dawa is, ostensibly, a religious missionary activity, its proponents “enjoy a much greater protection by the law in free societies than Marxists or fascists did in the past.” Ms. Hirsi Ali is not afraid to call these groups out. Her book names five including the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which asserts—and in turn receives in the mainstream media—the status of a moderate Muslim organization. But groups like CAIR, Ms. Hirsi Ali says, “take advantage of the focus on ‘inclusiveness’ by progressive political bodies in democratic societies, and then force these societies to bow to Islamist demands in the name of peaceful coexistence.”

Her strategy to fight dawa evokes several parallels with the Western historical experience of radical Marxism and the Cold War. Islamism has the help of “useful idiots”—Lenin’s phrase—such as the Southern Poverty Law Center, which has denounced Ms. Hirsi Ali as an “extremist.” She sees that smear as a success for dawa: “They go to people like the SPLC and say, ‘Can we partner with you, because we also want to talk about what you guys talk about, which is civil rights. And Muslims are a minority, just like you.’ So, they play this victim card, and the SPLC swallows it. And it’s not just them, it’s also the ACLU. The Islamists are infiltrating all these institutions that were historic and fought for rights. It’s a liberal blind spot.”

Western liberals, she says, are also complicit in an Islamist cultural segregation. She recalls a multiculturalist catchphrase from her years as a Somali refugee in Amsterdam in the early 1990s: “ ‘Integrate with your own identity,’ they used to tell us—Integratie met eigen identiteit. Of course, that resulted in no integration at all.”

Ms. Hirsi Ali wants the Trump administration—and the West more broadly—to counter the dawa brigade “just as we countered both the Red Army and the ideology of communism in the Cold War.” She is alarmed by the ease with which, as she sees it, “the agents of dawa hide behind constitutional protections they themselves would dismantle were they in power.” She invokes Karl Popper, the great Austrian-British philosopher who wrote of “the paradox of tolerance.” Her book quotes Popper writing in 1945: “If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.”

I ask Ms. Hirsi Ali what her solution might be, and she leans once more on Popper, who proposed a right not to tolerate the intolerant. “Congress must give the president—this year, because there’s no time to lose—the tools he needs to dismantle the infrastructure of dawa in the U.S.” Dawa has become an existential menace to the West, she adds, because its practitioners are “working overtime to prevent the assimilation of Muslims into Western societies. It is assimilation versus dawa. There is a notion of ‘cocooning,’ by which Islamists tell Muslim families to cocoon their children from Western society. This can’t be allowed to happen.”

Is Ms. Hirsi Ali proposing to give Washington enhanced powers to supervise parenting? “Yes,” she says. “We want these children to be exposed to critical thinking, freedom, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the rights of women.” She also suggests subjecting immigrants and refugees to ideological scrutiny, so as to deny entry, residence and naturalization to those “involved with, or supportive of, Islamism.”

In effect, Ms. Hirsi Ali would modernize the “communism test” that still applies to those seeking naturalization. “I had to answer questions when I applied for citizenship in 2013: ‘Are you, or have you ever been, a communist?’ And I remember thinking, ‘God, that was the war back then. We’re supposed to update this stuff!’ Potential immigrants from Pakistan or Bangladesh, for instance, should have to answer questions—‘Are you a member of the Jamat?’ and so on. If they’re from the Middle East you ask them about the Muslim Brotherhood, ‘or any other similar group,’ so there’s no loophole.”

Might critics deride this as 21st-century McCarthyism? “That’s just a display of intellectual laziness,” Ms. Hirsi Ali replies. “We’re dealing here with a lethal ideological movement and all we are using is surveillance and military means? We have to grasp the gravity of dawa. Jihad is an extension of dawa. For some, in fact, it is dawa by other means.”

The U.S., she believes, is in a “much weaker position to combat the various forms of nonviolent extremism known as dawa because of the way that the courts have interpreted the First Amendment”—a situation where American exceptionalism turns into what she calls an “exceptional handicap.” Convincing Americans of this may be the hardest part of Ms. Hirsi Ali’s campaign, and she knows it. Yet she asks whether the judicial attitudes of the 1960s and 1970s—themselves a reaction to the excesses of Joseph McCarthy in the 1950s—might have left the U.S. ill-equipped to suppress threats from groups that act in the name of religion.

I ask Ms. Hirsi Ali if there’s any one thing she would wish for. “I would like to be present at a conversation between Popper and Muhammad,” she says. “Popper wrote about open society and its enemies, and subjected everyone from Plato to Marx to his critical scrutiny. I’d have liked him to subject Muhammad’s legacy to the same analysis.

“But he skipped Muhammad, alas. He skipped Muhammad.”

Mr. Varadarajan is a research fellow in journalism at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution.

Both Sides of the Aisle Are Degenerating into Authoritarianism



By David S. D’Amato

For years a consistent refrain in American politics has bewailed an increasingly polarized political atmosphere.

As the Pew Research Center observes, for the first time in almost 25 years, “majorities in both parties express not just unfavorable but very unfavorable views of the other party.” Americans, the Pew study shows, now look across the aisle with fear, anger, and contempt committed more strongly than ever to their respective teams. On college campuses, disagreements that might have been thoughtful, even friendly debates have erupted into violent melees, ending in injury and damaged property. Attacks and intimidation, it seems, have become a part of American political life.

But the conspicuousness of America’s political polarization belies a counterintuitive insight: the belligerents of the nation’s social and political war are actually very much alike. Culturally and aesthetically, the groups appear quite different, yet their political philosophies share a common heritage, rooted in the anti-Enlightenment ideas of the first half of the twentieth century.

President Trump has conjured the old arguments for internal self-sufficiency, so central to the rhetoric of Fascists and National Socialists.

Authoritarian Twins

Gripped by reductionist groupthink, a toxin generated by the United States’ acrid culture-war politics, left and right are moving–regressing, in fact–toward their most crudely authoritarian incarnations. Their declension recalls the totalitarian communist and fascist ideologies of the early twentieth century.

Classical liberalism effectively sidelined, the familiar battles of that period are reborn in the violent confrontations between the MAGA alt-right and black-clad antifascists, both groups equally enthralled by collectivism and intolerance.

President Trump, protectionism gospel, has successfully conjured the old arguments for internal self-sufficiency, or autarky, so central to the rhetoric of Italy’s Fascists and Germany’s National Socialists. The goal was to possess all that was economically necessary within the borders of the homeland.

If conquest and empire were essential to that nationalistic end, then they were the proper goal of the state, its right and destiny. History seems poised to repeat itself given the current political climate.

In the early twentieth century, the various socialist schools outstripped classical liberalism as the dominant idea on the Continent, their message capturing European hearts and minds. Communists and fascists fought each other for converts and for political power. As historian Mary Vincent observes, “[T]he battle for the streets was very real. In an age of genuine mass politics, street violence became the leitmotiv of interwar Europe.” Vincent explains that the “new politics,” divided between fascism and communism, “filled public space with disciplined, uniformed bodies,” ready to advance the collective goals of party and state.

As before, both sides represent authoritarian populism, even as they vie for control of the governing apparatus.

These warring authoritarians, socialists all, shared a common disdain for the Enlightenment’s liberal conception of freedom, namely the freedom of the individual to live out their life autonomously, un-coerced and pursuing goals of their own imagining.

Modernity required something more of the individual–that women be absorbed into the body of the total state, the consecrated instrument variously of the nation, or the proletarian revolution, or even history itself, depending on the socialist school.

The Narcissism of Small Differences

The new conception of freedom, deeply embedded in today’s politics, reflects this submersion of the individual, the Hegelian idea that the state precedes the individual in importance.

Superficial differences notwithstanding, both the leftmost and rightmost spaces of today’s political spectrum, as popularly understood, seem to have absorbed Hegel’s idea of the organic state, the state as “the Divine Idea” and source of the individual’s “spiritual reality.”

This wrongheaded way of thinking about the nature of political power has metastasized through the body politic. As before, both sides represent authoritarian populism, even as they vie for control of the governing apparatus.

Indeed, it may be that the family resemblance between the two sides is somewhat ironically to blame for much of their mutual hostility. Developing the work of the English anthropologist Ernest Crawley, Sigmund Freud labeled such antagonism the “narcissism of small differences”–enmity based on the propinquity of two groups.

That kind of certainty is dangerous; once it takes hold, the virtues of the Cause seem to excuse any crime committed in their pursuit.

This theory offers a useful lens through which we can view and better understand the prevailing political conversation, “to explain,” as social psychologist Siamak Movahedi suggests, “the battle between in-groups and out-groups.”

At present, group identity and its insignia are an all-consuming obsession of both the left and the right, just as they were of the fascists and communists who marched in the streets, eager to spill each other’s blood. Both sides carry and carefully guard the kind of sustained righteous indignation that comes with certainty of the religious kind.

That kind of certainty is dangerous to a free society; once it takes hold, the virtues of the Cause, held beyond any doubt, seem to excuse any crime committed in their pursuit. Orders must be followed because the ends justify the means.

A free and open society requires the round rejection of both left and right flavors of failed twentieth-century authoritarianism, the restoration of the classical liberal ideas that transformed the world and yet were never given their due.

Republished from The Hill.

David S. D’Amato

David S. D’Amato is an attorney and independent scholar whose writing has appeared at the Institute of Economic Affairs, the Future of Freedom Foundation, the Centre for Policy Studies, and the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies.

Turkey Farming in Colorado



By Anna Von Reitz

I told the Colorado Grand Juries not to do these things which have resulted in their members being arrested—and I thought they understood the reasons why— but turn your back for five minutes…..

So, here they are facing a lot of unnecessary unpleasantness and giving those of us who are proceeding lawfully a bad name.

To explain the situation by analogy: a bunch of Irish nationals got confused and thought that Spanish courts and Spanish elected officials were doing something wrong because they were not obeying Irish law.

The sane person asks— why should Spanish people be obeying Irish law?  What are these nutcase Irishmen doing crossing over the border and threatening Spanish judges and elected officials for?

The only difference is that people of the land jurisdiction crossed over and attacked persons operating in the international jurisdiction of the sea.  It’s the same sort of situation.  Land is land and sea is sea, just like Irish is Irish and Spanish is Spanish.  The ways, means, and assumptions of one don’t carry over to the other.

These particular Common Law Grand Juries were so ignorant they thought that all courts had to obey Common Law practices and premises.  They didn’t study to make themselves approved.

The Admiralty and Administrative Courts  and the Territorial and Municipal United States were in fact approved under the same Constitution that these men claim to hold so dear —but if they had studied and thought about The Constitution deeply enough they would have known this, with or without me telling them.

If they had had the right attitude, once I explained it, they would have looked and seen for themselves.  Instead, they just bulled ahead and did whatever they thought was right.

So in a way, these people are hypocrites —- trumpeting about The Constitution out of one side of their mouths, but not bothering to earnestly study it and the history leading up to it, so that they make mistakes like this and get in trouble. They want their guarantees honored, but don’t want to respect the guarantees granted to others by the same agreement.

I tried to warn them for a period of over two months and nobody was listening. They thought I was a traitor to the cause because I wouldn’t go along with their vengefulness and their errors and their methods.  The other night they were on the radio calling me names and blaming me for their own stupidity and the trouble it has bought them.

Yes, I told them what to expect and I told them why they would get arrested if they did these things — which is simple logic if you know The Constitution and know the law and the history– but because I “knew” they would get arrested they now think that I had to have some kind of insider knowledge…..sigh.

Not all turkeys come in out of the rain.  Some just stand under a drain spout and drown.

It is fair to say that I am extremely disappointed with the Colorado Grand Juries’ performance, their stubborn error, their willful ignorance, and their back-biting toward all those who tried to warn them.  They just compound their errors and make a bad situation even worse by alienating those who would otherwise try to help them.

This is not the first time that I have seen patriot efforts go astray as a result of ignorance and vengeance-seeking.

It is absolutely true that a great many Americans have been abused by their own employees and by the usurping foreign federated courts presuming upon them and their private assets.  They have a right to be angry and they have a right to seek redress by every lawful means possible.  The key word is “lawful”.

That includes staying in our own jurisdiction and learning to use the abundant means that are available to us to guarantee change and redress of wrongs.

We have otherwise made excellent and relatively unimpeded progress toward restoring the land jurisdiction government. More and more jural assemblies are forming under the able tutelage of the Michigan General Jural Assembly and serious-minded Americans are studying their history and law in ever-increasing numbers.

I look forward to the day when misunderstandings like this are a thing of the past.

See this article and over 500 others on Anna’s website here:


The Americans With No Abilities Act (ANAA)


This message was approved by Idiots, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Diane Feinstein, Barbara Boxer & Nancy Pelosi

From my inbox

The Senate is considering a sweeping legislative Bill sponsored by the Democratic Party that will provide new benefits for many more Americans.   The Americans With No Abilities Act is being hailed as a major legislative goal by advocates of the millions of Americans who lack any real skills and ambition.

“Roughly 50 percent of Americans do not possess the competence and drive necessary to carve out a meaningful role for themselves in society,” said California Sen. Barbara Boxer.  “We can no longer stand by and allow People of Inability (POI) to be ridiculed and passed over.  With this legislation, employers will no longer be able to grant special favors to a small group of workers, simply because they have some idea of what they are doing.”

In a Capitol Hill press conference Nancy Pelosi pointed to the success of the U.S. Postal Service, which has a long-standing policy of providing opportunity without regard to performance.  At the state government level, the Department of Motor Vehicles also has an excellent record of hiring Persons with No Ability (63%).

Under the Americans With No Abilities Act, more than 25 million mid-level positions will be created, with important-sounding titles but little real responsibility, thus providing an illusory sense of purpose and performance.

Mandatory non-performance-based raises and promotions will be given to guarantee upward mobility for even the most unremarkable employees. The legislation provides substantial tax breaks to corporations that promote a significant number of Persons of Inability (POI) into middle-management positions, and give a tax credit to small and medium-sized businesses that agree to hire one clueless worker for every two talented hires.

Finally, the Americans With No Abilities Act contains tough new measures to make it more difficult to discriminate against the non-abled, banning, for example, discriminatory hiring interview questions such as, “Do you have any skills or experience that relate to this job?”

“As a non-abled person, I can’t be expected to keep up with people who have something going for them,” said Mary Lou Gertz, who lost her position as a lug-nut twister at the GM plant in Flint, Mich., due to her inability to remember “righty tightly, lefty loosely”.  “This new law should be real good for people like me.  I’ll finally have job security.”  With the passage of this bill, Gertz and millions of other untalented citizens will finally see a light at the end of the tunnel.

Said Sen. Dick Durbin,II: “As a senator with no abilities, I believe the same privileges that elected officials enjoy ought to be extended to every American with no abilities.  It is our duty as lawmakers to provide each and every American citizen, regardless of his or her inadequacy, with some sort of space to take up in this great nation and a good salary for doing so.”

Olddogs Comments!

All people supporting this kind of idiotic philosophy should be deported to the coldest climate on earth without any clothes, or cell phones. This is the kind of shit they are teaching in government controlled schools! Everyone must take care of their neighbor, whether they want help or not. And why do these knuckle heads think their brain farts should be obeyed? They are completely useless eaters.

BILLIONS of dead fish now washing up in Alaska from …



BILLIONS of dead fish now washing up in Alaska from radiation-polluted PacificFukushima radiation …

Written By: Greg White

Something smells fishy in Alaska’s waters. Hundreds of dead fish were found dead on Front Beach in downtown Alaska last Tuesday. In addition, high temperatures and low river levels are killing salmon in Matanuska and Susitna valleys.(1, 2)

These reports coincide with a number of dead whales, birds and fish being found in the Aleutian Islands. A dead Steller’s sea lion landed on the shore in Unalaska last July. Experts are unsure what caused the sea lion’s death. The carcass of the dead sea creature did not display wounds.(1)

Warm ocean temperatures cook marine life

Water temperatures were as high as 74 degrees in Jim Creek, which is a small tributary of the Knik River. Many dead salmon were discovered in the river’s weir, whereas others were discovered in Mat-Su streams, such as Lucille Creek, Fish Creek, and Cottonwood Creek.(2)

An estimated 500 freshly stocked Arctic char died because of warm water temperatures in Little Campbell Lake, which is located in Kincaid Park in West Anchorage. The temperatures rose to 70 degrees in the lake, which is lethal to fish that are not native to Southcentral Alaska like the Arctic char.(2)

Little Campbell Lake plunges 18 feet deep, making it relatively safe for the non-native Arctic char. It has been regarded as one of the best municipal lakes for char fishing. This year, however, high temperatures depleted the lake of much oxygen, as has occurred in another lake in Anchorage years before, causing many fish to go belly-up.(2)

There are various hypotheses circulating in the air about what is causing warm temperatures in the ocean. Experts suspect that toxic algae might be the culprit, which were summoned by unusually warm ocean temperatures. This is one of the hottest summers on record to plague Southcentral Alaska, according to the National Weather Service; however, the NWS is the same agency that claims it would be unscientific to not use erroneous temperature data when calculating climate trends. A lack of snow and rainfall has also contributed to low river levels.

Mussels from two different bays in Unalaska were discovered to have levels of toxins that trigger paralytic shellfish poisoning that were two to four times higher than safety levels set by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. This spring, for instance, some mussels were discovered to have up to 3.3 parts per million of the noxious PSP toxin, which is four time higher than the FDA’s 0.8 parts per million limit.(1)

Fukushima radiation warming ocean water

Scientists suspect that some of the fish were bait fish that were were dumped into the ocean, since their fins were deteriorating but their eyes were intact. Nevertheless, experts believe that the high level of toxins in fish are due to this summer’s algae blooms, although at least one dead whale corpse has tested negative for domoic acid produced by algae, and scientists are now awaiting results to determine if radiation from Fukushima might be involved.

A warm body of water in the Pacific Ocean known infamously as “the blob” has been cited as the culprit behind dangerous algae blooms. The blob encompasses a diameter of 1,000 miles, is 300 feet deep and stretches from California to Alaska.

The blob was discovered in 2013. No one is sure what is fueling the blob; however, radioactive waste from the Fukushima Daiichi power plant may bear some responsibility.

In 2011, a tsunami laid waste to three nuclear reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant. Hundreds of tons of radioactive waste have been leaking into the ocean since the disaster. The radioactive isotopes released from the plant could be gradually cooking the ocean, which may explain the onset of the blob. The radiation from the Fukushima disaster was expected to reach the West Coast by late 2013/early 2014, which just so happens to coincide with the rise in dead marine life in California and Alaska.

The mainstream media has underplayed the severity of the disaster in order to prevent a mass panic and protect the nuclear industry (including General Electric, which owns NBC). While ignorance maintains civility and corporate revenue, it doesn’t allow people to adequately prepare for oncoming disasters. As radiation from the Fukushima disaster continues to bombard the cost, dead marine life is expected to rise.

Sources include:

(1) ADN.com

(2) AlaskaPublic.org



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