Why Do Corporations Exist? What Can We Do About It?


12-21-2015 3-19-06 PM

by Anna Von Reitz

Why Do Corporations Exist? And What Can We Do?

The short answer is that corporations exist to avoid responsibility for one’s own actions.

That, and insurance benefits.

The modern drive to create corporations in America began in the 1850’s when a steamboat that was loaded with gold sank —and the scramble began to pin the loss on somebody other than the steamboat owners. By the time it ended America had its first common carrier insurance indemnity act.

Insurance, it must be realized, is nothing but large scale, organized, officially sanctioned gambling. The insurers are betting on the likelihood or timing of something happening in the future.

Whatever kind of insurance it is, bets are involved: wagering, it’s called.

They don’t want to admit that they are gambling like sailors in a Hell Hole. The plain truth lacks that veneer of respectability that big time crooks crave.

That’s the short answer, but with respect to the Vatican ACCOUNTS, there is more to it than it might appear. These, too, are corporations—–so called “individual corporations”.

The fact is that a living man cannot contract with a corporation. It’s not possible. It violates one of the primary laws of contracts—- all contracts must be “in kind”. Men may contract with men, and corporations may contract with corporations, but never the twain shall meet.

So what happens when a big, greedy corporation like Monsanto wants to contract with and get into my pockets?

They can’t—- unless someone, somewhere provides an “artifice” that serves to “redefine” me as a corporation, or which somehow contrives to redefine Monsanto as a living being.

All difficulties considered, it was easier to pretend that I was the M/V ANNA MARIA RIEZINGER than to convince people that “Monsanto” was equivalent to its CEO.

So all these Vatican ACCOUNTS were (at least in the modern world) used to allow commerce to exist between living men and corporate entities.

Please note that pretending that I am or that I am operating “as” a “vessel” on the “sea of commerce” is a big, fat, unconscionable lie. Please note that in Pope Benedict’s famous words, “Nobody told me!”

This purported change in my nature and status from being a living woman standing on the land of my nativity to being “considered” an ACCOUNT and a “ship at sea” —-while convenient to promote buying and selling— is a fundamental falsehood and it brings with it many unfortunate consequences for the victims of this scam.

Like the loss of all your Constitutional protections and guarantees. Like the undermining of Public Law and Order. Like the corruption of the courts into private collection agencies. Like being subject to attack by inland pirates and privateers. Like having “legal presumptions” held against you, so that you are “presumed guilty as charged” the moment you step foot in a court. These and many other evils accrue because a Big, Fat Lie was the starting premise of this entire system.

I am not, in fact, a cargo ship of any kind.

To the extent that my body is the “vessel” of my spirit, it doesn’t amount to being a “vessel at sea”. My incarnation doesn’t even remotely suggest that I am subject to the laws of admiralty. And I am not “voluntarily” or even knowingly operating in “commerce” of any kind.

So what we have is a domino effect of lies and false presumptions.

What if you were to pretend (for some venal reason) that a man wasn’t a man, but was instead a dog? Then you got all your pals to agree that “John William Schneider” was a dog, too. Would that impact your expectations of “John William Schneider”? Would it change the way your treated him? Would it change the laws that applied to him?

This is the kind of bizarre, fraudulent situation resulting from this attempt to redefine “John William Schneider” the Trade Name of a living American to mean “JOHN WILLIAM SCHNEIDER” —–a corporation, treated as a ship at sea.

Our good old honest American Trade Name— the Upper and Lower Case Name you inherited from your parents— is competent to do all the business that you will ever have to do. It can compete with and contract with corporations if it wants to, but it does so on the basis of trade, not commerce.

These weird merely “agreed upon” conventions applied with a wink, seeking to “presume” that your name represents a ship at sea or a Vatican ACCOUNT– are evidence of fraud and self-interested mischaracterization being practiced against you by the courts and those running the courts: the politicians and international trustees who are supposed to be working for you and in your best interests.

God knows they have had their hands in your pockets to receive their paychecks and fund their positions in the governmental and church hierarchies, so that does establish an implied contract on their part to work for you and in your behalf, instead of telling lies about you and seeking to defraud you.

What begins as a lie, ends as a lie. What starts as a fraud and a con game, ends as a crime, too. And there is no statute of limitations on the crime of fraud, including tortuous, fraudulent copyright infringement practiced against you by trustees and usufructs claiming to represent you. These acts of Bad Faith and Breach of Trust are not political issues. These are institutional crimes.

This is no longer just a “mismanagement” issue for the Roman Catholic Church. It’s a profound criminal Breach of Trust. It’s not a question of “if” the British Monarch and her government has participated in these crimes against Americans. It isn’t a question “if” the members of the American Bar Association are guilty of vicious crimes against average rank and file Americans.

We now know who did this, how they did this—- and we can extrapolate why.

The Catholics have allowed a Pagan Cult to fester in their Church. The British Monarch never gave up dreams of Empire. The “US Congress” is nothing but a den of thugs and thieves that has attempted to sell America down the drain. The 1947 Bar Association Treaty is not being respected and not being enforced.

The only question that remains is—-what are we, collectively and individually, going to do about it?

The police and the military are being paid by the criminals using our own money. This gives the criminals a free hand to use our own money and labor against us.

So what do we do?

We educate the police and the military. And we volunteer to serve as Federal Marshals. And we organize our own proper militias—please note, these have to be organized under the correct names— the Alaska State Militia, the Tennessee State Militia, etc., not the “State of Alaska Militia” or the “State of Tennessee Militia”.

And we stand up and assert our actual status as living, breathing Americans—– not some piece of flotsam dragged into dry dock for a reaming.

We also educate the FBI, BLM, FEMA, DHS, BATF, IRS, and all the other alphabet soup agencies. It is clear that these agencies were the ones that Obama intended to use as commercial mercenary armies acting under color of law to “fundamentally change America”.

Let those commissioners and their employees know what their actual standing is—– they are employees of privately owned and operated corporations under contract to provide governmental services.

They are Mall Cops. They have no public offices. No immunities. And in most cases, don’t have any credible bonding or insurance. The only enforcement powers they actually have are the same enforcement powers you or I have to make a Citizen’s Arrest.

Remind them also of what happened to Hitler’s Brown Shirts. Once they put Hitler and his SS into office, the Brown Shirts were systematically hunted down and killed—-suddenly defamed as criminals.

We are up against it with the same vermin now—-same religious affiliations, same families running things at the top, same banks, same modus operandi of identity theft, credit fraud, and then a spree of killing off their Priority Creditors. The only difference here is that they have pre-planned their “Final Solution” and have already built their FEMA camps.

Pass the word to the members of the Bar Associations, too. They’ve been on our shores acting as Undeclared Foreign Agents, which voids their Treaty and their charters. It is time to tear up their Bar Cards and toe a different line. Our American Common Law Courts are up and running in 27 states and that means that it is time to strike the tents and fold the sideshows. We’re not “practicing” law here anymore, we are perfecting it.

Button hole all the Archbishops in America—know exactly where these men live. Put the pressure on them. Step on their patent leather toes. According to Principles of Ecclesiastical Law, the “Bible” on the subject published in 1894, these men are the “Lord High Chancellors in Equity”— the ones responsible for the existence of and management of all these Vatican ACCOUNTS. So these are the parties responsible for managing the “equitable title” to all these ACCOUNTS held in our NAMES, the Lord High Crooks responsible—at least on paper— for the slave-trading in CUSIP Bonds and all the rest of it.

These Comptrollers of the Pontiff are unimaginably wealthy, yet they move among us chanting for alms and pretending to be poor, put on a great show of agonizing over Church budgets, and pretend not to know what we are talking about. Well, it’s right there in Principles of Ecclesiastical Law. If they don’t know what is going on in the Church and how their own Office is described, they are being set up as scapegoats and it is high time they got to the bottom of it. They need to be made forcefully aware that they are the Lord High Chancellors in Equity and told to get cracking.

See this article and over 300 others on Anna’s website here:www.annavonreitz.com

Holy Crap Corporations


by Anna Von Reitz

Yesterday I had the odd pleasure and distinction of finally knowing what the all capital names convention used in court cases is all about, what it is, how it works, how it is misused by unscrupulous courts and lawyers— all of it finally came out of the closet.

We now know that what appear to be names simply written in all capital letters like this: DAVID MICHAEL DOE are actually not names, but signs written in a debased form of Ancient Latin called “DOG-LATIN”, or “GLOSSA” or “American Sign Language”.

We know that these signs which appear to be names are actually ACCOUNTS belonging to the Vatican. These ACCOUNTS are held as split titles to incorporated entities, with the Holy See holding equitable title in behalf of the Devil and the legal title left hanging in the wind, available for anyone to claim.

So when you see this “thing” that appears to be your name on a letter addressed to your mailing address you naturally assume that it is yours, when in fact, it should be addressed to the miscreant Holy See.

After all, they are getting the benefit of the ACCOUNT and expecting you to do all the work related to it, including coming up with the funds to pay the bill for their ACCOUNT. They should be the ones sitting in the docket with their checkbooks ready.

This then, and your ignorant willingness to be identified as the party responsible for this “THING”, is at the heart of what is going on in these fake courts. It’s all deliberate fraud, designed to give an “appearance of justice” while “practicing” but not actually executing either law or justice.

All these attorneys are functioning as the Pontiff’s bill collectors and ACCOUNT managers, just like the IRS is functioning as his modern day Inquisition, still collecting “Peter’s Pence” and your “Confession” every April 15th.

How does it feel to be managed by crooks and to have the Roman Catholic Church fronting for all this?

Don’t tell me that the Popes, both Benedict XVI and Francis, don’t know the ins and outs of this scheme. They would have to know. It’s been going on since 1250 A.D. They’ve been on Notice and Demand for eight years to correct operations directly related to this central fraud—-these Vatican ACCOUNTS.

So far as I can see, Benedict acted in good faith to correct the situation, but the most constructive action Francis has taken to stop this criminality, his First Apostolic Letter, has merely been a defensive action to cover their own butts.

Now the whole crap wad has been discovered and the closet door has burst open and it is all rolling like a brown wave down the Palatine Hills…. It’s the Roman Cult embedded like a tumor in the Church that has caused all this misery and graft and oppression of humanity, plus Loyola’s perverse dream of creating God’s Kingdom on Earth by force of arms.

Apparently, Loyola never observed the fact that God gave each of us freewill for a reason.

Oh, I am tired, folks, and world-weary. I’ve grown old contesting with this Beast, shadow-boxing it, tracking it, negotiating with it, hearing its vain confessions. It’s time for everyone to wake up, especially the Archbishops and the Jesuits.

The actual beneficiaries of the Vatican ACCOUNTS are here and seeking settlement.

See this article and over 300 others on Anna’s website here:www.annavonreitz.com

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